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  • Togetherness
    Togetherness Member Posts: 89
    edited January 2014

    Well I am having both implants removed on next Tuesday after 9 weeks of trying to save them.  I just need to give my body time to heal.  I will definitely try again in about 4 to 6 months.  My body is just rejecting them due to my immune system being down.  Will have an infectious disease dr involved to run cultures to see if I have an auto immune deficiency caused by the chemo.  I am just ready to live my life free of pain and infection.  I really need a break!!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited January 2014

    Togetherness. Nothing to say buy (((((((((many hugs))))))))

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2014

    Sorry to hear this togetherness....although I totally understand the need for a break! ((hugs))

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited January 2014

    Ladies, so sorry to hear of so many issues with so very many of you. 

    I have updated the surgery list above according to the surgeries I have read about in your posts… if I got anything wrong or left anyone out, please PM me and I will fix!

    {{{hugs}}} to all who are healing and {{{hugs} to all who offer their support!

    Happy Healing New Year!


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited January 2014

    I am SURE that if I'd known about the trouble I would have, I would have stopped with the BMX. Buying a prosthesis is a lot easier than going through all these surgeries and pain. I'm 4 weeks out from surgery #3 with two more to go until the plastic surgeon is finished fixing the damage the infection caused.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited January 2014

    Sandra I kinda agree. Except for the fact I am trying to get my orthopedic surgeon to take a try at knee replacement. He won't touch me right now. I had three infections and had to keep trying for a implant to stick. When I prove to him that I didn't have any trouble with the permanent implants,  he might at least think it over. I can tell you bone on bone in the knees is not fun. Of course I might have still gone for it because I'm just a bit stubborn..... LOL

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited January 2014

    Moon, still doing good?

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2014

    I tend to agree, if I had known I think at the very least I would have waited until after all my treatments and then go back for reconstruction. It's very frustrating, in the beginning when first diagnosed I was so traumatized at the idea of loosing breasts that I don't think I thought things thru well. I also wish my PS had been a little more clear about the risks and that the option of reconstruction after bmx and chemo/radio was an option. IDK, hindsight is also 20/20 right? lol

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited January 2014

    Yes Tang, exactly. I was not upset over losing my breast, I just wanted the cancer gone and in order to make sure it didn't come back or show up in the other breast, double mastectomy was the way to accomplish that. (Of course NOW I know it's not as simple as that.) I only had three days from the afternoon of diagnosis to the morning I had to meet with the surgeon and was still in shock, like we all are at that stage. I knew from my nurse navigator and my online research that I didn't want radiation (I have a large aneurysm in the ascending aorta of my heart that will require open heart surgery so I cannot have any more heart damage.) If I had a lumpectomy, I would have to have radiation, so that choice was out. Mastectomy was my choice, in fact take them both. The surgeon agreed and then said, "Of course you'll require reconstruction so the plastic surgeon will do that at the same time with implants." I had never once even thought about reconstruction. I didn't care but the surgeon presented it like it was necessary. I didn't ask any questions and didn't know there could be complications. One and done? Why not? I'd be out anyway. I was so naive, I thought I would not look much different than I did before surgery, just smaller, which I'd always wanted anyway. 

    Well I found out the hard way from then on. Instead of one and done, I'm three surgeries into a five surgery plan because of complications. If I'd known, I would have stopped with the BMX.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited January 2014

    Well i  had my plan for 20 years. That was when my Mom died. I wanted a double my with immediate reconstruction. I had 20 years to think about what I would do. I was a lx candidate but I wouldn't think about it. My mom her 2 sisters had BC. Her sisters had one remived. BC was found in the other side too late so my Mom had both removed. But no other tx. I was lucky I did BMX because my IDC was found on my left side. The side no one was worried about. And my tumor was 1.6! Not exactly a small one. Not shown on mammo and not shown on ultrasound. MRI might have found it but I can't do those because of my pacemaker.i got chemo because I was her2. My Mom did not get chemo or rads they told her not needed. But obviously that was not true. I also did not want yo wake up with no breasts. If things had worked out perhaps I wouldn't even be on these boards. So i guess that is my silver lining. LOL.  Sorry I got side tracked. I guess I would still have done it that way. LOL Much love. 

  • whitenack
    whitenack Member Posts: 39
    edited January 2014

    How do you tell if you have a leak?  How do you know it is not just the normal differences between the two breasts?  My wife has 350ccs filled so far in 400cc TEs.  The right TE is full and round and normal looking (I guess).  The left doesn't look as full and round, and she says it still sloshes around when she exercises whereas the right one doesn't.

    Edited to add that she is right handed.  Could it be that her stronger muscle on that side is tighter across the TE, making it looking fuller and rounder than the weaker side?  Kinda like squeezing a half-full balloon?

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited January 2014

    whitenack, maybe that is the reason. Maybe not. But more than likely it is. My P'S was not worried about the bubble like thing in my right TE when I told him about it. My right was filled the same as the left but looked smaller. When I had my exchange he did fill my right a bit larger. Sometimes the body is just different on each side. I had my right one in for 2 years. My left was in out in out and in again! LOL  in my BMX path report, they took out more tissue from my right side too. So it might have to do with the development of the muscle. But if they look really uneven she needs to talk to her P'S and ask why and what the plan is! Much love..

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited January 2014

    I feel differently from a number of you, but after having my left TE out for 7 months, I knew I would not have wanted to have BMX and not have reconstruction.  I would do it all again, just the same way, and I have had 8 surgeries so far - it is still worth it to me.  I am looking at two more surgeries this year - another revision to replace the dermal matrix on both sides and release scar tissue on the left side, and another fat grafting.  I have no regrets, but I realize this is a very individual choice.  My physicians were very realistic about complications and did a very good job at outlining the potential issues, and delineating the percentages for each type of problem.  I think it is very unfair to be rushed into surgery without a full understanding of the risks and possibilities - I feel badly for those who had this happen.

  • denise4603
    denise4603 Member Posts: 61
    edited January 2014

    Hi all,

    Well I had surgery #5 on Thursday to remove my left TE after 22 weeks. (Right was already lost a few weeks ago) I must admit it feels much better without them, although I have giant open wounds that need to be packed by visiting nurses daily.  I am sad when I think of all the appointments, fills, and so on - for nothing. I will not do TE's again. 

    Special K can you speak a bit about your experience with fat grafting?

    Togetherness, I am sorry for your misfortune too. We will get through this. 

    Sandra and Tangandchris - I too, was not given the option of delayed reconstruction. The whole team spoke about all the different types of immediate reconstruction and I chose TEs because it seemed less complicated!

    Monica - you are such a trooper. I understand your desire to fix your knee. After all the surgeries you have endured, what's one more? 

    Rennasus - NONE of my 5 surgeries appear on your list.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited January 2014

    Denise, I added your TE removal dates (Dec 16 and Jan 10). I will gladly add your surgery on 11/6 but couldn't find what that one was for. Let me know and I'll add it in. PS: I don't include mastectomy dates or initial TE placement dates, only surgeries after TE Trouble has occurred. (List would be too long otherwise.) xo

  • Togetherness
    Togetherness Member Posts: 89
    edited January 2014

    Denise I was wondering do you have drains once the TE has been removed?  I was wondering what packing is as well for the gapping hole.  Sorry for silly questions but this is all new to me.

    Specialk with all you have been through are you saying you would start over with the reconstruction or have you decided to stay flat?  That is my dilemna do I start again once this is healed and do I do another route maybe DEIP surgery/TRAM.  

    Thanks so much for everyone's input.  I have learned so much from all if you brave woman.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited January 2014

    Hi SpecialK! I feel the same way that you do. Despite the complications I encountered, not reconstructing or giving up on it was NEVER an option for me. I had delayed reconstruction at the advice of my BS. I lined up my PS prior to my BMX & rads so he knew what he was going to be dealing with. It took much longer than expected with more surgeries than expected, but I am very happy to be finished & eternally grateful for my stubborn PS who never gave up either. Zero regrets here!

    Sorry for those that are also enduring complications. I hope that you all get to where you want to be with whatever course of action you decide to take (or not take).

    I had a TE removed along the way & had no drain, togetherness. 

  • denise4603
    denise4603 Member Posts: 61
    edited January 2014

    Togetherness - no drains after TE removal. The wounds are left open and stuffed daily with fresh rolled gauze by the visiting nurses.  Anything that needs to drain can get soaked up by said gauze. The wounds are deep and gradually get smaller with time. Hope this answers your question. It's an adventure.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited January 2014

    denise - I did not do fat grafting to replace breast tissue, I only did it to smooth out the upper pole - I have big implants and a bony chest so the added fat was to make things look more natural above the implants themselves.  I had outpatient surgery to lipo and then add the fat, wore a compression garment around the abdominal area for 8 weeks - 24 hours a day, could only walk but not go to the gym.  I did well with this procedure and it made a huge difference to the way things look.  Did you have any specific questions?

    dll - hi!  How are you?

    togetherness - I mean that knowing what would lie ahead I would repeat the process again, in spite of the difficulties.  Counting the BMX and complete axillary node surgery I have had 8 surgeries, but I am now completely reconstructed with implants - it was just a challenge to get there! I knew after having one flat side for seven months during chemo and recovery that I was not interested in remaining flat, if it was possible to reconstruct, I was going to try it.  This is my personal choice and I know that there are many others who have chosen to go flat without wearing prosthesis, or who do wear prosthesis, and they are happy with that decision.

    On the drain question - I have had a TE removed and replaced without drains - did have them for BMX and node clearance surgeries.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited January 2014

    Other than working way too much I am doing very well, SpecialK & hope that you are, too! 

  • Togetherness
    Togetherness Member Posts: 89
    edited January 2014

    Surgery update -  I had my implants removed yesterday and yes it was quite the adventure.  I do have drains because of the continuous draining.  I am pretty groggy from the anethesia so have been sleeping lot.  PS said he roughed me up to help the pocket heal and help the skin to heal..... That is an understatement. In a lot of pain!!  Will have the reveal on Thursday at the PS appt. can't imagine what this is gonna look like.  I just want to feel better!!

  • purple87
    purple87 Member Posts: 93
    edited January 2014

    Hello ladies, just an update.  Flaps are looking good with the TE in.  Going to see PS today hopefully to remove last 4 drains.  Pain hasn't let up one bit so I'm starting to feel like Togetherness on is this pain worth having breasts.  You ladies are my inspiration,  knowing I am not alone helps me to be strong. 

    Togetherness I am so sorry you are losing ut TE's but understand the need for some relief and a break.  

    Know all u ladies are in my daily prayers.  We are truely warriors.  God bless each of you

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited January 2014

    Purple so sorry the pain is bad still. All I can tell you is that others who have had flaps say the pain does last a long time but it does end. Hugs. Much love. 

  • denise4603
    denise4603 Member Posts: 61
    edited January 2014

    So sorry togetherness, I guess some bodies just don't like TE's. (mine included) But we will be OK.  

      I went for my post-op today after having my remaining TE removed and the PS ordered me a wound vac.  Can anyone fill me in on this?  Will I make a vacuum sound everywhere I go?  Will it hurt?, interfere with sleep?, cause more issues?  Anything you can tell me to help prepare, good or bad please.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited January 2014

    So, so sorry Denise. Damn cancer.

    Someone else will know about wound vacs. I managed to heal from my infection with only a month of IV Vancomycin.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited January 2014

    I did not lose TE due to infection so I can't help with the wound vac question, but you may find others if you use the search bar on the left column and type in wound vac - it should bring up any threads with those words.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited January 2014

    wound vacs are small machines about the size of a small George Foreman grill. I don't believe they keep them on all the time but that could be Different for each person. It shouldn't hurt. It's kind of like a bigger drain. Gives the wound a chance to heal from the inside. ( I used to work on the med surge floor so I saw the wound/ostomy nurses with them. ) the wound nurse will be your best friend if you have any issues. Much love. 

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2014

    So, how will the doctor know if the infection is clearing? I'm on week 2 of IV antibiotics and when I went in to see the doctor she indicated that there was no way to know for sure if the infection was on the TE. The breast area still looks pinkish/red and is warm to the touch. It's only been a week, so hopefully it will improve alot more. Also, for those that dealt with this type of thing, how did it effect your chemo? MO and BS don't want to do anything with me until I get my last drain out and get these IV antibiotics finished. I just feel like it is taking forever to move forward with the treatment!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited January 2014

    TC, I had to wait to start my tx till after abx was finished. Did they culture the fluid or TE? They cultured the fluid in my breast the first time to find out which abx was the best to use. The second time they actually LOST my sample. So they had to guess.  And if the red does not go away, you may need to go back or call the doc and let them know. You might have to go on a different one. Good luck heal fast. 

  • Togetherness
    Togetherness Member Posts: 89
    edited January 2014

    Well I went for my reveal after having both implants removed on Tuesday!!  Wow what a sight.  I think moonflower had said it looks like a crater and yes it does.  It looks awful.  I just want it covered up and not have to look at it.  I will definetly be wearing prosthetics.  I actually called about them as soon as I got home.  Not sure when I will be able to wear then.  My chest is swollen and fluid is built up so the drains were left in.  I just want to feel better.  They took about eight cultures to see what is going on with me and why so any infections.  I definetly want to try again with the reconstruction as I dont think I can look at myself like this the rest of my life.  I am thankful to be here and my health is most important but what a letdown after I have fought so hard.  Thanks for all the info this board gives.  Healing is definitely needed for me!!