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  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited March 2014

    Lissab, your PS put 600cc in your TE's when you got them? Oh, that's a LOT. How much more are you going to get?

  • shorfi
    shorfi Member Posts: 437
    edited March 2014

    My PS put in 550cc and 500 the day of my mastectomy and I have had no more fills since then (August 1, 2013). Cannot wait for my final change.

  • purple87
    purple87 Member Posts: 93
    edited March 2014

    Sandra I thought that was crazy too but every PS is different.  I have one TE on my left side waiting for my back to close and heal before he will put the Rt TE back in.  I pray its soon bc I'm going crazy over here.  My PS says he will go slow with injections.

  • MereMere
    MereMere Member Posts: 74
    edited March 2014

    Hey Ladies....  Got my TE's Feb. 18th when my DMX was done.  My question for you is... Is it normal to have discomfort while wearing clothes?  It's not where my incisions are but just above them and all the way to my collar bones.  

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2014

    MereMere - I had about a month where I had a hard time wearing anything in that area - silk, cotton, synthetic, it didn't matter.  (Luckily I work out of my house, so I didn't have to go out that much.)  That was my problem area too - above the TE's and across my chest...I constantly had this horrid sensation that I was being stuck by a thousand pins.  The only thing that gave me relief was lidocaine cream (not the gel - it dries and peels off you like dead skin) -ask specifically for the cream.  My PS gave me a prescription for a 3% one and it was a life saver!  I would put it on about an hour before getting dressed (usually to go to the doctor) and I was numb for about 6 hours after that.  (Was great for the whole fill process...)  Talk to your PS, but promise you will use it sparingly as too much can cause REAL problems.. Then one morning I woke up and the hypersensitivity was just gone and never came back again - it was so weird.  Good luck! 

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited March 2014

    Purple & Special - extra thoughts & prayers going your way.

    Purple - Sorry about the 'stupid' BF.  I sure hope we can talk about other things beside BC.  What ever is happening in your life as you go through treatment effects your healing - physically & mentally.  Feel free to vent any time.

  • Previvor101
    Previvor101 Member Posts: 126
    edited April 2014

    hi guys, 

    Moonflwr, thanks for your words of wisdom. Have started knitting!!!! And loving it. 

    Purple, hopefully you  wound will close and I can imagine that it gets you down worrying about it.

    My main pain/discomfort is only on the tight (sits significantly higher) along the sternum where the pec inserts and is getting stretched/tweaked. Lignocaine cream sounds like a great idea for the hypersensitivity. Going for my second fill today. Have others gone straight back to work afterwards?

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited March 2014

    Saw the PS this afternoon, wounds appear like they are thickening at the edges and trying to heal.  I am to continue with the xeroform dressings and Silvadene, and see him in a week.  Glad he is not booking the OR quite yet.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited March 2014

    Still praying heal heal heal!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited March 2014

    moon - sounds like dogs should be following you and obeying!  Appreciate the healing thoughts!  Seems to be working!

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2014

    "sounds like dogs should be following you and obeying!"

    SpecialK - That one really did make me laugh out loud!  Thanks, I needed that!  Loopy

  • shorfi
    shorfi Member Posts: 437
    edited March 2014

    Great news SpecialK. I'm happy for you and pray that you continue to heal. 

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited March 2014

    Purple, thick is a word I like as opposed to thin. Maybe it's starting to turn around for you. I can just see Moon and you standing in front of the congregation, her hand on your head, shouting, "Heal! Heal! Heal!" LOL until all the dogs run up the aisle to see what's happening.


    MereMere, let me say first that some of us have parts of our bodies that hurt more than other people report. It makes us wonder if we are normal. Don't worry. You are. Others have had the same thing. It will get better soon. I have had a problem with chest pain too so I think I know how you feel.

    My upper chest has been painful since the first surgery. My breast surgeon did a thorough job of scraping out every single bit of breast tissue he could find from my clavicle to my lower ribs and armpit to armpit across my chest. There is practically no padding (fat) left and my skin in thin. He also removed the fascia that covered all the chest muscles so my chest was pretty beaten up. It still hurts to have a doctor place a stethoscope on my upper chest. It feels like it's bruised if anything touches it. When I had a fat TE sitting on my chest and encroaching on that upper pole, I used lidocaine patches. You might want to ask your doctor if you can get some of those. They really work. I couldn't have handled anything rubbed in like a cream, but the patches have a bit of a sticky back and you just lay one on the parts that hurt. It comes off quite easily hours later. I'm using them now after my latest surgery.

    In a later surgery, my PS changed my implants from rounds to gummy bears and the added height is a blessing. They cover up quite a few of the worst divots so it doesn't hurt as much. Now it's just above the implants. In the next surgery (the LAST one) he will be doing fat grafting on my chest to give me much needed padding and feels that will help quite a bit.  

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited March 2014

    Sandra that sounds so good.  Just 3 words for you..... Heal heal heal!!!! LOL!  

    Does it count if it's 3 Cats that follow me from room to room? I don't have a dog. Just 3 cats. Course they don't Heel either.... LOL

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2014

    Sandra - Funny cartoon!  You need to write a book, I swear!  Lordy, woman, the things you've been through....  so glad this time's better than the last!

    Moon - Everything counts...  So with your new found 'celestial status' would that make the newbies in your TE Primer thread Moonies?  Whatever you're doing for these girls is working so, keep on keepin' on!


    Purple - Slow, DEEP breaths.  This too shall pass - eventuallyTry to be patient and heal well... (I know, easier said than done, but look how far you've come already!)   And tell that boyfriend of yours that there are thousands of us on here - pretty much one around every corner, so he'd better watch his step

    SpecialK - Glad that you're getting thicker in a good way!  And thanks for making me laugh today!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited March 2014

    Special - good news that there's progress.  Keep staying in that chair and don't do too much.  I'll chime in before Moon - Just because you can doesn't mean you have to.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited March 2014

    LOL!  Thanks Minus! LOL.  AZ- i think Moonies is taken.... LOL  personally maybe we should be FULL Moons???? LOL

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,800
    edited March 2014

    Special...your experience might lead me to rethink the conversation I was planning to have when I see the PS in September. I feel like the girls have dropped a little and need some oomph. However, I might be thinking that I should leave well enough alone and just wear a good push up bra when needed. I have an area of thin skin which caused him to have to put in a little smaller implant than planned. I don't want to jeopardize anything.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited March 2014

    Thanks guys! I'm being quiet.

    Fluff - I was shocked by what happened, was not expecting this as that skin has been healed since Feb 2011! It was just so thin that it shredded. It is a bummer and I'm still worried about losing this left problem side - will be until that skin closes.

  • Lissab
    Lissab Member Posts: 65
    edited March 2014

    he's going to 850ccs. My rib cage is wide so he wants them to still be symmetrical for my body. I was a triple D/E. So they are still going to be way smaller & I'm ok with that but I definitely didn't want to look non proportional. I love my ps, he's so caring & honest. If originally said 600 but he was like no, they don't look right for your body so we're going to 850cc. I trust his opinion. I'm so ready to get these TE's out though. They are uncomfortable but it's a process I know. 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited March 2014

    lissa- sounds like your ps is overfilling to accommodate 800cc implants, correct?

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2014

    Specialk, thinking thick!  How are your holes doing?  Sending you healing thoughts.

    Fluffqueen, you have the best screen name ever :)

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited March 2014

    bobo - looks like I was stabbed in the chest.  Twice.  But getting better by infinitesimal bits day by day, lol!  Still staying somewhat quiet but I did go see my hairdresser today!  I also took some flowers to the insurance referral manager on base today - she has pulled my bacon out of the fire a few times - including for this last surgery - the day before surgery the PS office called to say insurance had denied coverage!  WTF?  Turns out they had no problem with the surgery but my original general referral authorizing this PS to treat me had expired in 2013, so it had to be renewed - she got it done for me in the nick of time! 

    How about YOU?  Are you feeling a return of some energy?  I really think anesthetic takes a bite out of us - it has been a while since I have had a true general - the majority of mine have been propofol, and it has sapped me a bit.

  • Lissab
    Lissab Member Posts: 65
    edited March 2014

    Special K.  I think that is the plan to overfill. Yesterday I started having yellow drainage in my Jp drain. I'm hoping that's a good sign. I'm Also having more drainage than when it was blood. Now yesterday I stArted hurting terribly around bra area on back & today have been running fever of 101 all day & feel terrible. I called my ps since I'm only a week out if surgery 2nd time. They're leaning towards infection again bc of heat on right side breast. Has anyone else had these problems. I have to go to dr tomorrow about it bc he wants to check it. 

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited March 2014

    Lisa, oh dear. It does sound like an infection. I'm glad you are going to the doctor tomorrow.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited March 2014

    lissa, praying for you. Fever isn't a real good sign. We'll hope they can stop it. 

    Much love

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,800
    edited March 2014

    lisa-I think you want your drainage to be fairly clear. Low grade fever and feeling kind of crummy were some of my symptoms too, but we chalked it up to the chemo/herceptin that I had started. You definitely want to get it checked out. They might be able to load you up with IV antibiotics. I tried that for awhile. Sending you some healing energy. Hope it works.

    Bobo-the funny thing about my name is it has nothing to do with BC, which you think it would when they talk about the implants dropping and fluffing. I did a lot of event coordinating in the amateur sports world. Someone gave me the nickname for all the fun foo foo things I liked to do for out sponsor parties. I also have a "glamour hammer" to go with my name. It is a working hammer with the handly covered in sequins, trimmed out in marabou.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited March 2014


  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,800
    edited March 2014

    I'll have to take a picture of it. A vendor that makes mascot costumes have it to me. I told her she could make a fortune off of them

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2014

    fluffqueen - I want one too!  A glamour hammer!  LOL!  Maybe if I hit myself enough times with it, I'd be considered glamorous - (or just bruised)!  Loopy