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  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited February 2016

    irish, i don't know if it helps Bilt I had a lymph nod get fat infiltratted. Although the ultrasound showed that was what it was. Scar tissue is also pretty common. BTW, your implant is only about half covered by muscle. The rest is just implant under the skin.

    Much love

  • IrishEyes39
    IrishEyes39 Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2016

    Surgeon said it is not scar tissue, but I wonder if it could be a lymph node. Could one remain on the top of my breast after a mastectomy?

    I hate waiting another week to get this looked at again. Trying to be patient.

  • lorihoop
    lorihoop Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2016

    Saying a prayer for you IrishEyes.

    I am having my left tissue expander taken out tomorrow. My surgeon wants to do it now, she feels it just cannot be saved and has referred me to a breast reconstruction specialist for a consultation on Friday after my follow up with her. She feels a flap procedure would be the best thing, and I agree. This left side is going to have to completely heal before we can even do anything so I've got time, but having the consultation feels good mentally because at least I'll have a plan in my head and not be left in limbo wondering what will happen next and when it will happen.

    No foobs for Summer, so now I'm going to start figuring out what to do for a swimsuit since I will be completely lopsided until this is all over. I refuse to not swim like last Summer because of being self conscious. Not happening this year.

    I'm bummed, but at least there are options. Very grateful for that, as some women don't have them.

  • Gardnergirls
    Gardnergirls Member Posts: 22
    edited February 2016

    Thinking of you lorihoop!!

  • mjh1
    mjh1 Member Posts: 263
    edited February 2016

    Lorihoop - try looking at they have many different breast prostheses. Get a script from your surgeon so u can submit it to insurance. Good luck!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited February 2016

    lorihoop - I spent 18 months with one implant and one flat side, and found a one shouldered black ruched one piece bathing suit that worked.  The one shouldered side was the flat side and I placed a non-porous type prosthetic inside the cup lining.  Having the fabric come up and over the shoulder helped camoflauge the dramatic difference.  This is not the same suit - but the basic idea:


  • Gardnergirls
    Gardnergirls Member Posts: 22
    edited February 2016

    super cute one shoulder swim suit special K

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited February 2016

    gardner - it is a cute suit!  The bonus is that I found it at Marshalls - it had originally been priced over $100, but had been clearance priced down to $15!  It worked perfectly for my needs and I can continue to wear it after I finally complete recon.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited February 2016

    ori, also check the swim POOFY biard here on BCO. I'll bump it so you can find it on the active board list.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited February 2016

    moon - it is funny because I tried to make a swim poofy last year, epic fail (and I am a pretty crafty person!), but I just realized now that I have a TE again on the left again I don't need the swim poofy - yay!!!

  • Gardnergirls
    Gardnergirls Member Posts: 22
    edited February 2016

    Finally got the dreaded drain out from my surgery three weeks ago. I sure wish I knew why I've had to have my drains for so long each surgery!! I just got the go ahead that I can start walking on the treadmill. I've been wanting to get some weight off that I've put on do the all the depression I've been having since dx. Getting my first fill since surgery on the right and my left hasn't been filled since October when I developed the infection. Looking forward.....

  • lorihoop
    lorihoop Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2016

    Thinking of you Gardnergirl, and THANK YOU ladies for all of the support. Super cute suit SpecialK. I love that, it's perfect. Stylish too, not some granny suit that is embarrassing to wear.

    The consultation with the specialist was yesterday, and I am not sure what I am going to do. It was a lot to take in and absorb. Much more complicated than I thought it would be.

    The specialist says he is willing to do the flap surgery in about a month if this wound looks like it's healing well, but that is all he will do. Then he wants that to completely heal, and will put the tissue expander in. After that heals, we will start inflating. That stinking wound is STILL there despite surgery on Tuesday, and now he's got me packing it twice a day.

    All in all, this will take about a year from start to finish and at least 3 surgeries, but that's nothing compared to what some of you have been through here. I just want to cry......

    I guess after the flap surgery the TE I have in on the good side will also need to be replaced, as it will be too small. That's a nothing surgery and a good thing, because it means I will be nicely sized when this is done if I choose to pursue it.

    In all honesty, I think my body needs a break for a while. It will give me time to think if I want to pursue this also.

    Have any of you ever flip flopped back and forth with the decision? It's like one day I'm ready to do it, the next day I want to throw in the towel and say forget it all. I just can't make up my mind, and I think a break is in order here.

  • Msm62
    Msm62 Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2016

    I am very new here and so discouraged, but am amazed at the strength of ladies on this form. I just had my right side expander removed due to infection and started round of cipro. Pain issue now gone, but still some redness aND slight purple color. Hope when nurse practicioner sees will be ok. Just worried and overwhelming. Keep hearing this process of treating and reconstruction is a roller coaster. Feel like I made a mistake. Should have done lumpectomey.

  • flipflop
    flipflop Member Posts: 18
    edited February 2016

    yay another club I had no intention of joining yay lucky me! Haha. Here's my story with TE troubles.

    My BMX was 9/30/15 and TE placed at the same time. Ten days post op I had my first fill and had no issues. Had three more fills and was a beautiful C cup. His work was so amazing at this stage. Except the missing nipples they looked almost real. Well after being told all along I would have no radiation, my oncologist surprised me with the fact it was a must in my case. (IBC with lymph node involvement - which we knew all along) kinda my fault for not researching myself but at that point I couldn't stomach coming across negative stats and stories so I stayed off the net regarding BC.

    Anyway the radiation seemed no big deal all six weeks. My skin didn't even get that bad until that last week. And that very last day of radiation I stared having the absolute worst pain along my rib cage. I would have swore I broke a rib. That was 12/24/15.

    I saw the general surgeon, who did a punch biopsy and ordered antibiotics in case it was an infection, I saw the radiation onc who said it was side effects of Rads and would heal, I saw my onc who had no idea what to say about it (we have since parted ways due to the fact she keeps giving me wrong info/omitting info etc) anywho nothing helped. All tests and stuff came back normal, no infection from culture results and no change after several antibiotic attempts this all went on for six weeks. I was on the edge of a nervous breakdown from chronic pain and knew he next step was seeing the PS maybe it was scar tissue or in fact a cracked rib or maybe the expander was rubbing into my rib cage somehow? I was scheduled to see him in two weeks to discuss expander swap surgery so decided to wait and deal with it until then

    In the sixth week, mid week I spiked a 103.5 fever. My breast below the mastectomy scar bubbled and broke open and was weeping. I went in and they admitted me and rushed me into surgery where the PS took the expander out. He explained, after, to have enough skin to close me up, no implant could be placed. And never will be able to be placed.

    So now I am 3 weeks post surgery and have one expander in and one out and meet with him this week to check healing and also discuss my options. Been a long road but I am pain free finally. Not sure what I will decide to do with recon but likely will have the other expander taken out and DIEP flap recon on both sides. Or at least on one.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited February 2016

    aw. Flip flop. So sorry you have to go through this. Having RADS and not expecting it was a shocker for you. And then the TE thing. Ugh. Just want you to know we do know how you feel. Disappointed, angry, hurt, yeah. Not fun.

    As long as you will be meeting with the PS, ask him about fat grafting before TE placement down the line. There have been some success stories of implants after RADS using that method, although it's a longer length of time. Also there are women on here who do have one implant and flap sx on the other. So there are other options Alhough I'll understand if you want to yell and spit anyway! Hugs.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 74
    edited February 2016

    flip flop- I'm so sorry you've had so much trouble. Just not fair. I've had expanders since December 4th when my bmx was done and I still just wait for something to go wrong. Sounds nuts I know, but until the swap is done I won't stop worrying. I have heard a lot of good results with diep. Hugs. Hang in there!!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited February 2016

    lorihoop. So sorry! I don't know why this thread is so quiet! Someone should have answered already. There are a lot of ladies who had to do pack open wounds for a while. Purple comes to mind. You could do a search on members to find her or check back a year or so for her story. Not sure if she checks in often.


  • flipflop
    flipflop Member Posts: 18
    edited February 2016

    Thank you Beth and moonflwr. I'm past the point of being mad and sad about it all. Ready to come up with plan B and move forward. :)

    My best advice to anyone who's either worried or experiencing issues is to not wait, not let the docs say wait it out, and trust your gut. I knew back in January something was off. I was half demanding of them to look into it and the other half taking "wait and see" for an answer. They did do tests and tried antibiotics so I can't say there was a way to save that recon, but I think I could have been pushier with demanding imaging or deeper biopsies I guess. Just be your own advocate I guess is what I am trying to say and trust your gut :)

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited February 2016

    .flip, my PS yanks out the TE at the first sign of infection. Hence,my 3 tries. I would have given it up after 2 tries, but my ortho would not consider doing a knee replacement until I could show i could hold an implant. 3rd time worked. It stuck, healed, and my ortho did my knee over a year and a half ago. It went extremely well and I was thrilled to not have any issues. Sometimes it use takes more time. My 2nd try was only 6 months after my chemo. My 3rd one was more than year After that. So the extra healing time may have been the key.

    Much love

  • flipflop
    flipflop Member Posts: 18
    edited February 2016

    my problem is that he had to remove so much skin that would never heal to be able to close the incision, there isn't any skin left to make a mound with. And with the skin being radiated, it won't expand even with a slow expander process according to him.

    I will need a donor site to take skin, tissue, and fat from to make me a new boob. So no 2nd or 3rd expander attempts for me according to him.

    And in his defense had I went straight to him I think he would have opened me up right away to look around rather than let it get thatbad. I instead went to my regular oncologist, radiation oncologist and general surgeon in those six weeks because I was in denial that I was rejecting the implant ithink.

  • Gardnergirls
    Gardnergirls Member Posts: 22
    edited February 2016

    I'm so sorry you're hear in our group flip flop! We will all get through this together! Hand in there, thoughts and prayers to you

  • Ringelle
    Ringelle Member Posts: 175
    edited February 2016

    Hey there. Late night "researching". I'm scheduled to see PS in the morning for 2nd fill. I'm almost 4 weeks post off from having TEs placed. Think Im a bit paranoid about something going wrong. Curious if anyone has experienced skin that looks cracked, reddish and dry on one breast only? I'm wondering if this is the skin expanding or something else. I guess I'll know tomorrow either way.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited February 2016

    flip flop - sorry for what you have been through - and hoping a solution can be found.

    Ringelle - have you been moisturizing at all? The skin should not have that appearance, that is not a normal response and the skin needs to be soft and supple to stretch so please make sure your doc sees it before a fill

  • Ringelle
    Ringelle Member Posts: 175
    edited March 2016

    SpecialK - thank you for your response. I am moisturizing regularly. I just had the steri-strips taken off last Monday which was almost 3 weeks post op. My skin in general is crazy dry but I usually manage it pretty well. Being winter and not showering for 3 weeks didn't help matters much. My PS did the fill today and isn't worried about the condition of my skin. He just told me to keep moisturizer on it and obviously nothing with chemicals and such. He seemed to think my issue is because of the stretching. This was my 2nd post op fill and he did mention we are getting "more bang for our buck" on the left side. That was my prophylactic side where they were able to keep much more skin. My right side had so much more removed because the margins were close to the skin. All these factors are a bit concerning to me in addition to the excessive dryness. I guess I will just keep watching it!

  • SeattleBound
    SeattleBound Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2016

    I am wondering if anyone else has had a hematoma while fills are being done. I am also asking for information regarding "pockets", "slings", and "envelopes", that I have read about in other posts. My PS gets very defensive if he thinks anything I say or ask about can be interpreted as finding fault on his part when I am only asking for information. His nurse did not know if he uses "slings", etc.

    I have had 300cc (my TE is max fill 300) on one side (that TE has shifted some toward the armpit which I understand is somewhat common). On my right side is a hematoma from my 1/6/2016 double mastectomy surgery that did not resolve completely with 3 weeks of a drain, but has slowly been resolving since. I listened to my own gut feelings and asked to skip one fill, so I am at 240cc on that side. The fill on both sides on Monday (to 300 and 240) has been more uncomfortable than the others (really tight). My 300 side is noticeably fuller, further up on my chest than the right, but due to him "tacking" down muscle on the hematoma side, that breast sits a bit higher, projects about the same, but is not as full further up.

    Anyone have input about the effect of fills with a hematoma (which he says he can remove at exchange if it is still there)? He thinks both look great and says that they will never look exactly the same in any case. I am 5'2+", currently 13 pounds overweight (135lbs) since diagnosis, previously was a wide B with less than full projection and smaller on the right naturally and after 2 benign lumpectomies years ago. He plans to replace my TEs with Natrelle/Allergan/Inspira implants, but wouldn't give me any model numbers. I would like at least the same projection as my B and an easier time fitting bras, so I am hoping for a C since he says the biggest complaint about the round implants is they tend to flatten out. All feedback is welcome. I am also posting on the sizing thread for Whippetmom's help. So grateful for other womena' help!!

  • SeattleBound
    SeattleBound Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2016

    I am wondering if anyone else has had a hematoma while fills are being done. I am also asking for information regarding "pockets", "slings", and "envelopes", that I have read about in other posts. My PS gets very defensive if he thinks anything I say or ask about can be interpreted as finding fault on his part when I am only asking for information. His nurse did not know if he uses "slings", etc.

    I have had 300cc (my TE is max fill 300) on one side (that TE has shifted some toward the armpit which I understand is somewhat common). On my right side is a hematoma from my 1/6/2016 double mastectomy surgery that did not resolve completely with 3 weeks of a drain, but has slowly been resolving since. I listened to my own gut feelings and asked to skip one fill, so I am at 240cc on that side. The fill on both sides on Monday (to 300 and 240) has been more uncomfortable than the others (really tight). My 300 side is noticeably fuller, further up on my chest than the right, but due to him "tacking" down muscle on the hematoma side, that breast sits a bit higher, projects about the same, but is not as full further up.

    Anyone have input about the effect of fills with a hematoma (which he says he can remove at exchange if it is still there)? He thinks both look great and says that they will never look exactly the same in any case. I am 5'2+", currently 13 pounds overweight (135lbs) since diagnosis, previously was a wide B with less than full projection and smaller on the right naturally and after 2 benign lumpectomies years ago. He plans to replace my TEs with Natrelle/Allergan/Inspira implants, but wouldn't give me any model numbers. I would like at least the same projection as my B and an easier time fitting bras, so I am hoping for a C since he says the biggest complaint about the round implants is they tend to flatten out. All feedback is welcome. I am also posting on the sizing thread for Whippetmom's help. So grateful for other womens' help

  • flipflop
    flipflop Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2016


    I think I may now have the beginning of problems with my right TE on my non affected side. There seems to be a little pocket of fluid on the side. I can't tell if it's just the expander or what. It's squishy, slightly raised, about the size of a large grape. No pain, no fever, slight redness.

    Looks like I'll be headed back to the surgeon. Seriously considering just having that one removed also.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited March 2016

    flipflop, I'm not a doctor but if it's a grape shape maybe it's a lymph node acting up. Don't give up yet. Hugs.

  • amystrong
    amystrong Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2016

    Hey ladies, I am new to this discussion board.

    Had my Right TE removed because of infection in January. Currently getting radiation on the right side. Has anyone had success with TE placement after radiation? My PS says my skin looks okay and he thinks we could try at 3 months post radiation. I am not a candidate for a DIEP and I am very active and prefer to not have a Lat flap. My breast surgeon and RO do not think the newly placed TE will have much success. looking for some woman who may be in the same boat. (Plus I am having an oophorectomy this summer and wanted to have the TE placed at the same time)

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited March 2016

    amy, most of the success stories I have seen with Rads is usually delayed reconstruction. Usually after more than a year. But your PS knows your body so wait til after Rads then listen to him. Also ask him ask about fat grafts. Some people have had fat grafting after Rads and it sounds like that helps.