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  • flipflop
    flipflop Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2016

    Well, I'mheaded to PS today to see why this bump/red area is happening. I should have called as soon as it showed but I was afraid he'd want to do surgery to take the TE and needed to get my ducks in a row first. I'm just so tired of the complications :(

    Will keep you posted.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited March 2016

    fIngers crossed flip!

  • flipflop
    flipflop Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2016

    surgery Monday to rid myself of this wretched expander hell! Lo

    Kinda relieved. At least I'll be flat and not lopsided while I await flap surgery (if and when I do)

    And can stop having/worrying about all these complications.

  • JennC
    JennC Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2016

    I am not sure if I am posting on the correct thread, but if anyone out there can give some advise or support I would appreciate it. I had a double mastectomy on Jan 28th 2016. I had expanders placed at the time of the surgery. I have had my drains in now 7 weeks, the drainage outage is very sporadic and will jump from 55cc to 80cc then down to 45cc on my right side. The left side has had a steady decline and is at about 35cc. In addition to the discomfort of the expanders the drainage tubes have become so completely miserable. I have know idea what to do or if there is anything I can do to try to slow this down. I am desperately hoping to have them out by Friday!!!



  • Gardnergirls
    Gardnergirls Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2016

    jennC unfortunately the only thing that worked for me was sitting on the sofa and binge watching tv show that I was behind on. The Dr. Told me that if I didn't sit and stop moving around it would continue. That was exactly what happened also. I would feel fine then do a little somethings and then the next day I would be draining more than the day before. My doctor required that my drains not drain more than 30cc for 48 hours before they could be removed.

    I hope that helps.... Hang in there because we all know how awful dealing with the drains can be

  • JennC
    JennC Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2016

    Thank you so much for your reply, I am doing exactly as you suggested and I am hopeful this will help with the drainage!!!

  • Gardnergirls
    Gardnergirls Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2016

    Good luck JennC! I hope it works for you. That's the only thing that worked for me

  • SeattleBound
    SeattleBound Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2016

    Hi Everyone, I had a skin and nipple sparing double mastectomy on Jan 6, 2016 (DCIS in left, Oncotype 70, no node involvement and thankfully no chemo or radiation needed). The PS had a difficult time getting the TE up under the right pectoralis muscle and there was significant bruising and hematoma. The PS said he "tacked down" the right side to hold the TE. The hematoma continues to decrease but is still not fully resolved. My PS seems to get very defensive if he thinks anything I say or ask about can be interpreted as finding fault, when I am only asking for information. Thankfully, my breast surgeon invited me to see him anytime, as he knows the PS is not a good communicator. The last time I went to see the BS for answers, he confirmed my suspicion that the right expander does not extend upward on my chest as far as the left. Currently, I have 300cc (my TE is max fill of 300) on the left side (that TE has also shifted some toward the armpit up top, which I understand is somewhat common), and 240cc on the right side (I asked to skip one fill on that side a few weeks ago due to discomfort). Now, my left side is noticeably fuller further up on my chest than the right, but due to him "tacking" down muscle on the right/hematoma side, that breast sits a bit higher without the slight fold that is under the left. It projects about the same, but is more compact and not as full further up. Before he added the last fills, he said both sides looked great and about the same to him (they do not look the same), and that both breasts will never look the same. I am worried that the right pocket will not expand sufficiently and in the right places to accommodate the same size implant as the left. I am going tomorrow and think I will ask him to add some or all of the 60ccs to catch up the right, and if he doesn't want to do so, I assume he will tell me why. And, if adding the fluid has a weird result, I assume I can ask him to remove some?

    My PS plans to replace my TEs with Natrelle/Allergan/Inspira implants, but wouldn't give me any model numbers. I want the best cosmetic result with symmetry as possible and I am very anxious about what can/should be done now and/or at the time of exchange. Will there be a problem if the "envelope" that develops on the left has different dimensions than the right? Help! Should I seek a second opinion, even going out of state? All advice and suggestions will be so welcome!!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited March 2016

    seattle - your PS has an obligation to give your the TE information, these are medical devices within YOUR body - if he won't cooperate (sorry, red flag!), go to the hospital and get your surgical report. The information will be contained there. Usually they can give you the copies on the spot in the Medical Records department, sometimes there is a nominal charge. Once you have secured the TE info I would suggest you go to the Breast Implants 101 thread and give whippetmom your info as requested in the header of the thread - she can advise you - she is exceedingly knowledgeable. Here is the link:

  • SeattleBound
    SeattleBound Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2016

    Thank you! I have the TE info, just not the potential implant model numbers. And yes, whippetmom is amazing and I actually posted questions there about implant models and sizing, before I did on this TE Troubleblog topic. The community of women on this site is amazing!!!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited April 2016

    weird not to see posts on this board. Just wondering how everyone is doing?

  • Ringelle
    Ringelle Member Posts: 175
    edited April 2016

    I feel like such a wimp but I have to ask you all about this . . . I know most of us complain about the TEs and how uncomfortable they are, especially right around the fills. My fills have gone pretty okay. Usually I'm pretty okay until the evening and then I get sore and have a difficult time sleeping and then I'm usually sore the next day but nothing that muscle relaxers and pain meds can't help at night an Ibuprofen can't handle during the day. My expanders are 450cc. Yesterday was my last fill and he topped me off with 60 cc to 510ccs. Within 1/2 hour I was in pain. Equivalent to the week after surgery pain. Pretty equally distributed. When I got home I took a muscle relaxer. Didn't do much. About an hour later, took a pain pill. It didn't do much. I texted my PCM (he's really easy to reach and get answers from). He instructed me to double my pain pill and take Ibprufen. That put me to sleep atleast. Today, I'm still miserable and I'm about ready for the next dose of meds and I'll head off to lala land again. Is this normal? Anything to be concerned about? I'm just really thrown for how much pain this has given me this time.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited April 2016

    ringelle - I had 550cc capacity expanders filled to 600ccs on one side and 650ccs on the other originally, and exchanged to same size implants. I filled at 25cc increments and did not have any discomfort that required more than a Tylenol day of fill. I took no narcotics or muscle relaxers at any point, but that is because my fills were so small. I think moon had the same issue you are having - fills went fine until the last one that caused a lot of pain. I currently am filled to 480ccs in my 350cc capacity in my replaced left expander, with no issues. Even though I went without a left implant for 18 months after having one for about the same amount of time, it seems that the pectoral muscle is lax enough that it has caused me no problems to expand this time. If you continue to be uncomfortable you always have the option of having some number of ccs withdrawn from the expanders, but I am hoping this will calm down for you - I took a lot of hot showers which helped relax all of my muscles, might be worth a try.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited April 2016

    What SK said!^ LOL

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,800
    edited April 2016

    I'm still here hanging around with my little foobs Moon, lol. I think all my fat grafting was absorbed as they look pretty small to me, especially one side. I asked PS about more fat grafting and he said he would rather put in bigger implants. That makes me paranoid after the infection the first time and special k's experience.

    Plus I have gained weight and wonder if that is part of it

  • Gardnergirls
    Gardnergirls Member Posts: 22
    edited April 2016

    I'm still here plugging away at getting my fillings. I'm getting there thankfully this time. At the moment I'm scheduled for exchange surgery for May 6th. Was disappointed last week when the ps wasn't able to fill my left side saying it was to tight to fill. Has anyone else had the PS tell them to massage the expanders? He has been having me do that from the beginning saying it needs to stay soft. Well this week I've been trying harder but the left just doesn't seem to be getting any softer to me. Maybe it is, but I don't think so. I sure hope he's able to fill again because I'm just not where I want to me yet

  • Journey2014
    Journey2014 Member Posts: 65
    edited April 2016

    Hello, I am new to the site and I hope I am on the right topic discussion, I had my TE put on both side of my chest last January 6, 2016, but I had trouble with it, after two months of expanding my wound started to fall apart on the radiated side (left chest) cancer side, my TE was recently removed from my left radiated chest and I am lopsided right now. The radiated skin on the left would not hold the TE together and it was exposed and my PS ended up taking it out and left me with the right TE. They have close the left chest without putting back the expander, but after a month, my radiated skin fell apart/opened again. and now I am dealing with an open wound. Please advise. Thank you.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 74
    edited April 2016

    gardnergirl- I've never heard of massaging expanders but I have a friend who was told to massage her implants that were done for augmentation not reconstruction. My skin is very tight and my ps says they look fine. Not sure -maybe someone else knows.

    Mvp-so sorry you're dealing with all of that. I don't have any advice unfortunately, but just wanted to send a virtual hug. My left breast was radiated 10 years ago and there was worry it wouldn't hold up. I guess the long lapse between radiation and bmx helped.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited April 2016

    The caution I have heard - and the instruction I have been given personally - is not to massage expanders because of the need not to disturb the allograft slings. Since the allograft matrix is essentially a graft, too much aggressive movement may prolong the incorporation process. Once implants are in place the allograft material has been incorporated and the massage is to stave off capsular contracture.

  • Gardnergirls
    Gardnergirls Member Posts: 22
    edited April 2016

    follow up.... I went back Tuesday for my pre op appointment. The PS said there isn't a need to fill my expanders any longer. I was concerned because I'm not there yet. He said I don't have anything to worry about because I have enough skin to put implants in that will make me happy. I have 550 expanders apparently but only 290 filled. I'm just a little worried that I kept questioning him, lol.

  • thinkingpositive
    thinkingpositive Member Posts: 564
    edited April 2016

    I had my reconstruction a year ago. Had mastectomy on left side and have animplant. Mine feels tight. It's the only way I can describe it. Is that normal? How is it supposed to feel?

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited May 2016

    almost two weeks with no posts? There must be an issue with the board!

    Thinkingpositive, sorry no one answered yet. Have you asked your PS? They will probably know why good luck

  • thinkingpositive
    thinkingpositive Member Posts: 564
    edited May 2016

    Moonflwr912, I have asked my plastic surgeon and he examines me and tells me everything is fine. I guess I am expecting it to feel normal. I feel weird bulk of tissue under the arm, guess that's where all the "fat" went. But the full silicone implant does not feel real. I can tell its there. I see you have saline.. how does yours feel??

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited May 2016

    thinking - I have been "aware" of my implants from day one. There is never a time that I forget they are there - that is just how it is for some of us

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited May 2016

    mine feel pretty good. I forget about them until i use my arms or chest muscles LOL

  • MDW1967
    MDW1967 Member Posts: 21
    edited May 2016

    Hi ladies. I'm really feeling discouraged and upset right now. Found this thread and, while I'm sorry to read that other women have and are struggling with TEs, too, it's comforting to know I'm not alone in this.

    I had neoadjuvant chemo first--finished chemo in late January. Had a left side skin-saving mastectomy in early March and my PS put in a TE then. Within a few days after my post-surgical antibiotics finished, I started to develop an infection. My PS put me on a 2-week round of a different antibiotic than the one I took post-surgery. It seemed like the infection was clearing somewhat, but not completely. About a week after I finished that round of antibiotics, the breast started to get red and warm again. My PS put me on a second round of antibiotics (same kind) and basically the same result was happening. About a week into that second round of antibiotics, my PS said it wasn't clearing enough to feel comfortable leaving it in. He did another surgery two weeks ago where he went in, removed the TE, cleaned out the area, and put in a new TE.

    Following that surgery, after I finished the antibiotics, everything seemed ok at first. And now in the last 24 hours, guess what? There's some redness and inflammation starting again. It doesn't feel notably warm to the touch yet, but it's hard to escape the dread that I'm about to go through the same thing I did before. It looks just like it did before when the infections were kicking in.

    I wonder how often this succeeds or fails after two tries. When my PS said he wanted to go in and clean out the area, replace the TE, etc., he said he has had 100% success with these interventions when he's done them before. I'm sitting here wondering what's wrong in my case that's different. Starting to contemplate what I'll have to do if this just doesn't work, e.g., abandon reconstruction? Have a prophylatctic mastectomy on the other side (to avoid being super lopsided...I'm a DD on the right) and just get on with my life?

    Sigh. Just feeling discouraged. Wondering if anyone has had multiple tries with TE but ultimately was successful.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited May 2016

    MDW - has your PS cultured the infection to determine which antibiotic will be effective? You may need an IV antibiotic that is more aggressive. I lost my first TE about two months in - after several surgeries to save it. I didn't have an infection, rather I had skin healing issues. The expander was out through chemo and was replaced seven months after removal. My right expander with surgical fill just sat waiting. I had no additional problems and exchanged to implants after a long slow fill process. Things were fine for a couple of years but during a repair surgery the same area of thin and damaged skin would not stay closed and I lost the implant, after several surgeries to try to save it.. After 18 months with a large implant on the right and nothing on the left, I had a TE placed this past Dec, and filled with no problem. I had exchange surgery yesterday. So, this can work. Wishing you the best

  • thinkingpositive
    thinkingpositive Member Posts: 564
    edited May 2016

    specialk.. Hope everything goes well for you this time

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited May 2016

    thinking - thanks! So far, so good, lol

  • MDW1967
    MDW1967 Member Posts: 21
    edited May 2016

    SpecialK, thanks for your reply! I'm sorry it's been such a long and difficult road for you. It seems particularly unfair to have to go through so much after already having battled through cancer treatment. But I'm happy and heartened to hear you've gotten to the point where you could have your exchange surgery. I hope all is smooth from here on out for you.

    When my PS went in to remove the first TE and clean things out, there was a culture done and it came back negative. Unfortunately, I guess that makes it harder to tell how to treat it. I have to say...I have wondered if his putting me on Bactrim twice has anything to do with things not clearing. When the first infection took hold, I happened to have an appointment with my MO, and when he saw the breast, he prescribed Amoxicillin. The next day, I had an appointment with my PS and he said, "I want to switch you to an antibiotic that's more for skin flora" and put me on the Bactrim. At one point, I talked to another Dr. in the PS dept. when mine wasn't available--this was when the infection seemed to be coming back after I finished the first round of Bactrim. He said that if the infection persisted, possibly it would make sense to add another more broad spectrum antibiotic to the mix, since they didn't know what kind of bacteria they were fighting.

    Full confession: I still had that bottle of Amox. my MO had prescribed, with only a day's worth used. Last night before bed, I impulsively took one, just wondering if a different antibiotic might have better results. I have to say, this morning, the redness and inflammation are nearly imperceptible. But I still don't really know if that's a response to the Amox. because throughout this journey, the red/inflamed areas would always look better in the mornings and worsen as the day wore on. I've also definitely seen that when I'm more active, the inflammation increases.

    So now I'm sitting here I go rogue and continue with the Amox. on the chance that this might respond better to a different drug, or just stop and wait and see? So conflicted, and so tired of worrying about this.