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  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited July 2011

    Mich_M - Sounds exactly like what I had and in the same place.  OMG I could not believe how much it hurt, some of the worst pain I have ever felt.  I don't know how you handled it for 3 weeks.  Mine was constant if I was upright.  Now I just have normal surgical pain at the incision site.  I hope the other pain doesn't come back when I fill.

    vhshea - the reason I asked about yogurt specifically was because of probiotics in it.  It has been suggested to me when on antibiotics to help balance the negative effect in the gut.  I too have antibiotic problems - my MO said if they couldn't treat a UTI I got after tx#2 they would have to refer me to an infectious disease specialist to find an appropriate med!  I didn't know I was allergic to Levaquin until my BMX - found out the hard way.  They had to pull my drains early and put me on Prednisone - they hate to do that a week out of surgery because it inhibits healing.  Gee, do you think that may have caused some of my problems....  PS was against it, it was prescribed by BS.  I am allergic to several other antibiotics as well so it is problematic.

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited July 2011

    SpecialK, if I can suggest a probiotic I would take it in pill form that way you are getting it directly and not with a whole bunch of sugars and hidden sugars in sugar free foods.  Human grade is what you should be looking for.  I have taken Florasmart and Inuflora.  Florasmart is in a pill form and is easier to take than Inuflora which is a grainy powder you can mix in a little bit of water to shoot down.  Probiotics can help regulate your digestive tract and rid your body of bad bacteria that causes bloating.  I've been taking them for two years and they really help.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited July 2011

    mrochon - Thanks!  Excellent info!

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited July 2011

    You are welcome! :)

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited July 2011

    mrochon - I just noticed you are from Sacramento.  I lived there a long time ago and my best friend still is there.  I love it there (I am a Cali native) and hope to visit before the end of the year. How is your expander doing today?

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited July 2011

    Hi SpecialK, where abouts did you live and where is your best friend?  I'm just outside of downtown in Land Park by the zoo.  I've lived here just about all my life.

    My dr appt is in 12 hours.  I hope its ok, we'll see.  I don't feel to good with what looks like pus developing under the skin. :(


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited July 2011

    mrochon - hopefully it is just bruising, that can also look yellow.  I lived in Citrus Heights and then moved to Carmichael.  I met my husband there - we lived in the same apartment building.  My friend lives in the residential area just across the street from Sac State, River Park.  She lives in a little bungalow.  I love Land Park - beautiful houses.  Her old boss lived there and we went to an open house party a few years ago.  I always enjoyed Sacramento and would move back in a heartbeat.  Such a great location between Tahoe, SF, Monterey and Carmel. My husband just retired from the military about 18 months ago but we are stuck in FL because we bought a house when prices were high and now can't sell it - so we will be staying for a while!  That is OK though, I can be happy anywhere and the house is beautiful. 

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited July 2011

    I lived in Citrus Heights until 7th grade! I went to Grand Oaks Elementary and Sylvan Junior High! Small world. My plastic surgeon is just a couple blocks from River Park on J Street. Land Park is beautiful. I love it here and my neighbors are great. Sorry to hear about your home but you seem ok with it which is great. I had a gf who just wanted to ride the home foreclosure wave because she paid too much. She loved her house, didn't want to move, could afford her mortgage but just didn't want to pay anymore. That's wrong.

    I'm off to shower and head to the dr to get checked out!


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited July 2011

    mrochon - hope all is ok - let us know!

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited July 2011

    I'm going back in for surgery this afternoon.  Bad infection.  My tissue expander on the right side will be removed and they will clean out my chest.  Another surgery.  Another iv.  F me.

    Michelle :(

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited July 2011

    Michelle: Oh CRAP!! I was hoping it wasn't infection developing but just delayed healing. So sorry to hear this. I had my TE removed 3 weeks ago today. I had very little pain, FYI.

    Please touch base when you can and let us know how it went!!! [[[hugs]]]

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited July 2011

    Michele - you and I will be twins.. my right TE was removed...

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited July 2011
    vhshea... make that TRIPLETS!! The 3 of us will have had our right TE's removed! Geez, what a club!! Again, good luck Michelle.
  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited July 2011

    Thanks everyone.  I just put my bed back together on Saturday.  I'm hoping for little pain.  My bed is three feet high. :(

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited July 2011

    mrochon - so sorry to hear this.  I know you are sad and nervous but it will all be ok.  We will all be thinking of you and wishing you the best.

  • Kyta
    Kyta Member Posts: 273
    edited July 2011

    So sorry to hear your news Michelle. I had my left TE removed in March. I'm sure you're frustrated and fed up. I was on IV for weeks before it was finally removed, and although I was really discouraged, I have to admit that I felt so much better after surgery. I had to wait 3 months before the new TE was put in in June, and so far so good. Hope all went well with your surgery, and keep your chin up….things WILL get better :)

    SpecialK - strange but my pain was much worse when I was laying down! Made sleeping pretty tough. I would wake up moaning and even cried some nights from the pain. Seems we also have antibiotic allergies in common. I had a terrible reaction to vancomycin and most recently to keflex.   

  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited July 2011

    i want to thank evevyone for their post, i needed this bond.bmx with immediate reconstruction in july 2010, filled at 300cc. Was immediately uncomfortable for months, unable to go with fills, develop an infection in right TE had it removed june 3,2011, stayed in hsp 4 days on vancomycin,came home with 14 days of oral antibiotics.I am one sided, i am in fear of a reacurrence always checking my temp and the incision site of the surgery, i am now obsessed with the TE that is in  and has been in for over a year.This gives me hope to try culture came back gram-negative.However i feel physically yucky, ran down and malaised.I have healed well at the site,wbc was normal 1 week ago, no fevers..just paranoid.I believe my diet and mental state have alot to do with the way i feel physically.btw i have a decrease in appetite,except for SWEETS

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited July 2011

    Mich_M - Glad your new TE is doing OK - after the scare on Monday I was losing hope but all looks well since then and no recurrence of the pain.  The incision site looks good and I just have normal pain like I would expect.  Antibiotics are such a pain - it seems the list of ones I can handle is shrinking.  Keflex is a tough one for many people.

    psalms91- try to increase your protein intake for healing, reduce the sugar and be active.  I find the more I am in the house and isolated with time on my hands, the more my mind plays with me.  It is hard not to dwell on it, isn't it?

  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited July 2011

    Thanks Special K, it is very hard not to dwell on it, thanks for the heads up.i will increase protein and decrease the sugar intake.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited July 2011

    Mich_M & SpecialK, hope you both continue to feel better!

    Mrochon, let us know how surgery went yesterday! 

    psalms91, agree with SpecialK, increased protein intake is essential ...100 grams a day is the general rule of thumb for healing.

    The more I focus on getting out and exercising, the less I focus on my TEs (or lack thereof) and the better I feel about myself overall. I gained weight after BMX (due to all the activity restrictions I was on to trying to save my TE). and right now my weight is bothering me more than the fact that I am lopsided! I can do something about my weight. I can't do anything about my lack of a TE until the fall. So it helps me to focus on what I can control today

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited July 2011

    hey ladies... so a question.  My TE was removed on 7/12, and the incision seems to be healing - bit pink still but better each day (incision under the where the breast was in the fold - nipple saving surgery).. my question is about the area near the armpit - up and to the outside edge of the breast area - mine seems a little bit big but I think it is just my pec muscle, but it is still sore - is that normal or should I worry?  My next PS appt is in about 11 days....?  I am so fearful of infection - I even called for antibiotics but PS wanted to see me instead but I canceled the appt b/c I feel like I am over-reacting... Gosh - what is our new normal anyway!  LOL.  ugh.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited July 2011

    vhshea.... my armpit area is REALLY funny looking. I do not have pain, in fact I'm still numb there and I still have some fluid retention (my TE came out July 6). Since my armpit is where they took out my 8 nodes, the scar is craggly and there is skin bunched up there. I think it is hard for the area to look "normal" given it has no TE and has had so much trauma. PS I have pics on the forum. That may help you!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited July 2011

    vhshea and rennasus - I had a funky batwing thing happening there with no TE, like a vertical roll if there is such an animal, and it was all puffy.  I am relieved to say that is mostly gone now that the TE is back in even though it is pretty much in a non-filled state.  PS said on Mon. before the almost-surgery to my DH that there is little saline it is because he didn't want to stress either the incision or the scar tissue in the chest muscle.  Living in FL in this heat it was a challenge to disguise that little batwing thing and some kind of prosthetic and still stay cool enough!  And yes, what is our new normal?  Seems to evolve daily!!!

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited July 2011

    OK - so as long as my little roll doesn't grow or become hot and red, I will try to welcome it into the family...  BC treatment is ever changing.. at least no boring days....  

  • Kyta
    Kyta Member Posts: 273
    edited July 2011

    While I'm not happy that there are so many of us in the same boat, it's nice to read your comments and know that I'm not alone. Totally get being too inactive, feeling paranoid/worried about infection, weird swelling, sagging, armpit pain, being lopsided (and trying to dress for work), wearing a prosthesis/bra and being sore because the bra lands right on the tender incision site, etc, etc. I can't tell you what a relief it is to have a new TE in and being able to dress without a bra and not looking too bad (although my left side is only at 230 and right side is 340…..I think it's only noticeable to me). 

    A toast to us, that we all eventually come out of this with nice looking implants :) 

  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited July 2011
    I am glad i read the rest of the post this evening, i also have the vertical roll under the armpit on the side the TE was removed from.Whew what a relief, i am always assessing that area and wondering if it is excess fluid,although i had the drainage tube in for approx 2 weeks post op.At times i do not no what to make of this lopsidedness.I am on the fence to try again,My question is for the ladies that have had the TE replaced, does the PS go in through the same incision? Does anyone chest area ever feel uncomfortable like a weight or an uneveness since the removal of the TE.What can i take for discomfort, it just feels..undesrcibable.Also i have had the other TE in now for one year, should i be concerned, no signs of complication and this is the side( LEFT) that i was initially diagnosed.ONE more question what can cause an infection after being in so long, almost 11 month before the infection set in on the right side.
  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited July 2011

    Psalms, I have *not* noticed any difference in the feeling of my remaining TE now that the other is gone. But I def. know what you mean by the feeling of having a weight on your chest! I had my drain in for 5 days post-TE removal, and my surgery was 3 weeks ago, and the area is healing well but has a little bit of puffiness still, PS said it is fluid that my body will absorb. Hopefully some of the other ladies who have had their TE replaced will chime in to answer your questions.

    Mich_M: Yes! A Toast to the RE-TE ladies! ;-)

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436
    edited July 2011
    Mich_M - re: lopsidedness at work - as my husband says, they should not be looking at your breasts anyway... lol... I have yet to don a bra post TE removal - do not want anything on the incision.  So I am braless and an a-cup / no-cup at work.. weird since I would never have gone to work braless pre-BC....  new priorities and way of looking/being in the world, I guess
  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited July 2011

    psalms - the PS went in through my same incision, but mine is IMF (under the crease) and some ladies have the incision across the midline.  I had skin-sparing, nipple-sparing BMX.  That incision has been cut 3 times now - initial BMX, 1st revision when he had to remove the TE and bathe it, and this surgery from last week.  If I had gone in on Mon. it would have made #4!  It will be cut again at exchange time.  I have had my R TE for 9 months (the cancer side) with no problems and it still has its original 120cc fill, was never filled more.  The new L TE just has a little in it.  PS just explained the other day that they will probably never have the same amount because the pocket is tighter and projects forward more, it will require less saline.  One thing I can say is that after putting the L back in the R feels tighter, which makes sense because the skin is now being pulled toward the left.  Reminds me of when I first had TE's, and it felt like I had a 200 lb man on my chest.  Muscle relaxers may help - like Flexiril.  I have some but haven't tried it because it is not intolerable and I was taking too much pain med to add it.  Now not taking anything. I just went up and read you first post, 300cc is a lot for a surgical fill, did your PS give you a reason for that?  I have no idea why you would develop an infection so long after unless you had one somewhere else and it became bloodstream and settled there.

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited July 2011

    Hello everyone, I'm feeling really super tired and dizzy today. My surgery for TE removal was very late Wednesday night. I got home around midnight. Yesterday I had the hungover anesthesia feeling. I also was throwing up all night when I got home. I've never experienced that before. I'm staying in bed today. I'm not gonna fight it. My right side feels so much better with the TE out and the infection cleaned up. I didn't realize how uncomfortable I really was with that infection.

    My ps was able to make me scar appear smaller. He tucked some skin in. My original scar line from the dmx was looking really good. Pencil thin. It's smaller now even with the TE removal surgery. I had vertical folds also after my dmx but they smoothed out considerably. My left side they are gone. The right side still had some but my doctor assured me that it would eventually disappear as my skin stretched out for the implants. If it hadn't he would make sure it was tucked and would be nice and tight.

    I go back to my ps on Monday. Hopefully my drains get removed. It'll be at least a couple months before I go back in to have the TE put back in. :( Oh well, at least the infection is gone.
