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  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited November 2011

    kat - sorry you are in the hospital - it does seem to be your trend as I read your post!  Bummer!  Hopefully the antibiotics will work for you - we have had lots of combinations of infections, rashes, TE's in and out, it gets hard to predict!  Good that the meds seem to be working though.  Sending you positive thoughts!

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited November 2011

    Healing thoughts to Kat too, she must have been posting as I was sending thoughts to AnnAlive.

    Heading back the 400 miles tonight after a birthday party.  Will wave again fluff as this time I think we will be coming closer to where you live.

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited November 2011

    Kat - Oh my, it's good to have company in misery, but must we do this on the holidays? I'm glad to be out of the hospital, but a little overwhelmed at all that has happened since Wednesday: sudden surgery while family was here from out of town, then also suddenly discharged when they were taking off for the airport, and having to adjust to this home care abruptly. I got my first doses from them late last night -- done by 10:30 pm. So tired by then! I did sleep 6 hours, so thankful for that. Then the nurse was back this morning and watched me start the IV antibiotics myself and she did wound care and vital signs and left. So I have the second drug infusing still right now. I'm on my own tonight and can call home care back any time I need them. They will return Monday morning to draw blood anyway. But I'll be infusing these two antibiotics back to back every 12 hours, 70 min followed by 30 min. They are self-infusing devices, so I just flush the port, connect the med ball (don't know what they call it) and I can walk around with it.

    My infectious disease doc wanted me to stay in the hospital until the cultures come back, to be sure I am on the right antibiotics without allergic reaction, but then suddenly I was sent packing. Well, as suddenly as the hospital can process a discharge -- took a few hours after they told me, being sure home care was all set. I hope they sort out your case quickly and that you can get your TE rescued! I wonder how often they can salvage them when we get to the IV antibiotic stage. Praying for you, Kat.

  • Katarina
    Katarina Member Posts: 99
    edited November 2011

    Thank you Ladies - SpecialK, Chickadee,'s nice to have someone to talk to who is a sister.

    I had 102 temp last night and they said I won't be released until I can go 24 hours without a fever. Oye vey, I'm really praying tonight will be different.  

    I read between the lines Ann on TE rescue after IV antibiotic stage. Nobody keeps stats but you're a nurse and going that route so I'm praying for you too.

    My friends are all asking me if they have to do the TE removal (one side) to clean the infected area why can't they clean it and put a silicone implant in along with the other side?  It sounds like you have breast cellutitus but TE swapped and not left unreconstructed.

    Nothing will happen until Monday for me -- when my docs are back from Thanksgiving Holiday -- so good time to get the right "why can't we do this" or "how fast can I get back to my job so you all can get paid". questions written down. 

    I love my Nurses they are sisters in arms with us. I get SO much information from them too. 

    Thank you ladies,



  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited November 2011

    Kat-I am pretty sure they won't put the permanent one in if they suspect infection. I think it doesn't heal, although I am not positive. I know I was fully expanded when we finally gave up on antibiotics. I had been on oral and iv. It got better and I was all excited, and then 10 days after, it was back. At the surgery, it was going to be either put in the implant, or if too much infection, take out the expander. Removal is what happened. And the stuff I had, you apparently don't want to get as it is antibiotic resistant. I can't believe you had sepsis. That is just scary. When my ps was trying to convince me to have the expanders removed, I asked what the worst thing that could happen was. He calmly looked at me and said, well you can become septic.  That sort of sobered me up.

     Chick-sending you a wave, but I am guessing you are home!

    Ann-I hope things start to clear up and stay cleared up.

    Time for bed!

  • iLUV2knit
    iLUV2knit Member Posts: 65
    edited November 2011

    I may be joining you ladies in the hospital with my infected left TE.  I have cellulitis symptoms but the Cipro and Doxicycline seem to have "improved somewhat" the pink area.  It is still pink and VERY sore.  It feels like I have a golf ball in there.  It was throbbing last night, I had to take a vicodin-- that was after taking an 800 mg motrin.

    I have an appt on Tuesday...hoping that I don't get put in the hospital, but I also don't want to get septic.  I am not even sure what that means, actually, I mean I have a septic tank and I know how nasty THAT is!!  LOL

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited November 2011

    luv2knit-i sure hope you don't have to join the club.  Is it just me or are there a lot of new members?

    Fluff I was going through about 8pm if you got a chill :)

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited November 2011

    The one thing I didn't realize is how easy it was to get some kind of issue with the expanders. I was so stressed over everything else, I just thought this side of things would be a piece of cake.

    Chick-I either have chills or hot flashes, so I am sure I was in the middle of one of them when you were going by. LOL

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited November 2011

    I was told from the beginning that TEs have a 40% failure rate. I was just hoping I would be in the 60% where they work, like my friend was who had her exchange successfully too. It seemed worth a try, but when it goes wrong, it's no fun. I'll be shooting up those IV antibiotics for 2 weeks -- longer if the cultures reveal either one needs to be changed. The part I regret is that it delays rads 6 weeks (and it's already been 7 weeks since BMX). I'm hoping Herceptin fills in the gap to cover me.

    iLUV2knit - Sepsis is dangerous, a systemic blood infection. You can have organs affected and even die. Let's not do that. Frown I'm praying for a good response from my antibiotics so I won't lose the new TE. If there's trouble clearing the infection, the TE will have to go to make me well again. I'm praying for  your oral antibiotics to work. Meanwhile, call them tomorrow about what's going on with this throbbing golf ball thing. Maybe you need to be seen before Tuesday! Hope you save the TE - unless it won't get well.

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited November 2011

    Oh no, Ann and ILuv2Knit....just logged on here to find the hospital updates. Ann, I am so've been fighting the infection for a while. I was told by my PS and BS that there was a 10% chance of a TE infection and I got it because of my NP sparing BMX on the right side. It was struggling, didn't heal properly, and an infection started. So, out with the TE and waiting on a surgery date to put it back in.....will know this week.

    Both of you are in my thoughts......


  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited November 2011

    Oh how the anxiety kicks in when everyone else in the house goes to bed!  And can I just say that I hate only being allowed to take Tylenol!  Ibuprofen works soooo much better for my little aches and pains and I miss it so bad:(  Still scrubbing down with Hibiclens and swabbing those noses!  Thought I was coming down with a little funky sore throat and sinus trouble and my PS said it would be OK to start a Z Pack, so I did last night and feel much better today (except for that anxious feeling).  My friend Carol is coming over Tuesday night to do my pre-surgery braids.  I look like Pippi Longstocking but it stays for 2 days and I don't have to worry with my red curly hair.  I'll post a pic. 

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited November 2011

    Happy, so many ladies in TE trouble and hospitalizations this past week. Infections be gone, TE's behave!

    Kat, Ann, ILuv2knit: Hang in there! We are pulling for you!!

    Momof3: I was feeling a lot of anxiety last week about upcoming surgery, but somehow with all the rush and busyness of the holiday, I worked through it and I'm not anxious anymore. Much easier to deal with planned surgery vs. emergency surgery, that def. piuts it in perspective!

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited November 2011

    mom of three...ditto on the ibuprofen. I am a fan.

    I hope you are all doing better on your antibiotics.

    I am still looking good wearing my surgical or sports bra until January 17! I get a one day wedding pass on December 30.

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited November 2011

    Hello, ladies. Just came back from PS in tears. I have a bad TE on the left and I have been leaking last 2 expendingsfrom the needle for expanding area and inside the breast.I already had 5 expandings, and I have 2 chemo left before just Herceptin.Left breast always was red , they think it was because of Decadron IV before chemo, but I had some antibioticsfor the infection.Right now my blood is not good, I am anemic and get Neulasta shots for WBC.

    My question is: how could it happen? I mean , how Te can be damaged? Who did it? Whose responsibility is to insert us bad TE? Did anybody have similar problems?


  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited November 2011

    Forgot to tell, they are going to do an operation and exchange Te to the good one, then fill it for another few months or weeks and another operation - exchange gor implants will be in June, probabaly...

  • Kyta
    Kyta Member Posts: 273
    edited November 2011

    Iluv2knit - I hope all goes well with your antibiotic treatment and that you won't have to have a TE removed. Let us know how your appt goes tomorrow.

    Ann - Glad you're out of the hospital and back home…although IV antibiotics is not fun either. I hope your 2 weeks goes well. I was on IV for close to 6 weeks…had to get a PICC line and nurse came to my home everyday (sometimes twice a day when I needed blood drawn). I went to work everyday  but often had to go in late or leave early to meet the nurse. I didn't realize until later (after the TE was eventually removed) how exhausted I was during the IV process. I pray that you'll have good results!!!

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited November 2011


    My bad TE happened. It was no one's fault. I had a nipple sparing BMX (on the right side)! the nipple struggled, and bacteria got in there. I was devastated when it came out.....but with each day, things got better. And seeing the ladies on this site get their TEs replaced was a fantastic boost for me.

    We are here for you.....


  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited November 2011

    I'm finding that as I get closer to new TE going in the more nervous I get. I'm terrified of something else going on when the new TE goes in. Has anyone had trouble with the second TE?

    I'm so sorry we all have to be here. For some reason it's making me damn angry tonight. I'm tired of hearing, "it just happens". I want to know why the hell we have to add all this shit to the pile of shit that we already have to deal with. It's just unfair.

    Okay my rant is over, but still, this really sucks.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited November 2011

    Survivor...I was paranoid all the way to the minute I went under. I think it is natural. When I saw him a week after exchange, he was apologetic that he could only do 425 instead of 450. I told him the only thing he would have had to apologize for is if I came out with nothing. I am still paranoid that something can go wrong and baby the twins like crazy.

    Olga-I had to have mine removed due to infection that I likely got through the hospital during my mastectomy/reconstruction surgery. With hindsight, if you do have to have the te removed, consider not replacing it until you are done with chemo and are healthy. I felt so much better the second time.

    Mich-i agree with you. On the second go around I mentioned to my PS how much better I felt, and I thought I felt good during chemo/recobstruction and infection period. He said it was probably a combination of being off the chemo, and not taking iv and oral antibiotics for weeks.

    Ann-i hope things improve for you.

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited November 2011

    Olga-Is your TE just leaking or is it infected?  Or both?  Mine was just leaking, somehow it got a hole in it.  I had to wait until I was done with chemo 3 weeks before my PS took it out and replaced it.  He said he would not operate on me until I was done with chemo becuase it was not an emergency.  If your TE has an infection that is a different story.

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited November 2011

    I can't believe I'm finally saying, "It's TOMORROW!!".  We have to be at the hospital at 6am, surgery at 8am.  She said it would take about 2 hours, so hopefully home by noon.  I will update when I can, but please keep me in your thoughts and prayers when you wake up tomorrow.  I keep getting all teary eyed! 

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited November 2011

    I'm so glad this topic of being nervous was brought up. I had a semi-meltdown on Thanksgiving. Everyone's perception that day is I'm moving on and the new TE will be fine. Although I want to be positive, fear looms over me that I just can't seem to shake.

    On the 2nd round, were any of you on antibiotics for longer?


  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited November 2011

    Thinking of you Momof3....

    Many hugs,


  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited November 2011

    Hang in there Momof3, we will all be with you in the OR tom. Many hugs and prayers.

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited November 2011

    Thank you, ladies for your support. Chikadee, it has been leaking, that is a reason for replacing it. However, after 1 chemo it was swollen and red, they THOUGHT it was infection, put me on antibiotics, took labs- showed nothing. I think it was false alarm. leaking strted October 31,after 3 chemo and filling the same day,outside, and after next one  just a little, but PS said it is leaking inside under the skin. They want to replace it after I finish chemo, January 3, if my Hb goes up...And I will be on Hercetion till October, but they say it is not chemo, it is Ok

    How was the operation/ How many times did you have to fill it? How are you now? Do you have implants?


  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited November 2011

    Olga-there are actually 3 of us on here that had leaks and no infection.  The surgery to swap it out was fairly easy and if you haven't leaked all the way flat (I hadn't) you will be able to get quite a but put in at surgery.  I had 240cc.  The pain is you have to do the fills all over again.  I did not have a drain.  I don't think the other 2 ladies did either.  I just got my implants 2 weeks ago today.  So start to finish from replaced TE it was a little over 2 months.

    Momof3 and Ren....good luck the next few days!!!!

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited November 2011

    wow, just3 of us... not is , probably, not common thing.My PS said he had seen it 2 times before, and he has 30 years practice..Still curiuos, how could it happen? Whose fault is it?

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited November 2011

    Olga-That is just 3 that have chosen to come together on this forum.  My PS had never seen it before, but he is young.  He suspects that it folded over itself onto the fill port at some point and he pierced it during one of the fillings.  When it reached a certain pressure it would leak out until it got below that pressure.  Sometimes the fill port fails (that is what my PS had expected to find).  I am not sure how the other 2 ladies had their leak happen.  They both have had their TE replaced too though.  I am sure there are a few different ways it could happen.  As with everything else in life nothing is perfect right!

  • MTnester
    MTnester Member Posts: 147
    edited November 2011

    Hey gals, just chiming in here for Olga. My TE leaked, no infection. I had it replaced in a same day surgery. It annoyed the holy crap out of me to have to be set back, but it wasn't any one person's fault the TE just failed. Mine failed at the port, first time my PS has seen a failure there. I alternate my days between being angry about it, and finding peace. Thankfully there are more peaceful days than angry days lately. I can't remember which one of you wise women told me not to be sad because I have so much to be happy was GREAT advice. Now someone just needs to keep reminding me! Laughing

    Yes, I fret that my second TE will fail too. But I can't control it. So, I'm going to let the PS fill it every week and operate on the assumption that everything is going to happen in it's own time and not on my time.

    Mom and Renn - you are in my thoughts and prayers!

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited November 2011

    Rooting for you both, Rennasus & momof3infla!! Hope it is smooth sailing from here on out for you guys.

    Had my stitches from my implant replacement removed yesterday. Yay!