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  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited November 2011

    I highly recommend the victoria secret bombshell bra. Thats what i wore. They are so padded i dont know where girls with boobage put them!

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited November 2011

    Several of my girlfriends have given me Victoria Secret giftcards and I'm saving them for when all this crap is over with and I can go pretty bra shopping-that's when I'll feel like this is really over.

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited November 2011

    I used to wear the bombshell, I had no boobage to put anywhere though.  I gave them all to a friend who loves them too (and so does her husband :) )

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited November 2011

    Hi all - had a double fill yesterday of 25cc to each.  I am reaching the point where it hurts now.  I came home and took Flexiril and Vicodin.  I am trying to decide what my stopping point is.  I have to fill 100cc beyond the ideal implant size.  I am going once a week at this point and I think I will stop by the end of the year.  I will miss Dec. 13 because I will be out of town so that means 3 or 4 more, depending on whether the PS is open on Dec. 27th.  I don't think I can handle any more than that. It only hurts on the right (currently at 525cc) - the left TE has 75cc less.  It hurts for about 2-3 days, then it is just uncomfortable like always, but this is the first time I medicated.

  • jblcsw10
    jblcsw10 Member Posts: 60
    edited November 2011

    Special K - sorry to hear things are getting painful - I always took advil before the fill and that seemed to help. Also, towards the end I moved to every other week which it sounds like you will miss a few weeks so it will work out to that anyways. How exciting that you are getting to the end of the process!

    Everyone have a great Thanksgiving. Despite our ups and downs, we have a lot to be thankful for - we're here!!!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited November 2011

    jblcsw10 - glad to see you!  You were missing in action!  In true TE TROUBLE fashion I keep waiting for someting to go wrong but it does seem that I am almost done with this part!  You are right, we do have much to be thankful for - I am thankful for all of you ladies too!

  • MTnester
    MTnester Member Posts: 147
    edited November 2011

    Sorry for dropping off the job has me crazy busy and my evenings are spent on the couch snuggling the dog. I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving and I pray, in the midst of all of the crap we are all dealing with that we all find a few things to be thankful for. For me....I'm thankful it isn't worse.

    I'm having fills done today on the way to my in-laws...will have another 3 1/2 hours in the car afterward. Righty will be at 840 and lefty will be at 480. I really REALLY want to pin them down and find out what size I will be if I stop with the right side - it is getting too painful and I can't depend on flexeril and hydrocodone the rest of my life for sleep.  Keeping my fingers crossed that I can get more than 60 on the left, even if it hurts...just want to get caught up so I can set a target final surgery date.

    Hugs to you all - and I'm thankful for your support!

  • Bonseye
    Bonseye Member Posts: 124
    edited November 2011

    I had to have a TE removed 4 weeks post op due to a staph infection. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and am very immune compromised. After chemo my PS said he would reconstruct the RT side that lost the expander.....he is afraid with radiation I may have more issues and is talking about other using back fat-ugh!! Trying to just get through chemo first but has anyone had two different procedures left and one right. PS thinks tissue with my own blood supply will survive radiation better.....

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited November 2011

    Bonseye-Can't help you out but I believe there are some one here that can. 

    SpecialK-Sad to hear that you are hurting from fills.  I think I was about 600cc each side and ended up with 450's.  Not sure how much big you want to be but I would have to think you are alomst done!  I think my 450's are just perfect for my build.

    Happy Thanksgiving all and safe travels.  We leave at 6am tomorrow.

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited November 2011

    Hi ladies. Hanging out down in Daytona, enjoying time with friends & family. Dad is in surgery right now. Worrying & waiting. My surgery in 1 week from today. Yikes!! Scrubbing down with Hibiclens & swabbing our noses with Mupirocin. Hope everyone is well. Happy Thanksgiving!!

  • miasanta2007
    miasanta2007 Member Posts: 87
    edited November 2011

    Hi everyone! I want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! it's been a while, but I do stop in often to read about everyone's progress...

    Chickadee! Congrats on the girls  Surprised ! SpecialK: I can't believe you're so close to exchange, time flies...but sorry it's so painful, would you say it's all worth it? and Rennasus! you're date is coming up real soon! Best wishes! 

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited November 2011

    Bonseye: Yes there are ladies out there who have had two different procedures for exactly the reason you are experiencing. Hopefully someone will chime soon. can't go much less than 25ccs (that is my plan too), so I agree, every other week sounds like a good idea. Proud of you for getting this far! You're giving us all hope!

    Momof3: Just had my pre-op today. I am one week for tomorrow. YIKES! I am a little scared this time. have not been scared for any of my other surgeries... I think i have had too much time to contemplate in between surgeries this time. My last one was July 6.

    Miasanta, Nice to hear from you and all the ladies who still pop back in to check on all the TE trouble going on!

    Happy Turkey Day. Off to bake some pies.

  • jbennett38
    jbennett38 Member Posts: 72
    edited November 2011

    SpecialK, I am at 600 on the left and 620ccs on the right.  My PS does 60 ccs at each fill.  My last fill was very painful, especially on the right side. I am scheduled for one more fill before my exchange surgery, December 23.  I would not be able to tolerate weekly fills and am considering canceling my next fill (Dec. 8). It has been over a week since the last one and I am just now feeling better.  I also had to use my pain meds for about 4 days.  

    I feel like I am huge and I keep running into things with my foobs and don't really know if I need the next fill or not.  It's all very confusing.  I want a good result, but am not sure I can tolerate anothert fill.  

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited November 2011

    jbennett - I am feeling the same - I went to a Buc's game and tried to put my hand on my chest for the national anthem and it kind of disappeared between my foobs!  I started laughing!  I run into stuff too!  I couldn't do 60cc at a time, too much for me.  I am feeling the same way - I want to have a nice result after all this!

    miasanta - Hi!!!  We have missed you!

    momof3 and ren - surgery is coming up!!!  Just start bathing in antibacterial stuff from this point on!

    chick - what size bra did you end up in with a 450 - do you have Mentors?

    bonseye - sorry, didn't do rads, regular implants are planned for me.  You might also check the reconstruction threads for some peeps too!

    MT - you have 840 in - I bow down to you!

    I have been cooking all night and I am exhausted!  I am happy though because both of my chicks are back in my nest - I always sleep better when my children are here!


  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited November 2011

    Popping in to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

    Glad to see continued progress & some getting close to exchange! Happy for you guys!

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited November 2011

    Just wanted to stop in and since it's official at this time of night..


    Hope it's a good one for all.

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited November 2011

    survivor you are up way too late :)

    Special K.  I caved sunday and went to vic sec.  I told the cute perky little 20 yr old my sad tale and that I was prob a little swollen yet and she got me at a 34C so I bought 1 bra without under wire.  Just to feel pretty you know....  I have mentor high profile 450's.

    Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited November 2011

    Happy Thanksgiving!  Dad's surgery was a success.  They said they didn't know how he was existing with the old heart valve.  New one is in and he is moving from ICU to a normal room today, thank you God!  So much to be thankful for, even though we miss soooo much, I really wanted to spend this Thanksgiving with him.  Six days and counting until my surgery.  Glad I'm over in Daytona or I'd be driving myself nuts at home.  I've already cleaned out every closet and drawer.  Going to wash every piece of bedding and towels when we get back.  Still scrubbing with the Hibiclens - all 5 of us lol.  Hope everyone has a great and thankful day!  XOXO

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited November 2011

    Sudden surgery! The second round of antibiotics for my left TE's reddened skin after fills was not working and my PS didn't like the look of the incision skin thinning and abscess forming, so after yesterday's appointment, he sent me to surgery for a look at the TE, plus cultures and gram stain, and to clean the area thoroughly and decide whether to remove the TE altogether or replace it. The gram stain was negative, so he ended up replacing the old TE with a new one filled to half the former fill progress, about 200 cc to start, I'm in the hospital on Thanksgiving Day (but family visited and brought me a nice dinner), getting IV antibiotics, and now an infectious disease specialist is also on the case. I hope to be discharged from the hospital in a couple of days, when I can get set up with home care to get IV antibiotics twice a day for 2-4 weeks.

    I have a feeling my PS is pessimistic about salvaging the TE ultimately. He has already mentioned doing a flap procedure "down the road" because of the skin problems I'm having. I wish I could fast-forward to know if the current save attempt will work.Having the surgery is putting off rads another 6 weeks. If yet another surgery to remove the TE is necessary, then rads will be really delayed. (Would rads still be effective 3 months after BMX?) I'm on Herceptin, so still have some kind of residual cancer-fighting going on even while waiting on rads. I wonder if it's a mistake proceeding with reconstruction (TEs) before rads -- it's fine if it goes smoothly, but mine seems to be spinning out of control. OK, I gotta get a grip and be more positive. Praying constantly.

  • MTnester
    MTnester Member Posts: 147
    edited November 2011

    Ann, hugs to you and you are in my prayers. I am so sorry to hear about all you're dealing with.

    Mom-glad to hear your dads surgery went well. Here's to counting down the days until your surgery!!

    Renn, counting down the days for you too! Yea!

    Bonseye, sorry I can't offer advice. I hope things improve for you soon.

    Jbennett, I am at the point where I can't tolerate 60 cc's on my right side for fills. They only got 40 in yesterday and I'm feeling it big time.

    SpecialK, I agree with you...all I want after all this crapola is a nice result.

    Chick, very envious of your VS trip! Not going to lie....

    I got very sad last night when I realized my left side won't be "done" until the end of January and then I have to sit for three months prior to implants. That means I will have been expanding for five $@&$ months. I remember the first time I met my PS in August and asked him if we could get this all done this calendar year since my deductible would be met. I can't believe he didn't bust out laughing at my naive ideas. Yet another reason why I love him.

    Hope all of the members of the TE Trouble club are doing well-hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.

  • Kyta
    Kyta Member Posts: 273
    edited November 2011

    Hello to all, new folks and older posters. I haven't been on much the past couple of weeks, but have read everyone's posts and wish you all well.

    Wishing all my American sisters a very happy Thanksgiving!

    SpecialK - I'm sorry to hear about your pain/discomfort.  I was in pain after the last couple of fills and decided to stop earlier than planned. P.S. wanted to fill me about another 100ccs in order to get the implant size I wanted. I'm happy with my decision, but worry that when I wake up from my exchange surgery that I'll be disappointed…I hope not. 

    Ann - I'm so sorry to hear about your surgery. I hope the surgery and IV antibiotics do the trick, and really hoping the delay with rads doesn't compromise your treatment. I don't mean to over-step here, but hope that if other issues arise, that you can put a hold on reconstruction stuff in order to focus on your BC treatment…reconstruction will wait for you. Best wishes to you.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited November 2011

    chick - I think I will end up with the same implant type and size.  My PS is a big Mentor guy.  He did a dinner at his office in October and the Mentor rep was there.  What was your total fill prior to surgery?  Glad you got a cute bra at VS.  I get a little nauseous when the catalog comes in the mail.

    momof3 - glad that Dad is doing OK!

    MT - don't be sad, I have had TE's (sometimes only one :( at a time) for over a year, and I am not the only one on this thread!  I won't have surgery for implants until sometime next year.

    Mich - same fear - that is why I haven't stopped fills even though they are hurting me a little.  I would rather err on the side of too large rather than too small.

    Ann - I am sending you a PM.

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited November 2011

    Hope all you crazy nuts aren't out shopping! Me and the kids are going to help my sister's family kill a tree in a few hours. The car ride wasn't too bad although DH donated to the Illinois state troupers. Ann I hope the antibiotics are working.

    Specialk...I can't remember my exact fill volume because I know we did more then we thought we would but I want to say it was somewhere around 575 to 600.

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited November 2011

    MTNester - Thanks for the prayers. I am so identifying with you about thinking certain phases of treatment will be "done" by a certain time to get it in this year's out-of-pocket insurance max. But little of it has gone on "my" schedule. We can hope for the best -- pray for no recurrence and meanwhile try to look better on whatever schedule.  Kiss

    Mich - Yeah, I could give up reconstruction for now if it compromised my treatment, but the docs are calling the shots on this one. They won't do rads until any new incision has healed 6 weeks, so if the new TE causes trouble and has to come out, then it's 6 more weeks, and no way around it I guess. The sooner they know, the better, but it will depend on whether my skin tolerates further fills after they clear this infection. Even though chemo appeared to clear my skin involvement, something is still not right.

    SpecialK- I thought I would be settled on fills and have rads through Christmas & New Year's, but now it's pushed off until at least January even if all this goes well. Sorry you are have been having such pain, but glad you're seeing the end of all this. I'll answer your PM when hospital routine allows. I think they're coming for a big blood draw from the port -- more stuff the infectious disease specialist wants.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited November 2011

    Ann-based on my experience and if there is a issue with rads starting, you might want to consider removal and then just start over after rads. In hindsight, I might have waited until after chemo to even start reconstruction.

    I never thought I wouls say that but being on all the antibiotics so much has led to a sulfa allergy now, and I think I should have listened to my ps who wanted to remove them earlier.

    The fact that it is negative is good though. I had to go with a smaller implant due to the thin skinning. Just a little smaller. He said if these second implants failed, he would recommend a lat or diep method.

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited November 2011

    Ann-so very sorry that you've had to deal with this-it just totally sucks. Will be praying that this is the only "bump" in your road.

    MT-I know it's hard not to be sad, I fight it everyday. By the time I get back to exchange it will be May of next year and then with nipple reconstruction-I won't be done until the end of next summer. My TE (righty) will have been in for over a year by the time it comes out. When I feel like I want to be sad, I try to redirect my thoughts cause I figure if I allow myself to start feeling angry/sad/pissed about all this, I won't every stop and I'll miss every precious day that passes. Still very hard, but I do try to look at the big picture and say "This will eventually be over with". Hang in there and know your not alone in your feelings.

    By the way I posted pics on reconstruction pic forum if anyones interested. Shows progress so far since BMX.

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited November 2011

    Ann, you're breaking my heart!  So sorry you had to be in the hospital on Thanksgiving but glad the family got to visit you.  I think I'd consider getting that TE out of there and let your body heal and conquer the BC!  You've had so much on your plate, your attitude is amazing.  Will say extra prayers for you, girl!

    5 days and counting, getting so nervous.  Headed back to the Tampa area (home) tomorrow, so I'm sure I'll be driving everyone in my house nuts by the time Wed morning comes around.  My surgery time is 8am, so please send good thoughts and prayers my way. 

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited November 2011

    I'm home from the hospital as of 4 hours ago and waiting for the home care person to arrive soon to give my IV antibiotics. She will teach me to give them to myself (my request since I'm an ex-nurse) and I'll be on them for 2 weeks. My brand new TE replacement has a dent and bend in it and is causing me some pain. My PS saw it on rounds this morning and says he will have to give me a fill soon to help. Well, he discharged me from the hospital and it's the weekend now! So the pain meds will have to help me get through the weekend unless I have another reason to call or it just gets worse.

    Fluff, Survivor, and Momof3 - Thanks for your caring comments. I'm kind of on a path now that makes me have to continue to get rid of the infection and hope this new TE behaves. I don't think my PS will put up with much more trouble from it because he wants to get me on to rads. Fluff, at least I already have chemo over with and Herceptin continuing.

  • Katarina
    Katarina Member Posts: 99
    edited November 2011

    Ann - I was just about to say we're both spending the Holiday in the Hospital due to infected TE but you broke out -- congratulations!!  I checked in Wednesday evening and doesn't look like they're going to release me anytime soon. My story: BMX with TEs on 4/11/2011, Chemo May 2011, Sepsis on Memorial Day weekend (not kidding - my friends say I holiday now at the Hospital), Radiation 9/16 to Oct 20th.  I've been grateful to have TEs since April, but started to feel the right side get hot, hard and painful last Tuesday. All infection symtpoms reared their heads. My PS referred me to an Infectious Disease Dr. who is now treating me. He says they've got to be removed. My PS says lets wait and see what antibiotics do. I'm still feverish but noticing that the infection is minimizing. 

    Am I going to spend 4 or more days in the Hospital only to then go home on antiobiotics for a couple of weeks?  

    I put this all in Gods hands but I'm just curious. I had scheduled my exchange for Dec.22nd so I could get this done with within the year (insurance reasons) and I just went back to work half time so it's holiday season at work and easier to ease back in.  Will I have to tell my manager that I can't come back Monday and need to work from home?   At this point I don't care if they take my expander or not. I just want to get through this Thanksgiving with a thankfull spirit. Ann, your story just called to me from the internet --- a siren call.

    You sound like you are much happier at home and being an RN you are smarter about this stuff than I am.



  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited November 2011

    Glad you are home annualize. Healing thoughts!