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  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited November 2011

    Chickadee...hope you are feeling better. I feel bad now telling you it would be no problem. Literally all my pain came from the lipo area on the sides, and that is going to last a while I think, but it is better now.

    Had my checkup today. I can graduate to a sports bra as long as it has wide snug sides for the lipo area. Gotta wear it round the clock for a month. He said I have one area on the lower right side that is really thin skinned, from the infection. It is the reason I have 425's and not 450's. He did not want to jeopardize anything.  He plans to fat graft around it when he does tattoes or nipples, sometime in February. Also said that my capsule tissue was really thick which he also thinks is due to the infection. He cut it way down but said it could be a sign that I could get capsular contracture. He has already figured out how to fix it though if I do.

    He was very impressed with how it looked and made a point to show me all the reports that said there was no infection in the cultures. He was so cute when he held up the paper and loudly said "Negative!" Negative! Negative! Negative! Finally!

    I have been wiped out also. Just starting to feel more energetic. I am on arm restrictions for a month more, no more than 10 pounds. (Glad I didn't tell him I held a 17 pound baby yesterday. OOPS). No exercise other than walking for another week and then I can start back, but no arm stuff.

    I am supposed to start massaging, but he has me pushing up. Seems weird. No idea when they drop and fluff. I thought I read it can take 2-4 months.

    That's all the news for me!

  • Kyta
    Kyta Member Posts: 273
    edited November 2011

    Glad to hear that you post exchange ladies are doing well.

    Chick - remind me again what your final TE fill size was? So you ended up with 425 high profile implants….are they round or anatomical? Glad to hear that all went well with your surgery. Hoping the soreness improves soon. 

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited November 2011

    Mich-mine look really good so far. Lots of slope and natural looking. I think the ones that went in were round. I don't know how the pocket looks that they are stuffed into though.

  • Kyta
    Kyta Member Posts: 273
    edited November 2011

    Hi fluff - glad to hear that you're happy so far with how your implants look!!

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited November 2011

    So happy for you exchange ladies, but have to admit I'm really having alot of envy. My Lt TE doesn't even go back in for 7 more wks-seems like forever. Am going tom for prosthesis fit. Wasn't going to do it, but my fluff foob moves up so much and I can only wear a sports bra with it. With the holidays coming with party's, I wanted to be able to wear some nice outfits that won't work with a sports bra. No offense to any of my older BC ladies, but I'm kinda feeling like I'm going to feel totally out of place at the prosthesis store. Alot of times, in my experience so far, I've found myself being the youngest BC lady there-not looking forward to it. Oh well.

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited November 2011

    Chick, I have to stop the Tamoxifen next week, kind of nervous about screwing up my system after it's been pretty regular.  I have had my monthly friend the whole time on Tamoxifen.  Hope you start feeling better soon...

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited November 2011

    Dawn- good luck with your fitting. I hope the store is empty, the assistants are empathetic and helpful and that you find just what you are looking for!

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited November 2011

    I am starting to think that my period coming back is more from coming out of chemopause then briefy stopping the tamoxifen.

    MichM- I have 450 high profile (20).  I was filled to about 550 I think.  To me they look round but I am not sure.  I like them so far.  So much better then the TE's.  I think Fluff got 425's.  He's just another difference between what PS's do...Fluff seems to be stuck in a bra.  Mine said whatever, it was the nurses that insisted I get into a bra.  I am washing the one they gave me at the hospital and wearing a front closure sports bra today.

    Fluff-don't feel bad telling me that you had no pain!  That is great, I am happy for you.

    I am giving up the percocet so I can drive this afternoon.  Hopefully tylenol will be enough.

    Dawn-good luck today!

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited November 2011

    I was only filled to 420. He wanted to do 450s also butthe pocket space wasnt there and i have an area of thin skin. My ps has been totally laid back on stuff except for this bra thing. Its either the surgical one or a snug sports bra. He said it is for the lipo areas. He likes his pele in something snug for 6 weeks.

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited November 2011

    So back from fitting and I'm really pleased. Store was empty and my assist was and 18 year survivor who was great. Got prosthesis with 3 nice bras and insurance paid for all but $21. They look great and I feel almost normal with the prosthesis in the bra, should have done this sooner. Once snag, rearended some girl on rain slick roads, No damage, but this one is going to come back to haunt me I'm afraid. Girl slammed on brakes infront of me, no way to avoid her, and after she acted high. Literally I was going maybe 5 miles an hour and she left in am ambulance complaining of back and neck pain. She actually got out of car, walked around and didn't appear (remember I'm a nurse) as if she had any injuries. Cop even noticed and EMT's kept rolling their eyes at each other. Pre BC this would have pissed me off, but now I dont' really care at all-let insurance handle it. Funny how things change.

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited November 2011

    Dawn, glad you got all set up with the prosthetics!  They are amazing, aren't they?? 

    Bummer that you had a fender bender.  Same thing happened to me, the guy in front of me (years ago) slammed on brakes, and I barely bumped him.  He was checking all under his car and everything and when the cops pulled up he suddenly had severe neck and back pain and was carted off in an ambulance.  All was settled easily with insurance so don't sweat it, that's why we have insurance:) 

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited November 2011

    Dawn-congrats on an empty store and helpful sales assistant. And good job keeping the fender bender in perspective. We have insurace for a reason. If that girl is faking then bad karma is headed her way.

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited November 2011

    Ugh Dawn.

    I drove today.  Took it nice and slow.  Still uncomfortable but not as bad as yesterday.

  • Kyta
    Kyta Member Posts: 273
    edited November 2011

    Glad to hear you're doing better chick….each day will be easier.

    I had a great experience also when I went to buy a prosthesis/bras. The store owner was older and started the business years ago in memory of her sister in law who had passed from BC. Her employee was a young 20 something year old BC survivor. They were so helpful and kind.

    Survivor - I have to ask….what age are you? Sorry to hear about the little accident.

    I'm 46 now, diagnosed at 44, and lucky me my periods stopped when I was 43.

    Re tamoxifen - I went off it for a few days each time I had surgery and once went off it for 6 weeks as suggested by onc. He said that some people when they start up again after a break will have fewer SEs, hot flashes and night sweats….didn't work for me unfortunately. 

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited November 2011

    momof3infl, Ginger, and chick-thanks. Stuff like that just doesn't bother me anymore. Cop told me not to lose any sleep over this, and I told him I rarely those sleep these days unless it's due to Tammi.

    Mich_M- I am 40 years old now, dx at 39. Have to say in alot of way BC has made me feel much older, but also much more grateful for every year I have.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited November 2011

    Chick-glad things are going better. I was out and about today also, driving all over Indianapolis. I must say that there were times when the muscle kind of moved that felt really strange. But, it was nice to feel like I could go a whole day without being wiped out.

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited November 2011

    Hi Ladies,

    Saw my PS today and he agrees that the replacement of my right TE can be in December for my birthday present! Now, we nave to see what availability there is for a surgery suite in the outpatient center.

    For those who have lost a TE and had it replaced, I have a question(s):

    1. My tissue has receded quite a bit back into my muscle wall. I'm assuming this is going to be a painful process once again?

    2. I'm guessing I will have a lovely draining tube once again?

    3. Any other info you can convey I would love to hear.

    Hugs and thanks,


  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited November 2011


     You guessed right on most. With my replacement, he was able to start with 60ccs. At my first fill, he did a double fill of 120 ccs because he thought it looked so good and promptly threw me into a big itchy rash. Not sure if it was related or not, but I think it was.

    I had two drains for a week. He used the same spot as my old ones.

    Best thing I can offer is that to get through it as fast as he will let you, and then celebrate! Mine wasn't painful, just annoyingly uncomfortable.

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited November 2011

    Tatina, I'm in the same boat.  Just had pre op on Monday, and my PS said I would have at least 1 drain.  If the alloderm is still there, then that's the only drain I'll have.  If she has to add alloderm there will be 2 drains.  She also said it would be painful, but not as painful as the first time.  My surgery is Nov 30th, so I'll keep you posted on what to expect:)

  • Bonseye
    Bonseye Member Posts: 124
    edited November 2011

    I am so glad to find this forum....I had my bilateral mastectomy Oct 4th and around Nov 3rd developed an arm infection...very odd not like anything my doctors have seen. Being immunosuppressed puts me in a strange catagory...nothing is "normal". They treated me with anitbiotics only to have it-within days, invade my Right Tissue Expander. that was the side of my cancer and lymph node removal. Luckily only one sentinel node had "micro" mets....but the infection wound up being so bad I was in the hospital for 3 days, (Nov 7th emergency surgery) had to have the TE removed and now have to wait until after chemo for a new one. I found this so discouraging and was really down. That is so not me but knowing it is more common then i realized gives me encouragement. To be able to read these success stories.....I think going into this surgery they always mention the risk of infection but no one really defines that.....My husband and I were a wreck. Knowing what I know now will make it easier to be diligent with the placement of the next one, Any question I will be at the PS.

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited November 2011

    Hi all.  The "pain" is much better today but still get tired quite quickly.  I have an appointment tomorrow with the PS and I am guessing he will take off some of these bandages.

    Seems like we are getting a lot of new ladies joining the club.  Ann I hope the infection is still gone?

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited November 2011

    chick - glad you are doing better.  Be sure to take it easy!

    bonseye - sorry you are in the club, but please know we all understand what you are feeling.  My left TE (prophy) was out for about 7 months for chemo too.

    fluff - be careful with your level of activity.

    momof3 and tatina - not long now - and I think drains are easier to manage when it is the TE going back in!  More of a positive!

    survivor - glad you got the bra/form but sorry about the accident.  My DD had one on I-75, she hit an insurance adjuster responding to an existing truck accident.  He didn't pull out of the lane of traffic - just stopped.  Both cars were totalled.  He refused all generous offers from our insurance company and served her with a court summons for a lawsuit the night I came home from my BMX.  It was a scare tactic to maximize the insurance settlement, but she was freaked!  He ended up getting $100K but at least the lawsuit was dropped!  She and her boyfriend of 4 years had also just broken up - it was a BAD week for her!  I was ready to go to court with a bald chemo head, in a wheelchair, to see who the jury would feel more sorry for.  Part of their lawsuit was $50K each for he and his wife (she wasn't in the car!) because they claimed they couldn't have sex anymore because of the emotional trauma!  Ginger I hope some bad karma is coming their way too!

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited November 2011

    SpecialK-That is horrible.  So sex is worth $50K?  Wonder how they came up with that number?  As an adjuster he should have known better and pulled his car of the highway.  I can't believe that he didn't get in trouble for that.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited November 2011

    If there is money available for emotional trauma and sex is worth $50K; I think we should start a class action lawsuit against CANCER and see what happens! Who's in?

    Sorry but sometimes you have to laugh at the absurdity of some of these lawsuits...

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited November 2011

    Ladies - I know!!!  The law in FL is f-ed up.  There were FHP already at the scene of the accident but their view of her accident was blocked by the 18-wheeler this guy was coming to inspect.  The officer told him he was lucky that was the case or he would have been cited too.  My DD was because she struck him from behind, even though it happened because he was such an idiot.  He didn't really want to go to court because all of this would have come out.  It was stressful because she was on our insurance, so technically he could have sued us as well.  This happened in '08 and went back and forth for 2 1/2 years.  It just aggravates the crap out of me that he got so much money - but that is why we have insurance.  Except that 40% of the people driving around in FL don't have any!!!

  • Robyn_S
    Robyn_S Member Posts: 25
    edited November 2011

    Hello ladies- I was dx in March 2011 and have done the forum rounds from BMX surgery to chemo (May ) to rads (September ) and now will be hanging around this group for support :)

    I finished rads Oct 14 and was burnt crispy with skin peeling and weeping on my cancer side and the RO assuring me that it looked good (?!!) it was healing fine tho until I copped a dose of flu which laid me low for a week. I saw my PCP on Thursday - I was sick in bed from Monday and they don't do house calls. Mentioned that the cancer side was achier but found no sign of infection- heck it was all still bright rad red! Friday and Saturday no temp and recovering well , but Sunday my right 'boob' - I have TEs both sides in from April -all well healed till rads no fills yet just 100-200 ml from surgery time. Well the right boob was swollen hot and red- I tried to rationalize that it was inflamed from the constant flu coughing but ended at the rad clinic the next day to get the breast care nurse to check it, by this time started to have a temp again. Ended up being admitted immediately and had a week of IV abs to try to save the TE but it left the building on Monday, more antibiotics but feel do much better as soon as the TE came out. One little rad spot that was the last to heal let in an infection that just raged. Still sore and have two drains and a yellowish tinge to the skin due to the abs but I get to go home today after 12 days in hospital!!! :) I miss the TE already as I am sooo flat and asymmetrical. It will be months before reconstruction now and I may have to go with a DIEP- I had only wanted simple implants :(

    The only good thing is that tx was finished before this came out of the blue. Gotta look on the bright side!! I have read through this thread and feel inspired that it will be okay and just try to be patient!

    Aahh BC the gift that keeps on giving! Cheers Robyn

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited November 2011

    Welcome Robyn, you have come to the right place!  Many of us have been lopsided for many months (I'm at 6 months after an infection around my right TE).  Surgery coming up on Nov 30th to replace it, crossing fingers.  Keep your chin up, and welcome home!!  Bet you're glad to be out of the hospital!

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited November 2011

    Momof3: I will be thinking of you on the 30th.  I know we are all SO READY to get that TE back in! Still waiting on my PS office call for a procedure availability date......I'll probably call them tomorrow afternoon if I don't hear anything. I hate drives me nuts.

    Robyn: Over a month ago, I was in the hospital for 5 days and on IV meds.  Like you, the TE had to come out. I was crushed when it came out, Robyn.  It gets better each and every day. I have been wearing a form falsie on the right side to balance out the left and has worked well so far.

    We will get through this and seeing how so many of the ladies on this thread have moved on to permanent implants thrills me to no end.......our turn will come!

  • Kyta
    Kyta Member Posts: 273
    edited November 2011

    Hello and welcome to all the new women that have posted on this thread.

    Robyn - Sorry to hear about your TE trouble, but happy that you're feeling better now that the TE is out. I went through the IV abs for about 6 weeks before the inevitable happened and the TE was finally removed, then felt much better in no time. Yes it sucks to be flat/asymmetrical, but this is temporary. It won't be long before your reconstruction plans firm up again. 

    Bonseye - welcome and sorry you're joining our little group. I know it feels like a huge setback right now (we all understand) but honestly it's just a little set back on your journey. I hope all goes well with your chemo. When that's finished, you can re-focus on reconstruction and I'm sure all will go well next time.

    Tatina - glad to hear you're getting a TE replacement for your birthday present….how many people can say that? I didn't find the replacement surgery any more difficult than the original surgery, and yes I had a drain.

    Hey Chick - hope you're doing well. 

  • lhasamom
    lhasamom Member Posts: 13
    edited November 2011

    I'll be thinking of you too Momof3!

    I had problems with my TE.  Saw my PS who took one look at it and put me in the hospital within the hour. It was deep red and HOT to the touch.  He even booked the OR in case it needed to come out.  Long story short, the IV antibodies did the trick.  Also they removed 300 MG of fluid around the TE.  It's  been 2 1/2 weeks now and I just finished up the script PS gave me.  Still using the cream he gave me.  It looks ALOT better now!!  Now I'm dealing with the Insurance company.  They DENIED my hospital stay, saying it wasn't medically necessary for me to be admitted to the hospital.  WTH???  They also denied the doctor's bills too!  I hate insurance companies!!!!!! :(