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August 2011 Surgery Group



  • rockym
    rockym Member Posts: 386
    edited September 2011

    blondelawyer, I LOVE the hot pink wig!  Red is also very becoming on you.  BTW, for anyone who may not know, many Insurance policies cover the wigs.  I went shopping last week with my best friend.  I have long, thick red/brown hair and found one wig that looked like my hair only better :-).  There is something called mono-filament which allows your scalp to breath.

    I also found a cute hair piece that is shoulder length with bangs that gets worn with a scarf or bandanna.  Someone on another thread had me thinking of having a piece made out of my own hair, but when I saw how inexpensive the other one was, I think it would give me less of the creeps and I could care for it better since it is synthetic.  I'm lucky... my insurance pays for $500 worth of wigs.  Just need to get a prescription from my doctor and I've been told everone's doctor will give you this prescription.

  • blondelawyer
    blondelawyer Member Posts: 104
    edited September 2011

    Thanks profbee!  Those are my real eyebrows, though I've noticed that they are more sparse now.  I've also notice that about half of my eyelashes are gone.  Ugh.  

    I think that I need to try more to make myself feel better.  Right now when Iook in the mirror I cringe. It is SO weird not to have breasts (I was a DD before) and I've noticed huge dark circles under my eyes.  I think that it will make me feel better if I do a little more about my appearence.  I should be getting my drain out tomorrow (thank goodness!), so that will give me more options with my clothes as I don't have to worry about hiding the drains. 

  • Tssheps
    Tssheps Member Posts: 7
    edited September 2011

    Beautiful photos...thank you for sharing! You are such an inspiration! Thank you!

  • bobeena
    bobeena Member Posts: 46
    edited September 2011

    Glad you found this group maggiestatas, dharris, and bbfair. There are a great bunch of ladies here willing to share their experiences.

    Blondelawyer -you are gorgeous with or without the wigs! Dimples are stunning- I wish I had some :)

    Profbee- wishing you only good news tomorrow on your pathology report!!

    The weather here has been very hot and summer like so yesterday we accepted an invitation from friends to join them for a day in the mountains. It was just what the soul needed. Spending the day with my family and friends in a beautiful setting helps to put so many things back into perspective. Hope everyone continues to heal and gain strength, both physically, mentally, and emotionally.

  • dixiebell
    dixiebell Member Posts: 170
    edited September 2011

    profbee: I had lunch with my girlfriend who is 2 years in remission now. She said to me if there was one thing she would change it would be making an effort to make herself up at least with makeup daily because when she did it really made a difference. She also said because she didn't bother for 2 years she was so sick she promised herself her DH and boys would never see her without makeup again. So the last week or so I made an effort to "fix up myself"  I don't have a DH or even a BF but my children really do notice when I do. Although when I saw pics of myself from this weekend with my kids I feel like I look 10 years older even with makeup. :( Stress I guess.

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 305
    edited September 2011

    Awesome post, Dixie.  

  • lilylady
    lilylady Member Posts: 478
    edited September 2011

      I have noticed since I have no breasts now I do wear my wig and makeup more often. Like blondlawyer I have went bald most of the summer-but I havebeen called sir more often than I like to think.

  • abatellik
    abatellik Member Posts: 22
    edited September 2011

    I certainly don't have anything against wigs. I just would hate to see anyone spend a bunch of money on them and then not wear them. I think I was so worried that I had to have everything before I lost my hair just in case someone might accidentally see me without a wig on. I didn't go bald much this summer outside of the house (too paranoid about burning my scalp!) but I just found hats and scarves more comfortable for me. Everyone has to make their own decisions. I think I found it the hardest right at the end when my lashes and brows started to fall out- that is when I made sure to wear make-up every day. I went to the Look Good Feel Better Seminar which is free for women undergoing chemo and radiation (I believe?). I got a ton of really high quality make-up for free, which was great.

  • abatellik
    abatellik Member Posts: 22
    edited September 2011

    BTW, loved the pics Blonde Lawyer. They ALL looked nice! Did you never lose all of your hair? Looks like you still have quite a bit left- enough to cover your scalp. That was not the case for me! (although mine is finally longer than my husband's since I cut his tonight! :-))

  • blondelawyer
    blondelawyer Member Posts: 104
    edited September 2011

    That "bald" picture was taken after my preemptive head shaving.  It thinned out quite a bit since then, but I didn't lose all of it--but it definitely looks a lot different now.  I will be doing more chemo soon, so maybe the rest will come out, who knows!

  • NancyJill
    NancyJill Member Posts: 127
    edited September 2011
    dawmson and jjjsjames: my swelling is going down--I am two weeks post lumpectomy. My MO told me Friday it can take a month or so. BS and MO see no need for draining, and it is receding--much better than one week ago. Dawmson: good news on pathology report. jjjsjames: trying hard to be a "cup is half-full" kind of person because I think it is better for my health--my BS said stress is very bad for cancer. So I am trying to look at the positives and to change my life for the healthier. Not geat news: my HER2 is equivocal so am awaiting FISH testing to be sure, one way or the other. Positive means chemo for sure. If negative, oncotyping is next to see if I would benefit from other types of chemo. If not, then rads and hormone blockers. I am 46 and I want to increase my chances to get to 96!
  • dogeyed
    dogeyed Member Posts: 84
    edited September 2011

    BLONDE, you are one pretty lady!  Loved all your pics, I vote for the deep red hair.

    ALL, I have a question.  I have a fatty place that is normal, but it sticks out somewhat below my armpit, and I hate the way it looks, the surgery scar kind of cuts it off from my other fat so it looks unnatural.  I guess if I lost weight, it would go down, but gosh diets are hard.  I wonder if I'll lose weight during radiation, which begins tomorrow.  First a run-thru and very next day it begins for six weeks straight.  If I had the money, I'd have some lipo for sure.

    Husband took a video of me walking down to the gazebo and then the creek, I put on my WIG and a long farmer's wife dress, and I could not believe how good my hair looked, almost better than my formerly waist-long locks.  He put harp music with it, touching really.  But I didn't put on makeup and I looked worn slam out, and I too have DARK CIRCLES under my eyes.  I am to visit my folks in about a week or so over at their house one morning, maybe I'll wear my wig AND makeup.  GG 

  • Natters
    Natters Member Posts: 19
    edited September 2011

    Blondelawyer, loved all the pix!!! You are one of those lucky ladies that look cute bald (I think those dimples may have something to do with it, and your sparkly big eyes) like Sinead O'Connor or someone with really short hair like Natlie Portman or the Harrry Potter actress. As for the wigs - so many fun looks! I agree with the peeps that said that the dark red is a real knockout. It is defintely my fave. You realy can rock all those different colors with your skin tone and eyes - I have olive skin and I'm not sure how many options I'd have. Hopefully you feel better with those drains out now, and I'm sure the dark circles under your eyes are just temporary.  

    I just had a lumpectomy and they left my nodes alone, so I am ready to move ahead in my treatment and I met with a RO and MO last week. The RO told me that if I had a recurrence, I wouldn't get away with a lump next time, I'd have to go with a MX, so everything you guys are talking about is helpful to me in terms of mentally preparing for that outcome. It was news to me that I would not just be able to get more scooped out (a second lump) of this breast, a bit of a shock. But you guys are all so strong and beautiful and handling things so great and supporting each other, so I see that I could handle MX, too.

    I started taking Tamox last week promptly but I am trying to get a second opinion and switch ROs because I don't think this one is a great fit. Also, I am trying to see if I can get into a clinical trial. If my MO thinks it's a good idea, they'll send some of my tissue out to test if my tumor was HER+ because that would mean I could take another drug. They don't know now bc DCIS is not normally tested for HER status. I am also hoping to delay rads another month so that I can play on my new boat (see pic below)

    Nat, outrigger canoe

  • blondelawyer
    blondelawyer Member Posts: 104
    edited September 2011

    dogeyed:  I have skin like that too.  I've heard that it is very common.  My BS said that it is the extra skin from the breast and that when it is time for reconstruction the PS will be happy to have it. I really hate it though.  I've heard it referred to as a "dog ear."  And I have the horrilble dark circles.  I wonder if this is just from the stress or a side effect of chemo or what.  Anyway, I wish that they would go away!  

    I hope that everyone has good week.  My second drain is basically putting nothing out so I am calling and will hopefully get this thing out today!  Tomorrow will be 4 weeks since my surgery so it is about time!!!

    Natters: I hope you get some time to play with your new boat--she's beautiful!

    Thanks for all of the compliments.  I feel like a troll right now, so it is nice to hear that I can be presentable with a little work :) 

  • Kelliregi
    Kelliregi Member Posts: 30
    edited September 2011

    Boy, I am really late to this party! I wish I had found this thread a few weeks ago, but glad to be here now.I recieved my cancer diagnosis July 20th, had a BMX with TE's, SNB & port placement on August 16th as an outpatient. I was gratefull that I didn't have to stay in the hospital. I had 2 miserable drains that came out in a week.

    My SNB showed a 29% chance of cancer spreadding to other nodes, so it was back to the OR August 30th for Axillarry node biopsy. My BS took 19 more nodes and they all came back clean. Had another drain for just over a week.

    That said, the BMX recovery was WAY easier than the Axillary node biopsy!!! My left arm (cancer side) still feels awful - tingling, burning, numbness, but no swelling thank goodness! I told my BS about  how much more painful the node biopsy was compared to the BMX and asked why she didn't warn me? She kind -of laughed it off and didn't really give me a clear answer. In her defense, we have a pretty good give and take relationship. I just thought it was dirty pool. On the other hand, what would I have done if I had known, except worry.

    I start Chemo on Wednesday, Sept. 14th - TCH. I'm not sure what to expect, since everyone seems to react differently. I'm hopeful it won't be too bad. Our middle son is in Army bootcamp and has his 36 hour leave on Sept. 24th. I'm just keeping my hopes up that I will feel well enough to drive( ride) up to Georgia to see him. 

    I have love/mostly hate relationship with my TE's. I've only had one fill, getting another tomorrow. My ribs and chest muscles just ache. I've been taking ativan at night to relieve the muscle spasms.

    I have a strange question. Does anyone have what seems to be a ghost pain in their now non-existent nipples? I occasionally get a really strange pain in the cancer side where my nipple used to be, but none on the non-cancer side. 

    Thank you to all who have gone before me for sharing your stories. Stay strong, fight hard, and kick cancer to the curb!!



  • FLwarrior
    FLwarrior Member Posts: 614
    edited September 2011

    Welcome Kelli you are joining a very good group of ladies.  Sorry that we all have to be here because this bc thing is no fun! 

    Yes, I have experienced the "phantom" pain (shooting or piercing type pain) in the area where nipple used to be. It seems to be getting less intense each day (or else I'm starting to get used to it).  I went for a PT eval on Friday and start PT tomorrow. She told me that lightly massaging the scar area daily would help with the nerve sensitivity. Kelli are you going to get PT?

    I also had the issues with my arm from SNB you describe. I can say that each day those annoying SE seem to be improving.  I hope you get better each day.

  • Kelliregi
    Kelliregi Member Posts: 30
    edited September 2011

    Hi FLwarrior! You described the "phantom" pain perfectly. I'm sorry you have it too, but glad to know I'm not the only one.

    I haven't been offered PT. I have some exercises to do starting next week. If I don't see any improvement, I will definitely ask for it. Between Florida Hospital and the MD Anderson clinic, there should be somebody around here that does LE PT.

    I drove today for the first time in over a month. Boy, did it feel good!! I certainally appreciate my husband driving me around, but I sure did miss driving my Jeep! 

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 305
    edited September 2011
    Hey, gang.  I will read back and catch up later, but I had to tell you that I had the "BEST response you could have hoped for" according to the oncologist. Nodes clear. Tumor shrank to just DCIS and they removed it with clean margins. I will NOT need radiation, but I will start the next round of chemo (AC...scaring me!) next week. This round "will be the toughest part of [my] treatment" according to doc, but I've learned that I'm badass, so no worries!!!  :)  
  • Kelliregi
    Kelliregi Member Posts: 30
    edited September 2011

    Congrats profbee!!! I love good news =). I got to skip radiation too.

    I feel like chemo is the beginning of a UFC match "Are you ready? Are you ready? LET'S GET IT ON!!!" I start chemo on Wednesday. (really trying to be brave, but scared too)

    You go with you're badass self!! 

  • blondelawyer
    blondelawyer Member Posts: 104
    edited September 2011

    Awesome news profbee!!!

  • bobeena
    bobeena Member Posts: 46
    edited September 2011

    That's amazing profbee!!! Congrats and you are badass!

  • susanwmcg
    susanwmcg Member Posts: 36
    edited September 2011

    Hi Ladies!

    Got both drains out today.....3 weeks. Wow it feels so good to have those suckers out! And it did not hurt but I did take two extra-strength Tylenol before I went. I also got my first fill.....50 cc's. I still look like a twelve year old boy but now have a tiny bit of definition around the TE's.

    About weird phantom pain......I get the feeling I used to get when I breast fed! Milk let-down. How bizarre is that? It has been 22 years!

    I can start PT now and most importantly......SHOWER! Get Onco back on the 20th.

    Keep healing,


  • blondelawyer
    blondelawyer Member Posts: 104
    edited September 2011

    I got my second drain out (it's about time--tomorrow would be 4 weeks!).  I also had about 100ccs drained out of a seroma on the left side.  So, feeling pretty good today.  My incision sites are still giving my some problems and aren't healing as fast as I'd like, but I guess I have to be patient.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,981
    edited September 2011

    Hi ladies,
    It sounds like everyone is making some type of progress since August surgeries.
    I had no internet for a few days, so it is good to read your news.
    My post-surgery results show clear margins and 0/2 for SNB.  Onco appt. on 10/6.
    --Bobeena, thanks for the good wishes.  I hope you revisit your week end family memories often.  When I got my surgery date I took off for a mountaintop retreat in CA and spent a fabulous day and night in total beauty and peace.  It's my 'normal' now.
    --Blonde, I love the wigs (blonde curly is awesome).  Glad to hear you got to the beach.  You've had a tough year, and you've been more than patient with this recovery!  I guess it seems overwhelming when we start to look too far ahead.  My therapy is to walk walk walk on the beach and try to focus on all my senses and really be present in what I'm doing, seeing, etc.  Happy to hear you are saying 'bye to those drains at last.
    --Dogeyed, good luck with the rads. 
    --Maggie, Glad to hear you are doing well.  It is true about the anxiety - but we've all felt it and it is usually fear of the unknown that is the worst.
    --Hi dharris and best wishes for a fast recovery!
    --Nancyjill, I am hoping for the best on your FISH test and treatment plan. 
    Prayers and thoughts for all the ladies on this thread.  You have climbed the mountain and I am so inspired by y'all.

  • FLwarrior
    FLwarrior Member Posts: 614
    edited September 2011

    Great news Profbee!  That is a happy dance report! Cool 

    Glad to hear that so many of us are making steady progress and improvements!

    Blondelawyer, your wig pictures are great!  Your natural hair is absolutely beautiful!!!  When everyone talked about chemo curls...I thought if I could have curls that look like yours...oh, I would love that!  My hair is board straight...I don't even have chemo curls, yet?

    Natters, I hope you are having a fun time with your new boat!  How exciting!

    Susan, enjoy your shower!

  • NancyJill
    NancyJill Member Posts: 127
    edited September 2011

    I'm glad to hear drains are coming out for most of you! I am lucky I didn't need this, and that my seroma is shrinking. I've been feeling a bit guilty about not changing some of my bad habits yet. Are any of you dealing with this? I stopped eating nitrates/nitrites. I reduced fat and beef consumption. But I still am quite carb-addicted and have my morning coffee(s). I guess I am thinking BC is my fault for being about 30 lb. overweight. I need to change this risk factor, but after losing 15 lb. a couple years ago I have been on a plateau. How am I going to really change the rest of these bad habits, especially when I am stressed out as it is by the prospect of possible chemo?

  • Natters
    Natters Member Posts: 19
    edited September 2011

    NancyJill, please do not beat yourself up about it! We all have risk factors because just being a woman is a risk factor and the other ones are so common that just about everybody has one. I've never had children, much less breast-fed one. Do I think that gave me breast cancer? No. Unfortunately, it's just a really common disease. If this helps you feel any better, Olympians get cancer! I've seen other super skinny and fit people who aren't Olympians get cancer. It is NOT your fault!

  • blondelawyer
    blondelawyer Member Posts: 104
    edited September 2011

    NancyJill:  Don't stress yourself out too much about changing habits.  Stress is a huge risk factor!  Take small steps.  Talk a walk. Make some healthy swaps for food.  Meditate.  And get educated about health diet and living.  Right now I'm also trying to make some positive changes and find that it can be completely overwhelming. I am going to try to adhere to the Anti-Cancer recommendations.  The sugar one is going to be the hardest for me I think (well and carbs).  There is a thread for eliminating sugars.  I just joined it, so come on over if you'd like.  Of course, this morning I've already had cereal with sugar and sweetened creamer in my coffee--so not off to a good start!  

    I am more than 30 lbs overweight (lots more) and so I really do need to lose weight, but also I just want to be healthier.  I have had years of extreme stress and that has really taken a toll on my body.  Having cancer has taught me that I need to take care of myself.  

    Good luck! 

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2011

    Profbee, that is awesome news! Since today is International Chocolate Day, I will eat some chocolate in your honor!

    Kelli, welcome! Nice to meet someone else who, it sounds like, also experiences what I call phantom THO pain. You all know what I mean:)

    I've been gone a while, but I wanted to back up to Blondelawyer's massage tips... What I found the coolest about these is that they are almost exactly like the self massage I've been learning in my Tai Chi class. It is a form of Xian Gong, for those of you who are into that, but I can't remember the name... We did them in class today and I believe it helps! However, I played with my chi a little too much and now my right arm and arm pit are SO sore! I didn't realize all the muscles they cut so close to my armpit! Then my OT pointed them out and told me to massage them two or three times a day. I keep telling myself I'm breaking up the scar tissues, but man, it hurts!

    Oh, and for what it's worth, I like either the pink wig or the red wig. Show 'em your canoes!

    Xoxox to all! Keep healing thoughts in the forefront of your mind-- my tai chi instructor says it really does make a difference!

  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited September 2011

    beautiful pictures - beautiful girl - what light you have in your eyes!