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August 2011 Surgery Group

blondelawyer Member Posts: 104

Here's the list of August sugeries so far:

Bluecowgirl MX Aug. 2 

Buzziecat Lumpectomy Aug 2 

Deb 74 UMX Aug. 2

Dogeyed Aug. 2 

Eema BMX w/ immediate reconstruction Aug. 2 

Halo1horns2 BMX w/TE Aug. 2 

Sheypres Lumpectomy Aug. 2 

dontworrybehappy  BMX w/ DIEP Aug. 3

Tigerblood UMX Aug. 4

Lilylady BMX Aug. 8

tkdmomyn BMX Aug. 8

gkodad MX Aug. 8

RockyM Lumpectomy Aug. 8th week

alamik BMX Aug. 9

bluebecca7 BMX Aug. 9

joyceva BMX w/ immediate reconstruction Aug. 9

rjbaby69 Lumpectomy Aug. 9

Dixiebell BMX w/immediate reconstruction Aug. 10 

Monica1971 Lumpectomy Aug. 10 

Scilla UMX Aug. 10

chulita UMX w/TE Aug. 11

nanadeb BMX Aug. 11

Jandot  Lumpectomy Aug. 11

dgmlmax Aug. 12 

abatellik BMX Aug. 15

dharris UMC w/immediate recon Aug. 15 

stcc BMX w/ TE Aug. 15 

tlaquepaque BMX w/immediate reconstruction Aug. 15 

TML MX Aug. 15

blondelawyer BMX Aug. 16

FLwarrior UMX with SNB Aug. 16

RangerMom BMX Aug. 16

sarasowise BMX Aug. 16 

HLoveday TE Aug 17 

Natters Lumpectomy Aug. 18

Rowan BMX Aug. 18

bbffair Lumpectomy w/SNB Aug. 19

lyluH Aug. 19

susanwmcg BMX w/TE's Aug. 22

profbee BMX w/ TE Aug 23

Mags20487 BMX Aug 23

treegirl Lumpectomy and reconstruction Aug. 23

IsThisForReal BMX Aug 24

jjjsjames Lumpectomy Aug. 24

NancyJill  Lumpectomy and SNB Aug. 26

Joan811 Lumpectomy Aug. 30 

Tssheps BMX w/TE Aug. 30

dawmson  Lumpectomy Aug. 30

bobeena BMX Aug. 31 

Maggie BMX w/ TE Aug. 31 

lorenar  BMX w/TE Aug. 31



  • Deb74
    Deb74 Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2011

    I'm scheduled for a UMX on August 2. I have DCIS and will not need chemo or radiation unless something shows up in the sentinel node biopsy. It will be skin sparing with a tissue expander inserted at surgery. I had lung cancer surgery last Sept. also on the right side. I'm "only" 54 and never had stitches or a broken bone until cancer reared it's ugly head.

    Sounds like your life has taken many twists and turns in the past few months. What a difficult journey. Good luck to you!

  • susanwmcg
    susanwmcg Member Posts: 36
    edited July 2011

    I am having BMX with TE's on August 22nd. After I made my decision on July 15th I found out my BS and PS are on vacation Aug. 1-15. The waiting is horrible but now I will be able to move our triplet girls back to college for their sophomore year. Have to keep finding the blessings in this terrible journey. Will look forward to keeping up with you ladies. This site has been very helpful so far.


  • blondelawyer
    blondelawyer Member Posts: 104
    edited July 2011

    Waiting is hard.  I finished up chemo on Monday, so I have to wait for 3 weeks to "recover" from the chemo.  I am anxious and just ready to have this next stage over.  I am going to Hawaii for a week to help with the recovery :)

  • TML
    TML Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2011

    I found out on 14Jul that I have BC.  Thought I could have a lumpectomy, just found out yesterday that I need a MX.  Scheduled for 15Aug.  But I have some concerns.  I am not happy with my surgeon and I am at a loss as to what to do.  In the past week, I have met my BS, Oncologist, Radiation Oncologist and all, with the exception of the BS have been incredible.  I have had 3 ultrasounds, 2 biopsies, 1 MRI.  I have NO idea what to do about reconstruction.  My personal PS told me to wait, that I could do something after the cancer was treated.  He also suggested I get a genetic test ?? to determine if I am predisposed to breast cancer and then have both removed.  I thought I was just going to throw up.  I contacted my oncologist today to ask him to refer me to another surgeon and to find out how to do the genetic testing and his office staff informed me that my appt was scheduled for AFTER surgery.  I told her I wanted to see him prior to surgery, that I had some very important questions and she said that my appt was AFTER surgery.  I asked her if she understood that I had questions and she said she would 'discuss this with him' and call me back...which she never did.  What am I missing here???

  • Tiger_Blood
    Tiger_Blood Member Posts: 83
    edited July 2011

    I am scheduled this Thursday for a UMX. Scared to death. I hate being put under...

  • lilylady
    lilylady Member Posts: 478
    edited July 2011

    I am having BMX on Aug 8/no recon. I wish it was this Monday instead of next. I had to wait 3 weeks after my last chemo. I am having a CT on Aug 6 and my first herceptin infusion only on Aug 5 along with an onc visit. Had my Muga and physical with EKG this past week. They are keeping me busy with appts!!

  • RangerMom
    RangerMom Member Posts: 205
    edited July 2011

    Hi All,

    I'm having double mx on Aug 16th. Was doing chemo first but had to stop because I became allergic to it but I did get 6 out of 8 treatments done. I'm scared too. This waiting is hard but I think each day I'm starting to accept it a tiny bit more. Can't do recon till 9 months after radiation I'm told.

     TML - hang tough and don't rush though till you get all your questions answered. I'm sorry you are going through this and its not all smooth for you. Keep us posted please. 

  • chulita
    chulita Member Posts: 16
    edited July 2011

    I am going in on August 11th. Having a UMX on the left with TE. As of npw np chemo or rads needed. seems all I can do is read, read, and then read some more. Trying to get as edicated as possible.

    TML- Please dont give up. Keep calling until all.your questions are answered. Im so sorry to hear that you are going throug this with more frustrations than neccessary. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Good luck everyone!

  • rockym
    rockym Member Posts: 382
    edited July 2011

    Count me in for the 2nd week of August when I get my lumpectomy with a SNB.  I just got back from a week long vacation where I was able to relax and not think too much about what's to come.  I feel I've made as many decisions as I can and now it's up to the surgery (and pathology) to determine my next steps.  I'm taking deep breaths and hoping for an easy surgery with no more decisions other than RADS, hormone therapy and done :-).

    TML, I'm not sure why you would have started with a lumpectomy and then went to a MX.  I was told by my BS that both have the same outcome.  As for not being happy with your surgeon... I would call off the surgery until you KNOW EXACTLY what you need to be comfortable with ALL of your decisions.  My RO is the one who did the BRCA (genetic test) because if I was positive (which I am not) then I may have opted for ovary removal and a BMX with reconstruction.

    I believe it is very important to know all your options. If you are doing reconstruction, will you be happy with one breast not matching the other?  If you do an MX, will you always be concerned about cancer in the other breast?  If your RO suggests you need RADS (even with an MX) you may need the reconstruction before since I've read RADS can mess up the tissue when it comes to reconstruction,

    I think "what you're missing" is a BS who is keeping you in the loop.  It's your body, your breasts and your future.  I hope you get the right information for educated decisions and are comfortable with everything that is to come.  Good luck and let us know how things turn out.

  • bobeena
    bobeena Member Posts: 46
    edited July 2011

    Hello all. I am scheduled Aug 31 for BMX.

  • blubecca7
    blubecca7 Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2011

    Hi, I'm new. I saw the surgeon on July 20th (day before my birthday) And I am scheduled for my BMX on August 9th, 2011.


  • vinade45
    vinade45 Member Posts: 3
    edited August 2011


      Just had a lumpectomy with axial node disection done last week on my left breast.  Have a weird question is my breast suppose to sound like its full off water?  At first I thought I was losing my mind but my husband confirmed that I have a waterboob! How long will be like that? Does anyone know?

  • rjbaby69
    rjbaby69 Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2011

    Hi all.  I am scheduled for a lumpectomy with SNB on August 9.  Then I will go for scans.  Hoping and praying that everything turns out okay on the scans.  I will also have 6 weeks of radiation 5 times per week.  One day at a time!!

  • chulita
    chulita Member Posts: 16
    edited August 2011

    Hi vinade45. I wish I could answer your question outright but I honestly dont know. I will keep it in mind as I read tje discussions and let you know if I see anything.

    Rjbaby69 I hope you are doing well.

    Tml are you finding the answers your searching for? This is such a trying experience.

  • rjbaby69
    rjbaby69 Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2011

    Chulita - This board has been a God send for me.  I have learned so much.  I did get anti-anxiety meds and they have helped alot.  I am ready to get my surgery over with so that I can recover and move on to the next phase of my treatment.  It's been a rollercoaster ride in the beginning.  And I don't mind telling you that I am as scared as everyone else.  The women here are just absolutely wonderful and supportive.  Since I am single, I really can use some words of encouragement.  Thank you all so much.

  • chulita
    chulita Member Posts: 16
    edited August 2011

    Rjbaby69 it really is an amazing site and everyone here are just fountains of information. Honestly ive been dealing with this since mid june and my anxiety is growing growing growing. I wish I could offer words of encouragement on your single status but everything that comes to mind sounds so lame to me right now as I am not married either. I am in a long distance relationship but I dont know if thats better or worse. Long distance is hard as it is. Throw this in the mix and forget about it :) I believe that by talking to my cancer team and reading so much of the messages that I have all the info I need but all the what ifs are still lingering. rest assured we will pull through this together as so many have done before. Feel free to PM me if ever and when ever.

  • susanwmcg
    susanwmcg Member Posts: 36
    edited August 2011

    Hi August sisters,

    I just try to keep busy during the day then every night after my husband goes to bed I get on this site and read and read and read. It's like I can't get enough information right now.

     Deb74 - thinking of you tomorrow.

    Is anyone else on an antidepressant yet? I know they take a while to work and so may ask my Ob/Gyn if she'd prescribe one. I had post-partum issues after our triplets were born 19 years ago so really worry about getting down after the surgery.

    Everyone stay strong,


  • susanwmcg
    susanwmcg Member Posts: 36
    edited August 2011

    Thought I'd start a list of our August Group:

    Deb 74   UMX  Aug. 2

    Tigerblood  UMX Aug. 4

    Lilylady  BMX Aug. 8

    RockyM   Lumpectomy   Aug. 8th week

    bluebecca7  BMX  Aug. 9

    rjbaby69    Lumpectomy  Aug. 9

    chulita   UMX w/TE  Aug. 11

    TML  MX  Aug. 15

    RangerMom  BMX  Aug. 16

    susanwmcg  BMX w/TE's  Aug. 22

    blondelawyer  BMX  Aug. 26

    bobeena  BMX   Aug. 31

    This is a start and unfortunately I'm sure we will add more as the month goes on. The club no one wants in but at least we have each other.  

  • chulita
    chulita Member Posts: 16
    edited August 2011

    Susanwmcg - thank you for putting the list together. I havent felt the need for anti depressants yet. May need something to help me sleep though. Its almost 4 a.m. and im up!

    Deb74- good luck and God bless

  • nanadeb
    nanadeb Member Posts: 19
    edited August 2011

    Add me to the group :( I have already placed this thread in my toolbar favorites

    as I expect to make wonderful friends I can check back often to see how you all are doing.


    I go in for my BMX , Aug 11th.

    I am not having recon at this time as they found a heart problem during my echo and stress test and I have to have a heart cath and possible stents 6 weeks after the BMX.

    When it rains it pours ...........

    I also have moderate COPD and my PS was worried about a surgery taking double the time and that I may have to go on a ventilator  for a couple days...BOO !!!

    But the heart thing did it in for sure.

    I may have recon in the future....but I doubt it. Not sure its worth the risk of dying for boobs.

    I've been waiting for the Aug list to go up....(kinda with dread) So thank you to who did it.

    I hope to support you all in our journey.  (((hugs)))

     Deb74 Thinking of you today.


  • nanadeb
    nanadeb Member Posts: 19
    edited August 2011

    Oh my gosh...I just seen that out of this small Aug group (so far)

    There are 3 of us from Ohio....Lilylady, Rangermom and myself...

    Are there any others?


  • bobeena
    bobeena Member Posts: 46
    edited August 2011

    Deb 74 - hope all goes well with surgery today!

  • lilylady
    lilylady Member Posts: 478
    edited August 2011

    Susan-thanks so much for posting our list. If you look at the other groups they have the list posted at the top where you can always check back on it. I wonder if we can have blondelawyer paste it up there. I think she is the only one who can acess that first post. as we go thru the month it will be hard to find it on a page in the middle.

    bluebecca I see you are the day after me with a BMX. Are you doing an overnight stay? My ins co has approved it-reluctantly. Here is their synopsis: Surgery at 7, done by 11, awake by 2, post -op instructions at 3, home by 5!!! Sounds pretty easy doesn;t it? And i really hope it is that easy.

  • susanwmcg
    susanwmcg Member Posts: 36
    edited August 2011

    Welcome nanadeb! So sorry for your bc dx and the heart thing! Wow....when it rains, right? Not like any of us want to be here but after reading the June and July Surgery groups I can see that we will really need each other for support.

    Blondelawyer.....can you cut and paste the list into your post at the top? I don't know how else to get it at top of thread. Then you become the editor de facto! We need nanadeb added for now.

    Tigerblood -- looks like you are up next on Thursday. Sending good thoughts your way.

  • chulita
    chulita Member Posts: 16
    edited August 2011

    Good luck tiger_wood. Ill be thinking of you.

    Nanadeb im sorry to hear of what you are going through. As if we need the added stress.

  • nanadeb
    nanadeb Member Posts: 19
    edited August 2011

    Is any one else having trouble sleeping?

    During the day , I seem to do good now.....

    I have been taking Ambian...but it only knocks me out for 3-4 hours..

    Then I am awake at or drifting back to sleep and having nightmares :(


  • chulita
    chulita Member Posts: 16
    edited August 2011

    Was able to sleep 5 hours last night. Still not taking anything. Do you feel as if your mind is just going in cicircles and you just cant seem to control your thoughts?

  • nanadeb
    nanadeb Member Posts: 19
    edited August 2011

    Yes just keep going over everything in your mind over and over.

    It's worse at night for me when I wake up.

    Glad you were able to get 5 hours of sleep last night. Thats pretty good !!!


  • Sheypres
    Sheypres Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2011

    Hi everyone! I'm new here. I'm 40 from SoCal with 2 little girls. One 2 1/2 and the baby at 7 months.n

    . Just got my Dx on last Friday and went in for my lumpectomy and SNL yesterday. So glad I only had to wait 4 days. I was in by 8:30 and surgery was at 10:30 and home by 3. Feeling pretty good and my 2 yo DD loves my blue pee. The doctor thinks he got it all and the nodes were negative so far but waiting on full pathology report. Very glad I found this site. Looking forward to getting to know all of you!

  • nanadeb
    nanadeb Member Posts: 19
    edited August 2011


    So sorry you have to join this group :(

    So young...and such little ones  ((hugs))

    The gals here are wonderful and theres sooo much info.

    Praying for good path report
