All about Xeloda



  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850
    edited November 2019

    Nichole, I never had constipation until chemo. After chemo it got worse. I tried all the usual remedies first and they did not work.

    Lots of reading suggested that there's a blockage in your intension somewhere. (blockage =fecal matter.

    On they suggested a product that would clean your entire colon GENTLY. Its OXY-POWDER, You can purchase it on amazon. This stuff works. The first movement surprised me, very large, hard thick. yuck. no wonder nothing could not get past that. After wards things turned more normal. I only took it for 4 nights (works while you sleep) and after that my movements were normal again.

    The product is safe all natural ingredients. Give it a try. The first day stay close to tolit. But there won't be any accidents, you'll know in plenty of time.

    Hope this helps

  • Liveinthepresent
    Liveinthepresent Member Posts: 24
    edited November 2019

    Dorimak-The sleep aid from Costco is a Kirkland brand and just called Sleep Aid. The main ingredient is 25 mg of Doxylamine Succinate.

  • denny123
    denny123 Member Posts: 1,529
    edited November 2019 constipation started 6 years ago when I started on Kadcyla. Enemas, prunes, cabbage, onions, etc did no good. I found that 450 mg of stool softeners and a dose of Miralax worked. If it didn't, a dose of Philips MOM did.

    Some patients take Miralax in the morning and evening.

    Now I am okay with 300 mg of stool softeners, and a dose of Miralax.

    Did you start Xeloda yet? I am on other Xeloda forums and most of the ladies get diarrhea with it. But I think they are the ones with the higher doses than us. Xeloda might help you.

  • denny123
    denny123 Member Posts: 1,529
    edited November 2019

    Dorimak...X should be taken a half hour after a high-protein meal or snack. It works best with partially-digested food.

    I eat dinner early, so I need an evening snack anyway and take my evening dose then.

  • dorimak
    dorimak Member Posts: 89
    edited November 2019

    Thanks Livinginthepresent!

  • dorimak
    dorimak Member Posts: 89
    edited November 2019

    Thanks Denny123. That sounds helpful to take with partially digested food. I’m going to ask my MO at next appt but that isn’t for a few weeks.

  • Liveinthepresent
    Liveinthepresent Member Posts: 24
    edited November 2019

    Denny and Nicole-I called my specialty pharmacy (Diplomat) and spoke to the pharmacist about taking Metamucil with X. She looked it up and said it will not interfere (whew!-because it works really well for me.). It is a natural product made of psyllium husks. I started with one tsp and now take 2 tsp in the morning 2 hours before my X. I try to eat a high fiber breakfast like shredded wheat and an apple during the day. If I don't "go" in the morning, I take Miralax in the afternoon. My gastroenterologist wanted me to take both every day but that was too much. I have suffered with constipation my whole life but it has become a huge problem since being on chemo. I have had the severe problems you describe Nicole and agree that an enema works when all else fails. I recommend trying Metamucil -I have received the all clear now from both the pharmacist and my oncologist. The pharmacist also recommended ginger for nausea and I find ginger tea works for me. I need to buy some ginger candy because that has helped before.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited November 2019

    Thanks Ladies...

    Denny...can you give me some examples of foods to take X with? I thought I had to take it with my full dinner? So I am confused? Would eating yogurt then taking it like 30 min later work? Or cereal then 30 min later the X?

    I haven't started the X yet..the 25th..because my ovaries removal is tomorrow so I will start X next Monday..I will do 1 week at 500mg 2 times a day then after that 1st week I will be 1000mg 2 times a day 1 week on..1 week off...

  • Liveinthepresent
    Liveinthepresent Member Posts: 24
    edited November 2019

    Nicole-I just take X in the middle of any meal or at the end. I struggled to drink 8 oz of water with it and my doctor said that isn't necessary-just to drink some water. It has been working for me for two years so I don't see why worrying what kind of food I eat should matter. We can make all of this too hard. Directions say to take it within 30 minutes of a meal.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited November 2019

    I have read people stating they progressed on X and all were taking it with a full meal and felt it shouldn't have been taken that way...

  • Liveinthepresent
    Liveinthepresent Member Posts: 24
    edited November 2019

    Nicole-best to ask your doctor how to take X. I'm following my oncologist directions.

  • denny123
    denny123 Member Posts: 1,529
    edited November 2019

    Live-my specialty pharmacist told me not to take Metamucil since we don't need the fiber, but instead to use Miralax. I buy Wal Mart Equate brand stool softeners. Any generic will do.

  • denny123
    denny123 Member Posts: 1,529
    edited November 2019

    Nicole...Yogurt is fine and since it is high protein, that is what I usually have in the evening. Cereal would work, cheese and crackers.

    Sometimes if I don't feel well, I eat a non-protein snack, like toast and so far it hasn't seemed to have made a difference.

    I don't seem to get nausea from the pills....since it can happen on my week off. Not bad nausea, just a yucky I take Emetrol. But my stomach is pretty sensitive...always has been.

    I sure wish I could go down to 1,000 a day. The lowest that I have read is a lady taking 1,500.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited November 2019

    Thanks all the foods you mentioned...have those but wait like 30 min then take the pill right?

    I am only doing 1000mg for the very 1st week bc I will only be 1 week out from surgery at that point so she doesn't want to do to much so soon...but the following week and weeks to follow will be 1000mg 2 times a day 1 week on 1 off.

  • denny123
    denny123 Member Posts: 1,529
    edited November 2019

    Nicole...right. I do know of a lot of ladies who eat shortly after taking the pills, but I try to avoid that.

    I am still jealous of the 1000 a day, even if only for a week. The HFS starts right away and that should help a lot.

    I started at 2,000 a day but 2 weeks on and 1 off. And after about 10 days, my feet were really sore.

  • Kattysmith
    Kattysmith Member Posts: 688
    edited November 2019

    I assumed that taking the pills within 30 minutes after eating is to protect the stomach lining. I eat, then immediately take my pills. If I don't , I might get distraccted and forget, but that''s just 67 year-old addled me. We all have to do what works best for us within reason.

  • denny123
    denny123 Member Posts: 1,529
    edited November 2019

    Katty...I could also forget to take the pills, but I carry around a ticking kitchen timer to remind me.

  • Topacio
    Topacio Member Posts: 34
    edited November 2019

    hi everyone,

    I am very stress now, and need a bit of support , I am very depress, seems like xeloda is not working and the last Ct is showing that the cancer is in the lining of the lung....the pain doctor was trying to cheer me up saying that is not in the lung just in the lining??

    I am going tomorrow to the radiologist to prepare for radiation .... Will see what next....

    Need any advice ... I am going crazy now....


  • Liveinthepresent
    Liveinthepresent Member Posts: 24
    edited November 2019

    Topacio-don't stress. I think you might have fluid in the pleural area surrounding your lungs. I have that but I also have small nodes in my lungs as well as a few in my bones. It's been stable for over 6 years. Did they say fluid or nodes in the area surrounding your lungs? I have had to have the fluid removed when there was too much but when the medication started working, it went away on its own. I have been on X for the past two years. Last month they found a small tumor in my liver so they are figuring out how to treat that now. The first thing they are doing is putting me on HT as well as X. I have been ER- for the past 2 3/4 years but the new tumor is ER+. The small nodes in my lungs have not done anything in the past 6 1/2 years although the fluid has sometimes increased and then gone away with various treatments. Remember what they are trying to do is manage this crazy disease as a chronic disease and they are getting more successful all the time. I was originally diagnosed in 1996 with my reoccurrence as stage 4 in 2013. This is a crazy disease and I don't like it but my doctor keeps telling me he has a lot of new ideas for treatments and I believe him.

  • JoynerL
    JoynerL Member Posts: 1,392
    edited November 2019

    Sending hugs, Topacio!

  • denny123
    denny123 Member Posts: 1,529
    edited November 2019

    Topacio---sending prayers and hugs! We are here for you!

  • Topacio
    Topacio Member Posts: 34
    edited November 2019

    thankyou girls....I really need it.

    I want just to say that this terrible decease has bring me good and bad things, I have found a new family and friend that didn't have before.... I was blind ... I use to think that your family is going to be there for you when need it.... It turns out that wasn't the case, they run as fast as they could so they don't have to deal with it.... The people that you will never think they will be betrade you ...will, and also you will find new friends who will help you trough thought times .....with out you support will be very dificult ...

    Thanks again.....

  • Kattysmith
    Kattysmith Member Posts: 688
    edited November 2019

    Topacio, I'm so glad that you have a supportive group of those who truly love you and will be there for you. We're here, too, and I'm sending well-wishes for comfort and clarity regarding your lung lining.



  • lizo1
    lizo1 Member Posts: 94
    edited November 2019

    Topacio - sending you prayers.


  • Naesha
    Naesha Member Posts: 44
    edited November 2019

    @Topacio, wishing you good luck and sending prayers and hugs to you :-)

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited November 2019

    So I not going to be able to dress boots anymore once I start Xeloda?? I feel like from what people are saying I wont be able to shoes ever again?

  • denny123
    denny123 Member Posts: 1,529
    edited November 2019

    Nicole...depends. Since you are on a low dose, you might be okay. The first year that I was on it, I bought some really nice memory foam sandals.

    But now my toenails look so bad, that I wore flats or sneakers all summer.

    Maybe if you buy extra cushy insoles, you will be okay. I buy only Skechers now.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 760
    edited November 2019

    cross posting from liver resection thread

    Stubborn Liver tumors 🥴 no new mets -yay! But my ct scan showed mm growth in all 3 tumors-considered stable by MO. Even on 4000 mg / day of X arggg

    SO wants shrinkage to go ahead with resection. Surgery is not ruled out if I get shrinkage. MO said not to expect shrinkage on X since I did not get in in the 3 months.

    But holding mostly stable is good considering tumors doubled in size from 1st scan in late March to scan in early May when I got my plan at MD Anderson i have had slowed progression but some growth on 3 months of verzenio/fazlidex and now3 months on high levels of Xeloda.

    MO said she was ok with SBRT but breast RO said the 3 tumors would require a lot of radiation and referred me to get an MRI and consult with gastro RO so more questions there

    Meanwhile MO wants a new biopsy for the molecular study since old biopsy is out of tissue and liquid biopsy showed nothing which is unusual. Good to have so I can see what other meds will be available.

    MO is worried about going through the current choices too fast She wants me to stay on Xeloda 2 more months since it slowed progression of the aggressive tumors. I Guess I can wait 2 more months through the holidays with X then hit it hard with another chemo to get shrinkage. MO said she would not even suggest one until after the biopsy and return for scans In January.

    Will talk with interventional radiologist about the other options like y90 or various ablations when I have the biopsy in 2 weeks.

    MO said try to keep on current dose of 2000 mg morning and night.she does not want me to do every other week but said I could drop 1 am pill if SE worsen. I hate the HFS which is my main SE on X but
    In it to win it!

    I feel a little in limbo


  • denny123
    denny123 Member Posts: 1,529
    edited November 2019

    Sorry Dee,

    How big is your biggest tumor? My biggest was 8cm x 9cm. Stability is good. Gemzar & Herceptin got rid of my tumors quickly.

    Is that an option?

  • denny123
    denny123 Member Posts: 1,529
    edited November 2019

    YAY me! Just saw my onc and I am still NED! Dec 16 will be the beginning of my 18th year since dx'd with Stage 4 MBC de novo! I started X 22 months ago and am also getting Herceptin.

    But scan showed severe calcification of my mitral annulus (heart), and he said that it is because of old age (I am 70).

    Will try to lose weight anyway.