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Mastectomy Sept 2011



  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461
    Sarah I took my first shower today, too.  I also would liken it to a religious experience - especially getting my hair washed!  I didn't have a nice "shower shirt", so we cut a hole in a plastic bag and put it over my head, tucking a towel around the neck to prevent drips.  Gives a whole new meaning to the term "bag lady". Wink
  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092

    It is amazing how the simplest pleasures become so big!!    Pooping, showering, diarreah...we are definitely family discussing these things together. My 19yr old daughter had to clean places on me that no 19yr should have to look at much less clean!  Just could not get my arms there.  So glad to have you all to take this journey with.  You are all making it so much more doable. 

    dancetrancer, sarah and all of you just beginning the surgery recovery--well wishes to all and happy healing.  I can finally sleep on either side I choose now.  Makes me happy.


  • dancetrancer - that was our first plan, before I found this thing on line - my husband was going to repurpose a thick contractor trash bag and use some duct tape. I'm sure you made a very cute bag lady! 

    Hey Maggie - when was your surgery? I am fantasizing about sleeping on my side . . . my butt gets so sore and I am normally a side/stomach sleeper. And funny you should mention wiping, etc. - my husband was SO RELIEVED that he didn't have to do that for me. I seem to be able to take care of that stuff myself.

    Funny story on that topic - when I was first dx'd in '01, we had a cat (mine from pre-marriage, hubs merely tolerated him). When we were talking to my oncologist about what was OK to do on chemo, my husband asked specifically if I was still going to be able to scoop the pee/poop from the litter box. Onc. said it was fine so long as I washed up well. Husband did a fist pump and guess who scooped, cleaned, etc. while bald and on A/C? Me.

    Happy to report that the BMX has gotten me out of ALL household and childcare responsibilities. I miss it in a way, but even though I would never want a BMX, I will admit to you gals that I am secretly loving being off-duty and just taking care of myself right now. 


  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Oh, Mags, I'm w/you and Sarah on the sleeping thing. I can't imagine sleeping on the side that has the TE in it. Could be because I still have a drain on that side. I'm hoping after my surgery on Wed. I will be able to sleep more comfortably. Sarah, I've always been a side/stomach sleeper, and I miss it!

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    There was a teacher at my school who had a breast augmentation and said she couldn't wipe for two weeks! I was horrified when I heard this because I couldn't imagine asking a family member to do this for me. Thankfully, that was not the case. Bad enough that my daughters had to help with sponge baths! Caryn

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092

    Sarah--my surgery was on Aug 23rd..i had SNb on right and AND on left with 18 nodes removed so took quite a bit to get on that side.  Then the port went into right side collar bone area on Sept 15th and could not get on side due to that.  Always took something to sleep until this week but loving the couple of hours per side I can do each night now.  Take care all in good time!


  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    I worried about that too Caryn. I even told my BS that we'd need to schedule around my period, 'cause I wasn't sure I could take care of that, and did NOT want to ask anyone either (if it could be helped)

  • Oh the period - I was so desperately afraid I'd have my period during surgery. Could not imagine a catheter + my period? Luckily it came exactly on time (a couple days early, in fact) so I was spared that . .. on the other hand, it must happen all the time. And those nurses, they see it all. 

    Did I mention that I had a male nurse for 2 days? A doc friend of mine says they call them "murses" behind their backs. At first I was nerved up about it - I mean, really, a male nurse for a mastectomy patient? But Rich and I bonded fast (although he strongly suggested my husband sponge bathe me, I think he was a little freaked about that). He helped me thru some rough days and he was so sweet. Older guy w/teenage grandkids. Salt of the earth. I won't forget those nurses, ever.


  • Well, Maggie - I think you're rocking the side sleeping after only 1 month and all those issues! You are my side-sleeping inspiration. Right now I'm still so drugged it's not as big a deal, but I bet as I start to feel better/more energetic, I'll get more frustrated. But like you say, all in good time. 


  • jazz3000
    jazz3000 Member Posts: 109

    Mags love your attitude...LOL

    Sounds like a Baday might be the order of the day for the double mastectomies.

    SAO - the drains came out so easy and I was so scared they were going to hurt when removed. What a relief to lie down and not to have to worry about them, or accidently pulling on one of the tubes. My Surgeon told me one of her pt made a  pocket for the bulbs inside her blouse. then forgot they were there and pulled the whole mess out. She had to have them reinserted.

    Wondered how I would feel when I looked in the mirror at the loss of the breast and I guess it hasn't really hit me yet. I don't feel one way or the other. Just bruised. Paranoid about having my shoulder lock up so I try to keep exercising the arm with range of motion movements.

    We definitely need  forums for the "Be Sure to Dress for the First Shower after Surgery", " The Secret Moves of the First Bowel after Surgery", and the "How to Decorate Those Tubes and Bulbs for the Holidays".  LOL

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Sarah - too funny about the cat.  My husband says we have an agreement.  He takes the front end (feeding), and I take the back end.  LOL.  I think I got the bad end of the cat on that deal!  (or as my husband would say, the sh*t end of that stick!)  

    I finally had success on "that end" (good grief, we DO talk about everything here!), but thankfully I now have enough shoulder motion to handle it myself!   


  • Girls, once you have cancer, you can talk to any other woman who's had cancer about the most intimate of details, within minutes of meeting each other! You just cut thru all the BS and get down to the nitty gritty. It's one of the things I like about the whole experience, actually. No more monkey-business.

    Jazz - I don't care if my drains hurt coming out. I just want 'em out. And really, from what you all have said and what others have told me, it's really not bad at all. After the stuff I went thru in the hospital, i can hardly imagine it being much of an event. But that is awful that that woman pulled hers out and had to have them reinserted. That would freak me out.

    I am the only person awake in my house right now - my 8-year-old is out, and my husband, who was reading news on his iPad on her floor while she settled in is now asleep in there . . . . this is the latest I've been up all week - probably b/c I slept a lot this afternoon. But this is too funny.


  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Did I ever mention that I am solid stomach sleeper? Man I can't wait til the last two drains go so I can at least sleep on my side again. Luckily I was able to take care of myself since I was blessed with the monthly curse 2 days post surgery! Between that & the minor yeast infection from the antibiotics, it was fabulous.

    That said, I actually do still think I am pretty lucky if those are my worst issues.

    So when do the TE's stop feeling like bricks?

    Gentle hugs all!

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    Funny story about male nurses; Right after the birth of my first child, I felt like I had to pee but couldn't. The nurse (female) tried several times to insert a catheter without any luck. I was getting a bit irritated with her, literally, so she said she would find another nurse to try. Imagine my surprise when a male nurse came in. He was very nice and slipped the catheter in quickly and painlessly. I was very grateful but it was unusual to see a male nurse in labor and delivery.


  • Lady-di
    Lady-di Member Posts: 74

    Have to tell you ladies that I've gotten quite the chuckle reading these posts tonight.

    I also have cats, got my period a week after, was so happy to have a bm 4 days after sergury and thankful that I had umx so I had one good arm so didn't need the help of my 19 or 21 yr old dd's.. Although my dh thought it was quite funny when he told the girls that I would need their help in that aspect. I smiled and told him he was an idiot!!

    Wecome to all the new ladies that have joined our group here.

  • mgm1953
    mgm1953 Member Posts: 5

    Hey ladies I'm trying to get my Mx/recon scheduled after the mammo found DCIS/suspicious focus in Aug. I've heard they want to sched my Mx/DIEP in late Nov.

    Anyone  else have to wait this long? Cruel.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Hang in there mgm1953.

    I was diagnosed 06/27 and just had surgery 09/13.....Waiting truly sucks! We are here for you.


  • mgm1953
    mgm1953 Member Posts: 5

    odie 16 were there no surprises on the pathology after waiting that length of time? I hate walking around with evil specs in my chest!

  • mgm1953 - I was dx'd on June 6th and just had my BMX on 9/19 - how's that for a wait?? It was actually recommended by my surgeon so that friends would be back in town to help us out and my daughter would be in school all day so I could just rest & recover. I haven't gotten my final path. back, of course, that'll be another week or so, but generally BC is VERY slow to grow and you don't need to worry about that length of wait. I know it feels awful, and I will tell you it was a hard summer for me w/the waiting - but sometimes just getting all the surgical players together takes that long!

    When I was first dx'd w/BC in '01, it was invasive and they told me I'd likely had it for about 8-10 years prior to diagnosis . . . I was 32 at dx, so that'd mean it started in my early 20's. And I was still "only" stage 1.

    Hang in there - and listen - go for a second opinion and even a third if you feel something's not right - this is your body - you drive the bus!


  • groovygirls
    groovygirls Member Posts: 100

    My daughter says " no offense mom but you have alien boobs"

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    We have 1 cat in our home. I usually feed her and my DH cleans the litter. But, in my defense, I do clean up my fair share of crap (we have an old dog). Was sleeping like a baby until said dog woke me up barking. I'd be a little pissy about it, but that's 1 less mess I had to clean up. Yay!

  • groovygirls - what kind of reconstruction did you have? this a.m. my daughter was saying "they're kinda lumpy, mom, can't they make them not lumpy?" OMG - one week post-op tomorrow - not lookin' my best at all, and not worried about it yet, either. besides Barbara Smith said "I think you will be very very pleased with your cosmetic results." She's the (wo)man, so I'm going w/that!

  • groovygirls
    groovygirls Member Posts: 100

    I love Barbara. She called me at 7:00 on a Friday night to give me the path results. Such a kind and compassionate woman- so happy I had her

     I had immediate reconstruction with silicone- still healing. Incision sites are scaring looking for a 12 year old plus no nipples..... She has been extremly helpful but draws the line at help with drains (I tease her about it- I can manage just fine)

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415


    As Sarah said, the tumor likely has been there much longer and was relatively unchanged during the wait for surgery, Final pathology report post surgery did not have any surprises but I know that doesn't make the waiting easier.  I too found that the wait was more for coordination of specialists than anything else.

    Hugs to all!

  • Groovygirls - so similar to me - I still have nipples and did saline, but same procedure. Barbara told me the other day that this is so new and they are having such great success that they are still "high-fiving" each other outside the operating room after every successful surgery. I am chomping at the bit for those path results. I need the loop closed! Have you followed up w/your PS? I go Thurs. to see Colwell, who I like more and more - she's a tougher nut to crack than Smith (how many surgeons are as personable as Smith?) but she has loosened up over the last week and now I kinda get a kick out of her. 

    So yesterday I had a shower, which I referred to as a religious experience. Today I have much more energy, so I took it upon myself to shave my legs. All by myself. Let me tell you, ladies, THAT WAS A TREAT. You see, I'm part Lebanese and I am one scary hairy lady. It's been a week since those suckers saw a razor and I think that was also contributing to my itch (if I posted a pic here of this rash, you would be horrified, it is unbelievable - but healing slowly at least). I feel like a new woman. Now if I could only sleep somewhere but on my back, the rash on my back/butt would clear faster. I'm trying to sit in different chairs today instead of bed to see if I can get a little more air circulating.

    So for those of you yet to have surgery - I'm one day shy of a week post-op and this a.m. I did my own sponge bath, dressed myself, and later stood in my shower and shaved my legs (we have a bench in our shower so that of course made it much easier). It is amazing the gains in energy you make every day. I still have to limit walking b/c of some compromised skin on my left breast, but if I didn't I could've walked around the block or even more, no problem. This is a very tough thing to go through, but the anticipation is the WORST. And look - you get to come back to the board afterwards and discuss bodily functions, hairy legs and lumpy boobs - there's something to look forward to!


  • mgm1953
    mgm1953 Member Posts: 5

    Sarah, Crikey, you did have a long wait. And endured. Thankfully they caught it early,

    which I hope is my situation too. I do have this "suspicious focus" that makes me nervous.

    As for the slow growth, that would indicate this was part of the original cancer...which my BS posited.But my 2nd opinion BS thought it was a second primary, cause its in another quadrant. I just keep thinking it's cause I had too much soy or too many easy to beat yourself up. The BS said its the genes, baby. 

  • mgm1953
    mgm1953 Member Posts: 5

    Sarah, Crikey, you did have a long wait. And endured. Thankfully they caught it early,

    which I hope is my situation too. I do have this "suspicious focus" that makes me nervous.

    As for the slow growth, that would indicate this was part of the original cancer...which my BS posited.But my 2nd opinion BS thought it was a second primary, cause its in another quadrant. I just keep thinking it's cause I had too much soy or too many easy to beat yourself up. The BS said its the genes, baby. 

    Odie- good to hear nothing was growing during that wait. Somewhat reassuring. Thanks and best wishes to all!

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Lisa - positive energy coming your way for your surgery 2morrow!

  • Lady-di
    Lady-di Member Posts: 74

    Lisa- you will be in my thoughts and prayers for tomorrow. You can do it. I'm hopping you got my reply to your message.. Since I didn't hear anything else back from you I just want to check that it went through okay.

    Mgm- you can't keep beating yourself up about it. It won't change anything and you will just drive yourself crazy. I think we all have those 'what it's. At least I know I do. I waited too long for a mammogram when I had family history of bc... Hopefully you trust your doctor that he is taking you down the right path for you. I does take alot of time. It was 4 mths for me between my mamo and surgery. It felt like forever!!!!!!!

  • groovygirls
    groovygirls Member Posts: 100

    Sarah- I went back last week to the PS (Dr. Austin) to have 2 drains removed. Started to cry because I thought it would have been all of them. They are conservative and want to wait until the drainage is less than 10 cc. Met that goal today so hopefully this week they will be out! I found I can sleep on my side with just the two- in fact my husband is waking me up to tell me I am sleeping on my side! I have to keep reminding him- it's okay....I think they are near a nerve- I get a flash of burning/searing pain now and again. I'll be a happy girl when they are out...

    How soon can I train for a marathon? I am signed up  for one in January....