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Mastectomy Sept 2011



  • Lady-di
    Lady-di Member Posts: 74

    Donna- welcome and you will be in my thoughts tomorrow

    Joanna & Sue, best fof luck to you ladies also.

    Teeni- I am so happy that you decided to post and I'm so sorry that you are here. Dont give up yet. These boards are filled with women living beyond cancer and you will too. Take time to be sad, upset and angry. Your journey may be a little longer than some but your in the right place. We will be hear for you. It's amazing have strong we become when we have no other choice!!!

    Tina- thanks for sharing your song with us

    Dancetrancer- hoping you have a safe flight home.

    Had a busy day yesterday . Put a softy foob thing on that comes with the cami and went out for a bit. It was nowhere near the right size or shape but wore a jacket over it. it was too warm for the jacket but couldn't take it off. My daughter and I went and had our eyebrows done. Wasn't sure if I should bother since it's possible I could need chemo but figured may as well. Its one of those little things that make us feel a little more like our old self. The thought of chemo is scaring the crap out of me.

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    dianna123 --  the thought of chemo is very scary, but chemo today is easier then it use to be.  My ONC Dr is big on making sure she kept the side effects to a minimum.  I found the worse side effects were constipation, diarrhea and fatigue.  Just make sure your ONC Dr gives you all the drugs you need to manage the side effects.  I learned and my Dr agreed that attitued is half the battle against side effects.  You have already been through surgery so you are a strong lady you will make it through chemo.

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Olgah ---  I hope you are doing ok we haven't heard from you in a while.

  • groovygirls
    groovygirls Member Posts: 100

    Almost fifty- I have no good answers for you. My thoughts and prayers are with you and all my virtual sisters

    Sarah- I used a cloth belt around my waist and pinned the drains to that when I showered. I leaned as far forward from the waist as I could and as far as my "t-Rex" arms would allow me to reach. It's a lather rinse and repeat!

    I am off to lunch today with some girlfriends!

    How much time are people taking off from work. I had been planning on a month and I am supposed to go back in one week but I get so fatigued- not sure if I can do a full day.....

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Good afternoon all.

     First and foremost, Welcome Donna333 & Teeni. Sorry for the delayed response and hate that you have to join us however you couldn't have found a better bunch.

    Donna333, Joana & Sue - Wishing you the best during your surgery tomorrow. We will be with you in spirit and here for you after during your recovery.

    Teeni - Please know that my heart goes out to you as it seems your road may be bumpier but again, we are here for you to help you push forward.

    Sarah, Sarah Sarah!!!! I am so glad I can inject some humor and made you smile post-operatively. Humor has been my coping mechanism during this journey and since attitude seems to be key, I hope to share that. Thank goodness I was not doing the Conway shuffle post-operatively as I may have hurt myself laughing! And fyi, I have boob envy!!! I can't wait to get my implants as these te's are just uncomfy!

    diana123 - I too am scared to death of chemo! Maybe we can get thru it together. Scheduled to see the onco Monday the 10th and will find out the plan then.  Will cheer you on regardless.

    I am currently set for a month off post-surgery but will adjust it accordingly based on the decided trmt direction. Glad to see I am not the only one easily fatigued as I feel like a slug somedays but am trying to improve that a little day by day! 

    Wishing everyone a restful & great day !

  • JoannaT
    JoannaT Member Posts: 15

    Thanks for all the well wishes for my surgery tomorrow. I have to admit that I'm pretty anxious about the whole thing -- especially waking up in recovery and not knowing where I am, not being able to see (I wear contacts), etc. I hate that time of disorientation. Any last minute suggestions for what to take to the hospital?

  • groovygirls
    groovygirls Member Posts: 100

    My family made me a smallish quilt with all their handprints and well wishes on it. I wore it as my superman cape. It was the perfect size and weight for my bed and for when I was sitting in  chair. Plus I felt embraced by all my family's love and support. It was a big it at the hospital too!

    I had a picture of my family at bedside

    I would bring comfy PJ bottoms, slippers, your own toothbrush and paste and chapstick. Other than that you will be napping/resting/recovering. I did not need anything on the list of "what to bring" from the sticky.

  • groovygirls
    groovygirls Member Posts: 100

    Good luck at surgery tomorrow- I am two weeks post op, off pain meds, driving, and lunching with friends. I NEVER thought I would bounce back like this

     You will get thru this

  • babycakes82
    babycakes82 Member Posts: 11
    I am finally rid of the drains!  WAHOO!!  Just had the last one out yesterday.  I still have a little area off redness, but it is much better.  I am hoping to start my fills next week. Oh, and after I had the surgery, I went and had my hair washed, dried and styled several times at a nice salon!  I figured I deserved it and when you go to a salon, they do the best shampooing and head massage!  I had trouble bending over in the sink too.  AHHHHH. So, once I got my mobility back, I did my own hair.  I am three weeks post op, doing pretty good, back at work part time, although I still get fatigued.  I still have quite a bit of swelling on the right side which makes it uncomfortable.  I can't put my arm down next to my side well.  So I am still taking 1 pain pill daily when it is bad.  I am so happy I made this decision.  I have even been wearing sleeveless dresses and shirts to work with no jacket or sweater.  Smile  Ladies, we are all pretty tough! I am thankful for all of you and your stories.Laughing
  • Lady-di
    Lady-di Member Posts: 74

    Babycakes- you are my hero, I can't believe you are back to work part time and you must have went back with those drains. So happy for you that they are now out.

    Odie- just found out today I go see oncologist on the 4th. Its making it more real for me today. I'll be watching for you on he 10th.

    Groovygirls- I have no idea how long I'll be off work. Have to find out first what treatments are next. I just know I'm not returning yet if I need chemo or rads.

  • Howdy, September Sisters - big day for the Sarester today and I am just completely wiped, but how can I not check in here w/my girls?

    First off - got "the call" this a.m. from my BS - pathology clear. No surprises. DCIS gone. Nothing invasive - so I am now on to healing up from the BMX and moving forward. Yes!

    Next - went to the allergist who is pretty sure I'm allergic to opiates - so all that dilauded and percocet they were pumping me up with has been causing my extreme rashiness. This, BTW, is in direct opposition to what my (brilliant) BS posited in the hospital - she said "oh, no one is allergic to opiates!" I got a bunch of blood drawn today, they're going to investigate the anesthesia I got, etc. and I go in for a bunch more testing in a few months. Apparently opiates are tough to test for b/c they increase the histamines IN EVERYONE, so if you're having an allergic reaction to something else, and then take, say, dilauded, it'll amplify the reaction. My words of advice to you gals is: if you have an allergic reaction in the hospital, demand an allergy consult while you're in-patient. I do not know how neither my husband, nor I, ever thought of this, but my guess is I could've saved a lot of discomfort. Sheesh.

    Now, for my buddies here who're staring chemo down and freaking . . . I've been there, and done that. It is NOT fun, but it is NOT the B-movie chemo you might be imagining. There are GREAT drugs to manage side-effects. Yes, more drugs, but remember - let's not be heroes - let's fight the f-ing cancer. You can do this. You will get through it. And you know what? When you are done, you will be nearly fearless. Join up on the chemo board, but don't leave here . . . I want to know how you are and I am confident that you will all do just fine. It's another hurdle, but you women are high jumpers, all.

    Margie - tape is my enemy. I think the clear stuff you're referring to is Tegaderm - another nemesis of mine. I had only steri-strips over my incisions, and when I went to the PS Monday when my rash was truly horrid, she took those off and used Dermabond (again, not sure if that's the actual name - is that the denture cream???) - anyway - a clear surgical glue, basicaly, to seal the incision sites. Steri strips are usually fine for me but she was trying to get every trace of tape/adhesive off me possible. Otherwise, I have paper tape which does irritate me a bit, but it's not horrid like your reaction to the Tegaderm. Just tell EVERY SINGLE PERSON you come across in the hospital about this - the pre-op nurses, the recovery people - everyone's always trying to tape you up and sometimes the allergy gets lost in the shuffle.

    OK, more later - this blabbermouth is going to rest again.

    Hugs to all,


  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Best wishes to JoannaT, Sue, and donnad333!  I know how fearful the night before is - trust in the doctors and in knowing you are doing what you need to do to beat this thing.  You are stronger than you know!

    Well, I made it home!  Had my plastic surgeon appt this morning - he was so excited to see how I looked he was practically jumping for joy!  Dr. Khouri sure does love his work.  He kept exclaiming "you look beautiful, you look beautiful!"  Wow, what a cool doc.  I still have several more procedures to go through before I get my final result, but I can see I am clearly on the way.  

    Anyways, got the dreaded drains removed - YAHOO!!!!!   Yay, now I can breathe without pain again - what a relief!!! 

    We had 2 connecting flights to get home - about 6 hours total travel.  I handed it very well - got a wheelchair as I knew I didn't have the stamina to do all that walking in the airports.  DH had fun pushing me around - oh boy - he's a jokester, so you can imagine how much fun he had with this.  

    BTW, DH used to call my breasts "the girls".  Now he has taken to calling them "the new girls."   As in, "How are the new girls doing?"  LOL.  The guy knows how to keep me laughing!  

  • serenitysue
    serenitysue Member Posts: 3

    Thanks for the wonderful wishes for a great surgery tomorrow. I have been holding up pretty good today, until I ran into a teacher's aide at my kids' school and she told me she was a three year survivor.  Hugs and tears, because only one who has walked this path before understands.

    Four weeks ago I "didn't have cancer" (yet to be diagnosed). Now I have bilateral mastectomy in the morning, with aggressive chemo starting in three weeks. I am ready for the surgery, as my lumpectomy of two weeks ago left a fluid pocket in my right breast which annoys the heck out of me (think a filled canteen that makes sounds when the liquid shifts.) Blah!

    I had my four kids write all over my forearms so when I wake from the fog of surgery I will see and remember why I must keep moving on.  My favorite was the six year old drawing a mommy with big boobs and stick legs with the words "bye bye boobies" on them. I will have to get a picture to put on my CaringBridge site.

    My heart reaches out to those who've done this before me, those having surgery tomorrow, and those yet to reach the point of diagnosis and decisions.  I wish all of you a peaceful night and I will check in soon.

    Peace and love to you all,


  • rk85
    rk85 Member Posts: 80


    So glad to hear you, DH and the new girls are back home safe and sound.  How great that Dr. K was raving about your new girls!  They should be much better behaved than the old ones too.

    How awesome that you did 30 minutes on the bike before your drains even came out.  Let us know if exercise seems to give you more energy as you progress.  It was only 2 days ago that you were winded from walking to the Dr.'s office. 

  • rk85
    rk85 Member Posts: 80

    Sending you good thoughts Serenity Sue, for your surgery tomorrow and a fast recovery.  We will be waiting to hear from you after!

  • donnad333
    donnad333 Member Posts: 10

    All the best to Sue and JoannaT for Thursday surgery. And thanks to all you well-wishers for my own surgery tomorrow. (Actually--by now-- guess it's today.) What a comfort it is to have a circle of friends who have the perspective not only for plain talk, but also for inspiration.

    Can't get to sleep. Damn. My check-in is scheduled for 0900, with sentinel node mapping at 1000 ...I'd guess my case will be somewhere between 1100 and 1200. Sarah, as you know, my mind is swimming all over the place. By the next time I'm online, I hope to be a bit more at peace.

    Take care everyone,

    All the best, Donna

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    I've been remiss in wishing my September sisters well but all my thoughts and prayers are with you. I have been faithfully doing my pt exercises and lymph drainage massage since I am terrified of lymphedema.I also had my chemo orientation although I have no start date yet since I have no date for the nipple removal surgery. Hopefully that will be in place shortly. I decided to turn down the clinical trial and will just do 6 cycles of TC. I admit to being terrified of chemo. I am also not sure of what to do with so much free time as my onc says I can't go back to work until March! Good thoughts to you all. Caryn

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    Almost fifty, I know this must be scary,especially when you hoped for a better path report. Rather than think of chemo or surgery or rads working individually, think of them as working in concert. Each cleaning up after the other. You have already made it through so much and you will make it through the next step too.

    Sarah, Did your ps really say that no one is allergic to opiates??? I don't know what the strict definition of an allergy is but morphine and me didn't get along too well! Great news on the path report.


  • bayareamom
    bayareamom Member Posts: 19

    Hi All,  I am new to posting here.  Been lurking a bit but felt shy about posting.  I am having bmx tomorrow...I am ready and know that I made the right decision.  I was very anxious about surgery until I met with the oncologist and now realize that chemo is what I should be eorring about!!  I will check back in tomorrow once I get coherent.

  • BayAreaMom - so that's today? I'm sorry you've felt shy to post, but glad you did and I will be thinking of you and hoping all goes well - even though it's not a decsion any of us should have to make, it's great you feel good about the choice . . . take one step at a time - here is to an uncomplicated surgery and speedy healing for you!

    Caryn - yes, BS said no one's allergic to opiates - I think it was her being dismissive rather than literal, b/c there are more than a few women I know who are allergic to morphine, in particular. I think her view is that the larger % of people are allergic to antibiotics, so that was likely the culprit. As for what to do while on chemo - can't remember if you are a support group person, but that's an option. Also, exercise - heavier as you can tolerate (between recon rehab and fatigue) and something like tai chi if you're more fatigued later. Have everyone collect their old mags for you and drop 'em off. Start a Netflix subscription - maybe there is a tv series you haven't seen but could get all back-episodes of? See friends. You will not be sick in bed all day. There will be better and worse days and you'll know your rhythm pretty quickly.

    Dancetrancer - hooray for home and hooray for an excited PS! that's quite a trip, glad you held up OK. Yahhhhoooooo no drains!

    Babycakes - working? you're my hero. I also decided yesterday that I'm going to make appts. w/my hairdresser to get my hair done a couple/three days/week. Have girlfriends chomping at the bit to do "something" for me, and we could take a ride for my wash/blowout and then have a little lunch. Sounds decadent - just the sort of thing I need now. Thanks for the inspiration!

    To all having surgery today, again, holding you close in my thoughts. Can't wait to hear from you on the other side.



  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Welcome to the new Sept. sister group, my how we've grown! Hoping for a speedy recovery for Sue, Donnad and Joanna.

    Sarah, jeesh, sounds like you've had one heck of a time. Talk about having something to take your mind off the surgery site. I'm sending you hugs (not touching you though). You sure have a great spirit.

    I had another surgery yesterday. My original skin sparing didn't take, so PS went in and reduced my TE and got rid of the extra skin. Wow, what a difference. She also "walled in" the area so I finally got my last drain out. Yay me! Not really sure how she did it, and frankly I don't care. Just a small sore spot, other than that, finally feel like I'm on the healing road w/everyone else.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    SerentitySue - love that you had your kids write on your arms - that is so sweet!  What a great thing to wake up to! 

    Caryn - did they send you to PT preventatively or did you develop problems and have to go?  I'm starting my own PT program today (I'm a PT, LOL) now that I don't have any restrictions.  Looking forward to getting my normal reach back!

    Sarah - I'm definitely allergic to opiates - Lortab and especially Percoset - crazy itchy all over when I take those!  I guess Demerol is not in that family of medicine b/c that is what they prescribed instead.

    BayAreaMom - Welcome!  I wish you the best for your surgery today and do hope you continue to post.  

     P.S.  I really wish they had a quote feature on this site.  Makes it so much easier to reply to everyone.   

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Welcome bayareamom---  this is the best group of women and man I have ever been around. 

    Sarah---  Congrats on path results that had to be a fantastic call.

    for those getting ready to start chemo my onc nurse told me before I started mine to image the chemo over taking the cancer cells while sitting in the chemo chair.  For me I pictured the chemo as pacman and he was chumping up all the cancer cells.  It might sound silly but I think it helped me.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Lori - Yeah for the new surgery and feeling better!!!!! 

    TAPPY Member Posts: 39

    Checking in with all of my Sept Sista's this morning.

    Hugs and prayers to all of those who are "going in" the rest of the month. 

    I am two weeks post op and feeling good...I am going to call my surgeon and see if I can go with out my sports bra, It feels so much better NOT to wear it - so that has to be good right ?

    I am off to see the Wizard this morning (onc doc) !

    Thinking of you all and gentle hugs

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    This is to all my "sisters" who have had surgery already.  I go in tomorrow for one last appointment with my BS before my surgery Tues.  Is there anything you all meant to ask but forgot?

    It is really starting to hit home that surgery is coming up.  Today is my last day at work.  I have worked fulltime through chemo (work really helped the time go by quickly) now I am going to be out of work for 3-6 weeks.

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Thanks, Margie, I am fighting chemo...It is not that bad, but I am having fatique and stomach problems.Also, TE are not fun at all. I need to massage it now, I even cannot look at them...Without tears.

    Sarah, I guess, I have a monster now...Grade 3 HER2 ....But it did develop within 2 years, my last mammogram was in 2009...

    Sorry, I am depressed... Probably chemo does it... Cannot sleep without ativan


  • chonikel
    chonikel Member Posts: 71

    Positive thoughts to all you ladies today - post op , pre op and those sisters in surgery!!

    Wow - there are so many of us it is hard to keep track.

    Grey day here today - pouring rain - I am finding a great deal of pain in my left arm still from the Lat Flap surgery - cannot find a comfortable positon.  Standing and moving around just seems to aggravate it.  So as much as I am trying to wean off the pain meds - I can't do it yet or wind up in tears.

    Maybe it's the weather today -but I can't get out of this chair.  Yesterday had a good day walking around and getting some activity.

    I am going to get a shower today - so that will perk me up a bit :)

    Not sure how long this nerve pain lasts but  it is annoying!  Anyone else in a similar boat?
    CANNOT WAIT for drains out on Monday.  Esp the one in my back.

    I think i am just being impatient :)  I want to feel better now and move on

    Oh well - today will be a down day - good to chill and read and heal.

    Love to you all...

    To the chemo ladies - I did it 7 years ago - and like Sarah said - there are SO MANY drugs to help with side effects.  Now I did A/C - not Taxol so i mostly dealt with nausea and MAJOR constipation - but you can stay on top of it - and I worked through most of it just taking one day off for treatment on Friday.  Radiation was what made me so tired.  

    Babycakes back at work - WOAH - that's crazy!! You are amazing!!  I can't even get out of my chair... :) 

     Hugs to all.


  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Olga --  I hope you get feeling better soon.  Your body and mind are going through so much that it only natural to get dressped and have issues sleeping.  My PS told me that the TE are not comforable and I am sure I will be like you and be upset when I look at them since they do not look like our breast that were remove.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Tina, I can totally understand why you are still on pain meds.  You had tissue harvested from another area of your that you happen to need to lean upon to rest.  Uggh!  And there is a drain there.  Double uggh.  I definitely had pain from my drain on the R.  I believe it was rubbing against a rib or something.  I couldn't get a deep breath without pain.  I felt so much better after they were removed, and I believe you will, too.  Hang in there!!!  

    BTW, are you allowed to use ice on the lat flap harvest area?  Just a thought that perhaps you could add that to your arsenal of pain relief modalities, if allowed by the doc.  I would definitely get clearance from the doc before trying it, though! 

    Even if you are just sitting in the chair, can you do some leg exercises to keep the circulation moving?  You know - ankle pumps, kickouts, etc.  Simple stuff, not too taxing, but enough to keep those legs moving?  Just a thought. 

    That shower is going to feel great!  I will take my first one today without the chest bandage and will be doing it by myself.  Aaah!!!