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Mastectomy Sept 2011



  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Odie - so glad you've got someone watching your case closely - that surely gives some comfort! 

    Everyone, thanks for the empathy!  Going a bit nuts here, LOL!  

    Sarah, the second reconstruction entails liposuction from my legs and then that fat is injected in microdroplets into my chest.  I am currently wearing those domes - Brava - for preexpansion to create increased blood flow/matrix so that the fat will survive.  It has been quite an experience thus far, LOL!  I'm really excited about it, even though the domes are a pain in the *ss, LOL.  Every morning I wake up to expanded foobies, so I can see it working!

    We are trying to get this second recon squeezed in so that perhaps I will get big enough that I won't need to try additional recon after radiation. It is doable after rads, but it is a much more difficult process with additional surgeries required.  Would like to skip all that if I can, of course!  

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Linda, my surgeon has otherwise been somewhat lacking with post-op care, in my opinion, but I do appreciate that she got the amoena rep out to the hospital for me. My drains came out before I left the hospital, so I was able to get dressed with the foobs for going home, which was nice. They are not, however, "fitted" prostheses, just those little "pillows" meant for post-op and radiation wear (very light, made of bacteria resistant fabric etc).

    I got the rash too, and my surgeon said it was from the glue in the dressings. She gave me something like aquafor and it cleared up fairly quickly.  

    I would love to go shopping with you, but I am in Greece, so probably a bit tricky to meet up ;) I am planning a trip to the US in the spring though, so maybe then. 

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Momine, would LOVE to go shopping with you when you get to the US! Although I am  not a great shopper... my youngest sister and my mom are pros!

    The shopping for boobs trip was kind of a bust.... sorry about the pun.... but seriously, they didn't have any bras in my size, and might not be able to get one - I never really thought of myself as small, but getting measured was a more objective piece of data.... nothing fits.... *sigh*...  And then she forgot to measure me for my LE sleeve, and I forgot, so have to go back for that and the bras she was ordering in to see if I could use any of them.  I am considering just having a pocket sewn into my own bras or just going without.  The girl who measured me was very young and didn't seem to have a lot of ideas, just one brand.  I get a lot more information here!

    Dancetrancer, have you decided to go with the rads? When do you start? Your reconstruction sounds very interesting! Certainly not something that is common here.

    Have a good evening all.

  • Linda - whaaat? sounds like you got an inexperienced fitter, to me . . . any way you can find another place or at least get in w/a different woman? the place I've always gone has certified fitters who all seem to be older women who know EVERYTHING and have seen EVERYTHING and are just so sweet and comforting, to boot. In any case, I hope you find a solution that you feel good about. shopping for foobs - did you ever think that'd be on your 'to-do' list?

    Lorraine - will have to Google this Brava system - so glad it's working for you and hoping that you can build those bad-boys up enough pre-rads, if you go that route. Will be thinking of you tomorrow - keep us posted on what you hear.

    So - DD home w/a bad cold today, and I'm fighting it. Have any of you noticed that your swelling goes up a little if you're fighting off something? I am uncomfortable under the arms and this is all I can think of . . . lymph jacked up or something. Like my nodes are swollen under there. Anyway - she's on track to head back to school tomorrow, thank goodness, so I can get back to running around and over-doing. Just kidding!


  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Linda, I haven't decided on rads yet - have two RO appts this week and then will be pulling the trigger by mid-January.  And yes, fat grafting (complete after MX) is not very common at's an adventure and learning process, for sure! 

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Linda, try the online TLC shop run by the cancer society. They seemed to have many styles and a wide range of sizes, as well as very decent prices. How small are you?

    I ordered some stuff, but I am also going to experiment with sewing pockets into a simple jogging-type bra. It seems to me that would be both comfortable and simpler. I am also thinking that it should be possible to sew pockets into fitted, skimpy clothes, like evening wear. As long as the dress is tightly fitted in the bust and shoulders, it ought to work.

    I am not the shopping type, but my daughter claims I have a good eye, so I might not be worst companion you could have. May I ask which general quadrant of the US you are in? 

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Momine, I am in Nashville, TN.  Lots of historical sites around here, most of which I have not seen yet.  We have only been here 3 years.  I am going to ask my sister who sews to put some pockets in my new swim suits that I spent a fortune on last summer before recurrence and BMX, and maybe my sports bras.  I am a 28-30A, have often gotten bras in the teen section.  The smallest bra the shop here has seems to be 32B.... I thought about a DD, but my mom was a little concerned about me losing my balance and not being able to get up if I fall!!  Wink 

    Sarah, yes, I think I got an rather inexperienced, and I'm not sure she is certified.  I just assumed she was.

    I ordered stuff from TLC last year, and they were very good to work with.  They talked on the phone to answer questions about their wigs and wig care, and they were very good about a return of a bra that was on sale that was not the right size.  So I will probably call and work with them again unless this young chick in the Pretty In Pink shop becomes a little more helpful.

    Sleep well, all!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Linda, yes, you are pretty tiny, so modifying regular bras may be the way to go. I can see how a set of DDs would make you tip over, lol. On the other hand, with a figure like that, you can get away with a lot. It would be great fun to dress you. Now I just have to find a way to get to Nashville ;) Our "base" in the US is pretty much the NY-DC corridor.

  • chonikel
    chonikel Member Posts: 71

    i just posted a really nice update - and it didn't stick so I am annoyed - so I will write again later :)

    Love to all! 

  • chonikel
    chonikel Member Posts: 71

    Okay - let's try again - 

    I was trying to say that everyone seems to be doing okay - "all things considered"...

    Water heater - replaced - 1600 - i have hot water - just no money

     Today was my 3rd fill - still talking about the swelling - so my next appointment is Feb 16th... he doesn't want to take out the TEs until the swelling is gone. PS said he had a woman that insisted he do the exchange - and he told her he will have to do another surgery in another few months to adjust - 

    So It is looking like March at the earliest for an exchange.

     My PT is discharging me on Monday - so I just feel like I am being set "adrift" - all is Normal right?

    Work is back in full swing with 8 million things to do and 9 vacation days to use before the end of the year - so I will be working vacation  -  UGH.

    So it's all normal right?

    Anyway - I am so thankful for all of you and wish you all Blessings and Peace and Hope and Love in the coming year - God Bless.

    Love, Tina 

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,252

    Hi All,

    Today was the last day of rads to my femur/ hip. They rang a loud cow bell when I was done and gave me a "diploma" signed by all the rad techs. It was a very sweet gesture. Still have the fatigue but that should be gone in a week or so. Had a blood draw through my port today in preparation for my first Aredia infusion on Tuesday. Despite the big problem the port insertion caused, I loved having my blood draw from it. I didn't feel a thing (they use a numbing spray on the skin) whereas blood draws from my arm are torture. Met with a new onc. I immediately liked her much more than my original onc. She made me feel very positive and hopeful and said a bone met is treated like a chronic condition. She encouraged my questions and told me that it was great that I was learning a lot about my situation and treatments because it would empower me. When she examined me, she thought my implants were some of the best she had seen. Kudos to my ps. Best of all...she will medically release me to return to work! I hope everyone is doing well. Have a great weekend.


  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Congratulations Caryn!  Big step forward and a great way to start the weekend.  So glad you like your new MO.  It makes such a difference. TGIF!


  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Quick update on me (can't write too much, packing to leave for Miami tomorrow for my surgery next Friday):

    appt with local RO on Wed:  still advising bilat rads, plus thinks I might benefit from tamox, even though I am BMX....?

    appt with 3rd opinion RO on Thurs:  advises rads only to the R side (close anterior margin); says having fascia removed on L side should protect me from deep margin that was close

    appt with MO at 3rd opinion facility: scheduled this last minute after local RO advised Tamox.  MO said she didn't feel I needed Tamox, since essentially after a BMX there is very little breast tissue remaining.  She also said she didn't feel I needed rads, not even on the R side, b/c the DCIS was so small there (2 mm), and also what was at the margin was LCIS, not DCIS.  She is going to take my case to the tumor board though, and final recommendations will be made after that.  She also wants me to meet with their BS/PS (yes, he is board certified in both -is that something or what?) to get his take on my procedure.  She told me I still have time to wait on the rads decision, so I will have these follow-up appts in early January.

    So that's where I'm at...gotta get packing finished and some bills taken care of...busy, busy!


  • chonikel
    chonikel Member Posts: 71

    Caryn - That is great news - so glad to hear some good things for you!!! 

    Lorraine - Safe travels - and praying for clarity in January on your decisions.

    Husband's sister is in the hospital so my weekend is now going to be spent traveling and visiting - there is no way i will be ready for christmas next week - all i had was this weekend.

    Oh well - what can you do.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend,


  • Hi ladies - quick check-in before the gun goes off and we're all running around this last weekend before Christmas.

    Caryn - wahoo on finishing rads! So glad the port was useful - it's the least it could do for you after causing you so much grief w/the lung puncture, etc. It's about time something went smoothly for you.  And I'm all fired up for you about the new oncologist. This is JUST what you need - a partner in this and some optimism - and you have reason to be optimistic. Hope the fatigue goes away quickly - what're your plans for Chanukah? 

    Tina - I'm being cut loose from PT in Feb, but weaning down to every 2 weeks before that, and even that feels weird and risky to me. She is my reality-check, my beacon . .. I remember feeling this way when I finished all active treatment 10 years ago, too. We can remember that these people are only a phonecall away if we're unsure about something, right? Sorry about your DH's sister - that's important though, and you can scramble to "deal with" Christmas obligations. Just takes the joy out of some of it though, I'm sure. Sorry for that.

    Lorraine - What the heck. Another variable!? I was told that I might need tam. after BMX too, depending on the outcome of the surgery - and I honestly didn't do research on it at all b/c I figured I'd cross that bridge when/if I came to it. But it is absolutely done. That said, you don't have to do it! Good luck good luck good luck w/all these appointments and w/making a final decision - you DO have time, which is great. I'm certain that once you finally decide, you'll feel freedom b/c you've dotted ALL your i's and crossed all your t's, my friend. Looking forward to you feeling that way!

    Not much to report here, except that things are hectic and I'm feeling rundown. It's hard to tease out what is from post-op and what is just general holiday run-down. I had a great lunch w/two friends yesterday that lifted my flagging spirits, and am excited for this afternoon when DH and I will take our daughter out to look at lights and to have a nice dinner somewhere. I feel like we haven't done any fun holiday-themed activities together as a family, yet. Looking forward to NEXT Saturday, already, when we go to the holiday Boston Pops concert on Christmas Eve - THAT'LL get even the biggest Scrooge in the spirit!

    Hope everyone has a good weekend - safe travels, Lorraine!


  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Wanted to stop by and say hello to my favorite peeps!!.

    Caryn - Congrats on completing rads! Celebrate each victory along the way as you have truly earned them....I agree with Sarah on the port. Nice to see it was finally a good thing after all the trouble it caused you...

    DT - My Christmas wish for you is to find peace in whatever decision you come to on the rads. Off to get my first refill of my Tamoxifen today.. 

    Tina - Glad you are back in your own shower and sorry it came with a price. I feel your pain financially and wish you prosperity in the new year.

    Well I am off to run some errands and finish the holiday shopping with the masses. Hope everyone traveling for the holiday has safe travels and a good day today! Hugs....

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,252

    Happy Chanukah and Merry Christmas to all!

    What a great week. Had lunch with a friend on Monday and then we did our best to boost the local economy i.e. Shopping! Tuesday was my first Aredia infusion. I was very nervous, but it went well. My infusion center is quite large, at least 20 cubicles plus several private rooms with beds. Lots of windows so it's very light and bright. Plenty of room in each cubicle for at least two friends or family members. Great recliners and individual TV's. The staff is very positive. My nurse had done my blood draw last week so it was nice to have her work with me again. She was a doll. A volunteer came around giving out poinsettias and encouragement. Do they come in blue and white for Chanukah? Nice communal kitchen and a huge blanket warmer for use by patients and family. The infusion took about 90 minutes, then my port was flushed (love the port) and I was on my way. Feeling a bit flu like and achy today but not bad. It's supposed to pass in 24 hours and not happen after subsequent monthly infusions (2 years worth). No se's from Arimidex after almost 5 weeks. I know a positive attitude is not a cure or a guarantee of a cancer free life but it works for me and I am not ashamed of being the ultimate Pollyanna. May the holidays bring you all peace, joy and a bit of respite from our cancer battles. Caryn

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Hi All

    I wanted to pop in and wish you all a happy holidays.  I plan to take this time to show my gratitude to my amazing DH, family and friends for all their support over the past 8 months.  I am also so very thankful for all of you here who have given me your support.

    I hope you all have a wonderful holidays and put cancer in the back of your mind at least for now.

  • Lady-di
    Lady-di Member Posts: 74

    Wishing you all happy holidays,

    I'm just plugging along with my chemo tx's. I am very lucky to be able to enjoy christmas this year as my next tx is between Christmas and new years. The AC is done and I've had my first taxol portion. My next tx will include Herception also. Going for a heart scan tomorrow before it starts. glad to hear you all seem to be doing well and Caryn I love your positive attitude as I believe if we don't that then where would we be.

    Once again, I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season filled with family, friends and happiness.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,252

    Hi all,

    I have changed my avatar before without any problems. I deleted the one I was using, Pomeranian using an iPad, and can't upload a new one. Any hints? The edit function doesn't seem to be working. Caryn

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Popping in to tell you ladies Merry Christmas / Happy Hanukkah!!!! Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday filled with peace, love and joy.  

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Just a quick note to say I survived my surgery (2nd microfat grafting) yesterday.  It was a much more difficult day and night than I expected.  Surgery was 6 hours (not including recovery).  The scary part was I had tingling in my L hand until about 2 a.m. last night.  I could see that it was slightly more swollen (this is my SNB side) and that up by my clavicle I had increased swelling compared to the R (swelling was there, too).   I have tightness in my neck on that side, so I knew I had some extra predisposing factors.   I knew how to do manual lymph drainage and kept doing that every 15 minutes or so to the best of my ability.  It finally got better but I'm watching it very, very carefully.  I also was up every 15 minutes to go to the bathroom, then every hour on the hour last night.  It was a very intense night, but I made it though, and am indeed feeling much better this morning.

    Hope everyone is doing well and wishing everyone a wonderful holiday.  Here's to a better year in 2012 for all of us!   

  • Hi friends - stopping by to wish you all a very merry Christmas and/or a happy Chanukah! Lorraine - great to hear from you - was wondering how it went yesterday and am so glad to see you made it thru OK. That's a long surgery and it sounds like your body's reacting . . . but glad you made it thru the night - as we all know, the nights can be SO hard. Here's to things going smoothly for you in your recovery from here on . . . fingers are crossed for you.


  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Merry Christmas, happy Hanuka and Happy Hew Year to everyone! I am still recovering from chemo 5, the last one will be January3, cannot wait!

    I wish everyone to have great 2012 and speedy recovery!

    love, Olga

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Dance, glad to hear that you came through surgery OK.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    DT - Glad you have the surgery behind you now and hope you continue to feel better with each passing day. Agree that 2012 surely should be better for us all, I hope...

    Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. l enjoyed a low key holiday filled with family and good times. No present under the tree would've meant more this year. 

    Now I am counting down to saying good riddance to 2011. Ready to move on to a new year ...

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Lorraine --  glad to hear you made it through surgery.  Hope you continue to feel better and better.

    olga --  wow chemo finishing Jan 3 that is great.  Soonn this will all be a distant memory.

    5 more days and we can all say good by to 2011 what a year.  Here's to hoping you all have a fanstatic 2012.

  • Hi ladies - had an awesome Christmas Eve and Christmas day - followed by some good R&R the last couple of days. And yes, really looking forward to saying goodbye to 2011! Olga - your last chemo is one week from today - yippeeee! So happy it'll be over for you - it has been a rough ride for you.

     Hope everyone is enjoying a low-key holiday-ish week this week.



  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Olga, so glad to hear you are nearly done with chemo! It is a rough ride, but hopefully will catch any and all cancer cells that might be running around loose so they cannot cause more trouble for you!

    Sarah, glad you had some good R&R.  Caryn, are things continuing to go better for you?  Lorraine, good to hear you did well with your surgery - positive vibes for healing coming your way.

    Odie, Margie, Momine, chonikel, dia123, and everyone else, have a good evening! Hugs.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,252

    Hi Ladies,

    It seems like the end of the year got easier for many of us.

    Olga, yeah for almost being done with chemo!

    Linda, yes everything is much better. Have been going to the gym almost everyday and will be working with a trainer who has experience with cancer patients and understands LE risks. Met her today and I know we'll work well together.

    Still eating well and have really gotten into juicing. Borrowed a juicer from my SIL which works well but is a pain to clean. Had an amazon gift card so treated myself to a smaller easier to clean model.

    Older daughter is entering her third trimester. She looks and feels good and I have gone a bit crazy buying baby clothes. Just bought a pack n' play today so the baby will have a place to sleep in my guest room (actually my office since my younger DD's room is now the guest room).

    Best of all, I have been cleared to go back to work on 1/16. I can't wait as I am so bored at home.

    I wish you all a happy, peaceful and healthy New Year.
