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Radiation recovery



  • sloyd66
    sloyd66 Member Posts: 51
    edited January 2014

    hi mcgis!  check the ingredients of the eucerin you're using, I was told to use that at of a few other creams, when I looked the big bottle of eucerin had aluminum in it, which is what they tell us not to use in deodorant. I showed my dr and they was shock, so they are removing that off the list. right now I use aquaphor which has been working. i'm going on my 5th week now, so far so good

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited January 2014

    5th week of rads sloyd, you must be almost done!!!  Congratulations!!!

    Bunkie, that's amazing about your research.  It's really good timing--well, earlier would have been even better--to see this new endo and get the ultrasound.  It sure is high time to connect some dots.  Your weather sounds ridiculous.  I hope your basement doesn't get too wet.

    Kate, George Clooney should be so lucky!  It would be fun to go to one of those things just once.  Over twenty years ago my brother and his fiance went to the cable ACE award show because they'd written the script for a kids' show that was nominated.  My brother's fiance was mistaken for Molly Ringwald, which was really funny. She was much prettier than Molly Ringwald, but she did have similar hair at the time.  (My brother's fiance died in a car accident about a month later.  He has really never recovered.)

    Josie, about a week ago we got maybe a foot of snow. Then we went into a deep freeze.  Today it was supposed to be 49 and rainy, but the temps stayed close to freezing and the ground was cold, so there was a lot of melting and immediate refreezing.  Where I am, the temp never got above 34.  It has been absolutely treacherous driving around here today, lots of stories.  One fatal accident, a bit farther south in NH, mom driving, 16-year-old girl died.  My husband eventually got home from Montreal, but it was very hairy.  He said for much of the time, it was the worst fog he's ever driven in, and he nearly rear-ended a guy who was driving much slower because he just couldn't see more than a couple of feet ahead.  Then he was coming down a curvy hill with a huge drop-off on the right, and he started to slide toward the edge.  He was able to redirect the car and wound up in the other lane; fortunately nobody was coming.  Then on our street, nearly home, he spun 90 degrees and hit the snowbank.  Tomorrow it is still supposed to be slippery, but Monday should be OK.  

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited January 2014

    Josie, where is your sense of adventure lol. Please call George Clooney, and have his limo pick me up. I guess first have his stylist come over with either a pink or teal gown, and of course his make-up artist and hair stylist. I can dream can't I am sorry that you are not feeling well

    Bunkie I am sorry that you are having bad weather. I hope all goes well with your ultrasound on Monday

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited January 2014

    Runfree, so sad about your brother's fiance. Glad your hubby is home safely. You know the saying George Clooney can put his boots under my bed anytime. I'd love to run my hands through his gorgeous salt and pepper hair.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited January 2014

    Kate, you would fit in just fine with the rest of those beauties.George Clooney could only be so lucky.

    RunFree, That's terrible about your brothers fiance.I'm sorry.But glad to hear your hubby made it home safely.You know what they say " most accidents happen close to home "

    Feeling better I'm glad to report. HUBBY had to finish dinner but he was happy to do it.I just had to go sit for a while.

  • wyo
    wyo Member Posts: 165
    edited January 2014

    Hello to all!! I have missed you.  For some reason I did not have this favorite thread marked and lost it in all the other posts.  So much happening I can't possibly begin to respond to it all.

    I am really fighting fatigue and a cold I could not shake.  DH and I went to Vegas over Christmas and had a great time with all my kids, BIL/SIL, their kids MIL and my lovely granddaughter.  Why vegas you ask? Cheap airfare from both coasts and available timeshare on the strip haha

    I was following the food post on the other threads and bottom line I think I was not eating enough of anything since everything has something wrong with it---- though certainly not losing any weight just tired and looking it.  Today I said "enough"  I had a bowl of oatmeal with dried cranberries and bananas it tasted sooo good.  I keep hearing all the bad about oatmeal and honestly I love it - I would eat it every single day if I had a choice. I also know if you search the internet long enough every choice will have a supporting source haha. Found a nice article on Jillian Michaels link about oatmeal and triglycerides. Interesting and not a double-blind controlled study but.....convincing enough that I am not going to deny myself steel cut oats just not every single day. 

    My MO is also very mild about diet.  She was fine with Soy- I said well can I have a luna bar every day ( I did that some weeks when traveling for lunch) she said not every day.  I don't drink soda so no worries there.  She is big on the alcohol intake but she feels its more other lifestyle factors than alcohol as an absolute risk factor- She had no "don't eat/drink" advice at all everything in moderation. 

    Weather- I am hoping all you cold weather friends get out of the deep freeze soon.  We are verrrry dry in NorCal though it might have rained today for 15minutes or so.  Really cloudy but not much precip.

    Runfree my mom said it was raining and freezing as it hit the roads today in Plattsburgh and they actually had all roads in town closed until they sanded- so many accidents on the Northway and local roads.  She is headed to Florida this Friday until March and I can't wait to have her get out of that weather- she is a fiesty 90 lb 2x cancer survivor but insists on walking daily and with the ice..... 

    Kate- nothing is ever to graphic you know thatNerdy It sounds like you are thinking its some kind of "obstruction" not all the way but enough that you can't get things moving.  Did he let you try a stool softner at all? Like ducosate sodium a.k.a colace? might be able to keep the bulk down and let things "slip by" hahaha.  I thought about the lymph node removal thing and wondered if its just like axillary lymph nodes- if you take them out are their problems with swelling and pooling of lymph in the areas below the nodes- my hypothesis for now.  

    Cindy- hang in there- so much going on with you right now

    I will try to be more attentive to this thread and have bookmarked so I don't get far behind.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited January 2014

    kate I definitely can see you on the red carpet. My Dd got long hair extensions and I thought of you. My hair is thinning and if it persists on top I will try a few. I like the teal gown for you. 

    I just get so frustrated when I hear you are tolerating this long wait.  I know pain meds often contribute to constipation so its a tough solve. I always think what if this were the doc's family member?  Would the wait be the same?  I would think they wiuld want to get your procedures done as soon as possible.  Keep being vocal!

    No snow here today but we had the freezing rain Friday.  I slipped in ice even though it was raining.  Warmup coming. Runfree i cant believe DH told you all those scary details!  Glad he is back.

    Brookside did you get the fog too?  

    Cindy sorry you have to deal with more trips to the med center. Hope it resolves. 

    Hi wyo - dont lose us again- glad you had the oatmeal.  Sounds good to me. We have taken family trips to Las Vegas several times just as you said - good aur price and nice hotrls cheap - lots of freebees and great parks and scenery nearby. 

    Am typing on phone without contacts so no clue hiw this looks. 

    Went to breakfast Saturday at local democrats club. I am unaffiliated but friend who just finished rads invited me.  Speaker was great and it was nice to talk with adults!  The topic was protesting the Common Core standards adopted in NY which I have been reading over.  I just ordered the book "reign of error" by former education secretary. 

    I am enjoying my break between more week. 

    Be safe and stay warm -- and Bunkie stay high and dry. 

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited January 2014

    Runfree, Josie, and Joan thanks for the compliments.

    Josie, I am glad you are feeling better

    Wyo, sorry you weren't feeling well. I have tried Colace, but it makes me cramp too much. I am using both Miralax and Senna. I am glad you had fun in Vegas

    Joan, tell your daughter she needs to be careful with extensions. You can't keep them in all the time, because it causes traction alopecia. So keep them in for three months, Then put new one's in, and then take a break for 6 months. They are addicting.

    Joan you are right. If a doctor's family member were ill they would get a faster resolve. I think the problem with Doc was that he was on vacation for two weeks, and now struggling to catch up. He told me he gets 250 emails a day from patients. He answered an email last night, and asked me if he ever prescribed Bentyl, and asked for my pharmacy number. I imagine he will call it in today. It is for cramps. The bigger issue is if this is a lymph node partially obstructing my ability to go # 2 what will be done about it. Will he revisit me having lymph node surgery or will he prescribe chemo. I was feeling so sick last night I would have done anything for relief. I woke up at 4:30, and I don't want to do a repeat sleeping pill or pain meds, so I am stuck. Sleeping pills and pain meds cause constipation, so I limit them.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited January 2014

    Wish I'd thought of it--we could have all had our our virtual Golden Globes party.  Oh, well, maybe the Oscars?  We can all dress up and use the chatroom to oohhhh and ughhhh together. 

    Wyo, it seems that other than a couple of caveats, everyone's onc is pretty mellow about diet.  As for non-oncs (patients, nutritionists, health nuts, supplement vendors, USDA myplate, everyone else), there are so many conflicting (and unproven) theories that you'll go nuts, or starve, just trying to figure out your path.  After having read, and pretty much followed, all the healthy anti cancer diet things for years and years, I can report that my own research (statistic of one) does not particularly support the protective aspects of these strategies.  My one major failing was the verboten high fat diet, with accompanying high fat me, and just stepping away from that history is my current approach.  Oh, and consistent exercise and stess reduction (that last theoretical more than actual).

    Happy last week of vacation, Joan (and probably RunFree and SAB, and any other academic types).

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited January 2014

    Great idea Brookside. Count me in for the Oscar party, which I believe is Mar. 2. The nominations are this Thursday

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited January 2014

    We can still have a virtual Golden Globes party, if we act fast!  They're on today!

    Wyo, I've never heard anything bad about oatmeal, except about trace cross-contamination with gluten-bearing other crops.  Crud--is nothing sacred??!!

    Kate, I am just so sorry about your obstruction problem.  Your doctor gets 250 emails a day??!!  Wow.  But probably only a minority of those are direct to him and expecting an answer.  

    Brookside, I actually have TWO more weeks off because my college has a little January term, which I don't teach in.  I love this calendar.  We get out later in May than most, but I don't mind that.  I bet SAB already went back though. 

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited January 2014

    Oops.  Golden Globes are tonight?   I guess that shows how carefully I watch celebrities!  Sorry, celebs, I'm madly in love with Downton Abbey.   I wonder, however, if indeed it would be possible sometime--Oscars or whenever--to set up a just-for-us chatroom date and all get together for a couple of hours?  Should certainly be a blast!

    Kate, happy, happy, even ecstatic, dance that you are finally seeing your GI doc tomorrow.  We so hate to see you so uncomfortable, and your symptom, regardless of the cause, is exactly her specialty.  I'll bet she has some awesome ideas for you, to take care of "progress" for the next month or two until your surgery, or maybe chemo, can get rid of the cause.  You and your warrior princess coat deserve every single morsel of expertise she has, and we all know she has a lot! 

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited January 2014

    Hmmm.  I don't know if you guys noticed this, but George Clooney was not at the Golden globes.  Kate, did you whisk him away in your teal gown?

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited January 2014

    Sab, George decided to come to my pad instead of the Globes.

    Brookside, thanks so much for the support. My surgery is scheduled for Jan 30, so only 17 more days. You have to be recuperated from chemo in order to do surgery. I was feeling so bad last night I emailed doc, and he told me to go to ER. I am stubborn, and did not want to go to ER. I figured I could tough it out till I see the GI specialist today. I am hoping that between her and Doc they will come up with a solution. I need an answer ASAP. I have a high threshold for pain, but this is getting to be too much.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited January 2014

    Waiting with you for that appointment, Kate.  I hope it's an early appointment, but, if it's not and you're feeling really horrid, don't hesitate to just show up--chances are they'll be able to squeeze you in.

    Sorry, Clooney.  You'll just have to manage on your own for a while!

    BTW, I did manage to watch a bit of the GG's.  Loved the gowns.  I figure Kerry Washington's would work best for me--it's alread cut to flatter my tummy.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited January 2014

    Thanks for the support Brookside. My GI specialist said she couldn't rule out an obstruction until she sees a CT scan. I just finished the CT scans at 6:15 tonight. They will call her with results at 7:15 tonight. She will let me know if there is a partial obstruction or not. She won't tell me anything else, and neither will doc, because I don't want to know. If the tumors increased in size I do not want to know about it, so I can remaiinpositive, and resilient. If there is a partial obstruction my bladder surgery would get moved up, and I might need colon surgery. I AM PRAYING THIS IS NOT THE CASE. She said if it's not an obstruction there are many ways we can deal with this, so I should have relief soon.

    For me Reese WQitherspoon's dress would have worked the best, because of the color. I was truly disappointed in the fashion this year, however I did like Taylor Swift's dress too.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited January 2014

    Kate, fingers crossed that the results are ok

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited January 2014

    Josie thanks so much for your support. Your fingers crossed worked I do not have an obstruction. THANK GOD! She wants me to quit taking Senna and Colace, and to take a double dose of Miralax instead. OMG I am so relieved that I don't need colon surgery too

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited January 2014

    Kate, this is wonderful news!  Hooray!!!!  So she thinks the solution will be medical, and maybe quick, I hope?

    I watched the Golden Globes when we weren't watching Downton Abbey, didn't notice all the gowns.  I did love Tina Fey's red one.  That color wouldn't work for me, but I loved the shape.  Very flattering.

  • wyo
    wyo Member Posts: 165
    edited January 2014

    Kate- I am sure by now you must have the results from your CT- hope you will be able to post and let us know if your pain is being controlled and what the source of the issue is and how they are going to deal with it.  You have our support. 

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited January 2014

    Kate, I'm so happy to hear there is no obstruction.  One less thing to worry about.  January 31st can't come too soon I imagine.  I hope the pain is less today.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited January 2014

    So happy, Kate. 

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited January 2014

    Yah!! Kate, so happy for no obstruction!! What a relief!!

  • gemini4
    gemini4 Member Posts: 320
    edited January 2014

    yay, Kate!  Josie, I'll have to ask you to cross your fingers for me next time I need it. ;-)

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited January 2014

    Runfree, WYO, Sab, Brookside, Josie, and Gemini thanks so much for the support. I vote Josie to be our official fingers crosser/ She is the best. Thanks so much ladies the support means everything to me.

    For those who love award shows the Oscar nominationw will be announced Thursday.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited January 2014

    Aww Kate your too sweet.You too GeminiSmile

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited January 2014

    We LUV U Josie

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited January 2014

    Hi y'all

    Ah, the quite and calm:) so enjoyed our guests, but need to rest up for this final round of appointments. Just hope no new cold or flu bugs left behind. Tomorrow is early congested drive to USC.  Josie, please cross your fingers&toes no surgery! 

    Kate - Happy Dance Ooo who :))) great news! You rocked the Golden Globes...made Reese jealous:) the princess warrior coat just sparkles.

    Bunkie - snow, rain, ice, lights on off..ugh!  Weather, hope Spring comes soon.   Good that you keep log of your health, makes it easier to get to the details. I keep a composition book to log everything ...hubby's health such an issue. Best Wishes

    SAB, Joan, RunFree - enjoy your break...R&R well family time date time:) enjoyed secret Life of Walter Mitty ...also Frozen...ok you east coasters not so much. 

    GiGil - hope you & your family are doing well.  Soon you will be escaping to warm sunny FL...balmy beaches:). Will the GKs be headed your way for Disneyworld?

    Brookside - video meet cute for the oscars...what designer will you be wearing:)

    Wyo - welcome home!  Missed ya. 

    Josie -lol never heard of snow fleas:). Hope the job search brings great so need to be in a positive supportive work environment ...scan scan. 

    Beautiful warm sunny day.  Today is my last appointment with PT for LE.  Arm looks better, but I think trunk LE is my new norm...been tender and swollen since lx&snd.  Anyone else with this issue.  I still am not able to sleep on my side or tummy :(((

    Shout out to all!



  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited January 2014

    Cindy I've sent your hubby a prince warrior coat, and pray there is no surgery. We are all in his and your pockets. Josie get ready to cross your fingers.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited January 2014

    Thanks Kate!

    Go Josie:)