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  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited January 2014

    Laurie, That's terrible that you have an infection.Did you tell them how long it took for you to hear from someone?   Hope your feeling better soon.

  • TeamKim
    TeamKim Member Posts: 301
    edited January 2014

    LaurieParr -- We are sisters in two huge group, but the combo is rather exclusive: BMBC (baseball moms with breast cancer)!  My first lol of the New year for our shared "Win the Battle" apparel!  :-)

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited January 2014

    Hi y'all

    Happy New Year!  Welcome 2014! 

    "Just think of the of all the victories we collectively achieved" well said Brookside! Cheers to us!

    My gift from GS is working its way into my chest ugh running a high fever so hubby and I are separated...wearing a mask...he's off to infusion...sprays Lysol all would think I was the walking dead/plague :( think I will surprise him and cleanup & put on my face...gargling and snorting salt water is a turn off. 

    Bunkie - burr:( all that food:( mice:( no car:( hoping things turn around soon. 

    SAB - <8 those will come off fast...holidays are to be enjoyed. CT results... we're in your pocket making the wait fly.  

    Brookside - how's your cold? Yes, we have much to celebrate and much to look forward to...hope:)

    Laurie - thanks, yippee baseballism...glad your RO is on top of the infection...relief soon:)

    Josie - ugh your office:( migraine eye hand...sometimes the cure is :((( what are your options?  You said you stopped...

    Kate - it is a beautiful day in SoCal...watching the parade at doughnut shop...Hope you toasted the New Year with great cheer and friends:) loading up your princess warrior coat...cakeballs!

    RunFree - all the emotions that brought in 2013 and all the relief that 2014 is here! Whew, we made it stronger with hope with goals with promise.  Periodically, PTSD raises it's ugly head and then we jump on it...look how far we've come. Great-full. Make sure DH sees a urologist...fingers&toes crossed.  2014 bring times of laughter, family, and the best of us!

    Wyo - welcome back!  Hope you had a fun break...sounds busy:) are you You are so comfortable with medical terms procedures...

    GiGil - thinking of you and your family (((hugs)))

    April - you can cross stop smoking off you're resolution list...done! What a way to achieve.  Now for a great 2014!

    Shout out to all! Missing some voices! 



  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited January 2014

    Cindy, please get feeling better soon.Did you get a flu shot? Could it be the flu? If so you could get some Tamiflu if it's not too late.I've heard people who even got the flu shot still got it.Maybe a different strain that wasn't covered in their shot.Not sure what my options are since Tamoxofin .I have to let my MO know what the eye doc said and we will see what she wants to do.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited January 2014

    OMG, Bunkie, ice, electrcity, evacuation, mice!  Happy Holidays to you, huh?  Sure hoping 2014 treats you much, much better. 

    Cindy, itsounds as though your hubby is really enjoying his lysol spray.  Just give a man a toy and he's happy.  And yes, I'm still "experiencing" the lousy cold, but finally feeling a bit better.  I was able to enjoy a New Year's Eve party without snuffling and honking and hacking too much; nobody got up and left.  Should feel well enough to go to work tomorrow, but shucks, we're expecting a major snow storm, so I guess work will have to wait a day or two. 

    Laurie, so glad you finally got seen, and hoping the antibiotics will be very quick to wipe out the little critters.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited January 2014

    Hi All.....Happy New Year!  You know, I've decided I don't like "odd numbered" years....especially the number 13!  so.....Here's to 14!  May we all be healthy, wealthy and wise.....well, we're already wise by having found this great board to support us, we're wealthy in friendships formed here and, well, healthy; I think we're pretty darned healthy to get this far and all things considered, feel as well as we do.  So, bring on number 14.....I'm ready for it.

    Laurie...I'm so glad you finally saw that RO.  Stay on that anti-biotic till this thing resolves.  If, perchance, it doesn't resolve after 1 or 2 prescriptions, be sure to get looked at for LE.  sometimes they appear the same, but I think you're on to the cure right now.....

    Run've absolutely got to stop kicking that poor DH at night!  That said, fingers crossed on his latest test, and keep us up to date on that one.  Scary, but you're on it, so that's good.  

    Sab....mail stealing must be a California thing.  They used to do it up here too.....our mail person told us not to ever leave the flag up as it tells the thieves that there might be something good in there.  We also never send outgoing checks in our mail box anymore either.  Life is great in the rural areas...except for those 2 legged varmints!  Glad to hear you're doing well, outside the shoulder, and I agree, Yuck on the CT scan contrast stuff.  Let's hope this is just a bit of bursitis and can be cured with a bit of PT........It's 2014 remember, and we're not accepting any new problems this year.

    Joan, you've got the biggest and best family.  Everyone together, caring and sharing.  What couldn't be better?  Take it easy though.....remember to smell the roses as you start back in to your busy work schedule and your DH are just the strongest, most upbeat people I know,, and I'm wishing for a great year for both of more moving, just finish up this latest treatment for hubby and all good check-ups from here on in for both of you.  I'm hoping his injections/infusions will take care of his infections and get him back on track.  You know, I find that the Purel type 99.9% bacteria hand gel is great when someone has a cold.  the trick around here is the person with the cold has to use it each time they cough or touch their face or mouth.....expect you're already doing this though.  Sorry to hear about your cold.  The flu seems to be starting up here in Northern Cal too.....I'm making a studious attempt to avoid it. 

    Josie, here's to a new job in the new year.  It sounds like Tamoxifen is causing some strange reactions for you....hopefully this is just a little blip and they will calm down.  You too Run Free..... no more itchy scabby stuff .......

    Gigil, I hope you're able to hug your siblings tight and share some sweet memories of both your Mom and your Dad.  Those are hard losses, but our memories always help.

    Kate, you've been mighty quiet, and I hope it's because you've celebrated the new year wildly.  Here's to an easier year for you and a trip to see the kids and grandkids.

    Bunkie, mice?  Yuck...those suckers squeak and run fast and are just not nice...good you had electricity to see them though....

    Janis, Janis, Janis.......sending a huge hug your way, sweetie.  Got all those pots and pans cleaned up from the bakingyet? stars to you for staying off those cigarettes, keep it up....I know how hard that is. Good to "see you" even if only occasionally like me.

       It's still pretty depressing up here, but I'm getting thru it.  My SIL is tolerating chemo pretty well, and managed a trip to her daughter's for Christmas.  Great for her, but meant the rest of us (mom, sister and I) lost both she and my brother for the Holiday this year, and we've all celebrated Christmas morning together all our lives.....well, OK, Sil for just the last 30 years, but who's counting.  But, things change and as my 95 yr old Mom says, we all must change with the times.  It was hard on Mom, but fortunately my daughter and grandson were able to join us for it felt good.  It seems this death is hitting me much harder than my Dad's death 25 years ago.....perhaps it's just an age thing as I get older....perhaps it's trying to equitably divide my Mom's no longer needed houseful  of antiques, art, silver, family heirlooms etc. with my sister.....or who knows why, but I muddle along.  My sil is doing a great job of trying to get thru all this.....and it could be much worse.  So......there......I'm done with that pity party!  My health is pretty darned good....and I'm thankful for that.....but SAB.....I've got you beat unfortunately and have found I gained 6 lbs over these was great eating all that, but now I've got to convince this old body of mine that I really don't need 5,000 calories/day to survive!  

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited January 2014

    Bunkie, I must have missed your post!  Yikes!!!!  Too MUCH!  As MostlySew perfectly put it: It's 2014 remember, and we're not accepting any new problems this year.  Yup, I'm going with that.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited January 2014

    Josie, Sab, Runfree and Wyo thanks for the support

    Wyo Benadryl helps a little, but when I get itchy I can't stop scratching

    Bunkie I am sorry you had so many problems over the holiday

    Josie, I am sorry you are not feeling well

    Laurie I am sorry you have an infection. Not to scare you but in 2012 I had an implant infection and was hospitalized for 2 weeks on antibiotics.

    Happy New Year Everyone. 2013 was my worst year ever, so I am glad to see it go I am hoping 2014 brings us all good health  happiness, and prosperity

    So hoping Michigan State wins the Rose Bowl game today. It's my daughter's Alma Mater.

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited January 2014

    Runfree - I have to say it was a perfect end to a awful year. Not looking back if I can help it. Glad your sister was alright. My cousins wife called all upset yesterday because she had her mammo and got a call back. Oh geeze here we go again. I hope she will be ok. I found a mole on my leg that looks different so off to the derm I go. It just never ends I tell ya.

    Kate - Thanks for the support I am fine. Matter of fact just trying to survive in the mouse basement taught me that I am really strong. Not sure what is happening with your treatment but will read back. Are you using the Nioxin yet?

    Laurie - That does not sound good. Glad you are on it and they are treating you.

    Sew - I agree with you about 13. When the year started I was thinking it would be good because I was done with the cancer and my treatment. It really just started out a new set of issues after the treatment. I don't know what I was thinking after treatment but it has not been easy and this cancer thing is on going. The gift that keeps giving.

    Sab - Looks like you have a shoulder issue? I will go back and read some posts. Sorry to hear that.

    Brookside - Yup stinkin little critters. I set 12 traps for her and caught 6. You know if I caught 6 there are 6 more. She needs to call the pros. Thank God the bed I was on was up off the floor and I never saw one close to me. We had a couple when I moved home years ago but we jumped on it real fast and also plugged up a hole they were coming into the house from. By the way we are getting that major storm today. So far 6 inches and a warning till tomorrow at 1pm. I guess I won't complain after the ice storm.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited January 2014

    I just wrote a long post here and it disappeared....I am quite disappointed....I am too tired to repeat any of it.
    Thanks for your kind caring words and thoughts.  I have my battles with AI drug effects but I am mostly doing all I used to do.  I am grateful.

    will write tomorrow....
    Happy New Year


  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited January 2014

    Geez I have not been feeling well since Xmas Eve. My swollen leg is uncomfortable, my rash is itchy, but worse yet I have been experiencing cramp like pains from constipation. I have been popping Extra Strength Tylenol every 4 hours, even though it says not to take more than 8 pills in a day, because you may get severe liver damage. I don't want to take anything stronger, because those types of pills tend to make constipation worse. Unfortunately doc has been out of town since I got ill. Thank God he is back tomorrow, so I can email him, and also I have an appointment with him Tuesday. I have an appointment with my dermatologist tomorrow late afternoon. Hopefully he will know what the rash on my back is. Nobody knew definitely what my palm rash is.

    Bunkie, I have not tried Nioxin yet, but I will. Glad you are ok

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited January 2014

    Kate, isn't your gastroenterologist already treating your constipation?  Does she know the cramps have gotten so uncomfortable? She's the one who probably has the magic fix.  Do you have her email?

    Come to think of it, it's only 4:00 there.  You can call her.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited January 2014

    Hi Brookside, Unfortunately I believe this is related to the malignant lymph nodes or bladder tumor. MY GI doctor thought I am just having a fiber problem. I pretty much got an all clear from her, regarding these symptoms being a GI problem. Even if I have a BM I still am feeling cramps. Just like the malignant lymph nodes are pressing on my leg I am afraid they are pressing on my abdomen, but I don't know this for sure. Stomch cramps or pain has been my biggest problem. It occurred throughout chemo, and it is still happening now. I take laxatives every day and they cause cramps. Other people with bladder cancer experience these symptoms, which I've noticed on BCAN. Thanks for reminding me. It is 5 too late to call my GI doctor, but I will email her. If she doesn't have answers I am hoping doc will have some tomorrow. I so much appreciate your support.

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited January 2014

    Oh Kate, I'm so sorry to hear this.  You've been through so much!  I hope you can get some fast relief for all of these problems.  Have you tried Sarna for your itching?  It goes on with a cool feeling like Ben Gay.  When I was having my itching, it was the strongest OTC thing I found.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited January 2014

    Kate, I am very sorry to hear that you are in pain. I have no advice, I am just hoping your Dr. can provide some relief!

    Bunkie the Brave! Mice are no match for you!

    Sew, you went through so much last year. I hope you will get out in our beautiful California sunshine and walk those six off and that the movement might elevate your mood a little bit.

    Such good news for me to start 2014. Ct scan  showed clear lungs and bones. That means that the pain is all shoulder , back and neck stuff. I can deal with that. Orthopedist on 20th. 

    Hard going back to work, but so happy I have work to go back to!!! 

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited January 2014

    SAB, I was hard going back to work.  I took off today due to all the accidents on the road...even though college was open for Wintersession.  I have no classes but I do have my "day job"  Snow day tomorrow.

    Sew, I am not surprised that you are still in deep mourning over your brother's passing.  And I understand the ripple effects of the loss - those changes that come as the family adjusts and shifts to new spaces.  I found that what helped me most during my times of deep grief is writing about the memories that come to me, and about my feelings.  That way I could let them go from my head because they are safe on paper or computer.  I think SAB is right about getting outside and clears the head and strengthens the heart.

    Bunkie, what a time you've had...I hope 2014 brings the changes you've been hoping for...especially good health.
    Is the snow over or are you getting the latest bands?

    Kate, what a miserable way to usher in the new year.  So sorry you are having these uncomfortable issues.  I am hoping you can just hang in there and get relief from a surgical procedure.  I know how important that is for you.  I don't know what to say except you deserve a time of good health and fewer worries.  I hope the doc responds right away.
    Is the rash on your back different than the hands?  Hugs and prayer for relief!

    Brookside,how's the snow?  I hope you (and I) do not lose power tonight.  It's hard to tell how much snow is there because it is blowing sideways; but there are 6" on my deck table. 

     Be safe, and stay warm.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited January 2014

    Brookside, Runfree, Sab, and Joan thanks so much for the support

    Runfree, I have not tried Sama ,thanks for letting me know.. If my dermatologist doesn't prescribe something tomorrow, I will try it.

    Sab, Happy Dance for your clear Ct scan. I am so glad

    Joan, my palm rash and back rash are different. My palm rash doesn't itch, and it has papules. My back rash itches, intensely at night, and it has scabs. Thanks for asking

    Hopefully I will get answers tomorrow from my dermatologist appointment and from an email response from Doc.

    No matter what I still maintain my positive attitude. Thanks for letting me vent about my aches and pains

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited January 2014

    Such good news, SAB. Boy, do I feel your relief.

    Sure hoping you'e feeling better today, Kate, and that some combination of all your docs will give you the comfort you need.

    Yes, Joan, we have snow.  It's so blinking cold out that it's wonderfully light, feels like shovelling feathers.  I have to go out for PT and a board committee meeting, and hopefully, on to my office, which, due to Christmas travel and this lousy, rotten cold, I have not seen in almost two weeks. 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited January 2014

    Hello friends!  I feel badly that I have not stayed in closer touch.  I do read every few days and keep an eye on you all from afar.  :)  Gigil, a very special hug for you.  I know how much you cherished your dad and I am so sorry for your loss.  It is so difficult to see someone we love suffer.  Still when the end comes, however peacefully, the loss is tremendous.  I am so sorry sweet lady, but your Dad was lucky to have such a loving family.  His passage was so meaningful since your brother was able to be with him.  Wishing you comfort and joy in all the warm memories.

    We had a very quiet holiday.  My kids gathered in Colorado at my son Adam's house.  We couldn't make the trip and I so missed being with them.  I have not spent a Christmas with my kids in five years, so it is hard.  It is on my bucket list!  I am always envious of people who are able to live close to family.  I really miss that.

    April, it was a tough time for you and no way to end the year losing your MIL.  I am so sorry.  I hate cancer so much.  I lost my mom to cancer and two extremely beloved dogs.  I know not everyone understands the deep love for an animal, but I cherish my 'furkids' and those losses were devastating.  Cancer is so terribly cruel. 

    I wish everyone a happy, healthy, rash free and illness free year! 

    Much love, always.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited January 2014

    SAB, congrats on the good CT.I know how it is to have shoulder problems though.No Fun.Hopefully they can figure out what's wrong and fix it.

    Kate, hopefully the dermatologist figured out some relief for you.Hey how about sending us some of that warm California weather? PLEASE .We are supposed to have up to 10 inches on Sat night into Sunday.Then our temps drop and we have a high on Monday of 0°. BRRRR...I'm cold just thinking of it.

    Brookside it sounds like your sending your cold air our way.

    I think my headache finally subsided It went away by Wednsday and came back yesterday.Every time the weather changes I get Sinus headaches/ migraines.This one was a doozy.

    Be safe everyone and have a good weekend.

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 921
    edited January 2014

    Just checking in to say hi and thank you all so much for the kind and caring notes in regard to losing my dad.  He was such a kind, gentle man and I miss having someone asking me to call when I get home, just to make sure I am safe.  He was such a nurturer.  We got through all of the arrangements and we are now working on settling the estate.  There are three of us working on it, and I have to say my two younger siblings are tenacious, so that helps.  It especially helps since I have been fighting a stomach flu.  I have been so terrifically healthy this past two years since my diagnosis, I don't know how to be sick!  It only lasted 24 hours, but I am tiptoeing through eating again.  Since I had no time for Christmas baking and after having the norovirus, I am down 5 lbs.  I wouldn't say it is a good way to lose weight, but I will go with it.  

    I join everyone else in hoping and praying that 2014 brings us all better times.  Cindy, you keep fighting that cold/misery and get to feeling better soon.  Kate, I hope you get some answers that make you more comfortable.  So good to hear from SEW and Janis too.  I see we have some new ladies among us.  It has been such a blessing having all of you caring and supporting this past year.  Better days ahead for all of us, right?  

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited January 2014

    Cindy, Sew, Brookside, Josie, and Gigil thanks so much for the support

    Cindy I hope you feel better soon

    Josie, the temperature dropped to 65 for a high today, but I will gladly trade you some sun for some snow. I hope my kids can stay home from work Monday, and my grandchildren home from school. It is supposed to be 15 degrees below zero for a high

    Gigil I am sorry you were down with the flu.It is a tough time losing dad, and you didn't need that too

    I went to the dermatologist Friday. He gave me a prescription for Fluocinonide, and it helps I emailed Doc twice yesterday telling him about the stomach cramps I've had the last two weeks, but so far he has not answered. He was supposed to be back at work yesterday, so him not answering yet is unusual. His family lives in Washington DC. I am guessing that he took his vacation there, and that maybe He is having problems getting a flight back to LA because of the snow.

    I am praying these cramps have nothing to do with the tumors growing larger, but I am worried. I was really sick yesterday, and the day before, but so far today I feel good, thank God. I so much hope my surgery on the 30th does not have to be canceled.

    Doc thinks an  immune therapy clinical trial will help me. I so much want that instead of chemo. Immunotherapy has nothing to do with hair losss. Unfortunately I am not eligible till July. It has to be three years from the time I had breast cancer. I so hope I can make it to July without having to do chemo again, but with my swollen leg, and now cramps I am worried that it can't wait. I won't have my next CT scan till after the surgery. Then I will find out what needs to be done.

    Going to see American Hustle and out to dinner with Tracy,  tomorrow night, and I am so looking forward to it

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited January 2014

    Kate, I hope your tummy feels better soon.Is the medicine the dermatologist gave you helping? I guess the bitter cold we have coming our way is nothing compared to your kids in Chicago.Our high Monday is 2°. Enjoy the movie.

    Gigil, I hope by now your tummy is all better.

    We had a very mild day today.We took down the Christmas decorations outside and went to the grocery store along with the rest of StLouis.We even got a walk in before it got dark.Hubby decided to make dinner himself.Hopefully it is yummy.

    Now to sit back and enjoy the snow.We are expecting between 7-12 inches between tonight and tomorrow.And my poor hubby has to work in it.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited January 2014

    Thank you Josie. Yes the cream my dermatologist prescribed is working, thank God. One less thing to worry about it. Sounds like you had a serene day. I hope you can enjoy the snow. I am so jealous

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited January 2014

    Watching the news and thinking about those of you in the storms path. Stay safe and warm!

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited January 2014

    Well lets see. We have 19 inches of snow in Lansing Mi and so far are keeping power. They are predicting another inch before the end of the day. Lake snow blowing from the Great Lakes. My back yard is completely covered up to the top of my fence when I look out. I can not see out of some of my windows on the main floor. It is very windy and that is not good especially with the temp being 1 and the windchill about -20. This is a winter to remember. I hope everyone is warm and safe out there.

    Kate - How is your stomach feeling? Have you talked to your kids in Chicago?

    Josie - How are you doing where you are?

    RunFree, Janis, Brookside, Joan just a shout out to say hello. Not sure if the storm and cold are getting you but be safe. Gigil prayers to you on here and will drop a PM later. Sab and Kate wish I was out there with you.

    Lets hope 2014 is a better year.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited January 2014

    BUNKIE, I thought we had it bad!! Makes our snow storm look so minor.We got 8 inches but some snow drifts are like way more.The St.Louis Area is like snowed in.My work closed the office today.Our temps today are a high of -0 with windmills of -10 or below.I was so happy they called off school for the kids so I guess we're not going anywhere today.I'm off until Wednsday.Since that's my regularly scheduled work day.I'm currently sitting here in my harmonies typing this with my outdoor kitty curled up asleep on my lap.He went outside for long enough to go potty and came running right back in.I don't understand why he won't use a litter box.I find it kind of funny he chooses our rotten neighbors yard to do his business.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited January 2014


    I didn't realize you were in Lansing. My daughter went to Michigan State in East Lansing. My ex son-in-law is from East Lansing. My granddaughter's whole family on their father's side are Spartan fans, and were thrilled they won the Rose Bowl. I talked to my children a couple of days ago, but not today yet. I will speak to them tonight. It is -12 there right now and I think it will be -15 late tonight with wind chill factors of -40. I am positive all my grandchildren stayed home from school, and my daughter stayed home from work. My son is a social worker, and just got a promotion as director of the entire building, so if his car got started (which it probably did because it is new) then he went to work. I will find out tonight or by email this afternoon.

    I am still having stomach pain, but thank God it is not constant. One day I am doubled over in pain, and the next day I am ok. Thanks for asking. Yesterday I went with Tracy to see American Hustle and out for dinner, and I felt fine. Today I feel badly again. Tomorrow I have an appointment with Doc. I was disappointed with American Hustle. I thought it dragged on too long, although I think Jennifer Lawrence is fantastic. I liked Nebraska better. I heard Wold of Wall Street is good, so in two or three weeks Tracy and I are going to see that.

    Stay warm.Today the forecast is 72 and sunny, and I wish I could throw some warmth your way

    Josie, I am glad you didn't have to go to work today. Stay warm, and I will try and throw some sunshine your way too

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited January 2014

    Thanks for the sunshine  Kate.Glad to hear you felt ok yesterday when you went out with your friend.My tummy isn't right today either.I hope it's not a virus.At least it's not turning out that way yet.It just hurts a little after I eat.

    We're trying to keep busy inside today.My daughter and I just finished cleaning in . My room a little and I'm getting ready to tackle the floor next.

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited January 2014

    Bunkie that's some wild weather!  We are getting ice and rain and then ice again.  The temp has shot up from the 20s to the high 40s and will sink fast in another couple of hours, and it's supposed to be single digits for a daytime high tomorrow.  They're calling it a "flash freeze."  The kids have a snow day today for the third school day in a row!  That is probably unprecedented, especially since our scary weather today is very different from the snowstorm we got on Thursday and Friday.  My husband did set out for work today, the office he goes to MWF which is about 65 miles away.  After 20 miles he turned back, a first for him.  Brookside, I hope you have not had to drive on these icy roads!  Josie, I'm so glad your work got called off so you can just sit tight and putter (I love doing that!), and Bunkie I'm glad you don't have to venture out either.  I hope nobody loses their power!

    Kate, I'm glad to hear your pain isn't constant, at least.  I saw The Secret Life of Walter Mitty this weekend which I enjoyed much more than I thought I would.  Haven't seen American Hustle but I'm sorry you didn't like it.  I think Jennifer Lawrence is a treasure.