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Radiation recovery



  • 53nancy
    53nancy Member Posts: 295
    edited November 2017

    edwards750. Diane, I am so sorry about the added stress in your life. I do believe that stress is a part of what leads to a cancer diagnosis, and my heart goes out to you and your sister with this recurrence after four years. Thank you for sharing this. I have come to believe that the people I meet on these forums are in some ways more my family than my natural family, many of whom don't keep in touch and some who haven't even acknowledged my diagnosis. Of course, there are many friends who have. I know it is something that may be hard for them to deal with, and I am determined to be there for anyone I know who has a cancer diagnosis. Am sending you a virtual hug with love.


  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited November 2017
    Thank you so much Nancy. I so appreciate it more than you will know. My sister is a trooper but this is bigger than anything she has had to deal with. She has to have scans and had to have a kidney removed because of an infection. She has always been fiercely independent so this is even more of a challenge because she can’t control it. She usually keeps her game face on but not this time.

    She lives in Georgia. I live in Tennessee. She retired from IBM and I took early retirement from FedEx. I don’t get to see her often enough but that’s going to change as of now. Her husband is very supportive but you know how guys are. There are things you just need to share with your sister.

    They usually come for Thanksgiving because the whole family lives here but this Christmas my husband is taking the week of Christmas off so we are going to go there or maybe just me.

    I’m reaching out again to God for help. We have weathered some pretty tough times and we will again. I do have faith.

    Thank you again I so need a hug!

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2017

    I have a question. For those who have had radiation and recurrence in the same area - how long did it take before the recurrence?

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited December 2017

    So sorry Bluebird. I don't think any of the ladies here have had a recurrence. At least none of the regulars.

    There is a lady in my support group at church who has had a recurrence. She had chemo and radiation 2 years ago. She has a very aggressive BC. She is taking a chemo drug. Her recent scan shows the cancer progressing so the doctors are changing her meds. We are praying this one will take. She has another scan scheduled for January

    We of course are devastated for her. She has such an upbeat positive attitude. Idk how she does it.

    Praying for you too.


  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2017

    thank you for the reply. I had 15 radiation treatments in the broad basin above right supraclavical. Oct 2 PET CT scan showed the area clear but it has recently started swelling and bulges when I cough like before rads. And where I also had 15 tx on a bronchial tube that is still severely compressed now that area is bruised after 7 month of it being fdine. And now there's a tiny bump on skin where before the cancer was found there had developed a deep boil. Feel like I am going through it all over again. I am hoping for validation that there is a problem brewing but I have been told by two oncologists these are autoimmune issues. But the rheumatologist said the autoimmune disease I do have is now dormant due into xeloda chemo pill I was on. Very confused.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited December 2017

    That’s a lot to deal with. Your stress level must be off the chart.

    It’s easy to get discouraged and certainly normal to be scared.We have zero control over this beast.

    I have a friend who freaks out every time a friend or someone I know with BC has a recurrence. She can’t understand why if you do everything right you still get it and/or have a recurrence. We all wonder the same thing. I think we just drew the unlucky card.

    Take care.


  • 53nancy
    53nancy Member Posts: 295
    edited December 2017

    Bluebird, I am sorry you are going through so much again after havimg experienced so many issues already. Please know I have you in my thoughts and prayers that things will get better. Your stress must be enormous. Hugs

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited December 2017



    imagesorry to hear that bluebird. I wish you the best. Don't give up

    I'm sorry I've been absent lately but life has been quite busy lately.

    My daughter had her baby!!

    She named her Evelyn Grace. She was 6 # 14oz. 19.5 inches long


  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited December 2017

    cannot top that xmas gift Josie! Congrats & Merry Christmas to all my Ladies

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited December 2017

    Thanks Fran.And Merry Christmas to all

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2017

    Josie - oh my, so beautiful ,they look like their mama and she looks like you. You have an armload of preciousness.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited December 2017

    Thanks Blubird!!

  • Cpeachymom
    Cpeachymom Member Posts: 249
    edited December 2017


    Congratulations, they’re beautiful!!

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited December 2017

    Congrats Josie! Beautiful babies. Love the name.

    Merry Christmas ladies!


  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited December 2017

    May all of you enjoy Christmas blessings, happy holidays, joy, and peace.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited December 2017

    yes, Happy Holidays to everyone and may your life be filled with laughter, joy and good health

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited January 2018

    Hope everyone had a great start to the new year! Ours started out with replacing our washer and dishwasher. Ugh. It’s amazing how much you miss those appliances even for a few days.

    We had a nice Christmas. I got a new diamond ring. My ring had lost stones and was looking pretty bad. DS brought the twins over Christmas night. We had dinner and they manhandled their packages. They are still too young to understand what Santa is yet. They’ll find out soon enough.

    We celebrated with DH’s family Dec 30. It’s the only time all of his family can get together at my SIL’s house. We play Secret Santa since there are so many of us. Only the kids get presents. Food was delicious and it was nice to see everyone except my DH’s oldest son and family couldn’t make it. They live out of town.

    I feel for you guys in the eastern US. Weather looks brutal. It’s freezing here but no snow or ice thankfully.

    Please pray for my sister. Her BC has come back to the area where she had her MX. Hasn’t metasized but naturally still pretty upset about it. She was 4 years out in 2016. She had 33 radiation treatments this time.

    Hope everyone is well.


  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited January 2018

    I know it's been awhile. Xmas was very different this year for me. I have been stuck in grief for 34 years. I saw a psychic/medium a few months ago & I'm finally at peace. So this year there was no debilitating depression, no putting on a brave face. It was very strange. We had company on the 23rd for the big meal. It was just the 2 of us for the 25th, just a regular day.

    We had a long cold snap, windchills -40C to -50c. Septic system is still broken, got the frozen sump pump line finally fixed. Been renovating our basement. Trying to do things to up the value of the house for when we sell. Been researching where to move to, hopefully somewhere warm..

    Take care Fran

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited January 2018

    Happy New Year! Saturday marked exactly five years since my surgery. Now instead of seeing my surgeon, I'll be seeing his nurse practitioner, and instead of seeing my onc twice/year, it will drop down to once. Considering that a pretty good amount of risk remains basically forever, it doesn't feel all that comfortable. That said, it is really nice to pass a milestone.

    The past week or so, I've had a flock of turkey vultures (called a committee, unless they're in flight, when they are a kettle, or when they are feeding, when they are a wake) hanging around. They look like short-necked, chubby turkeys. I've planted quite a lot of wildlife-friendly bushes and these huge things look perfectly ridiculous sitting on tiny-twigged bushes. They must be a lot lighter than they look. I didn't know raptors ate veggies, but I guess when it's cold and white out there, they aren't fussy.

  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited January 2018

    Congrats Brookside!

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited January 2018

    I second that congrats Brookside!

    Such an interesting story about those turkeys. Btw I don’t see my oncologist at all anymore. She said no need. That’s okay with me except she was kind of a safety net. Thing isI’m off Tamoxifen which is the only thing she monitored anyway.

    Even though it’s no guarantee it’s still a milestone. If you put stock in stats the vast majority ofcrecurrences happen before the 5 year mark. I was 6 years out last August.

    It’s cold here but nothing like your neck of the woods Fran. I’m glad you are doing better. I understand depression because my DH is bipolar. Thank God for meds. My SIL(DH’s sister) and hubby are dealing with serious depression issues with their 21 year old son. Horror stories. Currently he’s in rehab in Florida.


  • 53nancy
    53nancy Member Posts: 295
    edited January 2018

    Here’s to milestones. Looks like I have a looonng ways to go. It isn’t even a month since I finished rads. Not quite six months since my surgery, but I will aim for each milestone one at a time

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited January 2018

    Absolutely Nancy. Whether they really mean anything or not milestones gives us a barometer of where we are in the process. Apparently it does signify something given my MO has released me.

    Each surgery and treatment completed allows us to move on. We have to hold onto something to feel positive.

    As time goes by you will focus less and less on your BC. It’s still there of course but it doesn’t consume you as much.

    We all know every ache or pain might result in something BC related like a recurrence but I’ve come to terms with that possibility albeit a remote one.

    Good luck!


  • 53nancy
    53nancy Member Posts: 295
    edited January 2018

    Diane, I agree with you completely. I can get through most days without even thinking about it - until bedtime. But I am sure that will happen less as time goes on. All the best to you

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited January 2018

    And you as well Nancy.

    We got the winter weather blast this morning. Snow and ice. Ugh. Should start melting some tomorrow. I ventured out to the local convenience store for my losing lottery tickets but that’s it.

    It’s picture postcard pretty though.


  • 53nancy
    53nancy Member Posts: 295
    edited January 2018

    Diane; we have the winter blast today too. Wind chill right now is -41C; only four inches of snow so far this year; last year at this time we were under four feet and had another five in March. Keep warm!

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited January 2018

    Brr Nancy. I live in the South so we aren’t used to this. Mad rushes to Kroger for survival kits of milk, bread and water. We get so crazy when this happens.

    Still have to get Christmas decorations down. DH has been working long hours and one obstacle after another like replacing appliances didn’t help. Washer and dishwasher within weeks of each other.

    Gotta get it done though because would you believe our Town code enforcement office issues citations if they aren’t down by January 15. We have a lot of outside lights and even a star in the top of a very tall tree. I did the inside and most of the front porch but lights are too high for this short person! I love Christmas decorations!

    You stay warm too. Have a nice weekend


  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited January 2018

    Our group has been too quiet. I know we are all busy. Hope everyone is doing okay.

    Update on friend with Stage IV. Just had a scan and it shows several tumors have shrunk but a new small one has shown up on her spine. It’s confined to the area at least which is encouraging. I can’t imagine her anxiety before a scan. She is as upbeat as possible which I know is hard.

    My sister has a shot every month. A small spot showed up near her MX scar. She had radiation treatments. I’m still stunned and obviously worried for her. She was 4 years out when they found it. Please pray for my friend and my sister.

    On our home front things are going well. DS is looking to buy a house. His lease is up in June. We have babysat the twins a few times and I’m fact I did yesterday at DS’ house. He and X GFF are starting to potty train the boys. They seem ready because they are bothered by wet diapers plus save $ from buying diapers. He is in training on his new job but so far, so good. Tore the ligaments in his foot from rugby and has to wear a boot. Ouch. Happened to me a long time ago. I had crutches. It’s painful.

    DH is doing okay. Feel so bad for him with the tremors but he’s managing.

    Starting dental work to replace partials. Ugh. At least we have dental insurance and flex plan.

    My FIL is 93. My DH visits him on Sundays and at least once a month takes him to lunch or dinner. He seems to be regressing which is understandable at his age and the loss of his wife.

    Friend’s brother is on the kidney transplant list. Idk how many are in front of him. He will be 70 in December so if he doesn’t get a donor before then he is off the list. They won’t take you after 70.

    Nice day but cold weather is back this week. I so hate winter.

    Have a good week!


  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited January 2018

    Diane😔 I’m so sorry about your FIL, sister, friend, your sons injury,and your brothers friend. I hope you are able to be strong for everyone and still take care of yourself. Enjoy those grand babies!!

    I’m sorry I haven’t been here lately. I’ve been busy with grand babies and a wild teenager. I’m working but don’t know if they will hire me yet. I’m a temp and working at a large hospital although it is a small practice within the hospital you still aren’t hired as easily as someone who already works for the hospital.

    Today is my 5 year anniversary of being cancer free. Hooray!! I made it to the 5 year mark. Can’t wait to get off Tamoxifen!! But I have had some bone pain in my upper femur and of course that scares me but it’s only at bedtime when I’m laying down. I see my oncologist Feb 8 and I’m going to mention it. I missed seeing my radiation oncologist last year but will probably follow up with him soon.

    I’ve had this what I thought was a bladder infection but it didn’t grow anything on the culture I was positive for blood in urine though. Felt better after the antibiotics but I still can’t drink soda(Dr Pepper) without waking up in the middle of the night in excruciating pain when my bladder is full. So I guess no more soda. I can drink an occasional sprite without a problem. I have always had a problem with emptying my bladder fully after urination. I saw a urologist before for it but I worry after what happened to Kate could it be something more serious.

    Hope everyone is well. Talk to everyone soon.


  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited January 2018

    Diane Hugs, hang in there

    Josie Congrats on the 5 yrs, go celebrate, drink wine instead of pop ! Go see Dr to ease your mind.

    My body has gone into hibernation mode, gained 10 lbs. lost 2.5 this week, I'm getting serious now.

    Under a lot of stress lately, trying to chill out. Lets all sit down, take a deep breath & drink a bottle or 2! Cheers Fran