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Radiation recovery



  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2018

    imageimageoh Fran that’s terrible about your daughter and that Dr is purely idiotic to say the least. Did I miss something or possibly forgot your daughter has stage 4 cancer? I’m so sorry Fran.

    That’s a shame about your car in pieces 🙁.

    Diane you seem very busy this year also.

    Grand babies are adorable !!

    My granddaughters are growing a fast!!

    BTW I’m no longer working with the temp agency the temp job turned into permanent and I am now a full time employee!

  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited April 2018

    Congrats on full time Josie!

    No daughter is not stage 4. She had her gallbladder removed & has nerve damage from it along with pancreas divisim. , Basically massive gall bladder attacks, sphincter of odi Charlie horse. Even heavy duty pain meds don't touch the pain.

    yes definitely a jigsaw puzzle.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited April 2018

    So glad about the job, Josie.  It seems you've "hit" the right spot at the right time.  It must feel really good!  And those grandchildren are absolutely gorgeous.  I might not (!) have exactly posted lately, but your younger daughter's situation has been often on my mind.  I hope she's doing better?

    Fran, is this the same car?  Did you have it all disassembled for a better paint job?  Reminds me of those lego sets the kids are all building now. 

    Glad you were able to plant flowers, Diane.  I still have three feet of snow in front of my barn and can't get to my gardening stuff.  Thus far, all I could do anyway is rake as the snow is barely off most (but not all) of my gardens.

    As it happens, I can't do that anyway.  I have a minor bit of arthritis in one hip and after a day of putting away winter stuff and taking out summer stuff, including trying on about fifty pair of pants that don't fit, and then whacking away at snow and ice to clear off my deck, that hip went wild.  Could put zero weight on it, could not walk at all, not even grabbing onto furniture.  Found I could crawl, so crawled to the car and drove to the ER.  Funny the way those ER professionals frown on self sufficiency.  Anyway, a  healthy hit of prednisone pretty much took care of it.  I have a couple more days of prednisone (six days altogether) and am hoping to very gently get started in the garden soon.

    As of the beginning of this month, I'm off tamoxifen--served my five-year sentence of AI and tamoxifen and am very happy.  Do feel a bit cast adrift.  When I think back to how wounded and vulnerable I felt just after diagnosis, I am amazed at how ho-hum ordinary my, "history of breast cancer" feels now.  

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited April 2018
    Congrats Josie on the job! You have earned it! Your grand babies are precious too! I was wondering about your daughters too. How are they doing?

    Dang Brookside that sounds really painful. I had something similar although mine was mostly in my tush and went to a chiropractor. He gave me some exercises to do that do help. I decided to wing it on my own instead of paying to go back a zillion times. Plus DH just had pre-cancerous places removed on his shoulder and hand which cost a mint out of pocket so wanted to avoid spending more $ if I could handle it. I also had an internist’s appointment and she said she didn’t see any fractures, etc. Neither did an X-ray because they thought it was the sciatic nerve, arthritis or osteoporosis all of which can be treated with the exercises and ibuprofen if needed. Trust me I needed it and still do occasionally. The pain comes on all of a sudden and like you I felt paralyzed. Brutal. Glad you are on the mend.

    Your poor daughter. I can’t imagine. My MIL had gall bladder surgery. I remember her saying how painful it was.

    Have a good weekend everyone!

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited April 2018

    I wonder whether maybe your daughter has the same issue as me?  I had my gall bladder out in 1990, I think.  Since then, I've had multiple "attacks" of extremely painful, but pin-point localized pain, usually about every five years.  I've had a number of ERCP's, some of which have found gallstones (yes, you can keep forming them, gall bladder or not).  I have found there is no point in using painkillers.  The attack lasts a few hours, then goes away and because the pain is pinpoint, I can deal with it.  Don't like to be all fuzzied up with drugs, especially (yes, I know) I always drive myself to the ER.  Very popular with all ER personnel, let me tell you.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited April 2018

    Hey Brookside congrats on getting off Tamoxifen. My 5 year stint ended in 2016. I had mixed feelings too because it was kind of an extra insurance policy but I don’t miss the leg cramps and trouble concentrating that came with it.


  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited April 2018

    OMG  the last week I had agonizing cramps--right thigh, left thigh, left calf.  I was soooo happy to ditch the drug!

    Forgot to mention about the gallbladder thing--the reason I resonate with the earlier post is that originally they told me my issue was spasms of the spincter of Odi.  Could be.  Sounds like placing a stent in there could be a wonder cure for your daughter.

  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited April 2018

    Brookside, arthritis in the hip sucks. I've had it for close to 30 years. Heat is the only thing that helps mine. Had to get a cane this winter as I tore my back muscles twice.

    No this car is a 1973 charger but we used the same color as the 1970.

    Congrats on getting off the tamoxifen. I've pretty much decided to go off my Anastrozole in June, 6 months early. This winter my hands & feet have cracked open. never had that ever in my life. My neuropathy is a lot worse as well. Weight struggles as well so done with it before it all gets worse.

    here is a pic of the 73 before we took it in.image

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited April 2018

    It looks hungry.  Reminds me of the definition of a boat:  A hole in the water into which you pour money.

  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited April 2018

    Brookside it can be if you r not careful. Our 70 for instance will give us almost triple our investment over the last 10 yrs. Banks don't pay that kind of interest. The 73 will bring me double my investment in less than 5 yrs. My friend has 13 cars & will be lucky to get back his original investment out of even one as he did not sell when they were in demand.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited April 2018

    Are you planning to sell the 70?  Can you bear to part with it after all that work?

  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited April 2018

    yes the 70 is going up for sale, just have to detail it. It was bought as an investment we have done very little work on it. We purchased it already restored. It has given us yrs of enjoyment.

    The 73 will be kept for a few more years to have fun with.

    The 70 Coronet's value is climbing & will be sold in the next year or two.

    We play with our investments. lol.

  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited May 2018

    I fear I'm about to lose yet another from my chemo group. Just a couple of weeks ago they gave her 6 months to 2 yrs. Now her liver is failing. sigh

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited May 2018


    I’m so sorry about your friend in your group. Sounds like once she heard how long she had her body decided to give in.

    Glad to hear your daughter was not stage 4 . I guess I read that wrong .

    Good luck with your car. It’s nice you can enjoy a hobbit that can turn a profit.


    Sounds like your hip issue is similar to mine. Congrats to getting off Tamoxifen !

    Hope it helps your hip pain.


    Glad your doing well off the Tamoxifen.

    Thanks for all of the concern about my daughters everybody.

    The oldest daughter Sarah is doing well but is tired a lot and never gets a break unless I give her one.

    My youngest daughter is wild as ever, not going to school , sneeking out of the house last night. Friday we were notified of a potential threat to the school written on the girls bathroom wall . They caught the girl and she was arrested but at least 50% of the school was missing on Monday since that was the day something was supposed to happen. Nothing happened of course except a bunch of kids missing out on a school day due to the threat. She has a new boyfriend but hes not in school and her old boyfriend lives with the new one and her friends boyfriend. I can’t believe those parents allow all those kids to live there. I feel like she is out of control. But I love her and will not give up on her.

    I had a car accident a few weeks ago . It was someone who turned left I. Front of me when I had a solid green light and he was supposed to yield to me. I wasn’t going very fast but he hit me head on and my airbag deployed. The seatbelt got me good in my breast. Guess which one? Yes my lumpectomy breast. It was swollen for a few days. I was taking my daughter friends home when the accident happened. They were fine but I did have a ambulance come check me out. My BP was like180/110 but I was panicking and scared . It went down so they released me. My hubby was mad because I shouldn’t of had to be taking those boys home. Luckily Claire watched the babies while I drove them home

  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited May 2018

    oh gosh Josie! So glad everyone is ok.

    Teen years are tough, keep loving them & an open line of communication. Fingers crossed. As parents we do the best we can.

    We've done a card shower for this lady in my group. Not sure if my card is gonna make it in time. Thanks. This will be the 3rd from our group.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited May 2018

    So sorry Fran. This insidious disease keeps hitting too close to home lately. We lost one of our BC group too and another one is now DX Stage IV. Prayers for your friend. I can’t fathom being given an expiration date. I would be thinking like Josie said - organs kind of giving up since the outcome is imminent. OMG I wish they could find a cure for this disease.

    Glad you are okay Josie. Must have been scary. Good thing you weren’t going fast.

    I can relate too to kids teenage years. It’s so tough but Fran is right you do your best and hope some of it takes. Doesn’t help much with the anxiety and sleepless nights worrying about them. We tried everything too. I just kept praying our son’s guardian angel was with him. We were blessed - he was. So many times things could have gone south - or more south. I marvel how my parents with 7 children did it without ending up in a rubber room at a mental health facility. Keep the faith though it does get better. Our son did a complete turnaround so miracles do happen.

    Our town’s annual Fair on the Square is this weekend. Such a fun time. Pretty cool crafts. Going on Sunday.

    This is a busy month for our family. Niece graduates from high school, nephew graduates from college(same family)graduation brunch and engagement party for another niece. Community service project for our Notre Dame Club. DH always participates because he’s such a handyman. Guys in our club are not handy. As one said we have the tools we just don’t know what to do with them. Haha! Board meeting of the Club Monday night. DH and I are making the bus trip to Notre Dame in November for the Florida State football game. Risky given Indiana weather but it’s a lot of fun!

    Have a good weekend everyone!


  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited May 2018

    So glad you and the boys are OK, Josie.  I'm guessing you're still feeling the effects, at least emotionally.  I hope the other driver is very aware of how lucky he is that nobody was seriously injured.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your younger daughter's school, or rather no school behavior--and so near the end of the year.  Any chance she can finish at least a couple of classes?  In this area (and maybe yours), there are alternative schools where the classes are smaller and the kids can focus on vocational  interests.  One kid I know of is preparing to be an electrician's apprentice.  One school has a garden where those driving by can purchase organic produce.  Another school is fairly traditional but targets learning disabilities.  If there is something she is interested in, perhaps something like this might be an option for the fall?  In any event, there are certainly some areas in which she is showing maturity, responsibility, and focus.  If you and your husband can help her identify and develop these areas, it would do a lot for her in multiple ways.

    During rads, I joined a breast cancer exercise group at the hospital where I was treated and, for a year or so, developed relationships with several of the ladies.  As the hospital is two hours away and also as I'm apparently doing fine bc-wise, I lost touch with those ladies.  I've been rather sad, but reading your posts, Fran, I realize I've been spared a lot of sorrow.  Thank you for reminding me that time does not stand still.

  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited May 2018

    Stacey earned her wings today. She was released from hospital yesterday. Gosh that was quick.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited May 2018

    That was quick Fran. So sorry.

    DS’ rugby team won the championship Thursday night. He coached the team. He was a player on another team but hurt his foot so can’t play for awhile. He so loves the sport and loves coaching this HS team. DH and I and a friend went to the game. So exciting. What made it better was the team they beat is the HS my son graduated from. Preppy kind of school but he got a good education. Posting pics.

    Hope we all have a nice Mother’s Day tomorrow. DH and I are going to DS’ friend’s restaurant that he owns and is the chef. DS is bringing the twins. Should be fun and interesting. They haven’t been out to a restaurant before.

    I miss my Mom. Taking flowers to the cemetery today.


  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited May 2018




  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited May 2018


    I’m sorry it took me so long to respond back to you. I’ve been off line for a while. Such a busy month. Yes my youngest daughter is in a program at the HS where she is supposed to attend 12:00pm-3:00. But she hasn’t been going sometimes and then her DJO contacts us. She is supposed to go back to a full day this fall. I am at work already by the time she goes to school so it really falls on my daughter or my husband to get her there. He has to leave work to get her to school.

    I hope everyone had a great mother’s day. I planned to give my mom and mother in law a craft for mother’s day. They are called flower pot people it was very time consuming and hard because our air conditioner went out mother’s day weekend.

    I’ve had a very bad tummy ache for almost a week ever since last Thursday morning. We are a very bad fried meal from Jack in the box Wednesday night. It was more up under my ribs with lots of bloating and burping after eating. I think it’s my gallbladder so I guess I’ll have to make an appointment for my doctor. I decided to follow a low fat gallbladder diet and it seems to have eased my symptoms.

    Diane , congrats to your son on his rugby team

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited May 2018

    Thanks Josie. Those are so cute! Hope you feel better. Sounds like food poisoning. I’ve had that before. Brutal. There is a stomach virus going around here. I had it and son had it. Somehow DH dodged it. It’s a 24 hour bug.

    Yikes your a/c went out. Hope you guys were able to get it fixed. When ours went out year before last we put window units in downstairs. We already had them upstairs. Couldn’t have survived without them. Last year we had to purchase a completely new system including furnace - $8k! Ugh. Luckily we financed it. My sister’s went out too and they have 2 units - $16k. I’m sure they wrote a check. They have money - no kids. Haha

    Had a really nice MD. DS treated DH and I to brunch at a friend’s reataurant. Really nice and food was good. He brought the twins and they were so good. It was their first time out in a restaurant. He also bought these cool signs for me. Displayed them in my kitchen. DH bought my fav cologne and I treated myself to a new purse and shoes. Hope yours was nice as well.

    I hope your daughter sticks with the program.

    Last weekend was graduation brunch for niece and nephew. One from high school and one from college. This weekend is engagement party for another niece. So broke this month.

    Mammogram is Friday. Already nervous even with being 6 1/2 years out.


  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited May 2018

    Diane, sounds like a good MD. I wish I had been able to treat myself to something. I just couldn’t afford it. The AC was going to cost like $480 just to clean the E coil .we said no thank you. My husband has a very generous brother who came over on his own time and cleaned the E coil for us and it’s been working great since

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited May 2018

    Great Josie! Nice BIL. Sorry about your MD. I don’t usually splurge but I treated myself. Can’t do that very often.


  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited May 2018

    So sorry about the loss of your friend, Charger.  It seems the older we get, the harder those losses become.

    Josie, those pots are simply adorable.  So cheery!  I hope somehow your daughter discovers some cheer in schoolwork.  I know how dreary it can seem when you're just not interested.  Is she planning to work over the summer?  Maybe she'll find the spark somewhere, somehow during vacation.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited May 2018


    I’m so sorry about your friend.


    Yes I think we will get her a job this summer.

    She is supposed to be back in a full day again this fall. I hope she sees what she’s missing.

    Thanks for the compliment on the flower pots. It was a labor of love for sure.


  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited May 2018

    It's really sad to lose someone you know to this insidious disease. We have a lady in our group at church who was recently DX as Stage IV. Needless to say it's unnerving for us and very scary for her. I can't imagine how nervous she is when she has her scan checkups. She's young and as upbeat as you can possibly be under the circumstances. Of course they are doing everything they can but that's asmall consolation when that's not enough. She takes a chemo pill every day.

    My sister's came back as a local recurrence near her MX scar. It was on the chest wall which makes it more problematic. She was 4 years out. She had radiation and gets shots every month. She can't tolerate the typical chemo ritual. It was upsetting to say the least. Her Oncotype score was intermediate. So far, so good.

    I had my annual mammogram scheduled Friday. The facility that I've gone to since 2011 will no longer take our BC for the mammogram but the doctors are in network. Thanks a lot for telling me given I made the appointment a year ago and they didn't tell me until I arrived to have it done. Now I have to get my doctor to call inan order for a diagnostic mammogram at another facility, have it done there and go back to this place to see the doctor. Just what I need more anxiety.

    Did have a nice weekend so far with my sister whose here for our niece's engagement party. We had breakfast at a local restaurant, shopped, visited the twins, she got her haircut by my beautician and then the party last night which was nice. She and BIL are going back home to Georgia today. Hopefully DH and I can go visit them sometime this summer.

    DS and twins are coming over tomorrow to swim and eat. We have a pool in our neighborhood and a big kiddie pool in the backyard. I'm sure DS needs a break.

    Happy Memorial Day everyone!


  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited May 2018


    I’m so sorry about your sisters reoccurrence. That’s really unnerving.

    I’m also sorry about your church members diagnosis.

    What a ridiculous thing about your mammogram and them not being in network. That’s a shame because the new faculty you go to will have a hard time comparing your old films.

    Just had a ok weekend. DH and I had to babysit all day for my youngest Grandaughter Evelyn. She was good but then I didn’t get a thing done.

    Tomorrow I will be off for sure. Oops gotta go baby just woke up

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited May 2018

    Thanks Josie. I pray for both of them.

    It is ridiculous. They did give me my tapes(records) so at least I have something.

    I know what that’s like with a baby in the house and trying to do anything. When the twins are here everything is on hold.


  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited May 2018

    thanks ladies

    Congrats to those that have passed their tests

    So sorry for those with new diagnoses.

    My tests are coming up. Have bloodwork tonight, had fluoroscopy done yesterday for an inconsistent stomach pain. Fingers crossed, very nervous, they already called me in for results. Appointment is for Friday morning. Hate the waiting game. My Dad passed from stomach/esophagus cancer back in 84.

    Been busy trying to have car parts garage sale, yikes hubby is a packrat!