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Radiation recovery



  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2012

    Joan I am so relieved that you are back among us.  I am so sorry you lost power and had to go through such a tough time.  I can imagine how frustrating that was.  So happy you are okay. 

    pt dreamers, I have taken Gabapentin for quite some time now.  I take a pretty large dose too.  It may be helping other pain I am experiencing, but it does nothing for my neck and shoulder.  It is so frustrating.  I take the Clatirin too, to no avail.  Unless it keeps some of the pain at bay which is hard to believe as bad as it gets some times.  I do try to keep up and moving during the day.  Mornings are the worst, I wake up so sore and crippled.  I do take a pain pill when it is bad and they help so much.  I can actually function and feel more flexible as well.  Today I washed some outside windows.  It felt good to get that big project started.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited November 2012

    Joan, I'm so glad you're you played a lot of solitaire last week. Did the enforced inactivity help get rid of the cold/crud you had? I sure hope so.

    Janis, my pal, here I go and take a few days off, and you end up with pains. I'm so sorry about that. For lack of any other help I can offer, have you tried flipping your mattress? Thought it might help you not get so stiff at night. I think you're right, I think you've got a combination of this neck surgery trying to heal, your body trying to get used to rods and pins in your neck, and the advent of Arimidex taking away all your estrogen. I think you'll get thru this, but I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time getting on your feet. Oh, and if I pay, want to come wash my windows? They haven't been done in so long they probably need to be done twice!

    My blood work is coming back up to the bottom of normal, although I'm still anemic. My white counts are only just a tad below normal so that's good. I'm still getting wiped out at the least activity, and it's quite annoying. I finally work myself back into some sort of shape and then, wham, here comes something else! I'm ready to be really healthy. Mentally I feel great though, so I'm thankful for that!

    Yes, Joan, whoever did Kate go?

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited November 2012

    Sew, great news on the blood work.  I need a like button!

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited November 2012

    Sab, I agree....I use my IPAD and there aren't any great icons :0

    Thanks for the encouragement. ( : >

    (I'm sitting here thinking I'm just too old to go around messing with the clock! No clue how my 94 year old mother does it!)

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2012

    Sew, It is good to see you back finally.  I am so glad your blood work is improving.  I sure understand wanting to be healthy.  I don't feel sick...just sore.  I hope soon your anemia will be history and that you get all of your energy back.  Sending all kinds of happy thoughts your way!

    SAB I agree, a 'LIKE' button would come in very handy!  :)

    I am doing fine, NO worries kiddies.  Pain is not sickness and more annoying than anything.  I go back to PT tomorrow so will see how I feel afterwards. 

    SEW, Of course I'll come and wash your windows.  Anytime!  No charge for my beloved sista!  :)

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Member Posts: 509
    edited November 2012

    Hi Joan, Welcome back! I am glad your power was finally restored.

    MostlySew, Good to hear that your blood work is improving. Anemia really can sap your energy.

  • bobbbin
    bobbbin Member Posts: 4
    edited November 2012

    thank you all for your advice about creams and the welcomes!  Were any of you concerned about heart or lung damage/cancer in future years?

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited November 2012

    Bobbin, I was a "right sider" so I wasn't too worried about heart issues.  I think everyone worries about the future when dealing with bc and radiation (I didn't have chemo) but you can only make the best decision for yourself/your health each day.  Will I regret Tamoxifen?  Who knows.  But at this moment it seems the better alternative.  I try to live in the present and enjoy life! 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2012

    SAB I am a right sider as well.  I have had a few incidents of costcochondritis in my right chest.  It is usally a bit unsettling when I get an attack, but I know what it is at least.  I really hope that doesn't become a frequent occurrance.  I have never had any heart tests.  I am still here so I assume I am okay.

    I think we all struggle with the decision to take the AI's.  I have decided I will do the five years unless it begins to decrease my quality of life.  So far the joint damage is annoying but I am still able to walk and move about freely.  If it doesn't get worse than this I will stay with the course of treatment.

    Bobbin I am glad you came here.  We just need to get a bit more active.  This thread has been kind of quiet, but we are still here and hope we can naswer all your questions.  Good luck!

  • BilateralBeauties
    BilateralBeauties Member Posts: 12
    edited November 2012

    I had bilateral radiation all at once. My RO said in his career he's never seen heart issues or material lung issues. Science has changed enough that heart has very little radiation impact. The lung a has a bit, but no real concern from my medical team when doing two at a time.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited November 2012

    Bilateral....I just love your "moniker"....great way to face this whole mess.

    Bobbin, I think all of us worry about different things, and while I also had rads on the right side, my RO told me the same thing as Bilateral's did....they used to have heart/lung problems in the 70's and 80's but not now. That said, I did get an odd little cough, which still happens once in awhile, but I no longer worry about it. My RO also told me that they alway radiate a portion of the lung, but there's nothing they can do about it, and its a tiny percentage. Having been a smoker for 30 years, and having stopped only 15 years ago, I thought about worrying about that but decided it was better to have the radiation and I don't worry about it. I think as Sab said, each of us make the best decisions we can at the time, and then we try not to second guess ourselves.

    Hey Janis, My DH made cookies this afternoon and I thought of you. They're mundane peanut butter chocolate chip compared to the concoctions you and Sab make, but they'll do as my once a week "splurge".

    Joan....are you out gathering more food for the next storm? Gee...I sure hope this next one doesn't cause more damage back there. Good luck and keep us informed.

    Elizabeth...are you out of the way of the storms too? I sure hope so. Thanks for the encouragement on the anemia. I am getting I think I'm definitely on the mend.

    So.....where is Kate anyway?

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited November 2012

    Hi to my friends here, Janis, Sew, SAB, Elizabeth, thank for your concern and good wishes.  We really had only a little damage or loss.  And I got power before it got cold.  My heart breaks for those who lost homes and are still in shelters with families.  There are many who still do not have power.  The gas lines are quite long, and stations do not open every day.  I am OK for gas for the week, however. 
    We are ready for the next storm (tomorrow)...we have our oil lamps in the dining room and all that easy-cook food left over.  We have a kerosene heater.  I do not think it will be too bad; but the storm could bring down more trees and put out lites again.
    Sew, I most definitely did feel better due to the 9 days off from work. At my lowest point, I truly thought I wouldn't feel  better ever again...but I didn't realize how bad an infection I had, and probably for awhile. Now I feel normal!  I am glad you are finally feeling better - sound slike you are turning a corner.  Keep it going!
    Janis, I hope you can hang in there through this tough time.  I have this vision of you getting out in the nice weather and taking long walks and getting back on your may have to work through the pain to do the things you want to do.  I hope on the other side of this, you will have many pain-free years ahead.
    About those post-rad worries -- after all, that i what we all have in common on these threads...I was irradiated on left side.  The lung may scar in a small area, but there i still plenty of healthy surface as long as I take care of myself.  My cardiologist says I am in good shape but that over time (ten years?) I could get some narrowing in vessels from radiaiton.  Therefore he want me to keep the cholesterol down and to keep active.  I cannot worry about it - I felt the rads were important to my remaining cancer-free for a long time.
    Bobbin, did you lie on your back or front during rads?  I was prone (face down) and may have avoided some of the lung/heart effect.
    Well, I have to catch up on sleep, and it's already too late for will check in tomorrow if the power's on!
    Welcome to the new ladies - it really is a very emotional time when we finish rads.  And it is the start of focusing more on the things we love in life and less on BC.
    Hugs to all,

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited November 2012

    sew, and other "short-cut chefs" my new secret weapon is multigrain pancake mix from costco (or trader joes.)  Now don't laugh, but if you add cinnamon, applesauce, walnuts and cranberry with almond milk and maybe some flax seed you have harvest spice muffins.  If you add dark chocolate chips and banana with that other stuff you have the easiest, fastest muffins you ever, ever made.  My family thinks I'm Betty Crocker!!!  Ha!! And they are multigrain, and well under 200 calories.  

    OK, that has nothing to do with bc, but I am inexplicably happy about it.

    OK joan and any other easties...strap yourselves in, I hope this next storm tiptoes past you guys quickly and without further damage.

  • bobbbin
    bobbbin Member Posts: 4
    edited November 2012

    Gosh, you girlies in the east have really been hit by storms!  I'm in Toronto and barely saw a thing during the storm last week.  Keep safe!

    I haven't had rads yet...that's my dilemma!  Don't know if I want to!  I didn't know I could lie on my stomach tho, that may make a difference in my decision.  hummmm.  Another question for the doctor.  thanks for the info! 

    Keep well everyone. 

  • Cindyl
    Cindyl Member Posts: 498
    edited November 2012

    SAB - I'm gonna see if I can find some of that pancake mix.  You're muffins sound great.

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Member Posts: 509
    edited November 2012

    MostlySew, Thanks for asking how I managed during Sandy. My corner of Massachusetts fared well. We had a lot of wind and rain, but we kept our electricity throughout Sandy. My heart goes out to all the folks tonight who must endure yet another storm.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited November 2012

    Elizabeth, I'm glad you were out of harms way. I hear this latest storm spent its fury out at sea, so that was good news too. The hard hit areas back there needs a chance to recoup.

    Sab, that mix sounds great. I'll look for it, although muffins are really the last thing I need. My husband actually makes the pancake batter from scratch using whole wheat flour, so it's marginally healthy, in a carbohydrate sort of way! Why is it that the things that taste best are the ones not good for us anyway?

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited November 2012

    SAB, Elizabeth, I am up in the middle of the night listening to the wind howl sounding very much like Sandy.
    We had snow today - not the pretty kind - the sleety-icy-accumulating-slippery kind.  Was working all day and night...but sent the 4 students who showed up back home.  I went home with DH and left my car in the parking lot overnight.  Had a small car today (SUV in for repair) and it wouldn't make it up the slightest hill without slipping.
    I'm just checking in - still have power, heat, and gas in my cars.  Very grateful here.
    So many in Long Island, NJ and New England are still suffering....and now this is the coldest wettest weather so far this fall.  Enough ...
    Be safe, everyone.
    So glad you are here...

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited November 2012

    It is difficult to imagine what you guys are going through with another storm so close on the heels of Sandy.  The images of people staying in their freezing homes won't leave my mind--not much we can do here--except to text REDCROSS to 90999 and donate if we can spare a little.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2012

    Joan I am so sorry you are enduring this new storm so soon after Sandy.  Know that you are in my thoughts.  I hope you can stay safe and warm.  I feel terrible for everyone up and down the battered coastline.  SAB has an excellent idea.  I hope those who can, will.

    Fingers, toes, and a ton of paws crossed here for you! 

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Member Posts: 509
    edited November 2012

    We had messy, miserable snow here in Massachusetts, too, but it was just a coating. Sending prayers for everyone made miserable by Sandy and the current storm.

  • Alicethecat
    Alicethecat Member Posts: 77
    edited November 2012

    Hi everyone

    I finished 12 sessions of rads a week ago. Felt fine until the last session. Since then, early evening, I have felt breathless.

    Took asthma treatment, which seems to help, but it comes back every day.

    Has anyone else experienced this?

    Best wisehs


  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited November 2012


    Hmmm.....breathless huh? I don't recall getting that one, although I have read about two women who had asthma problems after rads. It's true that rads usually does get a small amount of the lungs, but I wouldn't think it would affect you already. I do know that feeling fatigue, tired and just plain worn out is very common with rads....that I did have. Feeling short of breath might make sense with that. Do you work outside the home? Are you resting enough? Are you eating plenty of protein, approx 80 plus grams a day? Other than that, I think you should mention it to the RO on your next doctor day or the nurse if the doctor day isn't very soon. Good luck. Let us know..


    Thanks for checking in. I do hope the storm is over and you're still high and dry. Hope you get the bigger car back soon too as it sounds much safer...

    Elizabeth....I'm sure glad you've missed the brunt of the storm too. The devastation back there is hard to comprehend especially as this is only early November.

    Take care everyone. Oh, and my good news is that my breast responds really well to LE massage. Course, it clogs up again right away but the PT tech seems to be winning the battle.....yippie.....

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited November 2012

    I'm fine on the east end and south shore of Long Island.  It was warmer here and snow left early.  Elizabeth, glad you didn't get much of the storm.  You didn'tmiss a thing.

    Alice, I have no experience with breathing issues except with anxiety during rads.  If you continue to be uncomfortable or alarmed by this, you can call your RO and discuss it.  Others have posted similar issues post rads.  It must be quite unsettling after what you've been through.  Wishing you a quick recovery.
    As you may have noticed, we talk about just about everything here from health to food to families and weather...but each of us has been through rads and we are here to support one another alway in all aspects of living with the after effects of BC. 

    After a cold, wet and windy night, my friend sent me a txt at 4:30 am to say school was closed today.  I was so happy she did that so I turned off my triple alarm and went back to sleep.  Had a very relaxing day off.
    I noticed that I still have an area that is tender from mondors 'disease'...vascular inflammation in veins in the abdomen associated with surgery and radiation.  it's better, though.  My breast is still tender from rads as skin continues to firm up and contract underneath the skin.  Not a big problem, just a constant reminder of how BC keeps on giving.
    Sew, that is really good news that you are responding to LE massage. I have heard such good things about PTs who are familiar with or specialize in LE. 
    Janis, you made me LOL :-)  am picturing a scramble of crossed paws!  Thanks for the good fine.  Back to work tomorrow and hope my little car is still in the parking lot and that no one took the gas out of the tank!
    Hugs to all my friends here....old and new.  (well I dont' mean'old' you know what I mean)
    Has anyone heard from kate?  I'm going to look around for her.

  • Alicethecat
    Alicethecat Member Posts: 77
    edited November 2012

    Sew and Joan

    Thanks very much for taking the time to reply to my post.

    Good questions from both. Trying to eat healthily and take a 20-minute walk each day but nothing too strenuous.

    Had a quick chat with a chemo nurse today and she said that she thinks it's just my asthma kicking in as it gets better after I've inhaled the meds.

    Not sure. Worried I might have fibrosis of the lung but I really want to avoid seeing a doc. It's SOOOOOOO nice not to have a medical appointment for six weeks!

    I'll crack on with my usual asthma meds but if it doesn't get better soon will have to go back to the docs.

    Best wishes


  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited November 2012

    Checking in...
    Alice, try not to worry too much.  Rads wears us down and our bodies need recovery.  I hope the asthma stays under control.

    Speaking of being worn down, I have a head cold again...started at work today.  I was feeling great and now....not so sure how it will go.
    Nite all,

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2012

    Alice welcome and congratulations for finishing rads.  I think your nurse gave you some good advice as did Sew and Joan.  Your body has taken a beating and it will be awhile before you begin to gfeel normal again.

    Joan...NO!  Sick again?  You poor thing.  I really hope you can stay home this weekend, stay warm and rest rest rest.  Hugs my friend. 

    Sew the LE therapy really helped me so much.  You will be able to do the massage at home and keep the worst of the swelling at bay.  Mine is so much better.  I also have a sleeve/gauntlet to wear when I am being very active.  I hope my friend you continue to get relief. 

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited November 2012

    Joan, feel better.  Alice, most of us can tell you that for awhile, every little thing will loom large and scarey.  It will get better.

    Sew and Janis, LE therapy helped me too.  Since then (I stopped in January) I take a few minutes in the shower each day, and when using my body lotion to use some of the massage motions (moving the lymph fluid towards terminus) and so it has become a part of my daily routine. 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2012

    SAB I do the same thing.  I think I completed LE therapy in February.  What is funny is my cancer breast was much larger than my good breast.  When I was sent to a bra fitter, I actually got bras with inserts and a silicone 'foob' to insert on the good side.  My BC breast was that much larger.  I no longer have to use the insert thank goodness.  I am finally back to being pretty even.  It was so strange for awhile being so lopsided!  :)

  • Cindyl
    Cindyl Member Posts: 498
    edited November 2012

    Ha Janis. Me too. I still need bras that are 2 inches bigger and a cup size or 2 bigger than before the surgery and I'm lopsided.  My friends claim it's not noticable, but I have my doubts.  I've lost 35 lbs and am still not wearing the same size on tops. 

    Ah well.