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Radiation recovery



  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Posts: 670
    edited November 2012

    I do not know what makes me think I am some super hero when it comes to cancer. Yesterday I was looking at my skin and getting all pissed that it still itches and looks so bad. I just took my last treatment Tuesday. So Saturday I want to know why I am still tired, somewhat dizzy etc. Am I crazy?????? Yell

    All I had to do is read some of the past posts about rads and know I have a long way to go.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2012

    Bunkie congratualtions on finishing rads.  It is a milestone and despite feeling a bit crappy now, it will get better I promise.  These ladies have all given you great advice.  As far as clothing and what to wear, let your body tell you.  I couldn't wear a bra for several weeks but of course it was not lon g i could wear anything I wanted.  You are not crazy in the slightest hon!  Your poor body has been through so much.  Now it needs to heal, and it will.  All of the things you are experiencing now will soon be a memory. Allow yourself some time, keep the radiated areas well moisturized.  Give yourself a treat too, something that makes you feel special.  You deserve it!

    Joan glad you slept well and are finally feeling better.  I think a two day work week next week is just what the doctor ordered.  I hope you are able to relax and enjoy your time off.

    So what kinds of plans does everyone have for Thanksgiving?  I love to hear about family traditions and special recipes.  Do all of you have a special side dish that you make only for special occasions? 

    As most of you know my son Ryan will be here for the holiday.  My ex DH Cal and his girlfriend are going to Oregon for Thanksgiving.  They are going to arrive this evening and they will all stay here tonight and tomorrow night.  Tuesday morning Cal and Karen head to Oregon.  They will be back Saturday, spend the night and all will leave Sunday morning.  I have Ryan here for a week and I am so excited.  He has spent the last two Thanksgivings alone, so I want to make this one special.  I decided to fix chicken noodle soup with homemade yeast rolls for tonight.  Since I don't know exactly when they will get here, this is an easy meal.  I made the soup yesterday, all but the noodles which I will cook today and add to the soup.  (I use Old Fashioned Noodles in a bag, LOL).  I have to get the rolls made.  Yesterday I made the dough for three pie crusts.  I always make two pumpkin/cream cheese pies.  Today I am also making an apple/cranberry tart for dessert tonight.  I made the dough for the marzipan, Ryan's favorite candy.  I have to get that rolled into balls today and dipped in dark chocolate.  Lots of sugar here but I really want to spoil Ryan.  I'll send him home with more marzipan as that will be his Christmas gift.

    So lots and lots of cooking here again today, but I really enjoy doing this for others.  Tomorrow night I am making standard pot roast and mashers, some fresh veggie and rolls and salad.  I remember Cal loving my pot roast and so does Ryan.  Chuck too, so everyone will be happy.

    I hope you all have a wonderful week and do something that brings you joy!

    Love and healing hugs to all!

  • Cindyl
    Cindyl Posts: 498
    edited November 2012

    Bunkie - It will get better.  The two weeks after rads were the worst part of treatment for me.  After that everything got better. The skin healed the daily grind was done.  The only good thing about that time is the fatigue was so intense that I slept better than I have before or since.

    Be good to yourself and know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

  • SAB
    SAB Posts: 1,121
    edited November 2012

    Yes, I popped on to Kate's profile and she hasn't posted since Mid-October.  Be happy and healthy Kate, wherever you are!

    I'm taking a break from Holiday prep to check in.  Bunkie, Last year I was only a few days out of rads when Thanksgiving hit, and somehow, with the help of many family members we had a truly lovely evening. Don't overdo--honor your body.

    This year I definitely have more energy, but I'm a bit rusty!  We will have 7 additional people staying here, including my daughter home from school for a night (oh, I know how you feel about spoiling your DS Janis,) and then 25 for dinner Thursday. I'm excited.

    Last night we picked my daughter up from school and drove over to a nearby campus to see my nephew perform in a play. Spring Awakening, very, er, progressive material for a Catholic University. I love being around teens and young's what I miss the most about teaching.  They are so interesting, so full of life and energy and it is absolutely contagious.

    OK, back to work.  Almost finished cleaning.  Then a quick walk and off to the first grocery store.  We are having Turkey and Tofurkey (which my silly artist daughter carves into a turkey every year!) mashed potatoes, sweet potato pie, roasted asparagus, cranberry sauce, spinach salad, green beans almondine, a wild rice pilaf (lots of us don't eat mashers) and a nice whole grain stuffing. Add lots of appetizers and desserts (those are pot luck items) and we are ready to feast.  Very traditional! 

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Posts: 639
    edited November 2012

    Sounds yummy SAB

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2012

    SAB your meal sounds fabulous!  Absolutely perfect.  I don't do nearly as many sides.  I do make sweet potatoes for Chuck and I, Ryan doesn't care for them.  Today I made his favorite marzipan candy.  Since I didn't know what time they were coming, I just made a huge pot of chicken noodle soup.  I made enough for 20 people as usual.  I also made an apple/cranberry tart and homemade yeast rolls.  They should be here within the hour.  I am so excited.  Cal and Karen will sleep in the guest bedroom.  We have one of those nice air mattresses that barely fits in our tiny office.  Ryan can sleep in there.  We did lots of laundry today, made up the guest bed and the air mattress and changed our sheets.  I have not sat down all day!  I took my pain meds throughout the day as my joints and neck hurt so much.  I think when i wake up in the morning I will really be hurting.  All worth it to be with Ryan.  :)

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Posts: 1,311
    edited November 2012


    It sure is lucky you checked in....I was going to have to send out the dogs to find you! I should have known you were busy in the kitchen and cleaning on the side. I'm so glad you're having Ryan for the week. What fun. But....don't do yourself in so much that you can't enjoy it. Let him spoil you.....that would be a treat!

    Sab, your dinner plans sound wonderful. I want to come to your house!

    We used to always have 18 or more for thanksgiving, but, alas, times have changed. For the first time my brother and wife aren't coming, my sister will be in Seattle with one of her daughters and her other grown kids and their children won't be here. My daughter and grandson will be helping to serve the homeless's my Mom (94) my DH and me. So.....I'm changing the menu, since I'm vegetarian and the sole cook this year. I'll cook a leg/thigh for Mom, she'll make cranberry sauce, and well have string beans almondine, yams (maybe one with Kale a new recipe), wild brown rice pilaf, roasted Brussels sprouts, rolls, spinach/apple salad. I've convinced Mom not to get the full Sees candy box, but rather a 4 pieceWhitmans sampler, and we'll also have pumpkin pie. No Sees candy breaks a 65 year tradition as does the change in menu (well, I guess it's probably a 94 year tradition for my mom) but change is the spice of life, right?

    Enjoy your week everyone..especially you Janis......

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2012

    Sew See's was a cherished very loved treat when I was growing up.  Feel free to have mom send it here if she feels compelled to continue the tradition!  Laughing

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Posts: 1,311
    edited November 2012

    Good plan, Janis, pals are always there to help us aren't they? Lol

  • SAB
    SAB Posts: 1,121
    edited November 2012

    Sew, you are always welcome here...just a couple hours of driving and we can always squeeze another chair in!!! Seriously, enjoy your Mom and a quiet feast, it sounds wonderful (I rarely eat meat either.) Roasted brussels are my favorite veggie...I just thought it would be easier to make a huge tray of asparagus.  Have changed my mind on almondine-will make green bean and red onion salad in basalmic dressing (eaten cold, so it frees cooking space and can make ahead.) How lovely for your DD and DGS to serve those in need. You must be proud.

    Janis, when I get hungry I just read your posts and I feel better! By now you are enjoying your DS.  I don't see my dd the elder too often, so I can feel your excitement.  I am slow cooking some veggie chili all day on Wednesday for her, and making her favorite eggplant parm.  I took soup to her last night when we picked her up for the play, and she was so grateful that it broke my heart!

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Posts: 1,311
    edited November 2012

    Sab, the green bean salad actually sounds better than the almondine to me too. Yum.... Your DD will probably break into tears when she sees the chili and eggplant Parmesan. I don't blame her...I would too :) how sweet you are to make her favorites. Enjoy your celebration.....

  • joan811
    joan811 Posts: 1,982
    edited November 2012

    OMG I am so hungry after reading those food lists!  I cleaned all week end even though I am not hosting this year.  DS who just moved to Chicago will arrive Tgiving morning.  We will pick him up from the airport in NYC and continue driving over 2 bridges to New Jersey then north to DD#2 house with my squishy squirmy lovable GDs.  This is a change because DD decided not to travel to DC (where her SIL and my DD#1 live).  So we get to have a more lively gathering. 
    I am a turkey homemade cranberry, brussel sprouts & broccoli, hollandaise sauce on the side; I am bringing the sweet potato dish; DH is making stuffing; and dessert.  DD is ordering a cooked turkey from Whole Foods.  She can't tolerate any smoke in the house so she avoids long oven cooking.  It's fine with me!
    Sew,you are close enough to sneak into SAB's dining room and grab a bite without being noticed!  I'd join you if I could....but your table spread sounds great too.
    Janis, I am not a cook - I prefer to bake - but you are both....I thought I was pretty special because I made delicious beef stew last night with noodles and fresh bread (carbs, anyone?)...and apple-peach crisp. 
    I don't cook much when I'm working all week.  Am trying to watch carbs and shoot for a normal weight again....not easy right now.
    DS in San Francisco will be 29 Wednesday.  He decided not to come for TG but to make a longer trip over Christmas.
    Work tomorrow; then home to organize guest rooms and my room.  My Gs will also be home so have to check his room too. 
    I have too much stuff around here and it is making me stressed.  I want to start an ebay store!

    Next Monday is one year since I started Rads.  The year flew....and my recovery was pretty fast.  I took time off in January when I finished, since no classes then.
    SAB, I completely agree with you about being around young people.  I love my job, and this semester the night class is really smart, fun and appreciative of everything I do.  They keep me in the game and fortunately, since I have young guys, I am fairly on top of things. I can understand how you miss teaching.

    OK - I am yawning over myself for chatting so much...
    Since this is a Radiation Recovery thread, I'd like to give everyone here who is in treatment or just finishing the very biggest healing hug.  Happy Thanksgiving....I believe we each have reason to be grateful.
    H-U-G-S to all my sisters here...

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2012

    Just wanted to stop by and wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I hope everyone has a special day with family/friends. you, just three people at our table this year.  I am so happy to see Ryan after so long and we have enjoyed cooking together.  We do everything traditional so there will be turkey and all the trimmings.  My pumpkin pies are in the oven now, the house smells so good!

    Joan, a special wish for you that you enjoy your son.  I know how you have missed him.

    Elizabeth....special hugs and much love to you and yours.

    SAB....your food sounds divine! 

    I care so much about my special friends here.  I'll be thinking of you and wishing we were all at the same table!

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Posts: 509
    edited November 2012

    Hi everyone, I just want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. We are fortunate enough to be going to a family member's home on Thanksgiving Day, but I am cooking a turkey this weekend so that my husband can enjoy leftover turkey.

  • joan811
    joan811 Posts: 1,982
    edited November 2012

    Happy Thanksgiving to my friends here.  You mean so much to me.
    I have so enjoyed reading about how each one of us will spend Thanksgiving.  It is my favorite time of year, as everyone can celebrate.
    Tonight my grandson (who has lived with me since he was 6 weeks old) came home from NY City for the week end and he has a new haircut - just perfect for him - and a nice wool winter jacket he bought himself...and I just filled up with such joy at how he has grown into a man (he's 22). He will have dinner with his girlfriend's family this year but he'll be around all week end.  I feel so blessed.  And Chicago son will be here in a few hours.  I cooked sweet potatoes 2 ways and DH made a stuffing dish...and we are bringing birthday cake....I was born on Tgiving Day and every year I get to celebrate with family because of the holiday.  (BD is Sunday, but we'll celebrate 2 or 3 times :-D)
    Birthdays are great - isn't that what it is all about?  My son from CA had a birthday Wednesday ... we are still playing phone tag.  We'll see him in December.
    Wishing everyone who is just entering recovery from BC treatments a happy break and good health and hope for the coming year.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2012

    Joan HAPPY HAPPY birthday to you!  A bit early, but since you celebrate today so will I!  It sounds like you will be surrounded by many loved ones.  Enjoy every minute of your special day and time together. are quiet.  I hope you and Mom and DH are enjoying your wonderful meal! 

    Elizabeth......have fun with all the family and then you can enjoy a quiet dinner this weekend with all of your favorite dishes.  Plus the bonus of leftovers!  :)

    My bird is cooking, my hands have gotten really stiff and sore.  Mornings are the worst.  Ryan and Chuck helped with all the chopping and getting stuffing and bird ready.  I am grateful to have so much help this year.  Chuck had a slice of the pumpkin pie already.  No problem since I made two.  I make a cheesecake layer on the bottom and it looked divine.  I will not be counting calories for a bit!

    Everyone have a wondeful day.  Joy to all! 

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Posts: 670
    edited November 2012

    Happy Thanksgiving. I spent 2 hours at the ER today because of a kidney stone. Radiation has dried me out so bad and I have been trying to keep up on fluids. Not enough I guess. So I was passing a stone when they brought me in with the ambulance. Gave me pain meds thank God and nausea meds and some benedryl for any possible reaction. Oy yoy!!!!!

    The ER dr said he did not want me to stay in the ER very long at all because my immune system is so compromised right now. So I ask how long before you start to rebuild after rads is done?

    Anyone have a clue?

  • SAB
    SAB Posts: 1,121
    edited November 2012

    Oh Bunkie I'm so sorry your Thanksgiving ended up in the hospital! I hope you are home, comfortable and all is well.

    Joan, Happy Birthday to you, and a year of happiness ahead.

    Janis, you sound so happy to have Ryan home.  I hope you are enjoying every minute.  

    Elizabeth, It sounds like I have to come to your house for huge turkey is completely gone!  that has never happened to me before.  Thankfully, everyone seemed to get seconds (and some got thirds :-)) before it disappeared.

    I have had a day full of random hugs and lots of help from my visiting family. An hour after the last guest left the tables had been folded, the floors vacuumed, the furniture moved back into place and the dishes washed.  It is like living with a houseful of helpful elves (wrong holiday!?) Anyway, it was so very different from last year when I was exhausted and only a few days out of rads, and I was so grateful for the energy I had.  So, for those who may be new to recovery, hang in there it gets better.

    I am grateful for each of you.  Thank you for helping through this (sometimes difficult) year with all of the changes it has brought.  Blessings. Susan

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2012 Susan!  Your holiday sounds wonderful.  It is all a holiday and family gathering should be.  How special for all of you and I am so happy there was an abundance of love and hugs in your home. 

    Ours was quiet....but nice to have Ryan to help in the kitchen.  DH helped a ton too so all of the work did not fall on me.  I am having such joint pain and my hands are bad.  I have trouble opening the childproof caps on my meds!  Anyway it was so nice to have all the help.  Way too much food, of course and we have a ton of leftovers but no complaints.  All good stuff!

    Bunkie I am so sorry you had to spend time in the ER!  How unpleasant and I am sure the pain was bad.  I have never heard of this before after rads.  I sure hope you were able to salvage a little holiday, although I am sure you were not in the mood.  Look forward, it will gets lots better!  Take good care, healing hugs!

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Posts: 1,311
    edited November 2012


    Now...that's not the greatest way to spend thanksgiving. I'm so sorry you went thru that. I'm not really surprised that the dr wanted you out of Er ASAP. Rads also kill good cells, and your body is busily trying to rebuild itself. Hence the need to rest, know your limits before they hit, and eat lots of protein. In your case, water also! You will start feeling better each day, but it will probably be at least 3 weeks before you're anywhere near normal and a full 6 to 10 months till you're back to full steam. That's if you can manage to avoid catching the flu or a cold or something, which always seems to set me back. I promise you'll one day you'll realize you're able to do things which wiped you out just a few weeks earlier. So....hang in there. You're on the road to recovery now.

    Sab (Susan).....I KNEW your meal sounded superb. Apparently everyone there thought so too. Don't ya just love having elves around? And, I agree about the energy level difference between last year and this. I'm so much stronger's to continues improvement for all of us.....

    Janis, by the sounds of it, I think you could have fed half your neighbors, but it did all sound delicious. I'm so sorry your hands are giving you problems. Is it the AI I wonder? If so, hopefully it will calm down again once you're not quite so busy. I too can. O longer open bottles or jars or just about anything, but my DH is happy to help. It just seems to be so silly. But....we've made 1 year already, so we can do 4 more, I'm sure. At least that's how I look at it......while hoping I'm not bald by then as my hair is thinning drastically. Ah well, my hair cutter is pretty creative....if I can retain enough hair to cut!

    I don't know about everyone else, but I'm really looking forward to the holidays this year. I'm already in the spirit. Busily planning gifts I can make/finish up for everyone, and dreaming about how soon I can get out my decorations. I even bought wrapping paper today (on sale, of course). I do love Christmas, the family get togethers, the meals, the lunches with friends.......and avoiding the malls, which I usually am pretty successful at. So, at the risk of being too early... Happy Season to all my sistas ....I'm so glad to have each of you here for support....

    Peggy aka Sew.....

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2012

    Peggy AKA of course I am privy to a few other good to hear from you!  It is wonderful that you are in such good holiday spirits.  Enjoy the joy!

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Posts: 1,311
    edited November 2012

    Yes, Janis, but we can not use any x-rated names! No swearing allowed either....oh dear, I'm afraid I'm being just plain silly now! What are you doing up so late, anyway?

  • joan811
    joan811 Posts: 1,982
    edited November 2012

    Checking in after turkey hangover. Too many carbs! Best birthday cake since childhood!

    I had such fun with my sweet funny granddaughters. Love having Chicago son around. Drove him into NYC for his overnight with friends.

    No shopping for me today.

    Glad you have made good memories this year. Life seems sweeter after BC.

    I agree that this year is better. Last year I started rads the Monday after Tgiving.

    And I am so grateful for each person here.

    ((( Bunkie))) feel better.



  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Posts: 670
    edited November 2012

    Thanks for the info. i am hanging in there. To top it off the temp is 24 this morning and I am having sinus drip issues. It best not be a cold. I have nothing to fight with at this point. Will take some benedryl and hope it is my body pissed at the high amount of heat being used to stay warm. Gas heat always makes me icky.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2012

    Sew....(see, polite)  I am sometimes up late but not often here.  I wanted to check in on everyone.  I'll refrain from swearing.  Most of the time!

    Joan, how wonderful to hear you had such a great time.  I was finished with rads in October of last year and feeling pretty good.  I am so so happy this is behind you and you don't have that to dread anymore.  Over and done and yes, things do look better.  I am happy you had such a good time with your son and the rest of the family. 

    Bubkie where do you live that it was so cold?  I think we got about that low here the other night.  I am just outside Boise.  No snow here just a littly chilly.  I hope you get to feeling much better very soon.

    My ex DH and his girlfriend are on their way back.  They will be here in a couple hours.  They are staying tonight and tomorrow morning I have to say goodbye.  I can't imagine how I will feel giving Ryan that last hug.  It will likely not be pretty.  I am having a bit of added stress and so I  thinkthat big cry that has been building up will happen.  I hate it because it makes him feel so bad.  I have no idea when I will see him again, that is the really hard part.

    Have a good safe weekend everyone.  No shopping for me, I could not cope with those awful crowds anyway.  Yikes!

    Elizabeth, enjoy your turkey meal my friend.  HUGS!

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Posts: 1,311
    edited November 2012

    Janis, A good cry is just plain called for every once in's just everyone else doesn't understand! Hopefully you'll get thru the goodbye's with some amount of grace. You could always resort to my answer to such occasions.......drugs! Ativan! A whole one! Helps give me just that extra needed smidgen of control. Come to think of it, I haven't needed one in months...I must be much better!

    Joan, your holiday sounds just perfect. Snuggles with the little ones, conversation, even intelligible conversations with the older ones. And everyone nearby. Heaven! Glad you got to do this, and I agree, this year is so different from last year. Good for all of us getting thru this.

    Tomorrow I'm taking the day for myself and playing with my fabrics and yarn all day. Catch up on the tv series I like to watch. Nurse this sore throat which threatens to get the best of me.....but I'm going to fool it and win first!

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Posts: 509
    edited November 2012

    Hi everyone, DH and I enjoyed our double Thanksgiving--dinner at a family member's home on Thursday and cooking a turkey at home today. It has been a wonderful celebration.

    Janis, I know you have had a great week with your son, but my heart breaks for you thinking about tomorrow. Please call me.

    Bunkie, Sorry you had to go to the ER. I hope your healing will start going smoothly soon.

    Joan, Happy Birthday!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2012

    Sew, love the 'tude!  If we can kick cancer to the curb hopefully you can do this with the sore throat.  Healing hugs to you my friend.  Your day tomorrow sounds absolutely PERFECT!  Doing things you enjoy so much is awesome.  I may need the Ativan tomorrow.  Tonight Cal and Karen and Ryan and I played O-Hell.  Old card game our family has played since the beginning of time.  It is such a treat for us to play.  DH had a headache so didn't play with us.

    Elizabeth I am so happy to hear both of your Thanksgivings were so good.  I so hope one day we can share the dinner table together again.  I would have loved to have you here, and you know how much all my fur kids loved you!  :)

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2012

    Joan, HAPPY HAPPY birthday my friend.  I hope your second celebration is fun as well.  I hope you enjoy the cake, i hunted for a geology theme.  Big hugs to you, and enjoy your special day!

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Posts: 670
    edited November 2012

    Please tell me that someone here had a cold after rads and recovered easy. OMG my nose is draining down my throat and my chest is getting tight. Feels like asthma but my inhaler did nothing for it. First a kidney stone from dehydration and now a cold/asthma. I am calling my lung Dr in the am and asking for a treatment. If they can not they will send me to the ER....which is where I do not need to be.

    I can see me now wearing my ugly blue mask and gloves so I won"t touch anything.

    My skin under my breast is starting to peel and heal up some. Still looks raw but it isn't.