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Any October 2011 Surgeries out there want to wait together?



  • CookieMonster
    CookieMonster Member Posts: 90
    edited December 2011

    Yeah, I've already told them about it, since I missed 4 days for LX #2 w/SNB. With MX I'm going to be out 4 weeks, so a lot longer and the surgery is longer with a longer recovery. I wanted to tell them last week, but we were still getting my sub coverage in place and didn't want to tell them without knowing what the coverage would be. Now it's all in place and we're ready to go so tomorrow and Wed. are my out days. But anyway, many parents e-mailed me with appreciation for my openness and connection with their kids. Showing that the big C is not always a death sentence and it can be dealt with with strength, maturity, and while still holding my life together. Their support was tremendous and I'm sure it will be in the future as well.

  • beachymom
    beachymom Member Posts: 14
    edited December 2011

    Hi Ladies,

    The appointment went well yesterday with the onco. My scores were 11 and 18. I was a little concerned about the 18 since it's JUST inside the gray area, but with going on Armadex, it would give me a 2% better chance on the 10 year curve from the way I understood him. I will do a bit more research, but at this point I am forgoing chemo and will start the hormone therapy within the next couple of days.

    Gotta have humor in all of this, without it we would all go crazy! Maybe inappropriate at times, but oh well, they don't live in our skin!

    My lovely daughter had a couple of comp airline tickets and booked a Florida trip for the two of us! My toes will be in the sand soon for a few days before Christmas and I couldn't be happier to soak up some sunshine! Michigan winters along the lakeshore can be brutal at times :(

    Keeping up the good thoughts for all of you,


  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited December 2011

    Keely --  welcome to the group.  I wouldn't know what to do without this group for support.

    Cookiemonster --  good luck with the next surgery.  I am sure you will do fantastic (I found trying to have a postive attitued through this helps the healing process).

    Rachel --  I love the comment.  Even with smaller fills the TE fills take a toll on your body - rest when you can. 

    My humor has drawn some raised eyebrows through this.  I have always dealt with scary things with jokes.  I figure if we didn't laugh about this sometimes we would be crying and curled up in a ball.  Not to say we don't have those days.  I had one yesterday that  I just started crying over having my exchange surgery scheduled for a week later then we had discussed at PS due to OR availability.

    have a great Tues ladies...

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2011

    I agree. Gotta laugh or you will cry...I choose laughter more often but have a good cry now and then. Sorry for the disappointment Margie but I am sure you will find a great way to use the extra time and make the most of it. I think a positive attitude is sooo important in having good outcomes!

    Keely-I am so jealous; have a wonderful time and enjoy that beautiful Florida weather!

  • Dukes_Up
    Dukes_Up Member Posts: 112
    edited December 2011

    Hey Gang~

    I'm sorry for being MIA again.  You have all been been in my daily thoughts and prayers (as always!)  I just haven't had more than a minute for myself since heading back to work (which in retrospect, was most likely a bit too soon.) 

    I seem to be the next candidate for a TE issue.  I have a "questionable" infection on my left side in which PS has marked but hasn't started me on antibiotics (due to my allergic history.)  I'm trying to stay calm but find myself looking at the "pink spot" every couple of minutes checking for growth and/or "angriness."    I also managed to hurt my left shoulder while training at the gym which hurts worse than any post-surgical pain I've ever had.  

    Anyway, I am totally laughing here re: giving our DH's/SO's "the look."  My DH gets "the look" more often than not!  I love him to pieces... but his comments often leave me thinking "Did you REALLY just say that?"  :)

    I'm off to nurse my shoulder.  Giant hugs and big love to all!


  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited December 2011

    AJ --  I am sending you a ton of healing thoughts that the infection goes away.  Take care of that shoulder - ice ice and more ice

  • Dukes_Up
    Dukes_Up Member Posts: 112
    edited December 2011

    Thanks Margie! 

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited December 2011

    Keely - Florida, wow! Sounds like you'll have a really great Christmas. I hope you have a fantastic trip. I'm starting to decide where I want to go when all of this is behind me. It will be great for you to spend that time with family.

    CookieMonster - That's great that you've had the chance to make an impression, and wonderful that the parents recognize it! As we probably all realized during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, while there is so much information out there, BC is just too damn complicated to boil it down to either scare tactics or sugar coating (ie: "Oh, it's so curable now.") Your students are lucky to have someone as thoughtful as you to learn from. We'll be thinking of you when you go for that surgery. You're probably a pro at all of this by now after following all of our bmx posts, but feel from to PM me if you have any questions.

    Margie - ((hugs)). Sorry that delay got to you like that. But it's coming soon - you'll be 7-days more appreciative of being able to get rid of your TEs!

    Ginger - You're so right about attitude and outlook!

    AJ - Glad to see you back. I do hope that infection quiets down. And take care of that shoulder. A co-worker had rotator cuff surgery about a month before my bmx - and from what I can tell, I was better off! Remember to take time for yourself, even when you're at work. Everyone will benefit when you're rested and in good shape.

    I'm recovering from my colposcopy earlier today (following up on an abnormal pap smear). Man, talk about pain! And that's when I had my most current breakdown. I try to be so strong, but every once in a while, I just want a simple answer to the question "Why me???" Okay, it doesn't even have to be simple. I am so looking forward to a time without constant tests, doctor appointments, PT appointments, medications, etc. I'm been so inspired by women, both on the forums here and that I've met in real life, who have spun this BC experience into a way to change their lives, or really pull their acts together. But at this point, it's sometimes hard to figure out how to define that so-called "new normal." I liked the old one better...

    But I'm really glad to have found this forum. Thanks again for the jokes, the understanding and the sharing. 

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2011

    Rachel- hope the breakdown is shortlived.

    AJ- good to see you back on here and hope the shoulder pain passes quickly.

    I have been dealing with shoulder pain and no range of motion for months (literally) and after just 3 sessions with the lymphedema specialist I am beginning to move my shoulder again and today I could even put my hand on top of my head. I almost cried with relief! It may sound silly but it is huge for me. Who would have thought it could happen that fast?

    Tomorrow is my oopharectomy and it will be great to have less shoulder pain for that.

    Wishing everyone a good night's sleep!

  • Maria_Malta
    Maria_Malta Member Posts: 667
    edited December 2011

    Hello girls..been too busy to write, but haven't forgotten you.  Thought I'd pop in to say that I started radiotherapy on Monday which should be finished a few days after Xmas so I should start 2012 having finished all least I really hope so..have been at it since the beginning of March and it feels a lifetime.  Very best wishes to all of you, especially those who are having complications..hang in there...Rachel, I think it's far too early for you to become 'new normal' when you are still in the middle of treatment and having just experienced horrible pain...Ginger, hope op went well... Very best wishes to all my October companions!

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited December 2011

    Just a quick note to say I'm feeling much better. I worked a full day yesterday and made it to orchestra rehearsal - apparently having a port doesn't affect my playing. Thanks for the support. And I tried on a pre-surgery bra, and it pretty much fits. Maybe I'll do one more fill.

    Maria_Malta - I'm so glad you'll be nearing the end of your treatments. Here's to a healthy 2012! 

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited December 2011

    Rachel ---  I think a break down now and then is good for us. 

    Ginger --  I'll be thinking about you today.  hope it goes well.

    Maria_Malta --  Sounds like you will have an extra special New Years...

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2011

    I am doing so well after this ooph surgery I am afraid to jinx myself by saying it. The pain is minimal except when I have to stand up or sit down and even then it is not too bad. The worst part is the stupid sore throat from the breathing tube and I am sure that will be better soon.I am just taking the presription motrin which is 800 mg and have not even needed any narcotics.Also, after lumpectomy, NSBMX, and those damn expanders I think my pain tolerance has definitely increased. I think the guided imagery I did presurgery definitely helped my recovery. Positive attitudes really make a difference! Hope everyone has a great day! I am spending mine taking it easy and catching up on watching shows saved on my DVR.

  • CookieMonster
    CookieMonster Member Posts: 90
    edited December 2011

    Great for you, Ginger!!  I too have a boatload of shows on the DVR that I'm looking forward to watching when I'm recovering.

    It sounds like most of the Octobers are doing well, I'm so glad to hear it. Happy Holidays to you all and a HEALTHY New Year as well.


  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2011

    cookie- would you believe the power went out? It was out for 3 or 4 hours today and really threw my DVR viewing a curve ball. Oh well; I guess I will lie around and do that tomorrow.

  • CookieMonster
    CookieMonster Member Posts: 90
    edited December 2011

    Made me chuckle Ginger. Thanks! I can use some good chuckling right now. The 3rd grade moms at school are going a bit nutty about taking care of me. It will all be fine, but the e-mails were furiously flying back and forth (and they didn't realize that they left me on the list for a while). I'm off of it now but I wonder what all I'm going to end up having come my way.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2011

    haha...I have had that happen as well. Good intentions...hope it all works out!

  • 9911
    9911 Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2011

    Hi All-

    Probably my last check in here ... 6 weeks ago I had BMX & flap surgery. 

    Yesterday, appt with MO. I really don't know what else my MO can do for me ... other then bloodwork & scans. Being a TN, that's about it. I don't have real breast anymore ... no checking needed ... no mammo ... no drugs. Anyway, next appointment will be in 6 month.

    Today, appt with PS. Everything looking good. My husband said ... he has never seen anyone touch  those foobs so much.  Anyway, I'm FREE to do anything. Next appointment will be 3 month to see if stage 2 is needed. I have to say ... once I was able to drive ... things got better everyday. I'm almost doing my reg 3-4 miles walk ... when it's not too cold or wet outside. I'm back being the CEO & COO ... of my family.

    Before seeing my PS ... my husband took me on his route to visit me in the hospital. I never walked outside of my room. I was wheeled out the last day ... that was the first time I saw what was outside my room. I really don't remember anything outside my room. There was a guy in that room today. I was able to find one of the RN that took care of me ... I handed over 10lbs of candy to her and Thank her. I hope 10lbs of candy can last all 3 shifts. 

    Thanks to all here ... PEACE & Best wishes to all ...


  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited December 2011

    9911 - All the best! It's great that you've gotten back on your feet so quickly. I agree that being able to drive makes so much of a difference. I also understand the TN side of things - though I'm only about to start chemo, so I'm still only about halfway through my journey (and I have the feeling surgery was the easy part). I'm sure we all want to put our BC experience in our past and move on when we're done with treatments, but feel free to check back in every once in a while. We'll always be here for you.

    I hope things are going well for everyone. Ginger, sounds like your recovery is going smoothly. 

    CookieMonster - Sending good thoughts your way for surgery.

    I had a nice milestone today. Out of curiousity, I pulled out a pre-bmx bra and put it on.... and it fit! Well, about as much as a regular bra can fit on oddly shaped TEs, and there was a small empty part of the bra on each side. But it was good enough to wear all day. It was just so nice to look at myself and look pretty normal. The sports bras are fine, but I'll always associate them with my surgery. 

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2011

    Rachel- here's to much more "feeling normal" in the days and years to come!

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited December 2011

    Hi Ladies,

    Hope you are all doing well.  I decided to withdraw a bid and had to lick my wounds for a while.  Lefty was infected and was on Keflex for 10 days.  Now it is sitting up high and the right has dropped.  I think I look ridiculous.  I saw the PS NP today and she said that unless Lefty has scar tissue, it should drop, too.  Is this right?

    Love you girls, gotta get some sleep now... 

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited December 2011

    Eema!! So glad to see you back. I'm sorry you've had to go through the complications. I hope soon you're able to get your, um, ducks in a row.  Laughing

    I'm heading for my first round of chemo. Mom's here taking care of me. Had a choir rehearsal, and I am determined to make it to services this Friday to sing. 

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited December 2011

    rachel good luck with today's chemo - take it slow and easy.

  • Maria_Malta
    Maria_Malta Member Posts: 667
    edited December 2011

    Good luck Rachel!

  • Dukes_Up
    Dukes_Up Member Posts: 112
    edited December 2011

    Rachel- You will be on my mind all day! Please update when you can!

    Bug hugs!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2011

    Rachel- hope it is going ok!

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited December 2011

    Thanks so much for the good wishes. I must have been receiving them loud and clear. I flew through all three treatments, and didn't even have any small reactions. On the way home, I had my Mom swing by the Irish pub where a group of friends hangs out once every month or two (they hadn't been able to reschedule when I told them I was going to be doing another type of 'cocktail' that day). So I celebrated with a martini and turkey burger. So far, everything is going okay (onc said alcohol was okay as long as I could tolerate it - and not in excess). My stomach is making itself known a little, but nothing really bad yet, but I have my meds ready and waiting. I go back for the Neulasta shot tomorrow - I am so not looking forward to the bone pain.

    Take care. 

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited December 2011

    Rachel - when I was on chemo they had me take Claratin the day before, day of and day after the Neulasta shot for the bone pain and it did help.  Even if you are not feeling nausea take the anti-nausea drugs. 

    Dukes up (AJ) -- good luck with the exchange tomorrow I will be thinking about you.  Let me know how it goes.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited December 2011

    AJ- good luck tomorrow; I didn't realize you were doing an exchange.

  • Maria_Malta
    Maria_Malta Member Posts: 667
    edited December 2011

    Rachel, as Margie so rightly said, do take the anti nausea drugs whether you feel sick or not...nausea has a nasty little habit of creeping up on you! 

    And best wishes and lots of luck to you too AJ!