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Starting Chemo in Nov. 2011...anyone else?



  • bethu77
    bethu77 Member Posts: 263
    Kim--I have expanders in place and get 25cc's every 2 weeks. I had radiation 3 years ago and my PS doesn't know if the skin will stretch. I get "filled" every other week. I haven't had any red issues. He won't do an expander fill the week I have chemo because he doesn't want to risk an infection.
  • bethu77
    bethu77 Member Posts: 263

    Hello everyone! My 3rd treatment is tomorrow-12/6. I was nauseated with the last one and had the oily feeling in my mouth with a few sores. On a happier note, I said when I had an appetite that I would eat Subway and pizza. On Friday, my appetite was here with not oily feeling. My happiest moment since my port surgery was eating that Subway. I also ate pizza last night. Today, I am paying for eating a spicy pizza but I loved every bite! Tomorrow night I will begin again the SEs from the treatment but I am looking forward to eating "real" food again after they leave.
    I use a Fleet enema for constipation. It is the mineral oil one and works to get things moving. I have gained about 8 pounds and don't know where they are coming from. I can only eat instant mashed potatoes for about 5 days after treatment. It must be because I don't feel like moving around and just sit or sleep for most of the day.

    I wore my wig on Saturday for the Christmas parade and Santa's arrival. My niece and nephew were there with their children. I was waving at them and they didn't recognize me. They said I looked so young and they thought I was one of their classmates for 20 years ago. Boy, did I swell up and feel so young that evening!

    I hope your Monday is sunshine and warm. Mine is rainy and cold. I also hope each of you feel better soon or at least for one day.

    Bahamamom--I hope your fear of needles lessen each time. My fear is getting better. I am not dreading the blood draw or the chemo yet. Maybe in the morning it will hit...

  • racerdeb
    racerdeb Member Posts: 114

    bethu77, lory48, and linnyhop,

    I'll be going in for my second TCH treatment tomorrow, so add me to the list.  I'm certainly not looking forward to it, but I do feel like I now have a better idea of what to expect.

    I had no challenges during this past week (3rd week after first treatment), with the exception of my scalp.  I continue to have an itchy, irritated scalp and I'm trying to figure out what can help minimize the discomfort.  Any ideas, anyone?

    I wish all of you good luck with your treatments tomorrow, and I'll be thinking of you and all of the rest of the gals on this message board as we move forward in our journey.

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    RacerDeb, Did you shave??  As soon as I shaved mind the itching and soreness went away.

  • racerdeb
    racerdeb Member Posts: 114


    No, I didn't, and I'm thinking that might be the solution I'll give it a try. Thanks.

  • FLislander
    FLislander Member Posts: 52

    Thank you Naan

    That means slot, keeping all positive thoughts for everybody here, thankful to have a great online community, will be trying the probiotic cleanser sounds good. I am trying to do any natural health things they will let me, dr said no to vitamins

  • CHH
    CHH Member Posts: 24

    Bahamamom3 - I just started wearing my wig friday and similarly am far from comfortable. I know I will get used to it though. My stylist said 2weeks. I find when I am at work, I am constantly tugging, checking reflection cause it doesn't feel quite right. When out doing errandd and life stuff, I can get  freaked out that is slipping or just not right. And it's off as soon as I get home.

    I am confident we'll figure it out.

     Question -- about a week after first treatment, I noticed dark mark where I had the injection (no least not yet)..and a line up my vein. Not red, not sore, not really a bruise. Skin at site is peeling a little bit...anyone else experience?

    Go back for Round #2 Thursday...planning major hydration starting tomorrow. Best to all.

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    Hi ladies,

    I'm still doing fairly well.  It's Day 6 past 2nd tx and I've really had minimal SEs.  The usual , no appetite, eating brat diet, cramping when go to the bathroom, but no Big D as yet.  I'm hoping I'm being proactive enough to keep that at bay.  I'm going to stay on the brat diet a couple more days, then I may be brave enough to start adding more foods back. 

    Everyone having treatments this week, I hope all goes well for you and that you have minimal SEs

  • Andimom03
    Andimom03 Member Posts: 64

    Bethu77, I have expanders as well, getting filled with 60ccs every 2 weeks.  He is hoping to have any expansion done prior to the radiation I will be getting when chemo is done.This sure is a process, isn't it? Best thoughts to all of you with treatments, SEs, etc this week.  Mine are still unknown.  8 days and counting...til first treatment.

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    grandmaV, so happy that you're having minimal se's.  by day 6, you should be experiencing the worst.  i hope you begin to feel back to normal really soon.
  • tohisglory
    tohisglory Member Posts: 2

    Hi, anyone on cmf?  I started last Friday at Sloan and was hoping someone else there was also on regimen...well, not hoping ...really hoping NO ONE HAD A NEED TO BE ON ANY OF THIS STUFF but just haven't seen cmf as much as first onco recommended tc but sloan threw three regimens out there and said I should do cmf...just getting nervous, which seems to be my recurring theme, that I'm doing the right thing. I'm er/pr pos/her2 neg, no nodes, no vascular involvment, stage 1, grade 3 and 1.2 cm tumor...double mast too which showed some buggers hanging in both breasts which was NOT detected on mammo... 

     Praying for all of you guys..

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Evening Ladies, getting ready for #2 tomorrow.. I have the dreaded steroid, then cold, then hot..uggg  anyone else go through this takingthe pre-meds?

  • Kathy9433
    Kathy9433 Member Posts: 23

    Hi Ladies.... It's been a while since my last post; but I have read all the new replies and WELCOME to everyone!  I had my 3rd AC today and feeling a little wiped out tonite.  My treatments are every three weeks; so one more AC and then 4 Taxotere.  3 down-5 to go  YAY!!  It's funny to hear everyone's "experience" with the hair loss :O)  I think we've all had the same feelings and felt that shock when it really starts to go!  Sure makes getting ready in the morning a lot faster, doesn't it??  I hope everyone has a great week ..... hugs to all OXOXOXO

    Kathy :O)  

  • linnyhopp
    linnyhopp Member Posts: 466

    Racerdeb, Lory, Beth & NHH ~ Good luck for few side effects from your treatments (as well as the rest of our buddies on this thread who are somewhere in between our schedule)!  I know that we need to get this done and I truly keep thinking this thought that I read..."Chemo is something they do for you, not TO you."  However, as much as I know this is true, I still dread the after effects.  On the other hand, that proves it must be working, right?.  Anyway here's to getting another treatment and being 1/3 finished with the hard part!

    I have worn my wig a few times now and have gotten what I perceive as genuine compliments as to how real it looks.  They wouldn't lie to me, would they?  I am much more comfortable wearing it in public now and it's getting easier and easier to put on and doesn't take much time to get ready which is a plus! By the way, my wig stylist gave me an Egyptian cotton wig liner that makes the itchy and sore scalp so much more tolerable.  I hope some of you can find something to help with that issue.  She told me that in a couple of weeks it won't be an issue.  Yep, that will be when the stubble is gone I guess.

     I went to a workshop put on by the American Cancer Society today, "Look Good, Feel Better."   It was great and the volunteers were all cosmetologists who helped us with make-up.  Lots of great products from some really great companies!  They gave us each a wig...mine is long and reddish- blond.  Woo Hoo!  Hoping my wig stylist can make it look good on me.  I also was given a really, really cute red wool beret with a flower of the same fabric on the side.  I am getting to be a real hat lover now and never was before.  Oh no, another vice!  It used to be really stylish shoes, but since I am getting older, comfort rules on that front.  LOL!  Anyway, if you have a chance to attend one, think about it.  I met some amazing fellow BC friends, one of whom lives near me and I feel like I have made a really wonderful new friend. 

    Sorry to ramble, but I have felt so great these last few days that I seem to get excited about so many things in my life that are positve including all of you!  By the way, I went to an annual Christmas get-together with some girlfriends tonight.  One of them told me that her friend said that sweet and sour flavored foods seemed to taste good with metal mouth.  I ordered sweet and sour chicken after my friend asked if I could taste the sauce and it tasted good.  I finally enjoyed a meal!  Just a suggestion for some of you with the same issue. 

    To all...take care and enjoy something special every day!  Hoping for few SE's for all of us.  In case I am feeling too puny to write in the next few days...have a great and peaceful week.  Linda

  • racerdeb
    racerdeb Member Posts: 114


    It was great to see your post this morning.  I needed a lit bit of inspiration on my "Bad Dude" chemo day, as I've nicknamed it.  Since I go every week for the Herceptin chemo, it helps my family understand that it's the full TCH combo day.

    I'm glad you're enjoying your new wig.  I haven't worn mine yet since I'm having too much fun wearing different hats.  Yesterday I did an interview with a newspaper reporter while I was wearing my halo and a hat.  It's a feature article about my relationship with the Nurse Navigator at the hospital's Breast Cancer Center.  Anyway, the reporter said she had understood I had lost my hair and was confused.  It gave me great pleasure to tell her that it wasn't my real hair!  Also, I had followed the advice from lory48 to shave my head yesterday, and it made a big difference.  I'm no longer having scalp and itching problems.  I now have one more thing to add to my list of great advice I've gotten from this message board.

    I'm going to look into the ACS workshop.  I think I know where it's offered here in San Antonio.  I've heard it's a great experience, and I can't believe they gave you a free wig and hat.

    I hope you'll have minimal SEs also.  At least we now have a better idea of what to expect.  I start my treatment in less than two hours, so I'm getting ready and packing up now.  I'm downloading a movie to my Kindle Fire, so that will keep me entertained for at least a couple of hours.

    Take care, and I wish you (and all of the others) good luck today and for the rest of the week.

    Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. ~Winston Churchill

  • el-jaye
    el-jaye Member Posts: 25

    Haven't had a chance to post lately.  Since my last round of chemo on Nov 18, I have been very tired!  I go to work I come home and I  sleep.  That is it!  So frustrating.  Today I feel pretty energenic and that frustrates me too, because I have chemo on Friday!  Just when I get a little energy back it is time to do it all again.

     Oh well, only 2 more rounds to go and then I can put this behind me.  

    I have been reading and following along with all of you and want to thank you all for your encouragement. 

    Here's to a good day for all!!


  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    Hi everyone - I had my port replacement surgery yesterday and feel amazingly good today.  My chest is sore at the port site but I'm not feeling sick from the anesthetic as sometimes happens.  I go for my 5th Taxol treatment this afternoon and am hoping, hoping, hoping that the port now works properly so we can use it rather than an IV.  I got some lidocaine cream from the surgeon to use for port access and I hope that will minimize pain when they poke the port site.

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    HI ladies, home from my 2nd treatment this morning. I feel great other than the usual tiredness from the meds for nausea. 1 hr drive up, Blood work that was wonderful, met with my onco doc- told him I cannot feel my tumor..mind you it was 5.1 cm!!!  He said oh already?? let's take a measure...hahaha he could not find it either!! He smiled with pleasure and said we are getting that bastard!! I skipped down the hall to the chemo ward with a huge smile on my face..had my chemo and drove 1 hr home.. wheww what a great day!

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045
    Oh, Lory, that is wonderful.  You made me smile from ear to ear, to hear that you and your onco couldn't find your tumor.  If I could, I would skip around too.
  • CHH
    CHH Member Posts: 24


     WHAT GREAT NEWS!!!!! So happy for you.

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Thank you GrandmaV and CHH, After feeling the tumor, how large it was and now to not be able to locate it after one treatment lets me know I am on the right treatment. Power of prayer, positive thoughts and lots of healthful dietary changes..

  • Nel
    Nel Member Posts: 597

    Lory48, and all

    GREAT NEWS.  I had similar news last week from my oncologist.  Not sure my feet have touched the ground yet.  I am struggling with trying to balance the hope with being realistic, not geting tooo hopefull and not getting toooo overwhelmend with possible outcomes.  It is a tightrope and I have never liked tightropes and adventure of that sort.  We all have enough to negotiate without feeling like we have to maintain our balance for a tightrope.

    On a hair note.  I had my head shaved a week ago and have only worn my wig once.  I am going with my 1/4 inch look and the occassional baseball hat when it gets chilly ( I live in Mass).  I manage a non-profit and we had our holiday party on Sunday for members. Went with what I have there. Only a few questions.  I began to  cry at one point, cuz when I was dx in September, this was a big event I knew would be looming, how was I going to look, feel, would I be well enough to go, all that.  I am fortunate that I have minimal side effects, so was able to be there, enjoy and didn't care about the hair thing.    I am told by my exceptionally nice friends, that I look good and pull this off, so whether or not they are lying, I am taking them at their word. 

    Treatment # 6 on Friday, taxol and herceptin. 

    I wish all a gentle evening and smooth and uneventful treatments this week.

    Be well


  • naan1004
    naan1004 Member Posts: 278

    Kathy so true about getting ready in the morning and no more bad hair days

  • naan1004
    naan1004 Member Posts: 278

    Lory, congrats I would skip too if that happened to me although mine does feel smaller too after only one round of chemo

  • naan1004
    naan1004 Member Posts: 278

    Just had my picc line put in yesterday and now have a slight fever, sore throat taking oral antibiotics since also had headache, and chills. Onc told me my white count is low so no fruits or veges for a week, uggggh. I'm still so sore, ouch!!

  • linnyhopp
    linnyhopp Member Posts: 466

    Lory ~ How exciting!  I am so thrilled for you and am so glad the treatment is so successful in such an amazingly short time.  Woo! Hoo!  Makes me want to do back flips for you if I wasn't so tired (only 1 1/2 hours of sleep last night from steroid hyperness)...oh and aside from that I am too old and out of shape for back flips.  But know that in my mind I am doing them in honor of your great news.Laughing 

    Racerdeb ~ Hope you treatment went well today.  So glad my post helped you have a positive morning before you had to leave for the "Bad Dude" chemo day.  I like that name.  All of mine are Bad Dudes cause I do the herceptin only once every 3 weeks as well.  Wonder how they determine our schedules?  Oh well, who cares as long as it works!  Your interview sounds like it was fun and you should be proud of yourself for telling your story.  I have had the same experience with both my halo hair and wig...people truly don't seem to know it's not real even if they know I am doing chemo.  Quite a few have asked me when I will lose my hair.  Hope they aren't giving me a load of you know what just to make me feel better...ha! ha!  You are right, we do know what to expect from our previous chemo and to tell you the truth, I am not looking forward to it all.  But we will persevere and get through it.

    Nell ~ So glad you are able to deal with the natural look.  I did take my hat off at treatment today when I got a hot flash from the steroids.  It really didn't bother me as I feel like the chemo suite (as it is named) is a safe zone and everyone is in there for the same reason.  I don't know if I would be comfotable without a wig, hair halo with a hat, or at least a hat on.  It certainly is a personal choice that each of us has to decide for ourselves and I am happy you are able to do what makes you comfortable. You mentioned you are going to do # 6 on Friday. How many more treatments will you have or are you finished?

    Naan ~ Happy to hear you are feeling the tumor smaller, too.  You are right about the time we save getting ready in the morning.  I finally figured out how to get my wig on really fast and even did it right without looking on the mirror and then checking it after.  Made me feel good that I had finally mastered it.  The hair halo is even easier to get on right and I am starting to love cute I said in my last post, I think it's my new addiction!

    Phagram ~ So glad you are feeling good today.  It's such a great feeling to have great days.  I know what you mean about knowing what's coming after treatment.  I had my 2nd treatment today and know the next week won't be too good.  It's all a part of the journey and we just have to be as proactive as we can to feel as good as we can.

    Hoping all of my fellow treatment day buddies are all feeling well and your side effects are minimal.  Please know I am thinking of all of you and I hope to post if things go well for me.  Take care and have a restful evening.  Hugs to all...Linda

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Do any of you ladies have the hot flashes after chemo? Hot cold hot cold..just wondering if it s the chemo or the steroids?

  • racerdeb
    racerdeb Member Posts: 114
    That's great news, Lory48!  I'm talking about the shrinkage on your tumor, not the hot flashes.  I've already been having the hot flashes for quite some time due to my age and natural menopause, so I can't tell you if it's normal or related to the chemo or steroids.
  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Thanks Deb and Linnyhop.. Deb I went off hormone replacement when I found the lump back in August. I was on a low dose patch since my hysto 5 yrs ago.. that started some flashes, but NOTHING like these. I have a fan in teh living room that points right on me.. it's on it's's become the family joke about freezing everyone out.. oh well

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    I had my 5th week Taxol treatment today and the port worked!  I can barely contain my exitement. Laughing   Just before I left the house for treatment, I received a package from my best friend that contained two new caps.  One is a wool Fair Isle pattern that is lined to prevent itching and the other is a beautiful teal cashmere cap.  A good day!

     I plan to go to work Wed-Fri this week on a reduced schedule of 6 hours per day...with my new hats!