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Starting Chemo in Nov. 2011...anyone else?



  • Andimom03
    Andimom03 Member Posts: 64

    Hey everyone. Just scanned the last several hours of entries and I love the good news from several of you.  And will be thinking of you who are not feeling well.  I see such positive thoughts and people making the most of a difficult situation, with real and honest questions in such a safe place. I love it. I am 7 days away from starting, so my chemo experience will be laid out there next week or so. You have all helped make it more real and honest...not too scary, just another piece of the puzzle, no matter how difficult.

    phgraham, I love the sound of the hats! My niece has already promised me at least a few.  Not sure whether I would bother with a wig...we will see. Getting fitted on Saturday.

  • Terry71
    Terry71 Member Posts: 108

    Lol Lory- I had horrible hot flashes too drove me nuts, actually to this day I still have my air condishoner going at night in my room haha, and a fan in the livingroom, wondows open..... I freeze my son out during the day and DH at night LOL....... I live in Ontario Canada haha its WINTER and Leave it to me to have my A/C on haha. The hot/cold deal is from what I was told the steroids, and chemo shoots you into menopause Grrrrrrrrrrr........  Im done my treatments as of Nov 17th Still suffer from SE'S though, dry, pasty mouth, hand and foot symdrome, and my legs get really tired when I walk too much???? has anyone else had this issue???? Hope everyone has a great day today and to all having treatment today SMILE, SHINE, and kick bc's BUTT.. Hugs to all

  • Terry71
    Terry71 Member Posts: 108

    P.S  Sill not wearing my wig Grizelda is on her stand in my room I go topless since the start or I wear a ballcap.... Wig makes me too hot LOL what a waste of 700.00 I have some peach fuzz 3 weeks post chemo, looks like its coming in DARK lol hoping for NO curls though had hair way down past my butt and straight, I have a few eye lashes maybe 9 between both eyes haha, mascara works well until my eyes water from lack of eye;ashes though then I just look like a raccoon... still have my eyebrows, well sort of, my left i have a bald strip right in the middle, but the right one is good.... LOL Im so lopsided oh well its all good...

  • racerdeb
    racerdeb Member Posts: 114


    Welcome to the November chemo gals club!  It's great that you've already read through all of the posts in this thread.  As you said, so much valuable information is available through this discussion board.  I wish you the best of luck and minimal SEs on your first treatment next week.


  • racerdeb
    racerdeb Member Posts: 114


    I also had weak legs for a few days following my TCH treatment.  I think it may have been caused by the Neulesta injection and all of the weird stuff that's going on with the bone marrow and white blood cell counts.  I'm not sure if you're getting that injection following your chemo treatments though.  It did get much better the following week.

  • Terry71
    Terry71 Member Posts: 108

    racerdeb- Im all done treatment been 3 weeks now and still cant walk very far my legs get tired... its driving me nuts

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Hello Ladies, Well round 2 done. A few new SE's- the dreaded trots!! And I woke this morning freezing, like I was outside in my jammies.  Warmer now, but dreading a shower and the cold dry off.. lol

     I did ice my nails through the whole infusion, I am hoping that keeps my nails from lifting anymore. Time will tell.. Nuelasta today.. hopefully no bathroom problems during my drive (1 hr).

  • linnyhopp
    linnyhopp Member Posts: 466

    Lory ~ Just wanted to tell you that I am through menopause (started that very early at 42) and I find that on steroid days I have hot flashes and then I get cold.  Seems like the olden days when I was going through the "change."  It drove me crazy and the girls in my office would laugh cause the fan would go on and off in my office about 15 times a day and they would freeze if they came in during the winter.  It was weird to have it happen again now, but I remember it well!  Yesterday during my 2nd treatment I just had to take off the hat and go with the 1/4" "do" when it started to get warm...I felt safe to go bald in the chemo area since we are all in the same boat anyway. My legs hurt for a couple of days after chemo treatment last time but seemed to resolve.  Sorry about the trots...that was my biggest issue (along with cramping) my first treatment so I keep waiting for that to happen again, but hope not!  I so hope your ride to and from getting your shot is uneventful.  That kind of problem is definitely not a fun one to even think about!

    Racerdeb ~ Hope you are doing well after your second treatment.  I keep waiting for the un-fun games to begin but am hoping they aren't going to be as yucky as I remember.  Oh well, I will just deal with whatever comes along.  And now we are officially 1/3 done with our chemo treatments so hooray for us! 

    Andimom ~ Sorry you had to join in, but glad you did.  You are so right...I love that this is a safe place to go with comments, suggestions and most of all to get such good advice and support from so many wonderful women.  I am hoping your treatments will be gentle with few side effects.  There is so many good ideas on how to deal with things here and the best thing would be if you need very little of that info and sail through.  I will be hoping that for you.  We will ALL get through this and beat this BC's butt! 

    Terry ~ Poor Grizelda...I am still laughing about her just hanging there (but not about the money she cost you).  It's great though that you feel good about how you feel without a wig or wearing your caps.  It sure is a personal choice.  I actually don't mind my wig or my hats and halo hair.  I am sure as it gets into the warmer months here in San Diego I may feel differently and I will take it as it goes. 

    Hoping you are all having a good day today and are staying warm (or if you need/prerfer as cool as you would like to feel) today. You are all truly amazing!  Linda

  • racerdeb
    racerdeb Member Posts: 114


    I'm still feeling fine.  The steroids make me hyperactive and unfocused.  Otherwise, I don't have any SEs right now, although I know I probably won't get much sleep for the next two nights. 

    I just got back from getting my Neulasta injection.  I got my itemized bill yesterday for my first treatment, and that injection costs $9,000 each!  YIKES!!!  I'm glad I have good insurance, and we've finally paid our $10K deductible and out-of-pocket limit.

    I hope you're doing okay too.  If it's like last time, Friday will probably be our toughest day.  I also had a problem with heartburn for a few days afterwards, but I now have a prescription for that SE.  I'll also load up on ginger ale and ginger snap cookies.  They really do help!  And I also had some diarrhea the second week.

    I like the part about being 1/3 done.  Are you also on Herceptin (can't remember much of anything on my steroid days)?

    Take care,


  • linnyhopp
    linnyhopp Member Posts: 466

    Racerdeb ~ Glad to hear you are doing well today.  This is one of my better days if things are going the way they did last treatment.  Definitely Friday will be the crash day if that's the case.  But we will get through it.  I am feeling the steroids as well.  The night before chemo I only slept about 2 hours.  I am on the computer today because I can't even think about concentrating on reading a book and it helps to know that other people have the same issue with memory on steroid days but know it will pass for both of us soon. 

    I have my "supplies" in the house, too.  At least we kind of knew what to prepare for this time.  My onc prescribed extra meds for the gastric issues and I am really hoping that helps.  I am being pretty proactive with the anti-nausea meds this time as I think I let that get ahead of me during the first treatment.  All we can do is prepare for what we think will happen and KNOW that we will get through it.  By the way, someone told me that Vernor's ginger ale is best for nausea.  I like the taste of Canada Dry, but may just try the Vernor's.  What kind do you drink? 

    Yes, I am on Herceptin as well.  I have heard from the doctor and others on here that when we get to the point of that being our only drug it gets easier.  I hope so.  I am also hoping my heart function will hold out since I, too, am HER+.  Actually I am triple + so I am really trying to keep positive thoughts about all of the treatments as I am sure everyone is with their own plan.  Wow, the cost of these drugs is so unbelievable.  I am so glad that because I had some immune system issues before the BC diagnosis (started about 3 years ago and wonder if the 2 are related) that I chose to pay the higher premiums and go with higher coverage.  It has been a blessing and my out of pocket costs have been minimal.  My DH insisted on it when our insurance changed 2 years ago and boy, was he ever right.  For once I listened to him and it worked out great.  LOL! I don't get the Neulasta shot. I asked my onc about it yesterday and he said I didn't need it. i didn't press him on the why/why not of that, but may ask again next time I see him. 

    Is your next treatment scheduled for December 27th? I am so grateful mine is and that we will fell good the week of Christmas since it's our 3rd week. I felt so much better last week and actually had some fun so I am looking forward to enjoying a good week before the next treatment. And just think, after that one we will be 1/2 the way through with the chemo part...whoopee. 

    Take care and hope your SE's are minimal.  Have a great hyper day and remember we can blame the steroids on anything we want right now!  Laughing

  • jody0918
    jody0918 Member Posts: 1

    yes, I am going to start soon....but I am in the same  boat you are girl friend!!! I think we are all looking for someone in the same situation. I am here for you and want to know how you are doing and how it goes for you at this time. I am starting right on your heels and we will go thru this together with all our sisters dealing with it. PLEASE let me know how you are doing with it and we will compare notes!!

  • FLislander
    FLislander Member Posts: 52

    Wow, just got back from getting nuelasta shot, makes me feel a bit better knowing it costs that much. Would rather go on a big shopping spree, but not getting sick is pretty good too. I toook claritan with this one, last one I was really sore for about 24 hours... Also on day 14 hair is coming out at pretty fast pace. On AC.

  • sueshane
    sueshane Member Posts: 68


    I loved your post.  You touched my heart with your story about work and how things went well for you.  Isn't amazing how kind people are when you are battling this disease.  I think my illness has restored my faith in people.  Thank you for sharing...

  • racerdeb
    racerdeb Member Posts: 114
    I agree with you, sueshane.  So many people have stepped up to the plate to show their expressions of support and prayers.  You said it best as "I think my illness has restored my faith in people."
  • racerdeb
    racerdeb Member Posts: 114


    I now have a tote bag with all of my medications, supplements, etc.  I've also used color-coded labels for each prescription that shows nausea, heartburn, steroids, sleep, etc., because I can't remember all of the real prescription names.  In addition, I made up a spreadsheet with all of the information, just in case I have an emergency or get too disoriented to handle my own medications.  I take the tote bag with me everywhere so I have my "arsenal" ready when needed.

    I've been drinking the Diet Canada Dry Ginger Ale.  I haven't seen the other brand in any of our stores.  So far, so good with the Canada Dry.

    The Neulasta injection comes with its own SEs, but I think they're worth it.  I haven't had any problems with my white blood cell counts.  However, I was borderline anemic right before my treatment yesterday, so I'm going to have to bring my iron levels up before I have problems in that category.  Of course, eating more cereal, dried fruits, Vitamin C fruits, etc., will probably cause diarrhea problems.  I'm not sure how I can fix one problem without causing some other SE!

    Yes, December 27 will be my next "Bad Dude" TCH treatment.  I'm still getting the Herceptin every week, but fortunately I have no SEs from it.  I had somewhat pushed my oncologist to start my chemo the week before Thanksgiving so I would be okay for both Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I know New Years' Eve will probably be in jeopardy though.  Yes, halfway by the end of the year does sound promising.

    I'll probably be on my computer and Kindle Fire all night since sleep doesn't even seem remotely possible right now.  Gotta love the steroids!

    Take care, and it's great getting to know you better.


  • bethu77
    bethu77 Member Posts: 263

    Hello everyone! I had my 3rd A/C treatment on Tuesday and my Neulasta injection on Wednesday. I felt so good over the weekend that I JUST HAD to catch up on my eating. I really started paying for that yesterday! I took half a Phernergan tablet and fell asleep at 9 and woke up at 4 this a.m. More steroids today and I'll nap when I can!

    I asked my onco why I was so depressed and crying each weekend after a treatment. She said it was because I was coming off my steroids too soon. I take decadron for 3 days after treatment and one bag with my treatment. I have a prescription for Prednisone for the next 3 days after I finish the decadron.Has anyone else been affected by depression and is being treated this way?

    I also prefer Canada Dry ginger ale for my stomach issues. I have tried the Vernon's but found it burns my throat.

    I have hot flashes the day after treatment also. It was so cold yesterday (30's) and I had the window down a lot on the way home.

    I used a lint brush on my head to get rid of the bristles that were left and wear a soft hat to bed when I sleep.

    My last treatment with Adriamycin and Cytoxan is December 20!!! I will have Taxol for 4 treatments after I finish these. My oncologist was asking me if I wanted to delay this treatment until the 27th but I told her no. I want to stay on track with all my treatments. This means I will finish on February 14! I am trying to stay out of the public as much as possible and use every precaution to keep me well.

    Is anyone using probiotics. My onco said she didn't mind me using them. Other people have been suggesting I start using them. What are your thoughts on this?

    I cannot thank each of you enough for listening to me and becoming my friends during all this stuff we are going through. I learn something new each day from each of you.

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Member Posts: 270

    Mardibra and others on constipation 

    I use a Health Concerns product called Aloe 22. feels totally natural.  In 1987 I had Non Hodgkins Lymphoma and had horrid issues with constipation (no details to save you!!) and to this day, I have to have "help". I have gone through all kinds of things. This stuff works and is not habit forming.  Q

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    beth,  good morning.  I haven't used probiotics, other than eating activia every morning.  If you're having GI problems, it might help.  Wow. You're almost done with AC.  You should be proud of yourself.  I hope the steroids help with your depression.

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Member Posts: 270

    Grandma V

    What is the Brat diet?   I have put on 15-20 pounds since Oct 3 and am incredibly frustrated and needless to say, uncomfortable.  any help? 

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Member Posts: 270

    Lory 48

    First of all congrats--wonderful news!!   hot flashes you ask??? O my... I wake up every night on a 45 minute cycle-- hot, cold...sleep for about 30 minutes wake up hot, throw off covers, cold..sleep... poor hubby who finally told me he knew I was uh..."restless" LOL  sweet man.

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Member Posts: 270

    I "disappeared" for a few days and I cannot believe the number of posts and new people.  I cannot keep up!!! LOL  Welcome and sorry you need to be hear but this is a great group of women.

    I had my 5th TH treatment yesterday.  It took 6 hours for the entire drip and I woke up this morning, OK but all Puffed out and feeling like a mack truck flattened me-- of course, I am already flattened by the BMX!!!   Hair still there -- 1/4 flat top look-- getting compliments but it is thinning.  No biggie.

     My biggest frustration is the weight gain-- I am SOOO upset.. any ideas?

    I refused steroids the last two tx and feel so much better with the moods.  I think the SEs of the steroids outweigh the SEs for the chemo--FOR ME!  not for everyone.    But I am one who is afraid of the steroids since I had 180mg (not a typo) for 5 - 10 day cycles back in 87.  I couldn't sleep and they make me so uncomfortable and moody.  So, after the danger of the first three chemos I refused it this and the last time. Not that I am recommending that for anyone else!!!

    I need to waddle over to the gym this morning-- maybe I will feel better. Q 

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Thank you Quaatsi, my hubby is such an angel about my flashes. I woke yesterday morning simply freezing. He grabbed an electric blanket and wrapped me up before leaving for work. I think I was just exhausted from the lack of sleep from the steroids. I had my neulasta shot yesterday, and started the hotflashes again once home. 15 minutes of sweating followed by cold I also was extremely tired yesterday, but today brings more energy.. so yay, that tree might get done today.

  • naan1004
    naan1004 Member Posts: 278

    Bethu, I use it and have had no prob with constipation at all, i also drink yogurt that has probiotics in it too and mix them for a coctail of loads of probiotics.  I currently use a brand called, "Pro EM1-probiotic cleanse" by Dr Higa, they may sell it online.  It has done me wonders.  Good luck!  I want to try natural before becoming dependent on more medication.

  • Bonseye
    Bonseye Member Posts: 124

    Getting ready for AC treatment #2/4 on Friday. Wanting to get holiday stuff done while I feel I haven't been around. My head is getting sore and I know now I need to shave my head. Some strands are starting to come my wig...just have to do it. My friend who lived three houses away as a child moved right down the road from me. Funny how life is....she heard my name on the prayer chain in church and reached out to me. She owns a salon in town and has a lot of experience in helping her clients get through this. She will help me when it grows in too...I feel so blessed and what timing! I feel at peace that I can have a dear friend shave my head. Thinking I will sport my new wig this holiday!

    I saw a few people mention the Neulasta shot....I got mine Monday after Friday chemo...had some pain in my pelvis after a few days...but Day 5 I had horrible pain in my thighs mid thigh to knee. Had to take pain killers it hurt so much. It was all worth it though as my bloodwork at the one week mark was perfect. My "Breast Navigator/nurse practioner" said some people get the pain days after the shot. The doctor said 24-48hours but that can vary greatly.

    I love that we can find humor-it is the best medicine! After my TE removal I have a pad until I get it replaced...I often throw it at my husband and say "here-have a boob" he just laughs at me...gotta laugh! My friends made a "top ten reasons to be excited about new boobies" I will find it and share! My plastic surgeon just laughs at me....he never knows what I will show up with!

    Time to head to my wig lady...she gave me two wigs to bring home and show my friends and husband so they can help me decide. I have to pay and then my friend will trim it after I get my head shaved. I am glad to find someone with experience!

    Blessings to all my new friends here near and far! May we stay strong along this path!

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045
    Quaatsi, the brat diet is a very bland diet, consisting of bananas, rice, apples and toast.  I also have a few other things that are bland and easily digestible to combat diarrhea and cramping.  For the rice I usually have rice krispies, for apples I have applesauce, toast is sometimes french toast, I also add cottage cheese, instant potatoes, scrambled eggs and cheerios.  The first 8 days after a treatment, that's about all I can tolerate.  For drinking I use warm tea, gingerale, and sport's drinks. I do loose weight about 5 pounds, but that's mostly due to not eating much, and I put it right back on after my appetite picks up. 
  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045
    Bonseye, did you know about taking claritin a couple of hours before your Neulasta shot?  I don't get the neulasta shot, but many do and they say the claritin helps to prevent bone pain.  My Onco said he saw a study that backs that up, too.  If I ever do get the neulasta shot, that's what I plan to do.
  • racerdeb
    racerdeb Member Posts: 114


    My oncologist actually recommended the Claritin (not Claritin D) following the Neulasta shot.  It really does help.  I have weird sensations in my legs, but no pain. 

    Fortunately, the Neulasta is keeping my white blood cell counts up to par.


  • linnyhopp
    linnyhopp Member Posts: 466

    Racerdeb ~ Glad to see that we are both posting and it's the 3rd day of our cycle.  I am hoping tomorrow and Saturday are pretty mellow as well.  That's a great idea to have the spreadsheet for your meds in case you need help.  I do keep all of mine in one place as well and have them marked for morning or evening.  I hate taking all this stuff, but it's a necessity so what can you do?  I know what you mean about taking one thing and then hoping it doesn't cause a different SE.  It is quite a puzzle, isn't it?  I am at the point today where nothing sounds even remotely good to eat.  My onc said I need to keep my nutrition up, but it's hard when the appetite goes south.  I, too, am so glad that our schedule at least allows for a good Christmas since it's the third week out.  I was willing to trade off for New Year's being not so great since it's the time when our family enjoys being together so much. 

    BethU ~ Thanks for letting me know about the Vernor's ginger ale being more harsh.  I did wonder about that since I have throat issues with treatment.  Hey, good luck with the hot flashes...I truly understand.  I am now at the "cold" point of the day though...go figure!

    Bonseye ~ So glad you have found someone to help you with the transition to the 1/4" hair club.  It makes so much differrence to have a caring person help with that.  I had the same experience with the person who helped me and it really did make a hard situation so much easier.  I hope that you will experience what so many of us have...that once you make the decision and empower yourself, it will be OK for you.  I hate this part of it, but like everything else, we find the strength and it's "doable." 

    Lory ~ I am trying to get up the energy to deal with decorating the tree today, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen.  Hope you have more luck.  I did at least wrap some gifts and wrote some Christmas cards yesterday.  At least it's a start, right? 

    GrandmaV ~ Thanks for the ideas on the BRAT diet.  You and I both seem to have the gastric SE's and I am glad to have suggestions to deal with it.  It is hard for me to find ways to get enough protein, so I will try the French toast. 

    To everyone, thanks for all your suggestions and good humor.  You make the harder days easier and that's what I need and so appreciate at this time.  Take care.   Linda

  • Bonseye
    Bonseye Member Posts: 124

    Here is a great product for nausea-Reeds Ginger Chews. I got them at a cancer institute in our area and they work great! Ginger is good for nausea and it works well!

    There is a locator to see where you can purchase in your area. Taking them to chemo tomorrow :)

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045
    Bonseye, That sounds like a fantastic idea.  I've been using gingerale and ginger snaps.  There's a store near me that has the ginger chews.  I'll give them a try, on my next tx.  Thanks.