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Starting Chemo in Nov. 2011...anyone else?



  • Bonseye
    Bonseye Member Posts: 124

    linnyhop-I was excited to see you signed up for the Look Good Feel Better program and recommend it. I signed up for it in February as that is the first one after the holidays. The women in charge said you get a whole bag of goodies. I am looking forward to it!

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    I did not accomplish squat today. Sleep was on my agenda. Nothing taste remotely like food today. DH made me a grilled cheese and some tomato soup for dinner, it tasted pretty good. I am hoping tomorrow offers more energy than today.

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    grandmaV, how are you doing?
  • linnyhopp
    linnyhopp Member Posts: 466

    Bonseye ~ You will really enjoy the Look Good, Feel Better class.  The volunteer cosmetologists were wonderful to work with and so generous of spirit.  We got GREAT gift make-up, all different brands, some upscale and some like I usually buy.  Everything was very nice quality.  I love the hat I got.  Not too sure about the wig...if it doesn't work out for me, I will donate it back.  It worked out for me that this past Monday was my day before chemo so it was a great time to be there as I felt really good.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

    Lory~ I am in the same boat as you with food.  Nothing tastes good and it makes me want to avoid eating at all.  My DH has to work late so there isn't anyone here to entice me to even want to eat.  Right now I am looking at a half a banana and trying to make myself finish it.  Tomorrow may be even worse if my 4 day pattern after chemo continues, so I better eat what I can now.  This has been a real struggle, but I know we need nutrition.  I actually had a couple of grilled cheese sandwiches last cycle and am sort of thinking that may be in my near future.  I know I should eat really healthy right now, but I guess just getting something in our bodies is most important.  At least that's my plan for now. That and more sleep now that the steroid period is waning.  Wow...something to look forward to. That and maybe some Jell-O. Whoopee!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    Icky, tired day today.  Tuesday was Taxol day and I felt good except for a sinus infection and slightly elevated temp.  I felt even better on Wednesday.  Today though was pretty tough.  My temp went up again - probably due to the lingering sinus infection.  I stuck it out at work for 5.5 hours instead of the 6 that I planned.  I have an appt with my family doctor tomorrow so I hope we can finally get rid of the sinus infection.

    I discovered something interesting though.  My temp can be a full degree higher if I'm wearing a hat.  I was working so I had one of my new hats on.  If this keeps up, I will be the bald, smiley one in our office!  ..and just wear the hats outdoors when it's cold.

  • naan1004
    naan1004 Member Posts: 278

    My hair has officially started to rain down, literally during my shower, man the tub looks like i got my hair cut in it.  No more waxing for me, hee hee

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    YaYa, thanks for asking.  I'm feeling almost back to normal again and have a full 2 weeks until my next TCH.  I go today for herceptin only, but that should be a breeze.  My DH tripped and fell at work Wednesday, and fractured his shoulder and is in a sling.  I went with him to the bone doctor yesterday and he isn't going to need surgery, thank goodness.  He insists he can still go with  me to my tx but I've got my kids on stand by just in case.  I'm just glad I have a couple of weeks of near normal to cope with this new problem.  How are you?  Have you started rads, yet?

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Member Posts: 270

    Hi All,

    I had the weirdest day yesterday--like I didn't have cancer at all! (except for the wired up feeling). I had so much energy! I had chemo the day before and I do not usually go to work but I did for two hours. Then, I met some friends for late lunch. I am usually down by 3pm but not yesterday-- I went shopping for wigs. Not likely I will do it but it was fun.  I didn't get home until about 4:30 and I still had energy.

    So much so I couldn't sleep last night.  My doc gave me gabapentin and I tried it-- horrid dreaming and still some mild hot flashes. Anyone use gabapentin?   Not likely I will do that again.  

    Today a massive headache which feels like  toxin induced. Likely from the chemo.  Hopefully I will function today.  

    GrandmaV thanks for the info.  I would be afraid of the bananas and rice because I am already constipated from the drugs and have been taking Phillips' "mom"  to help with that.  Such a roller coaster!  I hope to look back on this and laugh even harder than I am doing now!!! 

    Naan-- enjoy the bald!  Just think of all the time you save not having to do your hair! RFLOL

    Linnyhop-- have you tried Ensure?  i used them a few times years ago and while maybe not the most satisfying, they do give you  good healthy calories.  

  • wrkn
    wrkn Member Posts: 10

    Had my second chemo session on Wednesday and feel fine today. Yesterday I felt like I'd gotten horse kicked in the gut, but I think the meds regimen that my onc and I discussed is finally working. Hopefully I won't end up crashing like I did after my first chemo session next week. Thanks for all the comments and advice. I find if I don't come on here daily I get overwhelmed with having too many posts to read, so if I missed anyone's comments from last week I apologize. I'm just glad you are all here. Thank you again. And cheers!

  • bethu77
    bethu77 Member Posts: 263

    Quaatsi--No cancer feeling, YEAH!!! I felt that way this past weekend. It was so nice to feel good for once.

    Yesterday, I had the lowest day ever. I was nauseated and took a Phenergan. Boy, did I sleep. From 3 in the afternoon until 7:30 this morning. I do remember waking up at 9 to fix and eat some oatmeal. My husband works 2nd shift and comes home at 11:30 p.m. I was barely awake when he came home and then I went to bed until this morning. I am hoping for a good week. My appetite is gone for now so I will be doing the light stuff--toast, oatmeal, instant mashed potatoes, cooked carrots and bland stuff.

    It is snowing here in Indiana and looking cold but beautiful outside. If any of you live near a beach, please walk in the sand for me. I need a little ocean right now!!!

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Me too Beth! I slept on and off all day yesterday, and last night I crashed. Feeling better today, food is another thing. I made some little quiche's and froze them Monday. What a save they are, as they taste good. Egg whites, spinach, some bacon bits and a little cheese. Very good

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    ANyone have any ideas about finger pain and numbness?? I iced my fingers this time and the pain and numbness is worse??

  • naan1004
    naan1004 Member Posts: 278

    Lory, try heat, parrafin bath or dip hand in warm water and do some extension and contraction while in the water, a good friend who's an OT taught me this technique

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Thank you Julie.. will give it a try

  • CHH
    CHH Member Posts: 24

    Hello all! 2nd TC round in the books yesterday. Went okay...they had to slow the T cause a cough kicked up. Took longer than expected but it's not like I had anywhere to go. Slept a bunch after but (hope you find this humorous) realized at bedtime that instead of taking steriod at 5, I popped an ambien!!! Had put in in my pocket to take during walk. Did that steriod at bedtime, obviously sleep was an issue but it felt a little self-imposed!

     Neulasta today -- am on Claritin for that and added ibuprofen this cycle. Hoping the effects less than last time.

     Hair just about all gone after the 1/4 inch cut on day 14. Shave appointment and wig readjust due to that on Monday.

     Enjoy the day!!!!

  • Kathy9433
    Kathy9433 Member Posts: 23

    Hi Ladies,

    Just had to post something is day 5 after 3rd AC treatment and feeling so good.  I just had to share my thought...isn't it wonderful to feel good when you've been feeling so lousy??  Really makes you appreciate the good days!  I look like the wrath of God (pasty, raccoon eyes and BALD) but I feel so normal and like my old self  :O)  Hope everyone has a good weekend OXOXOXOX

    Kathy :O)

  • naan1004
    naan1004 Member Posts: 278

    Kathy, I love the good days, that's what we all have to look forward to, glad to hear you're having them, may they keep on coming...

  • wrkn
    wrkn Member Posts: 10

    Ditto, Kathy! I'm having a good early morning, but I don't begrudge waking up so soon, as I feel good! No meds other than my every six hr Compasine and probiotic. Food doesn't interest me, but I've had plenty today so I'm not worried. Just enjoying myself. Good day to everyone.

  • WaveWhisperer
    WaveWhisperer Member Posts: 557

    Quaasti, you asked about Gabapentin, or Neurotin. I've been taking it for six years, off and on, when I needed help getting to sleep. A neurosurgeon first prescribed it for me, when I had a herniated disc. He said it was originally an anti-convulsant but they found it helped with nerve pain. A positive side effect was that it helped with sleep. So other doctors have continued to give me prescriptions for it, even though some were skeptical of my using it as a sleep aid. Regardless,  I've been taking between 300 and 600 mg on nights I can't sleep, and it really helped...UNTIL NOW!

    Now that I have BC, the Neurotin doesn't help me with the sleep. Maybe I've developed a tolerance for it, or maybe my sleep issues are too severe for it to help. I can't take Ambien because of some bad side effects, so I'm looking for another sleep aid prescription from my MO.

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    Good morning everyone,  I'm feeling really well today, too.  I'm slightly anemic and my white counts are low, but that doesn't seem to effect how i feel this morning.  I hope everyone has a good weekend. 

  • naan1004
    naan1004 Member Posts: 278

    Grandma V, u too

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Glad to hear your feeling good GrandmaV.

  • naan1004
    naan1004 Member Posts: 278

    Lory, how are your hands doing, better I hope?

  • Kim137
    Kim137 Member Posts: 105

    Shaving my head on Monday wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be! My head actually has a nice round shape. ;) The stubble left behind did act like Velcro when putting on and taking off caps. Of course, now that the stubble is falling out quickly I look like I have the mange! LOL! No worries though, I should look like Mr. Clean in the next few days ;)

    I've decided to stay out of work while I'm going thru the AC doses. My last one will be December 29th and I return to work January 3rd. I'll then start Taxol every 2 weeks x's 4 and Herceptin. Any ladies out there working thru Taxol? I'd love to hear some of your personal experiences with Taxol and it's side effects. Part of me wonders if I should just apply for another 8 weeks of family medical leave to get me thru Taxol, or is working totally do-able?

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    grandmaV, so glad to hear you're feeling well.  seems as if this treatment has been much better than the first.  have a great weekend!
  • bahamamom3
    bahamamom3 Member Posts: 275

    I am at the 2 week mark after my first TC and I just feel great.  I can taste most everything again.  Last night I went to my favorite Mexican restaurant with my 2 daughters and ate like a bandit.  It was so good!  I even slept all night last night.  My mouth sores are gone, and only my lips are still dry and a bit cracked still.  I am determined to eat better this time and to stay on top of my side effects.  I spent the day running around Christmas shopping and helping my expectant daughter fun her pre-baby's arrival errands and last minute baby shopping.  It was so fun.  I enjoyed every minute of it. 

    I have the new buzzed hair now.  Mine started falling out on Tuesday in the shower, so I got my husband to buzz it on Wednesday night.  I wore my wig to school Thursday and Friday, and today I wore a wrap thing I bought at the wig store while I was out shopping.  It was so much more comfortable than the wig, but not nearly as attractive.  I wasn't expecing to see anyone I knew, though, so I thought it would be okay to wear.  Around the house I am just wearing my GI Jane look alike hairdo.  The wig is scratchy and itchy and I don't want to wear it when I don't have to. 

    I hope everyone has a minimal side effects day! 

  • wrkn
    wrkn Member Posts: 10

    I wish we had a thumbs up button, just for all the posts! I wore my santa hat to the store tonight, and it felt really comfortable. I've never done that before! Now that my head is shaved and I'm getting used to wearing hats for comfort, I'm enjoying them in ways I didn't expect. I'm hoping to get some lessons from a local woman who knits shockingly great hats really soon, and expect to have a lot of fun making more for everyone who comes into the infusion center. Cheers, everybody. hope you all have a good day today.

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Member Posts: 270

    Wave Whisperer- thank you.  I seem to be quite sensitive to Neurontin/Gabapentin. I took 200mg and the dreaming was close to hallucinagenic.  I have to find something to help with hot flashes.  I do chinese herbs and they help but frankly, expensive. Anyone try Wellbutrin?  does that work for hotflashes.  I will not go on Effexor or any other SSRI.  I am putting on 2-3 pounds per week. Am eating like there is no tomorrow.....

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Member Posts: 270
    KimV   I am doing Taxol/Herceptin every week.  The only problems I am having are some mouth sores and (not sure if related) weight gain.  I generally feel ok, some days better than others.  Maybe a little bit of muscle weakness. I work out regularly which helps.  I suspect it will be a cake walk for you after the TCH.
  • Nel
    Nel Member Posts: 597


    I am having taxol/herceptin evey week for 12 weeks and just finished week 6.  My mouth has that metal taste, but I am still eating,  and this is the first weekend I hit the wall so to speak and couldn't get done what I wanted, just exhausted.  But I have not paced myself this week at all, so I am sure I brought this on myself.  Chilling today and feel much better this afternoon.  Hair thining, but very little else and have worked all the way thru. So depending on how strong you feel going into this ound, you should be able to work thru.

    To eveyone else,

    I have been busy and tired so not able to keep up here.  Finished week 6, 6 more weeks to go and then surgery.  Thrilled that I am half way thru and that I have a surgery date for mid February.  This is the first weekend or time that I really am feeling SE's.  Tired, a bit achy etc.  But after 6 weeks, if this is it, I am OK with that.  Laying low today and feeling much better and note to self, slow down! 

    Gentle evening to all
