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Between the Devil ( the red one) and the deep blue sea



  • 208sandy
    208sandy Member Posts: 582

    Marybe - glad to see your post I was wondering how your Dad's bday celebration went - I think 36 people is a fine turnout - I know what you mean about preparing too much food - I've always worried that we'd run out too so I was guilty of over-prepping as well but aren't the left-overs wonderful.  I am sure that your friends and family are happy that you went to so much trouble.

    Sorry but I laughed and laughed about the dogs getting into a fight under the table - I only have one dog now but way back when we had more than one (two black labs) that fight would break out whenever there was company and if we didn't control them (got up from the dinner table more than once and banished the terrible twosome to the den or the backyard).

    Glad you're going on vacation - you need to rest a little bit - you're making us all look badLaughing

    Hugs, Sandy

  • Cathy2
    Cathy2 Member Posts: 40

    Marybe I love reading your posts, it amazes me where do you find all your energy? Love the picture of you in the kitchen. I only cook for a big group (family) at Thanksgiving and I always tend to cook like I'm feeding an army, but wouldn't you just hate to not have enough food! Wish I lived closer so I could enjoy some of your leftovers.

    Hope you have a great time in Florida with 3Jays and BarbaraA and I can't wait to read your updates!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,845

    It all sounds and looks delicious to me! You definitely have earned a vacation and am glad to hear that you are taking one.

    The dogs fighting under the table makes me think of castles in medieval days, where the dogs would roam around the Banquet Hall waiting for Lords and Ladies to drop their scraps of food into the straw on the floor.

  • Oh, I forgot to add, the sauerkraut balls were the biggest hit of all.   At least a half dozen people wanted the recipe, but of course I couldn't recite it off the top of my head.  

     Yeh, the dogs are something else....two of them get along fine and they sort of gang up on the other dog, but when it comes to food they all get pretty nasty and posessive, especially Harley, the smallest one.   I do have them trained to wait their turn when I am giving out treats and they will sit there and wait until I say their name and then and only then do they get their treat.   At  Easter the one dog had dug up a chewie he had buried in the backyard last year ( a wonderful looking thing as you can imagine) and he had it under the table and the other two were trying to get it and it really was downright scary....Tim grabbed the one dog by the collar and several people got up and backed away from the table. 

    Cathy, All my energy?  Sometimes I think I have none at other times it is like I am driven.  I just can't sit around and do nothing....when I do that, I think I am dying.   I asked them to give me a full dose of decadron when I got my treatment the Wed. before the party and it worked.  I stayed up til about 2 AM on Wed., then on Thurs night after I was at my Dad's and making stuff, I looked at the clock and it was 5 AM and I thought Uh Oh, I am giong to get sick.  That is what usually happens when I don't get enough sleep.   Then Friday night I managed to get to bed before 1 AM and Sat. night I crashed.   My eyes looked like a red roadmap.  It will be a long time before I ask for an increase in steroids again. 

    I wish you all lived closer....we could have one heck of a party.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,845

    and you wouldn't have to cook.....we'd be delighted with the leftovers!!!

  • I want to tell you something that happened last night that I got a big kick out of.  I went out to dinner after treatment with my ex who is staying in the upstairs apartment this week doing a big tile job with a fellow construction worker here in OH.  This may sound odd, but I have managed to stay friendly with all of my old boyfriends.....could not live with this guy, but he's a good friend, plus can do anything construction wise.   Tim had already eaten and I asked him if he didn't want to go out for at least a beer and he said no, so I just went with Ron.   Anyway, he was up paying the bill and I was getting the tip at the table and took awhile to fish out my wallet.   WHen I left there was this really cute little girl standing on the seat in her booth and she said to me, I thought you was a Widdle kid and gave me this big smile and I said No, I am not a little kid, I am an old kid.  And she again said I saw you and thought you was a widdle kid  when I saw you sitting and I think she said just the top of my head.   I am short and was not wearing any headwraps as I normally do not do if I am with someone I know or just don't care cuz I hate the wigs and headwraps.   So then I went up and got into the truck with Ron and was telling him and he said that she talked to him also and asked if that was his little boy and Ron asked my little boy? and she pointed down to our booth and he said Oh, no that's a friend and she asked if I was a boy and he said No, she's a girl .  I don't know if she saw me at the buffet or just looked down and saw the top of my head or what, but she not only thought I was a kid, she thought I was a widdle boy.   I would guess she was about three. 3 1/2 and I got a huge laugh out of this and wanted to share.    As Art Linkletter used to say Kids say the Darndest things!!

    I like getting my treatments late afternoon....they get you in and out faster. No tumor markers...he said it was just May 15, I had them so I said fine, I would rather wait til after Florida anyway. I asked him why I am growing hair and he said he doesn't know. Asked if I am building up a tolerance to chemo and he asked why I am so negative and I said I am not, I just like to be prepared so I am not disapponted. He said the numbers are going down, it's working.    I pray he's right.

    Have a good day, everyone. Think I am finally out of leftovers.....took the last of the carrot cake to work yesterday. I love that is so moist it keeps for a long time. I gained two lbs......Oooops!

  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234

    That is just the cutest story I've heard in a long time, Marybe!  Thanks for sharing.


  • I thought I added a pic to here, maybe it was on the chemo thread, will have to look for it.  Dang, I must be losing mind along with my hair, but as I said hair is actually growing.  I will try again....

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I love your story, so sweet.

    I don't love that your Doc said you were negative. Your question was reasonable and intelligent. His response was neither plus he did not answer your question. Even if this is a nice guy I really dislike it when we ask a question that the Doc doesn't know and they devalue our question because they don't have the answer or don't intend to look it up. Wow that one hit a hot button with me. Woo.



  • 208sandy
    208sandy Member Posts: 582

    Marybe - loved your story - how cute was that little girlSmile

    As for your doctor - not so cute but they are all like that I fear - the oncs don't like questions - as for you being negative - geeeeeez!

    Can't believe you are FINALLY out of leftovers - like so many here we wish we lived closer to you.

  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234

    Marybe, You are a cute WIDDLE KID!


  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Member Posts: 3,696

    Marybe... Speaking of the sauerkraut balls... I made the baked version again using turkey sausage and turkey chopped meat. Once again, they were a hit. After I made them the first time I blasted the recipe to a few of my gourmet friends. Just want you to know that Denver AND New York love them! Thanks sooo much for sharing your life and good recipes with us!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890
    Marybe, you look like a rap artist now.  Well, maybe not so much in the apron, but in the other pic.  Glad the festivities for your dad went well.  Boy, did you ever cook up a looks like a weeks worth of food on top of that buffet.  I think if you could bottle your energy, we'd all be lining up to buy it.  $Cha-ching!$
  • Well, I just got back from Florida this afternoon....had a really nice time visiting 3jaysmom.  I sat in the sun every morning, using a 30SPF so I would tan rather than burn, but didnt use any when we went to Butterfly World because even though I knew it was outdoors, I certainly did not think I was going to get a lot of sun...WRONG.   It is a beautiful place....not only had a ton of the most beautiful butterflies, I have ever seen, also had absolutely gorgeous plants and a lot of birds.   I was so hot when we got out of that place that we went to an indoor flea mkt they wanted to take me to that was airconditioned and I was in hopes of finding a snow cone, but they don't seem to be very common in Florida which surprised me.  I ate lots of good food....had Turkish and Cuban which I had never eaten before and we ate at their favorite place for burgers twice, but each time I ended up getting fish.....delicious.  One night we went to her son's home for dinner so I could meet the grandchildren and it was sort of spur of the moment and we had planned on eating in and I was making stromboli so we just took it along and baked it there.   The children even liked it and they entertained after dinner, dancing up a storm.  We went to Hollywood beach and walked the boardwalk where they have a lot of restaurants and little stores and after eating dinner there, stayed and listened to a group playing on the outdoor stage.  It was a nice relaxing vacation, but we also did a lot and I had a really good time.  Tomorrow I go for my treatment and I think I am going to have them do the CA usual am worried about doing that.  Also, I for sure do not look forward to getting on the scale after all the fine eating I did....ah well, what's a vacation for. 

    Eating at Istanbul on boardwalk

  •   I was really not as red as that pic, there was some sort of red glass in the canopy, but when I first came out of that flea mkt and we all saw the red hue, we sort of gasped until realizing it was the glass making me look that red.....did get burned, but not as much as it looks like. 

  • jeanieb2
    jeanieb2 Member Posts: 130
    Oh, Marybe, it sounded like you had a great time and the pictures show it had to be wonderful.  I love the butterfly picture, I bet that was a real treat.  I am so glad you got to go and had such a wonderful time.  After everything you did for your dads party I'll bet you were ready to get away for a while for some fun and relaxation, well as much as a person relaxes on a vacation, it always seems like I have to come home and rest up after vacationLaughing.
  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    hi Marybe, nice pic of you and 3jays, do I detect a bit of mischief in the air?

    Glad you got away to the beach, you certainly deserve it!  Cool

    Hoping for good results from CA 27.29 test.  ((hugs))

  • I don't have a lot of time since I have to go to work this afternoon, but I wanted to share my good news.....the numbers went down again!!!   528.9 !!!!!     I was pissed because they had no results for me on Monday when I called due to the fact they said for some reason the order was not put in.  So they said it could still be done since the blood was only drawn on Thurs and I guess they keep it awhile and I said Please do because I would like to know when I see him.   They did not tell me beforehand so I was on needles and pins waiting for him to tell me and he says Well, it looks like it is still working. and I said Really!?, What is the number and he told me 528.9...emphasizing the .9 for some reason.   Anyway, I am thrilled....not as much of a drop as I have been getting, but then again we aren't way up there the way it was before, ....I am down to three digits and getting closer to normal all the time.   So I am happy happy and love my red devil.....nails, tiredness, tearing eyes are all worth it, if it's working!!!   I am to get another echo in a few weeks and then we will do scans either end of July or early August.   HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL!!!!    I think the vacation helped and now I have another one coming up to visit BarbA.   

  • 208sandy
    208sandy Member Posts: 582

    Ah Marybe - great news!  I wonder if it's a combination of very hard work and vacations!  Say hi to Barb when you see her - I had hoped to see her up in Canada again this summer but.....

  • jeanieb2
    jeanieb2 Member Posts: 130
    Marybe - I am doing the Happy Dance for you, and I am sure you would like it if I eat some chocolate in your honorLaughing, probably not as much as I am going to like it, but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do to help her fellow cancer partners, right?.  It is so exciting to see how well you are doing, and how much the markers have gone down.  I am sure the vacations helped a lot also.  I will be thinking about you when you get ready for those scans and keep fingers crossed they are good results.
  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    This is awesome Marybe. Funny how a little bit of perspective goes a long way. My CA27.29 is around 500 now and I was freaking about the climb but then I remenmber yours in Dec and fell better :)

    Have a nice vacation, you deserve it.

  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234

    WOW, Marybe!

    FANTASTIC!  Another vacation is indeed called for!


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Holy crap!!! I've been afraid to check up on you, sweetie, and there you go, getting yourself down to 3-digits which seemed impossible 6 months ago!!! I had to laugh at the picture of you and 3jays as you mentioned tans, and I was going to say that the girl standing behind you had REALLY white legs, and her friend was no better, before I realized they were mannequins!!

    I'd love to see bigger pictures of the Butterfly World!!! Can you post them separately so they aren't so small?

    I know you'll have a blast with Barbara, give her a hug for me as I don't think she's coming to our luncheon this year in Ontario as it's East of Toronto.

    Much love, sweetie!!

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Oh, Marybe, I am beyond words. Such fabulous news on the TM's.

    Big hugs!


  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409

    Great news, Marybe!  Heres to a continuing downward trend.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,845

    Awesome. More reasons to celebrate!

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Yay, Marybe!  Such happy news!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Marybe - so happy to hear this news!  Keeping you in my prayers.  ((hugs))

  • Thanks, Badger.  Just think last year I was planning the trip to MO. that you came to.  Would not have been able to do it this year since my one cousin and his wife are living in the house while they build a new one in town.  Thanks to everyone else for the congrats, payers and good wishes also. 

     I am off to Florida again in a few hours.....think the weather there is cooler than in OH!!   I am visiting BarbA this time.   When I got my treatment on Wed., it was onco asks, Who's counting and I said I am.   I go for an echo on July  9, and hopefully if all is well with my heart will just stay on this treatment ahwile longer.  My hair is growing and nial infection seems to have cleared up, although a lot of them are loose.  He said we will do bone and CAT the end of July and I am hoping that this time it might show some shrinkage in the liver tumors.

    Hope all of you ladies have a wonderful 4th of July and we can celebrate being alive and good health!!!  I will be toasting to The Red Devil!!!, hopefully my magic bullet.     

  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Member Posts: 3,696

    Glad you are doing so very well!!!