Between the Devil ( the red one) and the deep blue sea
Marybe - instead of drinking lots of plain water, you might try something like Gatorade or one of those drinks with extra electrolytes. It's not just the salt, you're probably losing potassium, too. Watermelon would be a good choice, too.
I'm crossing my fingers and toes for you today.
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Marybe - thoughts and best wishes for you today (and everyday). Fingers crossed that you will get your tx.
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I'm betting "yes" too.
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They put me on potassium a few months ago....take two big horse pills a day. I will let you know who won the bets this evening. Hmmmm, what would a good prize be?
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I'll put my imaginary money on you getting the chemo, and possibly a side order of a pint of blood. You don't have to rack your brain on the prize I'd like to win.
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Hmmm, I'm betting YES!!! Why would they not???? You're bigger than they are, aren't you? hehehehehehe
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hi Marybe, I'm just back from a road trip. Thought about you a lot 'cuz I took those CD's you put together last year, with all of our favorite songs. It was good company during the drive.
IDK what happened today but I would never bet against you. ((hugs))
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I just posted this on the chemo thread and am copying it as I don't want to write it all over getting lazy in my old age.
They gave me the Adriamycin.....BP was 110/70 there.....I question this, but didn't say anything and am glad if it's getting up to normal. I told her ( the PA I like) I thought I was getting a UTI....have a real sense of urgency to go and then when I do go, I really didn't need to much at all, just feel that way. The preliminary test they did showed white cells in my urine, but they were sending the sample off to the lab to be tested. She told me to be sure to call the cardiologist tomorrow so I can be put on something....I asked her if my diagnosis is really cardiomyopathy and she looked at the report and said that was what was written down so I was telling her about this news program I saw on the news this morning about this little girl at Children's Hospital who has cardiomyopathy and is dying and is waiting for a heart. So she told me that it was most likely a very severe case and probably she had had it for a long time and that mine is most likely just mild so I am thinking Hmmm, once I told someone I had a little bit of lymphedema and was told there is no such thing as a little, you have it or you don't. She told me not to read too much on the inter net and I said Oh, I do all the time and I also get advice and information from my friends on the breast cancer message boards.
This office was very calm, right on time, newer, but smaller.....only one other person in the waiting room when I got there and there were only maybe 10 chairs total in the treatment room. Long drive for me however so I am only going to go there if I can't get something at the other office the co-incides with my work schedule. I saw some of my old nurses which was nice and the one ran over and said that they had been keeping her posted on my tumor makers and how it's just unbelievable. All I am hoping is that the price of SEs isn't too bad.... am really hoping the EF doesn't go down any more and that one day I get winded walking up the stairs and am unable to do things.
Oh, asked about scans also and we are going to try to get those maybe as early as next week, depending on what day I want. Am trying not to take off any extra days as I hope to take a big vacation in October.
After I got home from chemo, I took my neighbor who had back surgery to Kroger. I had offered to pick up her Rx but she said she would like to go. Big mistake. Even with a cart to hold on to she could not stand bery long so I stood in line for h er to get the RX and she sat on a bench, not looking very good at all....was shaking and kept saying Oh, I feel bad, I feel really bad like I am going to throw up. So I took her items to check out once I got her prescription and asked the woman in checkout if someone can push those carts that you ride with the basket in the front of if you have to drive them....she said you need to drive it, but you can take it just a few feet at a time. I was telling her about my neighbor whom I had left sitting on a bench by the pharmacy and this really nice guy who was behind me in line offered to take a cart over to her. The age of chivilary is not dead. He did and sure enough I saw her coming in a few mins and she said she was so grateful as no way could she have walked even leaning on the cart. I took her groceries to the car and pulled up by the door and then this same nice guy helped her into the car....we offered him money, I told him he was our hero of the day, but he would not hear of it. Then I got her back home, took her BP, I am a pro at that now, fixed her some soup and crackers and then I took off for the library to get another MadMen DVD and then went to HalfPriced books to use my coupon.
Temp is very hot here again.
OK, ladies who were betting on me getting treatment....If it is cookies, you want, cookies you will get. Send me your address in a PM and I will used some of those prepaid little boxes the post office puts out. Let me know if you have a favoirite or want an assortment or what. I do sugar cookies, peanut butter, oatmeal with cranberries or raisins, choc chip, peanut butter chocolate chip, brownies, lemon poppy seed filling, you name it. Really, I want to do this....I love to bake for people!! It's like therapy for me. I took brownies for the nurses today with broken up pieces of butterfingers in them.
I hope this was a good thing today, but do worry about that EF. However, I am tired enough I think I will sleep very well tonight. Thanks for your support.
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Cookies huh? Had I known there was cookies involved, I may have put in a wager - lol. Glad that you were able to get your tx yesterday Marybe. Hope your blood pressure behaves and stays at a reasonable rate.
You continue to inspire me Marybe - with everything that you have on your plate, you still find the strength to reach out to a neighbour in need.
Wishing you continued strength and bright days ahead.
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OMG! Never would I want to withhold therapy from in that spirit I will PM my address
. I love any ingredient that can be made into a cookie, so you can suprise me and I will be thrilled!!!!
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Ha Ruth! To bad Marybe wasn't in Chicago on the weekend. (c:
Marybe- Hugs. Can't wait for Christmas to hang that crazy nut on my tree.
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We. told. you. so.!!! That's all I have to say!!!
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I just wanted to wish you the best Marybe. I don't get on this board a lot, but I like to check your progress when I do.
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So far I only have two takers for the cookies and I know there were more of you who thought I would get the treatment. I am baking this weekend so let me know. Barsco, Badger, anyone? PM me your address. Tim brought me home 6 nice little mailing boxes from the post office.
Started taking two coreg today and am hoping the BP doesn't go too low.....nurse told me it slows down the heart beat and helps the muscle work more efficiently, but it will make me feel tired. I said Great, I hate feeling tired.
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I dunno, the low BP gives me the creeps! I hope they find a balance for you and your drugs so you're not so tired.
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hey Marybe, I sent you a PM. Would love some homemade cookies! ((hugs))
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Marybe... Been a little distracted lately with the DH's health issues. Continue, however, to make a version of your sauerkraut balls and everyone loves them. I have family visiting next week and I froze a batch. I have my neighbors and friends making them. They are so moist and delicious. Would you be kind enough to share with us your favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe? I am not good at baking, but my daughter and her beau love to bake. I would love to share with them one of your great recipes.
Thoughts and prayers and good wishes to you!0 -
Marybe, I'd love some cookies but I KNOW they wouldn't make it aross the border without being eaten...sigh. They'd have to check them for drugs by testing them, I'm sure! Be careful with the lower heart beat so you don't faint.
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Marybe - I'm not one to usually turn down homemade anything, but as barbe said, I'm sure the border guards would get hold of them before they got to me. Perhaps there is someone closer that you could surprise with a batch of cookies.
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I'm going for it barsco!! Let's try!! They'll probably contact Homeland Security and give them Marybe's address to get more! hehehehehee
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Oh yee of little faith - Marybe is sending me cookies even though I was worried about the cost of postage (she isn't) - at no time was I worried about anyone purloining them - I lived 25 years in the U.S. and send many food parcels up over the Canadian border to friends and family and not once did they get eaten or lost - I think that may be an urban legend that packages get opened but maybe I was just lucky??!
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I wonder if they would make it to Aus? I've been lucky enough to taste Marybe's cooking and I cansay without a shadow of a doubt that it is truly YUMMMMMM!!!!!!!
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Sandy, it's NOT an urban legend about packages being opeend!! My sis has lived in the US for 30+ years and I sold a lot on ebay as well as bought over the years and very often packages would be opened, a note (red label) attached and it would be duck taped back together. Don't have an experience of anything being stolen.....yet.
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Alright barbe - I'll go for it also. Will be interesting to see if both packages make it unscathed. Thanks in advance Marybe - can't wait.
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Voracious, I would love to share my chocolate chip cookie recipe with you, but it's not really mine, nor is it anything special. I actually just use the recipe on the package of chocolate chips....but as with most recipes I change it just a little. I added a cup of peanut butter to it one time and everyone thought it was so I do that a lot....I also usually add more flour than the recipe calls for...not a lot, maybe 1/4 cup more, but enough so the dough is a bit stiffer....that way the cookies come out thicker. Some people like them sort of spread out and thin, but I like fat cookies. Sometimes I add coconut and often I used not only semisweet chips, but also milk chocolate chips or bittersweet chips. So I don't have an actual recipe that it mine, but the basic one I use is the one on the Nestles' pkg of choc chips.
I am so glad you and your friends are enjoying my sauerkraut balls, but I am sorry to hear your husband is having health issues.
I ended up running around a bit this afternoon and just got back from watching TV with the neighbor....this is the one who had the back surgery and she is doing quite well. I have the choc chip dough mixed and am now going to make a batch of peanut butter, but most likely will not bake either until tomorrow morning.....will let you know when I get them in the mail.....Soon, but it isn't going to be tomorrow I am afraid.
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Marybe, we may love cookies but we love you more. Take your time!
MIL's 80th birthday is tomorrow and there's a family party. I'm bringing wine but I do believe I'll make choc chip cookies today. Toll House is one of the few recipes I know by heart and for some reason I have a hankering for them this morning.
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They say that patience is a virtue and its own reward, but I got cookies in the mail today!
I'll share the PB and choc chip with DH but the frosted sugar cookie is all mine.
Thanks, Marybe! Shall I return the favor? I'm baking for tomorrow and will send you some.
Classic Toll House, will add bits of cherries to the last few batches for cherry choc chip.
Would add walnuts but so many people are allergic it's best to omit them.
Thunderstorms just rolled through, got a nice rainfall and it's cooled way down.
Thanks again, you are a sweetheart Marybe! ((hugs))
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They Arrived!?! I am very pleased....the US mail did its that means the other recipients in the States should have gotten theirs, if not yesterday, they will this Monday. Now for those of you in Canada and Chrissy, way down under in Australia, I have no idea when they will arrive. I think they told me at least a week on Canada and when I asked about Australia, the woman who waited on me at the post office said," Australia, I have no idea what happens to them when they get there. We just send them." I hope they aren't all stale and broken when they get there.
Badger, no need to send me cookies in return, but I appreciate the offer. Maybe there is someone else who would like some....we could sort of start a cookie exchange. One person send them to someone and then that person could bake and send some to someone else. Maybe include the recipe with the cookies. I like your addition of cherries to your choc. chip recipe....there is an ice cream I really like that has chunks of chocolate and pieces of cherries in it, but the name escapes me. Cherry Cordial, that's the name! Glad I thought of it or it would have driven me nuts all day....I would have had to make a trip to UDF to look in the case to find out what the name was.
Well, I got the results of my CAT scan and although it was a good report, it was not a great report in my opinion and I am very disappointed. I put off posting because I thought maybe I would think differently if I had a day or so to sleep on it, but I am still disappointed. I guess I just expect to much and I am sorry if I come off sounding like an ungrateful bitch....I am grateful, don't get me wong. I am very happy there was no progression and no new hepatic lesions as the report says, BUT I was hoping for lot more shrinkage since the numbers had gone down so much. They did not give measurements on all the tumors, but did on two so here can tell me what you think.....the large one they talk about is still pretty darned big. The one in what they refer to as the dome of the liver they are saying previously measured 7.9 X 5.7cm amd ot os mpw 6.5 X 4.2 cm ...that means it is about 1 1/2 cm smaller in size in both measurements. The other one the discuss which is in the lateral segment of the left lobe is 1.5 X 1.6cm and previously it was 2.1X 2.0 cm. Both are definitely smaller and the report also states that other preciously seen low atttenuation lesions within the liver show similar reduction in size. It says the general impression is that the decrease show in comparison to the previous scan is compatible with a response to therapy. They also mentioned scarrin my lung and the osteoblastic mets previously identified in my sternum, clavical, mdiubrium, humeral heads, scapula and spine so nothing that I didn't already know about there. We did not do a bone scan this time so my onco must not have felt it necesarry and thinks like me, it's the liver we really need to be concerned with.
So that is pretty much all I know. And I just can't figure out why I am not excited about these results, but I do know I was expecting more of a change given the fact that the tumor markers were going down so fast. Tomorrow I see the onco and will get his take on this since we will be going over the results and he probably doesn't even know I have seen the report....although he knows me, so must suspect I went to get it.
I went to the GP on Friday for this terrible sore throat I have started on Wed. and is not a typical sore throat like you get when you are getting a cold or from post nasal drip.....this was REALLY sore, but strange. He asked me what I take for pain and I responed with Pain? I really don't have pain and although I have a whole closet full of prescribed pain meds, I normally just don't take them. When my back is bad, I take a muscle relaxant. So I told him that the only time this hurts is when I swallow, if I cough, and oddly enough when I yawn. He said it sounded like the muscles or lining of the throat might be inflamed, but he could see nothing and it must be down farther. He said it could be thrush, but since I keep my mouth nice and clean, he saw no evidence of it in my mouth. Gave me a Rx for something called nystatin and I rinse with it and then swallow it....I think it is better, but that could also be just because I finished up the Cipro I was taking for the UTI which gave me a yeast infection...for that I opted not to get yet another Rx and have been eating yogurt and got some Monistat at the drugstore. I get sick of taking so many medicines and it has gotten to the point when I don't know if I have taken what when half the time.
Anyway, that's all I know. I went to see The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel for the 3rd time yesterday. This is an excellent movie although I never heard much about it until my one friend took me to see it ( it was her 5th time and I thought, is she nuts, but now I keep going and taking people) and it's only on at one of the smaller theaters here, but has been there for almost three months now and it's a wonderful movie. It is a feel good movie and not something younger people would like, but a great uplifting movie for someone my age and it looked like that was the age group of the audience when I looked around. I could just relate to it in so many ways. Then this morning I had fried mush for breakfast....perhaps some of you recall when I was on a fried mush kick a year or two's comfort food. Obviously, I am trying to console myself. I know I am not being reasonable and I should be rejoicing, BUT given the fact the adriamycin did cause heart damage, I am having one heck of a time with the meds they want me to take for it( BP is 90/60 today so that is much better but still goes really low some days) so am not taking full dose and heart is not actually protected and knowing we have about run our course with this treatment, I am questioning Was it worth it? I guess it just depends on how the heart deal plays out. I am thankful, don't get me wrong....I have bought time....but I was hoping for a miracle I guess. Wanted to hear, all the tumors are gone except for the large one and it's only a little over 1 cm so you now are a good candidate for either RFA or chemoembolization. Go For It!
We were supposed to get rain today....just as we were supposed to for the last three days. The sun is shining and I know my husband doesn't have the energy to do it so if I can get him to start the mower for me, I am going to go cut the grass. And then if I am all hot and sweaty and want to cool off I may just go buy myself a double scoop of Cherry Cordial ice cream!! Have a good day everyone.....if you aren't, go see that movie.
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Oh Marybe:
I know you were hoping for a "miracle" but it still sounds pretty good to me - things are regressing not progressing and I think that's wonderful. As for the adriamyacin damaging your heart - keep seeing your cardio and asking questions as to whether the damage is temporary and what they can do to support your heart health - don't give up on the adriamyacin yet - it IS working though not fast - just know that we're all out here cheering you on and eating cookies (well, soon...) and eating ice cream - for those of you who can't find Cherry Cordial - Ben & Jerry's Cherry's Garcia is wonderful also and in Canada PC has the same one as well but don't remember the exact name (although I've eaten a lot of it over the past couple of years).
Can't believe you're going to mow the lawn - you certainly are "unstoppable".
I saw the trailer for that movie about three months ago and will have to wait till it comes out on a DVD as I rarely go to the theatre anymore (no dh to go with) - it certainly looked like something I would want to see - glad you're enjoying it so much.
Hugs, Sandy