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Between the Devil ( the red one) and the deep blue sea



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh Marybe again happy, happy, happy----u'r trip sounds unbelievable too--U deserve the best (((HUGS)))

  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234


    I'm thrilled for you!  How wonderful that you're planning such a trip, and so glad you feel well enough to do it.  And, the planning and anticipation is such a big part of the experience!



  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Marybe, it's just that on the other page you said the doc would change you to Adriamyacin. That's why I said that.

    And YOU know how I feel about your trip!!!! 

  • Barbe,   Yes, I know how you feel about my are thrilled and think it's the carrot I have been needing.....we need to find a carrot for you.  I am sorry if that one post was confusing...he will switch me to Doxil which he says is Adriamycin, but it's in another form, but I don't know if I am buying that one since you don't lose your hair on doxil and you for sure do on real Adriamycin....also he said the doxil can cause hand foot symdrome and A does not do that, does not even cause neuropathy for which I have been grateful.  I will have to research it, have just been too busy....looking up train schedules and cheap hotels instead which is much more fun.

    This morning the podiatrist told me what I thought was a callous is a bone trying to work its way through the skin....let me tell you , my feet are a big fat mess.   So he is going to try getting the pressure off of it, by making new orthodics.   I quit wearing the old ones because they were causing my knee and leg pain, but maybe my feet had just changed and they no longer fit properly...think my arch is caving in or something.   Anyway, I am going to work hard at getting my feet in shape for my trip.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Wow! You don't stand up for your job the heck did your feet get so bad??? At one time, when I was bartending (LOVED it!!) I told the podiatrist that it felt like I was walking on pencils. He said of course, your metatarsals have all collapsed!!! Orthotics are amazing inventions!! You will be able to walk forever. I hope you get them soon so you can get used to them. Do you also pack knee wraps just in case?

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Marybe, the trip sounds wonderful! Enjoy every minute.

    I've also heard that Doxil is a form of Adriamycin. I don't remember where or when I heard it but when you said that I was thinking, yes, that's true.

    So it's maybe true.


  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Member Posts: 3,696

    Marybe... Come to NY and I will help you find GREAT COMFORTABLE SHOES.

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409

    Marybe - I walked all over Paris for nine days in Abeo sandals:

    I wore these:

    Dunes H2O Neutral

    Not a blister or mark on either foot, and gentle on my horribly arthritic knees (got cortisone shots in each before we left)

    I don't know if there is a Walking Company store near you, but it would be worth checking them out.  Dansko is another good brand that they carry.

  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Member Posts: 3,696

    Dansko, Wolky, Waldlaufer, Mephisto, Durea, Think!, and Kumf's (Ziera). And if you really need a kick ass dress shoe to do a happy dance... Me Too.

  • lilylady
    lilylady Member Posts: 478

    LuvRVing-that comfortable and cute too. Will have to check that out. I got a pair of Drcholl somewhat like that this spring at Meijers and I have about worn them out. I have to waer steel toed boots at work and the hand foot thing made me miserable. They finally allowed me to switch to leather tennis shoes but on a slippery floor and heavy stuff I just couldn;t bring myslef to do it. Now off the X so it's not a problem.

      Hope the new orthotics don;t take that long marybe or be so big they won;t work in your shoes. Sounds promising. Can they fix the bone thing from coming out?

  • Lemonsoda
    Lemonsoda Member Posts: 6

    Marybe, I am interested and inspired by your planned trip. Good for you! I am wondering 'though, do you have travel insurance which includes anything to do with the cancer, and if so, is it expensive? My boyfriend (he is 60 and I am 57!) is pushing me to take a trip to Chile in November, but the insurance costs as much as the trip i.e.BIG money. Would I dare go without the insurance? Maybe, if I was stable and had had a recent scan, but this makes booking 3 months in advance impossible. I want to do it so I'm interested in other people's views. Switzerland is great! I live in UK, and have skied there many times. I hope you have one hellofa time! Anne

    (I'm not sure it works when we Brits try to speak American. But we try!) 

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409

    Lemonsoda - I'm taking a trip to Hawaii in October.  I looked at trip insurance and with the restrictions and exclusions, I found it not worthwhile.  I have fully refundable air tickets and a hotel with an easy cancellation policy.

    I'm not stable at the moment (but symptom-free) and I'm going anyways.  If you're booking a tour package, it's probably a little more difficult as tour operators tend to lock you in.  But you might look and see  - if you make your own arrangements you may be able to make the trip work for you.  I hope you do!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Lemonsoda, if the cost is prohibitive, do know that you just have to get yourself home, wherever home is. Your return ticket is your ticket home. It's not like they will put you on chemo in Chile, but if you break a bone, setting it may be cheaper than insurance. Blue Cross is International, I thought.

  • I did not get trip not even sure if you are able to if you book the trip with miles.  I did have a friend who got trip insurance and she said it was not that expensive.  I decided that I was going on this trip if I got good news cuz I knew I would be able to do it and also was going to do it if I got bad news because it would mean Now or never.  

    I worked in Switzerland for three years.....loved it.  Had the opportunity to travel a lot.  I actually went to the ski schule in Samaden one year when a friend came to visit....they put me in a beginner class with kids, ages 5-11.  I remember one day when this little boy threw a temper tantrum....layed down in the snow and kicked and screamed.   I felt like joining him.   Sking was not my thing.  It is the part of the trip I am looking most forward to since I will get to see my former bosses as well as some of the friends I stayed in touch with.  It is a beautiful country.  I always preferred the little villages to the big cities.  The town I was in was Solothurn.  It was a small town, but it had 21 bakeries when I lived you can imagine I put on quite a few kilos!!!   

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I have a carrot!!!!! My sister will fly me down to Portland, Oregon. It will be after I have the surgery to take out the mass in my abdomen, which should be mid-September. I'll plan on early October. I am SO excited!!!! She is really big into photography so it will be an amazing photo trip!!!! Last time I was there was 5 years ago. I feel a bit guilty as she could have flown up here for the same trip, but she is now an empty-nester so I know she'll appreciate the company!!!! SO EXCITED!!!!!! 

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    barbe, how wonderful!  There really are a lot of our sisters in the Oregon Washington area, including some around Portland.  If I were up to driving that far and had a car that would make the trip I'ld come to Portland to meet you.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    oooooh, even MORE of a carrot!!! She actually lives in Lake Oswego, right beside Tigard. I think it's just north of Portland.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I have a car that would be happy to make the drive. I am just east of Seattle. Portland is supposed to be a cool town to visit too. 


  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    voracious reader I'm in NY and I will take all the comfy shoe tips you have. Laughing

    Sorry to hijack thread!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,850

    Cute picture, Barbe!

  • HLB
    HLB Member Posts: 740

    Bumping for Tina. Marybe I just read this original post. Amazing beyone words! I hope you have the best time ever!!

  • The best time ever is getting very difficult to plan.   My friend Cyndee who started this whole deal by telling me she was going to Dresden to participate in a 10K walk has to stay in Dresden until Tues. Oct. 23.  My other friend and I are arriving in Frankfurt on the 18th and had planned on going to visit my cousins in Pforzheim for a few days, not 6....also my cousin says his wife is taking care of their grandchild and meals will sometimes not be a possibility with them (His wording, but I was not thinking they would feed us all the time) and he also said they look forward to us visiting with them for three or four nights....SOOOO, I would feel like we were imposing if we stayed until Cyndee can get it's a long train ride from Dresden so she would not get there until late afternoon and that would mean another night with them.  So now I am trying to come up with another place to hook up with her....Switzerland is the next stop and that is even more of a train ride for her than to my cousins' , but will not be for us....and I of course want to spend as many days in Switzerland as possible.  Then it's getting to Bruges from there....if I had thought this out we could have gone there in the beginning since out flght goes via Amsterdam.   So it is getting complicated.   Also Cyndee is organized and she's got our place booked in Paris since that is really the place she cares about, has her train pass, and really pressured me to give her exact dates for where we would be when and now that may be changing.  Lee wants to visit a concentration camp site.....I just do not think I should ask my German cousins to take us somewhere like that so am trying to find out what one is closest to Frankfurt and in truth none are really close....Munich has Dachau, but we did not plan on going to Munich.  I am getting a headache and I Never get headaches.  

    Last year we were planning our BCO get together at Shell Knob and it certainly was easier to do, although I guess when I think of the miles involved I actually traveled more miles than I am talking about now, but I had my own wheels and that made a big difference.  This trip I am trying to plan with a train schedule.  

    HLB, Who is Tina?   Is she doing Adriamycin?   I get another echo on Wed. to see if I am going to be able to continue with it. 

  • HLB
    HLB Member Posts: 740

    Oh boy, what a hassle! I hope it can all be worked out! Tina is a bco friend that was looking for encouragement from long term survivors. She told me that you pm'd her so that is good. Well I hope all of this stuff gets worked out. It seems to happen every time I plan a trip with friends. I learned my lesson and will usually say we don't have to be together for everything if we want to do different things. This is a lot different with it being trips to other countries and train schedules. I hope you are feeling great and I hope the echo has good results! Heidi

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Marybe, use relatives for only part of the journey if you can. Mention to your DH the situation and maybe he'll front you a bit of extra cash. Many people travel without having definite plans or relatives in every port. It seems that Switzerland may be your ultimate meeting spot, or just go with the flow and it will all work itself out. Why does Cyndee have to stay so long? She's the one that screwed it up, she has to accommodate you!

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Just went out to check the mail and guess what?  COOKIES! They made it - of course I had to open immediately and have some of each. Delicious! Thanks Marybe! Unfortunately the pink one seems to be a bit of a puzzle that I didn't have the patience to try and piece together (plus the pieces kept jumping into my mouth). Was it a bc ribbon by any chance?

    I will share the cookies with my sister and SIL as we drive to the east coast this week - so they arrived at a very good time.

    Hoping that your trip comes together without too much hassle.

    Enjoy your day!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I just got MY cookies too!!!! I'm having them for lunch and dinner today. My DH shared some of the broken ones, which I, too, believe were ribbons! Wonderful..thank you SO very much!!!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007

    Cookies How did I miss out on that??

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    You are TOO late Mum!!!! Marybe was in a wild baking mode a couple of pages ago and offered to mail them all over the world. Barsco and I were hesitant that Customs would eat them (well, I was), but then we signed up!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Still waiting and hoping that customs don't eat mine! ....... lol

  • Mumito, Next time.

    Saw the PA today instead of the onco, but he came down the hall when I was sitting there getting my BP, temp etc and asked Why do you have your shoes in your lap and I said cuz I don't want to weigh any more than I already do, that's why.  Some of the nurses wanted to know if I brought any goodies and I told them no, I had not had time to bake and they said they were kidding....I know they were serious.

    I get another echo tomorrow so we will see if these heart meds are working.   Also I suggested to the PA that instead of having me take triamterine/HCTZ which I was put on years ago for edema, not for my BP, that maybe I should just take place on HCTZ and she said she was not sure about what they would do to my potassium and I said I already take potassium, two a day.   So she checked and found out sure enough triamterine is a low dose BP med  so I said well, the problem probably is that they added two more to this mix and since I did not have high  BP anyway, that might just be too much.   So she said she would phone in a RX for straight HCTZ.   I have been taking 1/2 of the lisinopril which is a real trick to half since it is minuscule.  I take it at night so it doesn't matter if my BP drops since I am in bed.   But actually my readings have been pretty normal for me 101/62   106/ I would say I am adjusting and tolerating both the coreg and lisinopril.    I wonder if I have a worse Echo if I stay on them?   Also on that CBC everything is low on me except for three things and the nurse said those have to do with red white count was 2.6...last time it was 2.7.   I asked her why everything is low and she said because they give me this constantly every week and nothing has a chance to bounce back and the marrow doesn' t have time to recover.....anyone know about this and buy this explanation?

    Well, I have to go feed the cat up the street and then I am going to bed to watch MadMen Season 3 DVD's.   My mouth is full of blisters, but they are getting better.  

    Oh, the pink was a big giant BC ribbon. Wonder if it arrived in once piece in the States? That is my favorite sugar cookie recipe.