If you are not Stage IV but have questions, you may post here
Thanks ladies. I be stupid. I forgot about the port I have and was feeling around. Finally went to the mirror and saw duh!!! it's my port I'm feeling. Sorry, but thanks for the responses.
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Glad you figured it out! To answer your earlier question -- even though it's a moot point for you now -- a PS should be able to remove any suspicious new lesion. Very often they're scar tissue or fat necrosis, and taking them out and sending them out for pathology just to be sure is very common during recon followup surgeries.
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For the past week I've had extreme dizziness when I am laying down. When I wake up in the morning I almost pass out when I sit up and when I'm laying done when I turn my head I get really dizzy. Now it's even to the point that's when I roll over in the night that I feel dizzy and wake up. I only hadstage 1 . I'm scared.
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BPPV could be a possibility Mom2fourplusmore. Other thoughts are low blood pressure, any new meds? or middle ear infection. Any new symptoms should be checked with your GP, but so many more benign reasons for it than cancer. Best wishes
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hi to all.My mom is having tired legs and sometimes her legs is too tired that she dont walk.I am very afraid is it a sign of cancer reccurence.I am posting on her behalf.Her legs often remains tired.She dont have constant feelings of tired legs.
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Mom, please call your onco. Whether it's cancer or not, it sounds like it's making life difficult for you and identifying the cause will help you treat it. Then you can lie down at night again
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it's getting worse. By the day. I have an appointment with my GP this afternoon. Didn't want to assume it was something my MO needed to handle. Let's hope they can figure it out. Now I can't even move my eyes without almost passing out. This is really weird. I took 2 Aleve and it did slightly help. MRI is what I need, right
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My GP just gave meclazine for virtago. She didn't order any test and just said this was the first thing to try. She did say that the Effexor could be doing this.
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I agree on the Effexor. THE worst one of them all even if you slowly wean off it as instructed. I'd rather have hot flushes than go on that again.
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on Effexor - it may be individual, I didn't have any withdrawl symptoms from Effexor and quit without tapering off. didn't bother me at all. Hope the same for you.
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Hi all. I have been reading your posts and last ones about Effexor (Venlafaxine it is called in Canada) I would suggest that it is individual. Awhile after I had been on it I brought up wit my doctor at our cancer agency my concerns with the scary withdrawal stories. She said it is actually not as common times comes, we do it with care. Just suggesting that sometimes inadvertently we scare those (like me at one time) who may need whatever the drug is.
I did not mean to post on Effexor LOL!
Short story is I am awaiting results from core biopsy yesterday and hope to have them Monday or Tuesday. Lymphedema late April and I had been on a flight though had my sleeve on and never before even on longer flights. I think it was kind of a red herring but luckily I had my usual 6 monthly appts. lined up when I returned from my swan song trek I led in Nepal in May. Physio, RMT, MO, PS and told them all about my LE and also that by then I had some tingling and burning in BC hand. PS agreed that the redo of recon in Dec./16 had not worked so set up surgery ASAP and implants removed June 26. MO was concerned and tests ordered. Since then pain from scapula through axilla and down arm to hands much worse and a month ago hand strength suddenly diminished and right under forearm swollen and numb blah blah. MRI July 31 showed enhancing tissue, Chest CT with contrast Aug. 2 showed lump and core biopsy yesterday showed lump 2.5 cm long and rectangular. Head of of rads at my cancer agency who has been involved for several weeks thinks probable axillary recurrence. My original lump was close to axilla, 6/8 nodes taken during lumpectomy positive and 1 more positive post chemo at mastectomy and axillary dissection. Extensive lymphovascular invasion and am i surprised now? No, but weekend waiting game. Not liking prognosis I am reading about either but it is what it is. Thanks for the venting time.!
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I tried 2 different dosages of Effexor and they both made me dizzy and nauseous. Could not tolerate it. I hope this is a simple solution for you. Mom2.
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The Meclazine made me sleep for 2 days but does seem to have helped a little. Looks like it could be the Effexor. The bad part is that I liked not being a crazy woman. Lo
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Mom2fourplusmore, good to know you are figuring out the cause.
Love n hugs. Chrissy
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I have been having some pain under my right rib cage for a few months it seems to of gotten worse I spoke to my MO about it and she sent me for a pet scan. The results came back and something is lighting up in the area of the liver called the (Porta hepatis) right now I am waiting for further tests to be scheduled just wondered if anyone had any experience with this area of the liver? I am really praying it is just an infection
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Hello everyone, the last week or so I started to feel slight weakness on left lower leg and ankle, and some times on right leg. Some feeling in left or right above my butt, it's not pain like weakness. I'm taking Anastrozole since 12/16 and have experienced joint stiffness on wrist, fingers and toes, but no weakness until now. I also have a history of degenerative disk disease and low vitamin D many years ago. Could this be bone Mets symptoms? Thanks everyone.
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Hi, Houston. The weakness you're describing does not sound like typical mets symptoms at all. I suspect it might be related to Anastrazole, but definitely report it to your onc and maybe your PCP. The degenerative disk disease, if active, might be the culprit, but an MRI would quickly ascertain if it is. Are you taking Vitamin D3 and something to strengthen your bones, such as Xgeva (Prolia)? Try not to worry about mbc, but definitely get it checked out to prevent a possible fall. Hugs, Deanna
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Thanks Deanna for your reply. Yes I'm taking vitamin D, 5000; and Calcium. I had blood work just done yesterday and CBC was normal. I read about bone Mets symptom and it said weakness in the legs and arms, but you're right it could be Anastrozole, this drug gives me lots of problems. Thank You.
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Thank you so much for having this thread. It is so generous and kind of you all. I wanted to touch base as I am unable to take Tamoxifen or any AI's due to contraindications and my MO is thinking of having me try Faslodex. I am waiting to finish off my year of Herceptin (last one in October) and we might try Faslodex. I am curious to know if any of you are on it without any other meds or if it is always in combination with other meds. I am curious to know what kind of side effects folks may have experienced that they are confident are related to Faslodex.
Thanks for all your time. Sending much love out!
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courage, I was on Faslodex for 19 mos. I was also on Ibrance (Palbociclib) at the time, but prior to Ibrance's development and approval for use with Faslodex, Faslodex was (and still is for some) given singularly. But RX'ing it for early stage follow up (if your info is up to date) is a bit unusual, as is the chemo it looks like you had for early stage. Can I ask where you're being treated?
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Hi dlb!
Thank you very much for your quick reply! I am being treated in North County San Diego. Indeed, my meds have been very unusual given my stage. I have many comorbidities and thus the use of Gemzar vs the original TCPH, which I couldn't tolerate. I got through 2 out of 6 infusions and my doctors decided on Gemzar in order to at least get chemo. It worked well. I still have a few micromets but otherwise doing well. I am very grateful to have a MO who will think out of the box with me vs just throwing up her hands
. That's why I am searching for any individuals who had just Faslodex, as I am very curious how it went for them.
Thanks again for your time and care. I send you my very best!
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It sounds reasonable to me to use Faslodex if you can't take tamoxifen or an aromatase inhibitor. I have read of trials testing it in early stage bc. It can certainly be used alone. My onc told me it generally has the fewest side effects, and I found that to be true. You just have to put up with the shots.
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Hi ShetlandPony,
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. It is so amazing of you all to check in on us here. My energy and love is flowing your way. I am so pleased to hear that you indeed did experience few side effects. I hear the shots are big and there are many tricks of the trade for injecting them. I am very ready to give them a try, and excited to even have this option.
Sending you my very best!
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What about fatigue as a sign of recurrence? I am just so damn tired. To the point at work there are times Im having trouble keeping my eyes open at my desk. This fatigue is really getting to me. I have some nagging back pain but I dont think its cancer. It's just this awful fatigue. Has anyone sought advice from their MO about recurrence and fatigue?
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Tangandchris, extreme, lingering fatigue should definitely be checked out -- not because it's necessarily a symptom of mets, but because if anything in your body is out of whack -- such as low thyroid, which can cause fatigue -- it can increase your risk of a recurrence by putting more of a burden on your immune system. Maybe start with your PCP and some simple blood work. That could lead you in the right direction. Are you dealing with a lot of stress? I'm asking because that, too, can cause severe fatigue, and also needs to be addressed before it puts your health in jeopardy. So I would certainly consider severe fatigue as something that needs follow up, before it opens the gateway to something more serious. Hugs, Deanna
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Tangandchris and BosumBlues - it doesn't sound like you have mets, if extreme fatigue is your only symptom. If you haven't yet, I'd ask your PCPs for a Lyme Disease test. Extreme fatigue was my only symptom with Lyme. I never saw the tick, had no bull's eye rash, nor any other symptoms. It can be treated with anti-biotics. Good luck!
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Hi been lurking here for awhile, this site is so great for information, and you make everyone feel welcome!
I finished chemo in June of 2016, finished Herceptin in Feb. 2017. Had a cat scan in March on lungs. they found left lung with 2 3MM spots and 1 6mm, right lung with 2 3mm spots.
Just had a follow up scan showed left lung 3 3mm and 1 7mm and right 5 3-4mm spots. But the Radiologist states unchanged in appearance and suggest follow up in 12 months. Does this sound right?
how can it be unchanged with the 6mm now 7mm and 4 more spots found.
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I posted a while back about having vertigo. It's been over 5 weeks and I still have it and it has gotten worse. My oncologist decided to give me a MRI. I think his reasoning is because it's lasted so long , gotten worse, and I have muscle twitches on one side. He seemed a bit impatient with getting it done. I talked to him yesterday and they got it done today. During the test the guy said I didn't great and stayed still but at the end he needed to do one part over again. That's seemed odd to me. He said the Dr wouldn't get the result by the end of the day. I have an appointment with his PA on Mon. I'm thinking it's fine because I feel it metastasized they would have called me back today and I wouldn't be be seeing the PA. It would be the oncologist. Am i reading too much into this? The worst pa
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Montana, scan measurements often are not precise or finite. A difference of 1mm is probably just a difference in image quality or interpretation. Also lung "artifacts" from previous things like pneumonia or bronchitis are very common. Hoping that's all it is, but if you are not comfortable with waiting a year to be rescanned, perhaps your onc would agree to redoing it in 6 mos.
Mom2four, it's impossible to tell anything from the behavior or a rad tech. Keep busy this weekend and try not to overthink it. There are many things that can cause vertigo, but with a bc hx and ongoing complaints, your onc pretty much had to order an MRI. Hopefully, it will be clear.
Bosom, if I was in your situation, I would maybe look for an MD who is into functional medicine -- a newish specialty that puts the emphasis on finding and addressing the cause, rather than just treating symptoms. They're normally primary care docs or internists -- just with a slightly different, more natural, bend to their approach
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Hello Everyone, I've been having lower legs feelings of weakness and aches in my calf and ankles, comes and ago, general aches on my biceps as well. I can feel sensation behind the lower back right and left, aches under buttocks. My PCP tested for nerve strength and she said nothing has to do with neurological disorders. I also have hip pain when walking, ever since started Anastrozol. My blood work shows calcium is 9:6 and ALP is 105. WBC is 4+ and RBC is 3.9. I have apt. to see OC next week, what does bone Mets feel like? Any Inputs are appreciated.