If you are not Stage IV but have questions, you may post here



  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2013


  • faithfulheart
    faithfulheart Member Posts: 25
    edited December 2012

    thank you so much girls.....I have anxiety issues as it is...this Cinstant scanning is just scary...love to you....r

  • beth1965
    beth1965 Member Posts: 203
    edited December 2012

    Bone mets scare - i phoned my onc to say i have had bad pain in my leg at night and its getting worse and i have nausea on and off.  I had no idea that these were in any way bone mets symptoms. I thought my bones would hurt in day not just night to be bone mets. I told them i hardly notice the pain in the day at all . They have me set up for bone scan already it is monday i called on friday afternoon. Anyone know about night time bone mets pain? Has anyone had this. I am just a bit surprised by their reaction.  Crossing my fingers and toes its not.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited December 2012

    Beth, I too get pain at night in my ankle and toes. I had them x-rayed and they found a stress fracture in my ankle. It doesn't bother me during the day, but hurts a lot at night when I'm trying to sleep. Hoping it's nothing serious, but better to have the scan so you can rest easy.

  • beth1965
    beth1965 Member Posts: 203
    edited December 2012

    Thanks Rocket -sad to hear you had a fracture but happy to hear that there are other things this may be for me.

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2013


  • CherylinOhio
    CherylinOhio Member Posts: 149
    edited December 2012

    Well I will chime in to say that I have been having mild nausea the past couple days. I also have back pain, lower and middle.  Have had some pain around my ribs when I sweep barn floor but it feels muscular.  I have had 2 bone scans this year the last one was in June or July I believe and my last onc appt in October blood work was fine.  I am worried again!  I have an onc appt January 11 and for now will just chill and wait for the appt.  I hope everyone who is waiting on scans and results gets positive news!!!  ((HUGS)))

    PS: Happy Belated Birthday Chrissy!!!

  • beth1965
    beth1965 Member Posts: 203
    edited December 2012

    Day and Cherylin i hope we all turn out fine. I know we all are  going through the same fear. It is hard not to be scared.

    wishing the best for everyone!

    Day-as soon as they knew i have been throwing up here and there they wanted me in right away

  • beth1965
    beth1965 Member Posts: 203
    edited December 2012

    Happy birthday Chrissy!

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2013


  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited December 2012

    Back again.....worried again....I know....right shoulder (same side as BC and recurrence) is giving me so much pain.  Also in back between shoulder blades.  Back aches at night and by in the morning I cannot get comfortable in bed....goes away once I get up and moving....may be the bed but even when in Vegas on another bed same issue.  Shoulder hurts all day.....aches when I am just holding it still....right on the top of the shoulder and down the arm to about 1/2 way to elbow....sometimes right hand will seem a bit numb.

    Just a pinched nerve in the shoulder, right?  Had both pains for over a month.....both getting worse not better.  Have an appointment with Onc. on the 27th and had my last bone scan last December 22nd, 3 days after diagnosed with local recurrence....all clear then.  Will ask for another bone scan when I see him.

    What do you guys think?

  • keepingon
    keepingon Member Posts: 7
    edited December 2012

    I am not sure I can even understand managing that fear. For me, I was straight out of the gates Stage IV at 32 years old. I can kinda understand the anxiety in the way that I am constantly concerned about managing what I have kindly dubbed as "flare-ups".

    Best of luck.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited December 2012

    Wrsmith there are loads of things that can cause that sort of pain but it is obviously really worrying you so ask for your scan and hopefully put your mind at rest. Any pain that hangs around for longer than a couple of weeks needs to be investigated.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • 1Athena1
    1Athena1 Member Posts: 672
    edited December 2012

    a belated happy birthday, chrissy - thank you for what you are doing here!

  • kayrnic
    kayrnic Member Posts: 111
    edited December 2012


    Definitely ask for the scan. It is important for peace of mind if nothing else. If it is mets, the sooner they catch it, the better. Fingers crossed for you!


  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2013


  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited December 2012

    GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!  I am sorry you are still waiting for answers.  I dont think the doc's have a clue on how hard the waiting is! 

    Beautiful picture Day, beautiful smile!!!

  • Moiralf
    Moiralf Member Posts: 119
    edited December 2012

    Wrsmith, Have you been to see a physio to check about a pinched nerve in your back or shoulder? Scans are important but I know I have had problems in my upper back and had pain down to my fingers and it was from my back. This was way before cancer and my physio worked with me and exercises eased and finally removed the whole thing. Pain can be referred as well and I often get that. Where it hurts is not actually where the problem is.

    Doesn't stop it from actually hurting but nerve pain can radiate a long way from the source. Good luck and stay positive.


  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2013


  • Angela-R
    Angela-R Member Posts: 109
    edited December 2012

    My turn to chime in. Not to scare you. Ask about an MRI of the Brachial Plexus ( bundle of nerves under the collar bone that come out of the neck). Multiple scans showed nothing but this scan found a large soft tissue tumour pushing on the nerves affecting shoulder blades and arm. It was successfully removed by a neurosurgeon.

    All the best


  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254
    edited December 2012

    Racy, They dont really know what causes breast cancer. Yes they have some pretty good guesses but they dont really know. I am the fourth in my family to have it and none of us were drinkers. One thing we have in common is that we all lived and I still live along the Mississippi River. My first onc told me there is a high concentration of many cancers along both sides of the river. Is it that?? we really dont know but I do think its a good guess. Theres not just one thing that stands out to make the river guilty but maybe a combination of things. I think there are different causes for most of us. Different causes maybe depending on what type of breast cancer we have. Over the years they have announced many things that caused cancer only to back track later on and find they were wrong. It's a crap shoot for now. Hugs

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited December 2012

    I just want to thank you all for the lovely birthday wishes.........thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • CherylinOhio
    CherylinOhio Member Posts: 149
    edited December 2012

    Here's to many more!!!!

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2013


  • wildrumara
    wildrumara Member Posts: 109
    edited December 2012

    @WrSmith - I too have had pain in my right scapula, shoulder, forearm, elbow area, and down to the wrist since my mastectomy with ALND (Feb 2012).  I contributed it all to post surgical pain, etc...   I finally saw a physical therapist because of the pain in July.    I have no lymphedema, but she did find some cording in that right arm, which does cause a numbing like sensation from my elbow down to the wrist on occasion.   My shoulder and back haven't been the same since surgery.   Looks like you had a DIEP??  You were on that operating table for a long time!!   And, if you're anything like I was, I really babied my right side after surgery.....I was very tentative in using it for awhile and I think I paid a price for that....frozen shoulder, some rotator cuff issues now, yada, yada, yada.   Sounds as if your pain is more severe than mine, but this is something to think about.  Maybe some PT is in order??   

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2013


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited December 2012

    Da y(love the new photo) and all, like you I have had shoulder pain since day one even though I did all my exercises and initially had excellent arm movement. Had similar treatment but then shoulder frooze and am slowly getting some movement back. Onc said that it is not uncommon. I have not had recon mainly because they had to take all the pec muscle so what movement I have is considered good.

    Do have strange 'lump' on collar bone which is very painfull at present thought to be lymphatic thrombosis but it is being watched - grr. The doctors can feel the lump, see it, but cannot find anything on a scan. Must admit it does worry me.

    My biggest problem is the fact I have rheumatoid arthritis and so have considerable pain so I and the docs put things down to the RA.

  • minxie
    minxie Member Posts: 239
    edited December 2012

    Questions for triple negatives who experienced a local recurrence after initial diagnosis.

    1. How long was the time between initial diagnosis and local recurrence?

    2. What was your tx after initial diagnosis?

    3. What was your tx after local recurrence?

    4. Did you go on to to have another local recurrence? If so, what was the time span between the two?

    5. Did you go on to develop mets after local recurrence? If so, what was time span?

    Thank you for your help - I am finding so little data out there and I need to know what I face.

  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited December 2012

    Questions for triple negatives who experienced a local recurrence after initial diagnosis.

    1. How long was the time between initial diagnosis and local recurrence? 4 years, 1 month, 3 days

    2. What was your tx after initial diagnosis? Lumpectomy, chemo (TC), and 33 rads

    3. What was your tx after local recurrence? BMX with DIEP 

    4. Did you go on to to have another local recurrence? If so, what was the time span between the two? not yet.....

    5. Did you go on to develop mets after local recurrence? If so, what was time span?  not yet......

    Thank you for your help - I am finding so little data out there and I need to know what I face.

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591
    edited December 2012

    I had an MRI of lumbar spine. MO gave me the results and said I have degenerative disc,but nothing that concerns her as being related to BC. About 2 weeks later, I read the actual report. It says there is a "lesion" that is possibly a hemoganeoma (sp?) but that in this patient with early stage BC, it is unlikely to be metastatic disease. The report read a lot scarier than what the MO told me. Is it something I should ask more questions about, or just take what the MO told me & let it go? In the past, 2 bone scans said focal activity in my ribs that was "probably" due to post surgical trauma from teh expanders, and this caused me a lot of stress for what I eventually decided was not something I should worry about. Now I'm doing the same thing worrying over the wording of the MRI report - it's almost like I want the MO to "prove" to me that there is no mets, which I know is crazy. Ugh, sorry for the rant - my question is really should I follow- up on the MRI report or just go with the vague assurances in the report and my MO's opion that it is probably not mets? It's not that I don't trust my MO - it's just my obesessive nature made worse by dx that can't stop questioning these things. Thanks!

    Day - you look beautiful in your new avatar. Hoping your report is all clear.