If you are not Stage IV but have questions, you may post here



  • Vadre
    Vadre Member Posts: 159
    edited May 2014

    AlyonA,  I am so sorry that you lost your mother. Having lost mine, I know that it is a terrible, lonely feeling. I wish for you peace and rest. I hope that soon the memories of happy times will bring you comfort. 

  • np312
    np312 Member Posts: 14
    edited May 2014

    My mom had IDC 5 years ago - had mastectomy (right side) - lymph nodes removed (6+ out of 21) - radiation therapy and Arimidex. She is still continuing Arimidex. She also had Zometa for 3 years (6 infusions total).

    Since May 11th she is been feeling lot of pain in the rib area (lower right rib) - close to the mastectomy site - pain radiates to the back to - it comes and goes - more painful where she bends, turns and sits for a long time. We went to see her Onc on May 15 - she had x-ray taken which was clear - no broken ribs and lungs are fine too. The onc has asked us to wait 2-3 weeks - she said if pain worsens - contact her. Today is May 21 and still in pain - she is taking hydrocodone+acetaminophen for the pain - when she takes the pill - she feels little better. The area feels warm to the touch too.

    Could this be mets? I am very worried and concerned for her. What do you all think? I don't know exact words to describe the pain itself but I do know that my mom is very tolerant of pain so when she says she is in pain - she is in 'real' pain.

    Thank you everyone!

    I have received lot of support 5 yrs ago when she was going thru the treatment. We are very thankful to these boards.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited May 2014

    Hi np312 it is pretty normal that her onc has told her to wait for two or three weeks to see if the pain lessens but if she is still in so much pain even after those meds I think she should call her sooner.  Her onc may order a scan to probe a little deeper to find out just what is causing her so much pain.  There is something definitely going on but I'm not sure if it's mets or not although it is a possibility.

    Hoping you both get some answers soon.

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • np312
    np312 Member Posts: 14
    edited May 2014

    Hi Chrissy - THANK YOU so much for responding. I agree with others "You are the Best". She hasn't taken pain medication since yesterday morning and right now she is not in pain but she does say that she feels something "heavy" - don't know how to describe it. She gets tired easily too. I guess we will contact the Onc next week. Thanks again.

  • percy4
    percy4 Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2014

    Thought I would Post my question here, as I'm trying to move on, but with information.  Of course, the bottom line is I'm probably trying to find a way (there isn't one) to be and feel like someone who's never had a BC.  Anyway, the question.  I see that occasionally, Stage 1 women do go on to become Stage IV.  What I haven't seen is this.  Has anyone who had only a MICROinvasion (defined as 1 mm or less) of a low Stage 1, Grade 1, non-aggressive-seeming BC here gone on to become Stage IV?  And how did you find out?  I only Post this as I found this thread.  Please understand that I completely get that the situation of you wonderful Stage IV ladies is, right now, a world away from mine, and I have nothing but the utmost love and respect for all of you.  Thanks - Percy

  • percy4
    percy4 Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2014

    Just wanted to clarify.  I'm not asking just because I'm an obcessed neurotic.  I had an incidental suspicious liver finding on my breast MRI in Nov. They wanted, then, a liver ultrasound, a liver CT, and a liver MRI.  Still, after all those imagings, though they could idenify my other incidental liver findings as harmless hemangiomas, this one they could not, and I'm having a follow-up liver MRI next Tuesday.  If it's grown, they say, that will mean it's probably cancer.  If not, I hope they'll let it go at this point.  You can understand how scary this is.  Just wanted to explain my reason for concern.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited May 2014

    Hi Percy, that's what this thread and is for, to ask questions and possibly get some answers that address your concerns.

    I know it can be very hard to move on after a BC dx as it is something that will stay with you no matter what but what you also need to know is that statistically women dx with low grade early stage BC and DCIS go one to live normal lives with no further problems.

    On the other hand it has also been known that women dx with supposed DCIS have gone on to be dx stage IV........rare but it has happened.  Can I tell you what the chances are?  No, but I can tell you to let it go, live life to the fullest, enjoy each and every day as if it were a gift........laugh, love and be happy because each day that you let pass without joy is a day lost forever.

    While there will be days that you will feel like crap and be reminded of your dx with time these days will get fewer and fewer and you will be able to move on.  Be gentle with yourself and try not to worry over a possibility as those possibilities are just that and not probabilities.

    Good luck to you.

    Love n hugs.    Chrissy

  • percy4
    percy4 Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2014

    Thank you, Chrissy.  You're the best.  I think it is incredibly generous and loving for you to invite non-Stage-IV ladies into this forum.  Like I said, I  know I'm probably just trying to make it like this never happened, though the pending liver MRI is a valid concern.  Goodness; these life-or-death tests are awful, aren't they?  Then I look at women like you and get that even a Stage IV is not necessarily an impending death.  I hate to be surprised (life hasn't been so great these last few years).  You are doing a tremendous service, here.  I will Post when I get my liver MRI results, and bless you. xx

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited May 2014

    Percy, thank you.  Scans and test can and do cause anxiety.......we try not to worry but are always concerned until answers and results are given......even this can become just another part of your life.......lol.  It's incredible what we can get used to.

    I do hope that your scan come back clear and yes, please do let me know what the outcome is.  Even as a stage IV girl, BC doesn't rule my life............

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783
    edited May 2014

    Can liver mets cause pain that is intermittent? I have pain in one spot in the right upper quadrant of my abdomen every day but it can be hours in be hours in between occurrences.  It last anywhere from 10 min to an hour or so. I can't really connect it with anything.  I think ithappens more often after I eat but sometimes it's there when I wake up.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited May 2014

    Hi Dutchchris, liver mets can be painful they can also be not painful and anything in between.  It's also possible that it is something to do with your gall bladder as you mention the pain after or around the time of eating as well as on waking.  There are so many things that can cause pain in that area so if you have felt the pain for awhile it's always good to mention it to your doc and get it checked out.

    Hoping its nothing really concerning.

    Love n hugs.    Chrissy

  • np312
    np312 Member Posts: 14
    edited May 2014


    my mom will have her bone scan tomorrow. She had pain the rib area (mastectomy side - right side) for about a week - right now she is not having any pain - but doctor had already ordered a bone scan and the appt is tomorrow. I know sometimes bone mets could be painless - Is bone mets pain constant or comes and goes. Thanks.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited May 2014

    np312 for me the bone pain was always there but the worse pain came in cycles and was particularly bad when I tried to sleep at night.

    I will be thinking of your mom as she has her scan and hoping that the pain she is feeling is more to do with the muscle and nerve interruption from her mastectomy that mets.  Please let me know her results.

    Love n hugs.    Chrissy

  • np312
    np312 Member Posts: 14
    edited May 2014

    Thank you Chrissy. I will update you.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783
    edited May 2014

    I called the onc today.  She is ordering a RUQ US asap.  Waiting to hear appointment time.  Edited to say that apparently asap is June 18th.  WTH?

  • seaniebopp
    seaniebopp Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2014

    I had a ct scan before starting chemo. The ct showed a 4mm lesion deemed too small to characterize.  My MO told me not to worry and that it was most likely a cyst. We'll after 4 rounds of tc I asked for an ultrasound. The ultrasound did not see the liver lesion. Now I am worried that the lesion is really a met. Is it possible that a lesion and disappear on its own? Could it be a met?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited May 2014

    Dutchiris deep breath and try to relax.......I know you want to find out whats going on yesterday but the 18th is really not that far away.  In the scheme of things its really only a blink.  Try to take it easy and not stress too much.

    Seaniebopp lesions can and do disappear on their own so wouldnt worry too much. Considering you are doing chemo right now I doubt very much that what was seen was or is a met.  Try to not worry too much and remember you are doing chemo to take care of any stray cells systemically.

    Love n hugs to both of you.    Chrissy

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700
    edited May 2014

    thank you, chrissyb, seaniebopp's question was very similiar to my question, i had just asked my m.o. today how come we never followed up to see why i had right renal- uptake, and lung nodules, and bony islands in my chest in the before chemo imaging. cause i really began to wonder, if i was really stage lV, because no subsequent imaging has made mention of those things. He said he would like to wait two more months before doing the first follow-up pet/ct scan, and taking a look. so i didnt get a change to ask him, if they were gone, does that mean it was cancer. i am liking him better and better all the time, and  i am not really worrying, just was wondering.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited May 2014

    Kathec those lung lesions and other things that you mention could be calcium deposits and they do show up on scans, it is possible that they have been checked on in subsequent scans and deemed to be just that or have been reabsorbed and so disappeared.  Calcium deposits are not harmful they just are.....I have had one in my lung for about eight years with no change what so ever.  

    Here's hoping your next scans are clear.

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700
    edited May 2014

    i only have had mammos, chest xray, breast mri, and a dexa scan and a bone scan. my mo scheduled me for a pet/ct scan the first i have had since before surgery. would any of those other tests have shown them the lung nodules, or why there was right renal uptake? thank you chrissyb! i am so sorry that i missed your usa adventure! i finished reading it a couple of weeks ago, and i would have hosted you in a heartbeat. your adventures and meet-ups had me smiling for days! thank you so much! hug back atcha.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited May 2014

    kathec the chest xray would have shown the nodule but not sure on the right renal uptake.  If your calcium was high at the time of your bone scan it is possible that you had calcium deposit in that area which could have taken up the isotope and possibly shown up on the bone scan.  Remember I am not a doctor so this is pure supposition on my part.

    I know its all so worrying but hopefully the pet/ct will put your mind at ease.

    Thank you for enjoying my adventure as much as I did.......lol.  there were so many ladies that wanted to host me at the time it was hard to choose what I wanted to see.  Kath I will keep you in mind should I organise another adventure, you never know, anything is possible.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • np312
    np312 Member Posts: 14
    edited May 2014

    Chrissy - my mom's bone scan is clear. we don't know what caused the rib pain. Doctor said if pain comes back again and is persistent - she will order cat scan but for now - all good. Thank you so much for your support.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited May 2014

    np312 I'm so glad to hear that your Mom's scan is clear........that is such good news!!  Thank you so much for letting me know.

      Here's hoping it doesn't return.....ever.

    Love n hugs.    Chrissy

  • cypher
    cypher Member Posts: 447
    edited May 2014

    np, glad to read the good news!  chemo can cause lots of wonky symptoms long after the fact so hopefully it is just random whateverness.

  • Karensusan
    Karensusan Member Posts: 12
    edited May 2014

    Hi!  I haven't posted for a while but decided to post now.  I had posted awhile back about an increasing trend in my tumor markers.  Had DIEP reconstruction surgery in December and had CT for surgery which was clean.  In February had a PET scan due to back pain.  Pet scan lit up in abdominal lymph node and one tiny spot on liver.  CT scan confirmed it.  I had both spots biopsied.  The lymph node did not show cancer but came back non diagnostic (inconclusive).  The Liver came back non cancerous.  So Dr. had me wait and do repeat scans 2 and a half months later.  The same two spots are there and have grown larger so she now wants to biopsy one of the two areas again.  She is not sure which one and will consult with interventional radiologist to decide.  Is that reasonable?  I am tired of getting poked and prodded. She said she needs to check cancer status of new area to see if it is still ER+/PR+ and HER2-.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700
    edited May 2014

    i am no expert, but would wait longer for the poking, and just do imaging. i would do prodding any ol day! but more qualified people like chrissyb will be along soon. i have been prodded lots lately, but am putting off the poking(biopsy) for now. good luck. is it ok, chrissy, if i can just respond here once in a while, waiting for morning to come for you, or evening/ whenever you come to here? thanks for everything. maybe i will come to australia, i have always wanted to, since reading Songlines by Bruce Chatwin.

  • percy4
    percy4 Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2014

    Hi Chrissy, you saint -  The liver MRI looks pretty good.  The lesion hasn't grown, and though while still not easily identifiable as harmless, as were my other liver lesions, this time they said it looks MORE like an atypical harmless hemangioma.  They want a final (last, thank God) MRI in 6 mo. to be sure, but the great liver doc told me to forget about it.  He said I just don't have metatastic cancer, and am at no particular risk for a primary liver cancer.  I think I'm good.  Do not like that they want a final one, but the doc said radiology just has to do that to cover their bases.  He said BC metastisis to the liver would be more than one lesion, but we know that isn't always true.  Still; as I said, I think that's probably it.  Thank goodness this MRI did not have any OTHER incidental findings (they are so worrisome).  I had 2 relatively carefree hours, then my daughter called to tell me she had a call-back on her first mammo (I pushed her to get it, because of me) and now they clearly see a lump on US; fine-needle biopsy 5 June.  Please send powerful good thoughts for my girl.  You would think this might have come through me, but, no, no BC on either side of my family before me, nor any cancer at all.  On her Dad's side, though, 2 aunts had early BC (no genetic testing, and one is just fine now, but this always kind of concerned me, for her).  I assured her that 80% of biopsies are fine, but, really, ENOUGH!  Thank you all so much. xx

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited May 2014

    Hi KarenSusan, as much as we hate getting poked and prodded I think I'm with your doc on this one.  Even though it showed non cancerous with the last biopsy the worrying thing for me is the fact that they have increased in size over a relatively short period of time and for that reason alone I would have it done.  I always think better safe than sorry and wth BC you just never know.  The bottom line is, in reality, how comfortable are you with not getting it done now and waiting for another few months?

    Kathec you are welcome to post anytime you like........this thread is not restricted.

    Percy that is great news on your liver!  I'm so happy for you on that score.  I understand your thought pattern when it comes to your daughters worrisome mammo.........I have two daughters who have both had scares, the eldest one twice.  Thank goodness all three times the lumps were benign so I'm hoping that your daughter gets those results as well.  It's very hard to have to watch your children go through the stress that all of this causes.

    Love n hugs to all of you.  Chrissy

  • Karensusan
    Karensusan Member Posts: 12
    edited May 2014

    Thanks Chrissy.  I know I have to I sometimes just question if my Dr is too aggressive/over cautious.  My Radiation Oncologist said if I had another Dr they probably wouldn't look at my tumor markers as they are sometimes unreliable and cause many unnecessary scans and biopsies.  At the same time she said my Dr believes in them so I have to follow her protocol.  I know I need to do the biopsy I guess I am just terrified of the outcome.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited May 2014

    Karensusan I think a doc who is over cautious is way better than one who is a bit lacksidazical and in the long run you at least know that if something should progress it won't get too far before being found out.

    Markers don't work for me at all.....they are always in the normal range even when we know there is raging cancer in my body.........I finally convinced my doc not to run them anymore as it was a waste of my blood, and the governments money for no result.

    Good luck with everything!

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy