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Kicking LEs butt!! Exercise & Self Care Log



  • lia13
    lia13 Member Posts: 28
    edited March 2014

    Gma, that just plain sucks...! Hang in there, it HAS to get better at some point. If only at least the pain could go away...

    Just a thought, today my new LE therapist did sth I'd never tried before. He dissolved salt in water, put it in the fridge and later bandaged my arm for 20 min with the bandages soaked in that water (after MLD). He said something about salt/potassium balance in the cells (?) and how this helps cells actually liberate salt and retained fluids. Also, the low temperature helps not only LE, but also improves the condition of the skin and appearance. Don't know how it will work out, but at least today my arm felt really good after he took the bandages off.... let's see what happens.

    Gma, I really hope you find some relief soon, gentle hugs to you :-)

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited March 2014

    What a neat idea Lia.  I wonder if soaking in Epsom salts would do the same.  I think I might try it tonight.  My legs are swollen, even though they've been wrapped.  This therapist sounds terrific.  Keep sharing!!!!

    GMA, it does stink we have to keep going through this.  I was told that my swelling would go down as I went through rads.  I know it's been just under a week.  I'm hoping it's not going to take weeks or months for the rads to kick in and start working.  Praying you get a reprieve from all of this!


  • lia13
    lia13 Member Posts: 28
    edited March 2014

    yes milehigirl, he looks like he knows a couple things I haven't seen before (though my experience in this is quite limited, so this doesn't say much).  Word of caution: I was curious about the 20 min limit and he said less wouldn't work and more would do more harm than good, so it has to be 20. Let me know if you try with epsom salts, it might be even better. 

  • carol57
    carol57 Member Posts: 1,550
    edited March 2014

    So, that leaves me wondering what the 'harm' is in the 'more harm than good' outcome of exceeding 20 minutes.  Did he say?

  • ohio4me
    ohio4me Member Posts: 323
    edited March 2014

    Hey Carol! It's been quite awhile since I've been on the boards. No good reason, just sidetracked with life. Not really 'liking' the artic spells but my LE arm really likes the cool temps. Just pulled a few weeds (w/ non LE arm) and it felt good to be outside. Kinda been skating with LE care but warm weather is around the corner and my life will again be consumed with LE care.

  • carol57
    carol57 Member Posts: 1,550
    edited March 2014

    Hey right back to you, Ohio!  Spring should bring hope, not dread of LE, but that's our reality I guess.  Pulling weeds???? I spent a few hours this afternoon cracking and removing 6" of ice from the walk to my front door.  We're getting 5 or so inches of snow tonight and tomorrow, although today was quite warm. It got to 40 degrees, and the softening of the ice is what inspired me to try to take care of it.  Weeds would be so welcome!  Well, maybe not so much when they take over.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814
    edited March 2014

    the 20 min limit and he said less wouldn't work and more would do more harm than good, so it has to be 20

    Not even considering the salt part, the "20"  is a sure indicator of a scam.

  • ohio4me
    ohio4me Member Posts: 323
    edited March 2014

    We had 64 degrees today but supposed to have 5 inches of snow tonight.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited March 2014

    ohio, please do not even think of that 4 letter word!  I refuse to believe that there will be any more of that stuff, rain ok but not the other stuff

    it was 60 today!

  • ohio4me
    ohio4me Member Posts: 323
    edited March 2014

    Happy Spring will come. I saw some flowers coming up when I was pulling weeds. But.... wonder if they will survive the freeze to tonight.

  • lia13
    lia13 Member Posts: 28
    edited March 2014

    Carol57, about the 20 min; I have another session on Thursday, so I'll ask for more information. Hopefully it'll be something I understand and can convey correctly.

    Musical, I sure hope it's not a scam (it doesn't feel like it), cause I really felt comfortable with that guy. I'm curious too about the time limit and that's why I asked him in the first place (though I didn't persist for more explanation), let's see what he says :-) 

    Spring, the best time of the year IMO. I wish I had a garden and wouldn't mind weeds at all! :-)

  • carol57
    carol57 Member Posts: 1,550
    edited March 2014

    Lia, I'll be quite interested in what he says.

    Today I went to the gym and worked upper body and abs only, using weights.  I am still trying to rest my knee and will have a PT evaluation on Friday.  Resting the leg --no movement at all, pretty much--definitely helps, so I'm doing my best to stay off my feet.  Hopefully the PT will have some brilliant suggestions for a quick return to my normal activity.  

  • mnmbeck
    mnmbeck Member Posts: 156
    edited March 2014

    Just seeing posts referring to warm weather and LE.  I've only had it since December.  Does LE get worse with the warm, humid weather?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814
    edited March 2014

    Carol, I hope that rest pays great dividends! It is so hard when the spanner in the works came out of nowhere. 

    Lia making you comfortable is part of "scammery". I hope its not too but you gotta admit, that 20 mins needs a real good explanation ....

    OK since you all love weeds so much feel free to come and pull mine out plus enjoy some blue autumn skies and balmy temps.... Smile. I LOVE autumn. Still, Neuropathy has me looking forward to winter.  That dang dreadmill wont know whats hit it

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814
    edited March 2014

    mnmbeck,  yes I find it worse, absolutely. I think most others will verify this too. Also, it can act up at the change of seasons.

  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Member Posts: 1,818
    edited March 2014

    Hey all, I actually ventured outside because it was about 60 and sunny. Still have wicked cold but I had to check my daffys, crocus, and a early bloomer rhododendron that is peaked now.(pic taken 2 weeks ago, no snow anymore! ) How could I resist looking at them. I also went for a two block walk which wiped me out but oh I have cabin-fever and needed to air my brain out. My legs have gone to mush and so Carol and I will be in retraining soon trying to build up again. THEN LOOK OUT GIRLS , 


    HERE WE GO!  GO! GO!

  • carol57
    carol57 Member Posts: 1,550
    edited March 2014

    hugz, what a photo!  We got our 5" as predicted last night, and the temp is near zero this morning.  Sighhhhhhhh!

  • lia13
    lia13 Member Posts: 28
    edited March 2014

    Carol57, just the thought of near zero temp makes me shiver...... Loopy good thing you guys have spring around the corner!

  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Member Posts: 1,818
    edited March 2014

    Carol, lia, Sorry about your lousy weather. I gotta tell you I have garlic and green onions up about 4 inches.Sunny today. About 60 degrees.  But don't get to jealous because with our decent temperatures comes snow, rain, sun, fog, hail all in one afternoon! Yup I own 2 sets of rainwear for walking. 

    I would prefer blue sky's and snow anyday as long as the snow and ice stays of the road.

    No walking yet as this kicker of a cold might have been the wicked flu. My nose is so stuffed that I couldn't smell my dog in heat until I took her in the car to the groomers today, after I dropped her off and got back into the car I said phew what is that smell. Oh brother. I have been living with that for 2 stuffy nosed weeks, been changing her diaper and had no idea!....Too funny. Yikes, dang and phooey!

    Carol, I guess you get your knee looked at this Friday? Keep us posted. 

  • lia13
    lia13 Member Posts: 28
    edited March 2014

    hugz4u, sorry for your stuffed nose, it's really annoying when it happens, but at least your dog can get away with anything for now! :-)  :-)

    ok, about the 20min and salted water bandage; I asked the guy today and his answer was that with the kind of elastic bandages we're using for this part of the treatment and the kind of pressure we're putting (how tight they are), 20 min is the limit cause more would affect blood circulation (like a turniquet). It's not the same kind of bandage I would use to wrap the arm for the night (I asked). Since we've just started, he said he prefers to start easy, have the bandages moderately tight (which is subjective I guess) and put on top of them my sleeve for additional pressure and see how the arm reacts. (yeah, the sleeve won't last long...)

    To me it makes sense, but as I've said before, my experience and understanding of how these things work are limited. 

    Judging by the result, his overall approach  seems to be working, it's not painful/uncomfortable and afterwards my arm feels normal, which is what I'm aiming for. Now I need to keep track of the changes, as the goal is to keep the arm in good condition for more than 24 hours.

    As for the salt; the analogy is 1 tablespoon for every bandage soaked, in enough water to barely cover the bandages, but one can adjust the salt depending on how the skin reacts (if dehydrated too much afterwards or not; I put cream afterwards and it's fine).

    off to rest now! :-)

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited March 2014

    I haven't said much because I am a bit upset. I went out 2 days ago with all my garb on. Picked up the pruners to cut a "few" suckers of my tree rose. After cutting 6 shoots my arms were a bit achy and I stopped. Went in to my last LE Therapy appt where he measured my arms. In some parts of my arms I was 2 cm larger from the last measure 2 wks ago.  LE T said no pruning.  Darn. 

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited March 2014

    Gma, I am SO sorry you are having such a rough go of it. I just have to believe it won't always be this way for you, it will get under control and you can do things you enjoy again! I am praying that way, anyway. We support you.

  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Member Posts: 1,818
    edited March 2014

    Dang I lost my post to GMA.

    Gma. it is very disappointing to love a hobby or activity only to find that it bites back like a wild beast causing our LE distress. I have given up on many gardening activities and one is branch cutting. It is very hard on LE because you have to open the pruner then squeeze against the branch repeatively.  I do a odd branch here or there but have handed the pruners to DH. 

    This year I am putting creek rock in some areas because my yard is too big for LE. I hate the thought of putting in rocks instead of blooms but I really don't want any bad flares either. With having my arms down gardening it sure doesn't help push the lymph fluid up much does it. I try to take frequent breaks and rotate my gardening. 5 min raking, then 10 weedpulling etc. It is so easy to get carried away though.

    There are some things I wont give up and that is growing Dahlias. I put in more permanent type stuff to make gardening easier but nothing will come between me and my dahlias, or daffy's or snowdrop's, crocus. I need to kick of the spring with blooms and finish into October with my Dahlias to survive the long winter.

    Gardening is exercise, so do count it.

    Gma. sorry you can't do the tai chi breathers. Maybe just deep breaths at least. Take care.

  • binney4
    binney4 Member Posts: 1,466
    edited March 2014

    hugz, what great adaptations you're making--keeping things beautiful, but streamlining the tasks that can kick up a flare. You're an inspiration (again)!

    Despite the fact that I live in a great winter place for outdoor exercise, I still do my cork-counting jogging in-house. Just a whole lot easier to make sure it happens. When I do get outside, it's all extra, which always makes me feel very righteous! Anyhow, with afternoon temps already in the 80s for the last month or so, I'm staring summer in the face, and not much liking what I'm seeing. Sigh…

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited March 2014

    Hugz - Thank you for the kind words. Just so you know, I do the deep breathing. That I can do. I was suggested by one of my docs today, to start a list of things that bother the LE and things that don't.  She said everyone is different and I need to find my magic combination of things. I am getting so out of shape because of my pain issues. I hate this. I worked so hard to get in shape and be an archaeologist / osteologist - can't seem to do either at the moment.  Keep the encouragement coming. 

  • carol57
    carol57 Member Posts: 1,550
    edited March 2014

    gmafoley, we all need to find out magic combination of things!  For some, like you, exercise and activity are the elusive part of managing LE.  For others, it's finding the right glove, sleeve, compression shirt, etc.  LE sucks away our patience and our morale, and so you need support to help you find more of both of those.  I am so glad everyone here gives so freely of encouragement and support!  I know it helps me keep my spirits up.

    Hugz, I'll look forward to some dahlia pictures!

    I had a PT evaluation session this morning, and we have a game plan.  Pare way back on the walking and other load-bearing movements, work slowly but surely on small movements designed to gradually restore range of motion in the knee.  Take anti-inflammatory med, like Aleve.  Don't worry about cardio until the knee has settled down.  So, what did I type above about needing patience?  This has nothing to do with my LE, but it's sure testing my ability to be patient!  I have to seriously take it slow and deliberate to let the bursitis and cyst have some time to heal.  I have a series of follow-up appointments, working around my crazy professional travel schedule, so not frequent enough.  I'm sitting down with ice on my knee at this very minute. At least I feel like I have a plan now.  

  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Member Posts: 1,818
    edited March 2014


    Awe carol, that dang leg. Maybe this is the time you can schedule all your business and so then you can free up your time then when you knee is ready start walking more. Please look up to see if aleve causes swelling. I think Ibproferen is but only heard this thru the grapevine and am not sure.

    Ok now that I know how to post a pic, I will take some dahlia pics. I have white ones that start blooming by July 1 usually. One of my favs is Firemagic because it changes color as the season progresses and it matches just about every dahlia. I am sad you don't grow them in your forest but jealous of all the moss and green ferns. So pretty. Forest is even prettier than flowers IMO.

    Edited:  I found one pic taken early October, this will keep you looking forward to summer. I hear ya all got snow. Sorry gals I know this is a exercise thread but I justify by saying gardening is exercise. In fact is real bonified exercise!  A gut buster and butt toner I say!


  • binney4
    binney4 Member Posts: 1,466
    edited March 2014

    Carol, glad you have a plan, and sorry it's such a gradual one.  :-(  Hang in there, and by the time the great weather arrives you'll be right as…I was going to say "rain," but that's not very right when you're trying to get outside and exercise…

    Lia, okay, I'm super curious where this therapist got his ideas for the  20-minute cold salt-water treatment. It's definitely not  taught in any of the LE therapist training programs here. Can you tell him we're all curious and ask him for any articles about it, who developed it, and where we could read up on the physiology behind it? The treatment of LE in Thailand is similar in some ways, with compression applied for shorter periods of time during the therapy session itself, though there's no salt water involved. But in the Western world what you're describing is a looooong way from standard treatment. Do continue to lubricate your skin generously--you really do want to avoid drying your skin out, because even microscopic dry-skin breaks can allow entry to bacteria and lead to cellulitis. Fascinating!

    Hugz, your pictures are simply luscious--more, more!

  • carol57
    carol57 Member Posts: 1,550
    edited March 2014

    Hugz, what a spectacular flower show you've got there! We won't see even daffs for another month, I'll bet, because of the prolonged cold and snow this year.  

  • Laural
    Laural Member Posts: 212
    edited March 2014

    Sunny and hinting of spring here today...2 miles in and done to celebrate. I have been a bit of a sloth lately between the weather and a ridiculously crazy schedule of work and life. Heading to Florida for some beach time with my sister in 2 weeks. Then 2 more months of school and I will head to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to work at a summer camp for 8 weeks with my daughter.