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Kicking LEs butt!! Exercise & Self Care Log



  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited January 2013

    I picked up my Chinese exercise balls recently and started using them more. Why am I waxing poetic about Chinese exercise balls?  These things are the BEST for hands. I se them when I've had too much computer to relax tired muscles. Today, I went overboard on yoga, (was at a class) and my hand got achy and swelled. After awhile with the balls, the achiness is gone and the swelling is calming down.

    I ordered some solid steel balls, the set weights 1.5 pounds, that will help strengthen my hand muscles.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited January 2013

    ok so what are chinese exercise balls?  sounds like something I should try

  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited January 2013 this is where I got mine. Very fast shipping. 

    They are two balls you roll around in your hand. Some have chimes in them, but I find chimes annoying. I got some beautiful jasper balls in the gemstone balls section. 40mm is a good size to start with, for an average woman's hand.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited January 2013

    I did the google thing on the balls so see what they are, sort of thinking they are used to strengthen the hand by squeezing them?  sort of like old foam stress balls?  may have to try them

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited January 2013


    35-42 is all I see, not 40 but I suppose that's close enough.

    Pls tell us how to use them- do you out the both in one hand and app. how long do YOU do it ?

    THX for any add'l info!

  • Cindyl
    Cindyl Member Posts: 498
    edited January 2013
  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304
    edited January 2013

    3 miles!

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited January 2013

    Thanks Cindy!  I'm willing to try anything once, but I do get finger swelling so I think I'll ask my Qigong instructor about them next weekend first. I wouldnt want to do anything at all to exacerbate things.

    You go, Linda !Laughing

  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited January 2013

    Yah, there's a YouTube video for everything. 

    The reason I like Chinese exercise balls is it's so gentle. These things you have to squeeze the heck out of to get strong, that's just sending in the lymph squad! Baoding balls will exercise every muscle in your hand very gently. I can't wait to get my solid steel ones. 

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited January 2013

    Five miles again with Leslie. I have steel balls that chime. Never thought of doing anything with them. What do I do?

  • Agaperus
    Agaperus Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2013


    I'm so glad to read there are treatments for Lymphodema. I have had such noncomittal information from both my oncologist nad regular doctor. I had to be my own referral, asking for physiotherapy, prescription for compression sleeve and finally lymphatic drainage massage. While they all have been somewhat helpful, I still have an arm that is twice the size of my other and no one (except me) seems concerned. What dvd are you talking about and how can I get one?

    Thank you so much!


  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited January 2013

    . I had to be my own referral, asking for physiotherapy, prescription for compression sleeve and finally lymphatic drainage massage....

    Hi Kathy

    You'll find your story is familiar here - we understand !

    The DVD is a project that I am spearheading, and is not yet made.

    Having aid that, if you have  a good LE therapist,  doing MLD and you are practicing yourself twice a day and wearing the sleeve etc .... sounds like you are on the right track,.

    There are some DVDs out there that some of us ladies use ( Leslie Sansone, the Lebed Method etc ...) to help with stretching, aerobics and conditioning.  Having said that , you would want to ask your LE therapist if you should be exercising right now.  They * may* tell you to wait until the swelling has gone down more, or perhaps there will be some wrapping involved (?)  Each case is different and you really should consult with your medical team before you begin to exercise.

    There are many ' veteran" ladies here that can answer detailed questions to help you understand.  I'm not one of them, but I did want to comment on the DVD , and also to welcome you to this unfortunate but lively and loving club!


    Look 4 posts aboce up at Cindyl regarding the baoding balls.

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited January 2013

    RE: swimming with a sleeve.

    This has really been bugging me since somebody posted about  a week ago. I KNEW darn well I hadn't dreamt this up, but  I have done SOOOOO much reseaerch on LE and exercise I could not recall where I saw this.

    No wonder I hadn't boomarked it - it was RIGHT HERE on!

    Check this out from the experts:

    Saskia Thiadens The safest and, in my opinion, best exercise for upper extremity lymphedema is swimming. You don't hurt yourself, and patients will greatly benefit from this. Some of my patients wear an older sleeve in the water. Once the sleeve becomes wet, there is more compression in the garment and this can actually help the swelling as well.

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304
    edited January 2013

    Swimming with compression - that's exactly what my LE-T said, she said I should save my stretched out/worn sleeves for swimming.  I haven't done it though.  Probably should start swimming again, I find it so relaxing.  I have this overdoing problem, if a little is good, do a lot - right?  I over did on swimming the first couple of times Frown  So remember to take it slow, I did so much better if I mostly used my legs, swam on my back and did some stretching and elementary back stroke (like breast stroke on your back, only keeping your arms below your shoulders) when I did too much crawl type stroke I ended up with more pain and swelling.  Also side stroke seemed to be easier on my arm and helped. 

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited January 2013

    I LOVE to swim, I do not wear a sleeve but do think it helps all is sort of the ultimate stretch!  My trainer has advised me to use long and slow strokes and it is better than any pain pill to me.  So relaxing, I alternate breast stroke and back stroke and swim at least 2 times a week

  • carol57
    carol57 Member Posts: 1,550
    edited January 2013

    I love to swim, too but have not tried wearing a sleeve while swimming.  Does it get noticeably heavy?

    Today: 4.5 miles, most of it in airports. I am a bit achey (probably from the flights, which were kinda long) and will do Lebed + MLD to help fix it, before bed.

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780
    edited January 2013

    I have to watch swimming because if I do too many strokes it causes a flare. But I have to watch anything I do that works my pec muscles. The good thing about swimming for me is not the actual swimming it is just being in a pool with the compression. Haven't worn a sleeve in a pool. I don't need a lot of compression so I think the pool, plus the sleeve might be a little much for me.

    I've done nothing but rest today. I'm thinking about calling a doctor because my ears are hurting.

  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Member Posts: 1,818
    edited January 2013

    I never got to thank you girls for all the dog info. What a wealth of info. I noticed that our pets really make us feel good and they get us out the door for walkies. . How could you resist those pleading eyes?

    Cindyl. Your havenese doesn't surprise me that it wants up on your tramp. I had one and those dogs love heights. Mine was on the roof top deck and she noticed that my husband was working in the yard below so she snuck thru the roof top deck fence and walked over to the very edge of the roof where my DH was working below. It freaked me out but she was so comfortable and at ease looking down that I just left her. She stayed there for hours watching DH below.They love to be as high as they can go. Tops of couches, beds etc. They are known to be very clown like and I agree. What a comic that dog was.

    I would get one in a heart beat but that double non shedding coat is WORK. I kept her in a puppy cut but to keep costs down I did the cutting and grooming and so I am not sure if my LE could take care of that double coat. Poodle type coat I can manage, because it is not double. I love Havenese. I wonder if it was crossed with its cousin Bichon frise if the coat would be easier? I am having such a hard time deciding.

    For the poster than didn't know that there is such a thing as mini Golden doodle, there is even Micro doodle. They are spendy though. I think they are under 15 pounds. Cute as a button. I am leaning towards the small doodles. OH Decisions!

    I should have just started a thread on Pets and LE. They are always there for us and bring such joy to our stupid LE lives.

    I bet there would be a lot of posts and it would make us feels so much better reading people's pet experiences! I just smiled when I read about your pet experiences and that dog on the tramp. What a hoot!
  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914
    edited January 2013

    My dog is a Bichon, and he has the double coat.  It is expensive or difficult to keep him groomed.  I can manage to cut his hair myself, but he looks like his human mother cut his hairEmbarassed .  For whatever reason, LE doesn't seem to make a difference for that.  It was hard to keep up with him before LE, and it is hard now.  He is a sweet heart though.  And I never heard they like high places, but he loves to be on the top of the sofa looking out the window.  Sometimes when I meet neighbors while I'm walking, I'll tell them where I live, and they'll say "is that the house where the white dog is always looking out the window?" I thought he was part cat.Surprised

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited January 2013

    should have just started a thread on Pets and LE

    You still can  ...  Not  a bad idea, hugz !

  • Cindyl
    Cindyl Member Posts: 498
    edited January 2013

    Huh.  Interesting about the high perches.  Mocha loves to lay on the back of my recliner, back of the couch... I wonder if he'd like to have a cat pole?

    Yeah, the grooming is kind of a pain, I'm lucky in that a dear friend of mine is a groomer, and she does him in exchange for running her dogs in my training building.  Works out well for both of us.

  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Member Posts: 1,818
    edited January 2013

    Cindyl, Funny.Laughing. but..  Mocha would love a cat pole if he could get up there. I bet if you put Mocha on top of the fridge and stood by to make sure he was safe he would like it. (well Mocha might not like the fridge motor sound) It's like they want to lord over you. Can you imagine what Mocha would see and smell. All that yummy cooking going on down below. Those Havanese are very cat like, just love height.

    By the way I never did put my dog on top of the fridge. but hey!!!... you never know! if it makes your little one happy and your ok with it!Laughing Just make sure he is safe.

    Carol, Please DON'T put your dog on top of the fridge,Tongue Out he's way to big! My imagination is getting away on me here, I better stop before you all declare me crazy!Wink

    So I did 20 min hoola hoop, 15 lebed opening, 5 min tramp bouncing, 5 min seated ball bounce, 15 stretching and went and saw the best physio gal in town for my back. I did pay thru the nose so I will have to put on my big girl panties and do whatever she says. She does visceral manipulation and fascia stuff.  

  • Cindyl
    Cindyl Member Posts: 498
    edited January 2013

    The fridge sound wouldn't bother him bit.  Boldest, most fearless dog I've ever had.  And I've had a lot of dogs.  He's not aggressive in any way, but he is absolutely fearless.  I wish I had 1/5 of his self assurance.

    I have to tell you all about my day... Mocha has had standing every other Tuesday appt. at the "Spa" for the last couple of years.  We drop him off on the way to work and pick him up at lunch time.  So, my friend who grooms him switched to a different shop with the new year.  She had worked out of my vet's office, but has moved to a shop owned by another friend of ours who married and moved to a ranch out of town.  Shop owning friend wanted someone who could cover for her a couple of days a week and Mocha's groomer wants to reduce her hours sooooo she's only going to be working Thursday and Friday at the new shop.  No problem.  Mocha can go in on Thursdays starting in the New Year.  So I got to work this morning, realized I had forgotten to take Mocha in.  Managed to catch a friend who was coming in, had her run by and pick him up.  Realized that "Frack, it's Tuesday and we go on Thursdays now" managed to catch up to friend who had Mocha in the car and was heading into town with him... Argh.  And this is why I worry that I'm not going to be able to find my way home one fine day. My friends are laughing at me. Heck, my dog is laughing at me...

  • carol57
    carol57 Member Posts: 1,550
    edited January 2013

    Today's report:  30 minutes on a treadmill early this morning, then Lebeds, then more walking to/from a building where I worked all day, then walking to dinner and back, totaling 8.7 miles.  MLD still to do!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited January 2013

    4 miles clocked on pedometer the last few days - I swear, I was resting LOL - drinking lots of water, lots of extra MLD, Painful Mammo over, radiologist says he will see me "Next Year".. Feeling like I'm going to explode and my weight is up 4 pounds from yesterday - hoping its LE and as the fluid gets expelled so will the extra pounds... The hip is doing better.. a little achey but maybe I will be back to walking soon... Thanks to all that jumped in my pocket yesterday, and thanks for the brownies whoever brought them Wink.. PS trying to be positive, but kinda down this morning...

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914
    edited January 2013

    GMA, I am positive the 4 pounds is LE fluid. It is impossible to gain 4 pounds of fat overnight. It is definitely just fluid. It is okay to feel down. I give myself permission to feel down when I need to. I think it's useless to beat yourself up about it. Sometimes there is nothing better for you than a good cry. I try not to feel sorry for myself too often because i think it's counter productive, but feeling sad is therapeutic to me.

    Did 30 minutes between the treadmill and the elyptical yesterday, but only 2.25 miles. Not sure why I was so much more tired than usual. But I did get back to the circuit for the first time since tht little spill down the stairs. I feel good about that :)

    Have a great day everyone.

  • Cindyl
    Cindyl Member Posts: 498
    edited January 2013

    I believe my flare is turning around.  I feel slightly less le'y today.  Like GMA I had a bad week on the weight front. Yesterday I was up 8 lbs for the week.  Today, I'm down 2 (from yesterday) still up six.   Trying to take it easy, do some stretching and some light walking... Resisting moving tables, etc., at work.

  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Member Posts: 1,818
    edited January 2013

    Cindyl, To funny about the dog drop off, I am hoping you can use my excuse- chemo brain. My brain has never been right since chemo. I use to be pretty sharp but now my family confirms that I am a bit slow "on th draw" grrrrr, whoops wrong thread!

    Yah girls,....I was wondering how many LE pounds I have tucked into my trunk. I know by night I am bigger back there especially when I don't wear Shapers. What a bummer.

    You girls have all "walked my socks off" Oh my word, you are all such power houses! Good for you, keep it up :)

  • Cindyl
    Cindyl Member Posts: 498
    edited January 2013

    Hugz - that's the really sad part.  No chemo.  I blame lack of sleep because of the Tamoxifien and stress.  Also, I think my undies are too tight.

  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Member Posts: 1,818
    edited January 2013

    Cindyl, Just made a lovely post and it disappeared! yikes.

    Tamoxifen can really do you in. No sleep can break the strongest person apart. Yup, I loosened up my undies a bit and I feel better. I try to " not care" so much and it helps but I am a workaholic so it kinda goes against my grain. I am a work in progress. The exercise sure helps diffuse stress. I better go do some.