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Does Breast Cancer Hurt - honest truth from bc patients



  • irish22
    irish22 Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2012

    The pain in my breast was the first sign something was wrong. I had pain before a lump ever presented but every website I could find said breast cancer did not present with pain. It wasn't until about three months later when I noticed some skin and nipple changes taking place that I went in and was dx. My tumor was directly behind my nipple and my doc said it was pulling and wrapped up in the nerves there which caused the pain and burning I had been expierencing.

    You'd think with how much money goes into breast cancer awareness they would at least get the facts straight that breast cancer can and does present with pain sometimes. Perhaps Komen can have a walk to fund making that change on their website!

  • denise-g
    denise-g Member Posts: 353
    edited April 2012


  • ndroby
    ndroby Member Posts: 16
    edited April 2012

    Hi All,

    I am on the other side of a PBMX with TE reconstruction done 4/10. I had been complaining of breast pain for the last 5-6 years and was told that it could be fibrocystic changes, but that BC does not cause pain. The final path report from my surgery showed that my breasts were both full of pre-cancerous cells that don't show up on any imaging study. They have most likely been there for the last several years. Even though I do not have BCSmile, I am convinced that pain was caused by the extensive infiltration of these pre-cancerous cells. Listen to your bodies and demand investigation of your pain condition. Had I not had the PBMX, I was headed for invasive breast cancer real soon.

  • claireinaz
    claireinaz Member Posts: 714
    edited April 2012

    Well, I felt absolutely nothing and my doc said it might have been in there for years.  I had a 2 cm lump that I found on a random BSE last August.

  • Scrappygrl
    Scrappygrl Member Posts: 9
    edited April 2012

    I didn't have a lump at the beginning.  My breast was just sore and achy but as time went on it got worse.  I equate it to menstral period time only 5 times worse with the pain.  I waited for several weeks to make sure it wasn't coming from my menstral cycle.  Unfortunately for me when I went in, nothing was found at the time due to old equipment (not digital mammo scan).  I was told to go back in six months if it pain was still continuing.  Three weeks later the mass showed up.  Month later (that's how long it took to get into seeing surgeon), I was referred to have a digital mamogram and viola it was there clear as day.  Biopsy was most painful thing I had encountered and I've had two children vaginally.

    So YES it does hurt.

  • julz4
    julz4 Member Posts: 1,373
    edited April 2012

    Well....I had the biopsy last week & the path report is back...."atypical ductal epithelium with apocrine features, cannot exclude atypical ductal hyperplasia or intracystic ductal neoplasm"!   So in other words the tiny bit of junk they got out of my solid cystic mass had atypical cells but they can't out rule cancer yet . My BS is going in & will take the whole thing out using a wire guided biopsy.  Since I am having issues with swollen lymph nodes felt & achy/pain.  Also one was seen last year on my mammo, but the mammo had no changes from previous ones.  They thought it was just an infection some where. My BS is taking no chances of having anything slip by unseen.   Next week I will go in for a bilateral MRI without & with contrast.  That way if ANY cancer lights up the MRI they can go in ONCE & get it all done in one surgery!  So far it's B9 changes but with risk & a 10-20% chance of having cancer cells hiding close by the atypical cells!   When I had this mammo done it was only 8 months from my last yearly mammo! Probably another month before I have FINAL results in!   More waiting....Pain is what brought me to get "My Girl" checked out early!

  • lisagwa
    lisagwa Member Posts: 39
    edited April 2012

    Interesting thread. I didnt know that bc could hurt. Mine didn't, maybe because I had cluster of calcifications (nurse practitioner felt it and luckily Mammo picked it up). This is news that I will pass on to others.

  • Cherilynn64
    Cherilynn64 Member Posts: 156
    edited April 2012

    I had a 1.5cm tumor in my left breast between 1 and 2 o'clock position. Never had any pain. It was palpable at least a year and a half before I had it checked out (yes, I know what an idiot I was, LOL, even my breast surgeon about smacked me, ha!). I have no cancer on either side of the family and no risk factors (although now I know my dense breasts are), so I had no reason to get it looked at so I thought.

    It felt like a small pea or a BB gun pellet. I could roll it around, I can push on it, not once did I ever have any pain. I wish I had b/c then I would have done something about it much much sooner. 

  • Fergy
    Fergy Member Posts: 11
    edited April 2012

    Sorry for the delay in posting, I had company in from out of town.  I did receive my Thermal Breast Imaging results.  They classified me as a TH2, Low Risk, which is a really good thing.  I had the same rating for both breast relating to vascular activity.  They also do a Hormonal Grade which was 2-3 Grade and is classified as medium to high.  They believe this increased estrogen level is what is causing the pulling sensation and achyness in my breasts.  But here is the strange part, Grade 2 Hormonal is usually seen from pueberty through menopause.  Grade 3 is often associated with HRT users, birth controll pill usage, progesterone deficiency and increased breast size.  I am none of the above?  Also they did distinguish a difference in temperature between the right and left breast, Right breast 1.35 Deg C and Left Breast .35 Deg C.  The right is the breast that I am having issues with.  However the normal range is 0.00 to 1.50 Deg C.

    I still plan to get my annual mammogram in July as planned unless the new lump should get bigger, then I will go earlier.  I am going to ask my doctor to request an ultrasound as well.  

    I am going to call them to discuss the results and ask what are potential other causes for estrogen activity in a post menopausal women that does not take HRT.  I had blood tests done 2 years ago that showed my estrogen levels to be zero and the doctor said my ovaries were no longer working at all.  So I am a little miffed at this hormonal level result. 

    I was looking for answers and got more questions instead.  Yell

  • CuterWCurves
    CuterWCurves Member Posts: 34
    edited April 2012


  • cp418
    cp418 Member Posts: 359
    edited April 2012

    Mine was too deep against the chest wall to feel anything including on breast exam.

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2012

    I appreciate all for stopping to post.  Thank you.

    Yes, perhaps a waalk, as suggested.  'BREAST CANCER CAN HURT, from Stage 1 up.'

    Readers, even if you don't want to post, please bump topic so more are aware.  Just write bump in subject and hit submit.  Thanks! : )

  • ohio4me
    ohio4me Member Posts: 323
    edited April 2012

    I never had any pain before or after I was diagnosed with BC.

  • luckyjnjmom
    luckyjnjmom Member Posts: 114
    edited April 2012

    I also had pain at the spot where the two lesions were located in my left breast - and right under the nipple in my right one. The biopsy confirmed bc in the left - but through two mammograms, an Ultrasound and an MRI nothing was ever seen in my rt breast. I was convinced that there was something there because the pain felt identical to what i had experienced in the left breast - so I wanted it removed. After the BMX when the path report came back they found DCIS in the right breast.

    BC is not always pain free - and it's unfortunately - not always detectible in the earliest stages even with the best techology known to mankind. Trust your instincts. Lucky

  • Mardibra
    Mardibra Member Posts: 194
    edited April 2012

    Never felt a thing.  BC dx was a complete and total surprise.

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited May 2012


  • amanda26
    amanda26 Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2012

    my place has hurt since the day i found it 3 weeks ago. when i went to have the u/s the radioligst didnt say anything about cancer but he did say that if it was a tumor it would be painful. he said what i was describing to him was a tumor. i love how the doctors know how we feel and how were suppost to feel. i go tomorrow to see the breast spec.

  • pumpkincake
    pumpkincake Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2012

    I had my biopsy Friday and I was talking to the nurse about when I wrapped a towel around my chest after a shower that the top of my left breast felt odd..didnt like the feeling at all.  The only way I can explain it was it felt creepy and unnatural.  So the BS says that alot of his patients tell him stories like this but he is a doctor and looks at the scientific end of things that says it cannot be felt. body told me to do something.  I was supposed to get a mammogram a year ago and didnt because of health issues.  The other health issues got totally worse where I couldnt walk without a walker beginning late in February of this year.  I was on home care and off balance all the time when I tried to walk.  Out ot the blue...literally....I said to myself...I had better get that mammogram.  I did and now waiting on the path report.   LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!!   <3Wink

  • Roxie1
    Roxie1 Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2012

    Was just diagosed today with IDC, YES I had pain and it hurt, it burned and it stung. I think in one of my earlier posts here I wrote how I slept with a frozen bag of fish on my breast. I was in such a panic from the burning that I grabbed the first thing out of the freezer.

    Last Tuesday after the lumpectomy I "had no pain" I was totally pain free. The discomfort from the lumpectomy was NOTHING compared to what it felt like prior.

  • number5
    number5 Member Posts: 6
    edited May 2012

    It's interesting that I started reading this thread yesterday!  I had a conversation with a friend of mine afterwards and we were talking about my upcoming mammogram, and she had said she went in for her because of breast pain!  Fortunately there wasn't anything there, but she made the comment that she was told that breast cancer doesn't hurt-I referred her to this website and this thread!!

    I do have to say though that the docs here at our Navy Hospital have been very proactive when it comes to this!  I don't know if it's because I have a sister who is a survivor, or for my own history of breast issues, but when I told them last year I was having pain in my left breast, they immediately did an ultrasound-it ended up be a rib issue!

    At any rate, I'm not sure I'd let the doctors tell me one way or the other, but after reading all of these posts, I WILL NEVER let anybody tell me that it doesn't hurt!!!

    Take care all!

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2012

    That's right, pass it forward, please. 

    Pumpkin, I found  the mass when I was rinsing in the shower after being in the pool.  Because I had beeen so ill for so long, I knew what it was.  I rushed to write a note to self so I would not forget I found it, I think I had forgotten a few times before after self-exam  and other times, I was so sick my memory was gone for a long long time.  But this time I wrote it down and told Hubby as soon as he came home.  

    The pain had been there prior and was worse later, then was in other breast, about three months behind the schedule of right side, pain of all kinds, lightening especially.  I know it hurts.  

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2012


  • number5
    number5 Member Posts: 6
    edited May 2012

    During my breast exam today, my doctor-speaking of the burning on my right breast-said that normally breast cancer doesn't cause pain!  I should have directed her here, but I let it go!  I know better-especially after reading all of this!!

  • CatMac81
    CatMac81 Member Posts: 7
    edited May 2012

    Interesting that you report having pain underneathe your arm...I have not been diagnosed, but I have been having pain in my left breast for several months now, also with burning in my under arm and newly my groin area. These symptoms come mid cycle it seems and then disappate when my period comes...I've been to two OBs in the last five months, all of which said, hormonal, can't find anything, here is an herbal remedy....I got however a third opinion yesterday and she was able to feel a hard rubbery mass in my left breast...but could not find it on the Ultrasound....None the less I am going for a mammo on Wednesday and from what you are all confirming, I am terrifed....

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited May 2012

    Pain in my Lymphnode area under my arm.That is why I went to the doctor.Did not feel the other two tumors in my breast that  my Mamogram did not show 4 months earlier.

  • RaptorSqueaks
    RaptorSqueaks Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2012

    I have awful pain in my right breast, and it gets quite distracting.

  • RaptorSqueaks
    RaptorSqueaks Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2012

    It's odd because whenever I've called a hotline theyve downplayed it because I have pain.

  • blueyedgrl2121
    blueyedgrl2121 Member Posts: 5
    edited May 2012

    I'm not sure if this is the right place for me to post, because I haven't been diagnosed...  But I have symptoms so close to so many who have posted here.  A year ago I noticed a clear/ whitish tinged nipple discharge coming from my right breast, only from one duct, but only if manually stimulated.  So I didn't worry too much about it.  For the past 6+ months I've been having unreal fatigue, sleeping 12 hours or more at night and still being exhausted in the morning and needing naps throughout the day.  I've also had joint pain in my knees, hips and lower back and had finally gone to my doctor in March and as an after thought I mentioned the nipple discharge.  She sent me to have a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound.  (also ordered labs which showed severe vitamin D deficeincy)  The ultrasound tech went and got the radiologist to look at my ultrasound while I was still on the table, and he said I have an abnormal area but it "Doesn't look exciting"  and also an enlarged axillary lymph node.  Told me to come back in 6 months for follow up.  For the past year I've had off and on the 'milk let down' feeling in both breasts, and in the area that showed abnormal on the ultrasound an achey feeling but mostly it's emotional.  If I'm stressed, or upset, it's upset.  I know that sounds wierd but I've read others who have felt the same thing.  So I don't feel so wierd now.  And yesterday while in the shower I found a lump.  My doctor had done an exam, and didn't say anything about feeling a lump.  At the mammo and u/s they didn't say anything about finding a mass, or cyst or anything.  Just the abnormal area.  The lump is in the 11:00 position, hard larger than a marble, but not as big as a grape, and it's oval shaped.  It's where the u/s showed abnormal, and where my emotional ache is.  Finding the lump was so scary!  I got out of the shower without rinsing the conditioner out of my hair!!!  It sounds silly, but until I found the lump I was like no way...  Not me... I'm only 32...   But that made it real.  And when I told my boyfriend, he blew me off.  Said there's no way there's a lump, you just had a mammo 3 weeks ago and they didn't find anything.  (I argued that it was 2 months ago, and they found an abnormality) but still I just really wanted to vent and talk to someone and not be dismissed.  So I hope I haven't compromised the theme of this thread.  Thanks for listening/reading.  

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited May 2012


    If it was me, I would be calling another doctor promptly after this weekend, for a 2nd (or 3rd opinion).  Much better to find out if it is something so you can deal with it, or better yet put your mind at ease.  This is your body, listen to it!  More than one patient has been relived at having the fears answered!!

    Good luck


  • julz4
    julz4 Member Posts: 1,373
    edited May 2012

    Blue....Vicks is right go get it check out some where else. No I'm not diagnosed yet. But I Can't feel my mass either. Mine hurts but I cant feel it with my hands. The only way to tell for sure if a lump, mass or area is cancer is a pathology report. My Breast Surgeon has told me that it is possible to have a clean Mammo & US. Only to find a lump a few months later. It has happened with some of his patients before. That's why he told me to be diligent with my monthly exams. I'm not telling you this to scare you, only that you be diligent. Something doesn't feel right to you now you need to find someone to get it checked out. Your ok to be here go ahead & ask it's how we learn. Please check back in & let us know how you are.