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Why was I stronger DURING treatment than I am now?



  • farmerjo
    farmerjo Member Posts: 239
    edited April 2015

    Lily...I agree.

  • Purl51
    Purl51 Member Posts: 174
    edited April 2015

    I've been keeping a"breast" of all the goings-on here and send all my love and thoughts. Lily, are you extending an open invitation for visitors in Spain? Just the thought of that makes me smile. I would not use the word survivor during my visit and I would bring you sand from the beach where I live.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927
    edited April 2015

    Janett2014, BosumBlues, and Jilly59, I contacted my PCP, and got more information on what to do for osteopenia. Unlike my GYN, my PCP fortunately doesn't require an appointment to answer a couple questions. She's schooled in integrative medicine so I wanted her ideas anyway. Here's what she recommended.

    • Take Strontium
      100 mg a day, with vitamin K2 25 to 45 mcg a day. Take the strontium on an empty stomach for better absorption.
    • Osteo Prime, a
      multi vitamin, has both the strontium and the vitamin K. It doesn't have enough strontium though so you need an additional supplement of that. Osteo Prime is available on Amazon and elsewhere.
    • Magnesium
      is also important. She didn't say how much, but Osteo Prime has 300 mg. Magnesium can cause diarrhea. She said that magnesium malate and glycinate forms are better tolerated than other forms.
    • I'm going to quote this next part. Note what she says about milk. I found it very interesting give the advice we've been given for decades.

    "There was a study in the Netherlands done on people who drank milk vs people who ate cheese and yogurt vs people who were dairy free. Those who drank the milk had the highest fracture rate, those who were dairy free were next, and those who had the fewest were eating cheeses (hard cheese) and cultured dairy like yogurt but not drinking milk. I would recommend moderate intake of cultured dairy."

    My heart goes out to all of you who are having a rough time.

    Peggy, good luck with the move. It is a big upheaval and very stressful, I know.

    Chloesmom, you're right about this being like a tornado. Earthquake was the natural disaster that came to my mind, but either one works.

    Wintersocks, I think I'd have felt the same as you about that "cancer holiday." I agree with Lilly that forced positivity is not real. Faking it just buries your feelings. I have to put on the happy face at work, but I also need someplace where I can let it all out.

  • Chloesmom
    Chloesmom Member Posts: 626
    edited April 2015

    It was interesting about the milk. We drank milk at every single meal and my mom got severe osteoporosis! I had osteopenia before taking the AI. Happy to do whatever I can to prevent a fracture

  • farmerjo
    farmerjo Member Posts: 239
    edited April 2015

    Thanks, 2Tabbies!

    I will look for Osteo Prime on Amazon.

    I have also added pomegranate to my regimen - advice I got here. :)

  • SmartassSmurf
    SmartassSmurf Member Posts: 89
    edited April 2015

    You all are amazing. I swear I get on here & read this thread and feel like I could have written at least half of the posts myself. I am amazed at how bc seems to be the great equalizer. Not great...I guess s overwhelming equalizer.

    Peggysull, I would not underestimate the stress of moving away from where you are. Moving is stressful anyway, but you have additional s yt? Press going on...I am figuratively curled up with you.

    Wintersocks, I can totally understand what you are saying. I hope I get to a point where I have more not to share. I just don't. I am a quiet person in the first place, but this all just remains overwhelming to me & I would have a hard time with too much openness and loudness. I am proud of you for trying it.

    Chloesmom, you hit the nail on the head with the tornado analogy. If you combine that with Janet's description of being scared confused & exactly sums up why I am here. I don't know what to do with my emotions. I am proud of you for trying counseling. I find that very brave.

    I want to rant today, but it is too pervasive to even explain. I am mad at my husband for blame shifting. Mad at my friends/family for being insensitive about signing up for the breast cancer it or don't already. Just don't tell me you want to do it & then make me babysit you to get registered so I can pick up everyone's junk...and then make plans for right after and expect me to abandon everyone else on the team to go to your house party that you thought of today....when you know we planned to go with the team to my favorite restaurant. Ugh. I guess I do have the rant in me. I just feel like I am so sick of babysitting everyone else's feelings. I think I was maybe too much of a caretaker before bc. Now I just do not have the energy to help protect everyone's feelings. Then I feel bad. I am tired of it all. I just want people to grow up. Or I want to run away.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927
    edited April 2015

    Jilly, thanks for mentioning the pomegranate. I didn't know about that one.

    Smart, I'm glad you got your rant out. More than once I've felt like running away. Or curling up on the couch with the cat and pulling a blanket over my head.

  • Chloesmom
    Chloesmom Member Posts: 626
    edited April 2015

    2 Tabbies. My name could be 2puppies. I often curl up on couch with dog on my lap when it gets to be too much. I have a special blanket that I pull up and when Chloe sees it she jumps on my lap!

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748
    edited April 2015

    Yes if you want a break in Spain contact me!!! Winter especially - there is transport from most airports to get within a few miles of me so no need to hire a car..................

  • Janet_M
    Janet_M Member Posts: 500
    edited April 2015

    Smartasssmurf - I loved your rant! Here's why - It sounds like the start of something really positive, because when you start to get sick of baby sitting everyone else's feelings it means that your starting to take more care of yourself. I used to be a people pleaser, and a moderator and, bend over backward to accommodate, but you know what? There are no f*cking rewards. When I learned to start saying 'no' things got to be a whole lot easier - AND - it's way more rewarding. I found it very hard to ask for what I wanted/needed but over the last few years it's become a whole lot easer. At first I thought I would let people down by being opinionated or demanding, but nobody really seemed to care. I think that people are all pretty self absorbed, so what seems earth shattering to me, is not such a big deal to them. And I totally get what you say when you said they should all just grow up. They should. You're entitled to all your feeling - and, you have absolutely nothing to feel bad about.

    Winter - Sorry your cancer holiday wasn't more successful. I think I would have hated it. I've never like the word 'survivor' either. Or 'journey'. Or the colour pink. The only word I've hung on to is 'warrior' and it's something nobody understands except for the ladies that come here. And by the way, my inner warrior and I would very much like to come to Spain!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927
    edited April 2015

    Chloesmom, there's a lot to be said for fuzz therapy!

  • wintersocks
    wintersocks Member Posts: 434
    edited April 2015

    smartass, That's such a sweet thing to say 'I am proud you for trying it' - I never looked at it like that , but yes I did try something to kick myself out of this place I am at in my head. It didn't help, I think I need to try something else to give me a bit of enjoyment and peace of mind. 'Grow up or run away' I feel that too! Other people can be such a drain and hard work can't they?

    Janet, I did hate it, all of it. I just couldn't relate on any level. I will know not to do such a thing again. I was so relived to get home and even back to work tomorrow. I hope Jed and the cats are keeping well and your hubby too and that you are (mostly) feeling ok too.

    I don't feel now i have much to look forward to, but hey, I will go to Spain to see Lily!. Just gotta get my passport sorted and stage 2 recon out of the way. Now, the thought of that is exciting.

    I have another small lump,nodule on my recon mx scar. The other was fine, and the doc seems to think this one will be too. However, she does want me to get it biopsied, so I am waiting for a date. She told me it is unusual to get 2 as I have. So....... May is filled with doctors and hospitals on average one a week. I am seeing my GP on Tues and i will try to speak with her about this depression that I cannot shake off.

    Bosumbuddies. This is the best place, you are right.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927
    edited April 2015

    wintersocks, good luck with the lump. I hope and pray it's nothing. So anxiety producing though. I know what you mean about feeling like you have nothing to look forward too. That's the way I feel also. I drag myself into work every day because I have to not because I find it interesting or fulfilling. I can't even plan a nice vacation because most of my paid leave has and will continue to be needed for surgery and all the medical appointments we need. I'd love to meet you Spain at Lily's! That would be such fun.

  • mel147
    mel147 Member Posts: 291
    edited April 2015

    Timbuktu - so sorry to hear about your accident - I hope you are feeling better today and the headache and whiplash are gone!

    Wintersocks - That is a bummer about the cancer holiday being no fun. I haven't done any of the cancer support groups - I also think I would feel awkward and like I didn't belong. I much prefer being in my own home and on these message boards instead! My sister lives in the UK, too. She has such a long address...I think it has Ramsdell and Hampshire in it. Not sure if that tells you anything or if it is anywhere close to you, but she really likes it there.

    Very interesting info on here about the milk - I've been dairy free for a few years. I think I miss cheese, yogurt and cottage cheese the most...I liked milk, but could do without it.

    BosumBlues - I agree with Janet - I think your rant was great! I hope things work out just the way YOU want them to for the walk!

    Janet - I, too, have spent a long time not really asking for what I need and want and I haven't spent enough time on fun things for myself...I'm really trying to change seems like a very slow process, but I hope to make some progress one step at a time!

    2Tabbies - I hope you can find some fun vacation-like things to do at home!! Sorry to hear your work is not as interesting or fulfilling as you would like it to really stinks when that happens. Hang in there!!

    Cholesmom - my Dixie loves to cuddle, too! Spencer tries to sometimes, but he is more of a loner!

    Hi, to everyone here!!!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927
    edited April 2015

    Thanks, Mel. I'm hoping to quit/retire in a couple years. I need to get reconstruction all done first. I used to have a cat named Dixie. Is your Dixie the dog in your avatar?

  • karody
    karody Member Posts: 12
    edited April 2015

    I definitely had a big letdown when cancer treatment was over. Treatments were hard on me, but since I was young (35) and very active, so many people rallied around me and lent me their strength. When it was over, a few (not all) of those people turned out to not be the kind of friends who want to continue to be friends as I move on to the living world. It was a very sad day when one of my very best friends who had gone above and beyond helping me with childcare and the house told me that I had not recovered fast enough in the year after my cancer and had been busy "wallowing in my own self pity." In actuality, I had begun riding and competing at horse events again, raising two small children, and frankly, wasting my time helping said "friend" out with her stuff. Imagine, after 5 surgeries, numerous procedures, 20 weeks of chemo, 33 rads, I just didn't get back to normal soon enough to suit her!!! And I also just felt like several people went out of their way to be kind when they thought I was dying, but now that I am living will do unkind things again. So I think it is hard because everybody shows you their best side when they think you might die, but then show their ugly side when it is clear you are going to live....I am beyond thankful that I have my life and anyone who doesn't treasure it has no spot in my world now.

  • mel147
    mel147 Member Posts: 291
    edited April 2015

    2Tabbies - yup, that's my Dixie! She's so cute, we give her WAY too much attention!!! I had to chase her around the year a little this morning to get her away from a bird that seemed to be having trouble flying away. Luckily, I got her away and when I came home from my hubby's appt the bird was gone. Am hoping it fluttered away to safety! I can understand wanting to get the reconstruction all done before quitting or retiring. I'm only part time at my job and know I will have to get something full time in about a year and a half when my youngest goes to college. Only thing is, I feel like I am worn out and honestly don't know how I will manage it very well. I'm wondering if I have some thyroid or other issues going on. Either that or I just really need to move someplace where there is NO pollen so my allergies will be better!!

  • SmartassSmurf
    SmartassSmurf Member Posts: 89
    edited April 2015

    With all of this talk of furbabies, I had to share this picture of my Sweet Hadley. We normally do not put vests on her (what cat tolerates that?), but she had a cyst on her back that ruptured, so she had to wear the vest to keep her claws off the staples. She is so sweet and has been such a good girl during my illness. We call her Peanutty Goodness...or Nutty, most of the time.


  • SmartassSmurf
    SmartassSmurf Member Posts: 89
    edited April 2015

    wintersocks, good luck with the lump. I hope it turns out to be a little bunch of nothing

    Janet, thanks for the kind words...I am going to try to keep those in mind. We got enough registrants to meet the team minimum now, so the rest can either do it or don't. I am only responsible for those that register by tomorrow. I am done babysitting the rest of them to get it done by the team deadline.

    Karody, sorry you have the "friend"experience too. I guess I can only try to be a better friend if anyone needs me in the future? I do not understand people.

    Timbuktu, I hope you are feeling better after your accident.

    2tabbies, I am sorry your vacation time is used up for medical. I try to be Thankful I have the time saved to use for medical...but it sucks. You deserve a non-medical break from work.

    I go back to work tomorrow. I need to work because my husband is laid off & we desperately need to the money and the health insurance. I am totally unexcited to get back to work. At least it is only 4 days this week. I am not interested in working, and already overwhelmed with the thought of catching up & moving forward. I need to find some more things I enjoy to balance out that which I get no joy.

  • mel147
    mel147 Member Posts: 291
    edited April 2015

    Smart - Hadley is soooo cute!! She looks very soft and fluffy! Dixie doesn't tolerate any doggie clothes either...I wrestled her into a sweater over the winter when it was soooo cold, but it didn't last long. Hope Hadley's cyst heals up very soon! Sorry about your DH's job situation and that you have to go back tomorrow. You are so right about needing more enjoyable things to balance out the things that are no fun. I hope that you can find some of those fun things and make it a priority to do them. I'm looking to find some fun things, too!

    Karody - What's that saying, "with friends like that, who needs enemies?" Sounds like you are much better off without her!! Very sorry you had that experience.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927
    edited April 2015

    karody, I'm sorry about how your "friend" behaved. I've heard similar stories from others. Some people had friends disappear when they were diagnosed. Others, like you, had friends walk away when things didn't go back to normal as soon as treatment was over.

    Mel, Dixie is a cutie. I know what you mean about feeling worn out. Lately, I'm wondering if I'm anemic or something. I see my MO next week for my regular blood work and checkup so I'll find out. Maybe it's just life stress. In addition to my own problems, my mother's health is going downhill fast. She's 97 so it's not a big surprise. But it's still hard especially because she's on the other side of the country. We made on trip back there, but I feel like I should still be there.

    Smart, Hadley looks like a real love sponge. How humiliating that she has to wear the vest! I hope she heals up fast. I hope your hubby can find a new job. It doesn't seem like anyone has job security anymore. I know what you mean about not being interested in work. I couldn't care less, but I need the job.

    This, too, shall pass! Right?

  • Timbuktu
    Timbuktu Member Posts: 1,423
    edited April 2015

    Karody, I had a lunch date with a friend. She had been urging me to stop taking my arrimidex because it caused joint pain! She canceled the lunch date by saying "I don't want to have lunch with someone who is suffering."

  • jennie93
    jennie93 Member Posts: 263
    edited April 2015
  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927
    edited April 2015

    Tim, is this the same friend who did something similar a while back? She's something else.

    Jennie, I agree. ThumbsDown

    My nearly 97 year old mom decided that she'd lived long enough today and left this world. Her health had declined badly in the last few weeks so it's good she didn't suffer longer. But...

  • Timbuktu
    Timbuktu Member Posts: 1,423
    edited April 2015

    Chemo brain. I think it's someone else but I can't be sure!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927
    edited April 2015

    Bosum, I'm ok. Of course, I'm grieving and missing her, but it really was time. She had declined badly over the last 2 months. Her heart was giving out, and she was on oxygen. She also hadn't been happy since she had to move to assisted living 7 years ago. I can't blame for saying enough is enough. I'm really going to miss being able to talk to her though. I've been calling her every Sunday for years. Thanks for asking.

  • Chloesmom
    Chloesmom Member Posts: 626
    edited April 2015

    2Tabbies. My heart goes out to you. Much sorrow! Lost my dad a month ago. Was in the middle of chemo and it was so much to process even though he was 93 and I didn't want him to be struggling anymore. Hugs!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927
    edited April 2015

    Thanks, Chloesmom. I'm so sorry about your dad also. Terrible timing for you. I know what you mean about not wanting him to suffer. We need to let them go, but it's hard.

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748
    edited April 2015

    Scaredso sorry 2TAbbies but good she had a full life and was ready to go......

  • mel147
    mel147 Member Posts: 291
    edited April 2015

    2Tabbies - so sorry about your mom. It's such a difficult thing to lose someone we love. I hope your MO will be able to help find the source of your fatigue and will be able to help you get some more energy. I'm hoping to pep up soon, too!

    Chloesmom - sorry to hear about your dad, too.

    Timbuktu - well, you just have to tell her, "That's ok, I don't want to have lunch with someone who is an insensitive <insert your choice of a colorful adjective here>!"