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Weekly Taxol group



  • trvler
    trvler Member Posts: 931
    edited July 2015

    I know, K. The conflicting into makes me nuts. But it does help me to realize that cancer is not my fault. I had a huge issue with that for while. That thread about doing everything right and still getting cancer helped me stop blaming myself.

  • Tresjoli2
    Tresjoli2 Member Posts: 579
    edited July 2015

    My hair is finally falling out. :-( I thought that since I was up to infusion 4 with no hair loss I'd be one of the lucky ones. But it has started coming out full force now. Sigh...

  • ninjamary
    ninjamary Member Posts: 67
    edited July 2015

    Leigh - I removed my toenail polish the other day and found that one of my nails is blackish. Right in the middle. I painted right back over it so in my mind it doesn't exist anymore. That is childish, but I don't care. My toes hurt also. I get the numbing and tingling sensation. I haven't told my MO as it started at Taxol #8. Next time I see her I'll mention it, but I don't want to take a week off. I want this done.

  • Tresjoli2
    Tresjoli2 Member Posts: 579
    edited July 2015

    feeling very sick today. Horrible diarrhea last night. Stomach cramps and terrible nausea today along with heaetburn. Nausea is brutal even with compazine. Didn't think taxol made you nauseous?

  • bbwithbc45
    bbwithbc45 Member Posts: 367
    edited July 2015

    Tresjoli, I had a lot of nausea on Taxol. They kept telling me I shouldn't, but I did. Zofran wasn't helping me, neither was Compazine.

  • cloudynight
    cloudynight Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2015

    Tresjoli2, I've definitely had days with awful digestive symptoms. They gave me Ativan to help with nausea (in addition to Compazine), and Pepcid Complete (chewable Pepcid+Tums) has been my constant companion during Taxol. I'm also sorry about the hair. It's SO MUCH WORSE than I thought it would be. I don't care about my hair: rarely get it cut, am super lazy about color, almost never blow-dry it, and I am a MESS about losing it. I'm doing #5 of 12 tomorrow.

  • Carrie37
    Carrie37 Member Posts: 35
    edited July 2015

    Tres--I think I figured out that my nausea on Taxol was caused by heartburn/indigestion. I also had a lot of digestive/bathroom issues (cramping) which caused me to be nauseous. When I addrssed the other symptoms I felt much better. Just a thought. Don't suffer through it. Make sure to talk to your MO. Good luck!

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Member Posts: 801
    edited July 2015

    Tresjoli, I've had 10 treatments of Taxol w/ Herceptin and Perjeta. I've had a couple of treatments where there was nausea, though they told me there wouldn't be, and a number of episodes of heartburn. Sorry it's so brutal for you. I will say that most of the bad digestive episodes happened after the first five or so treatments. It seems to ease up after a while (fingers crossed). Good luck.

  • Tresjoli2
    Tresjoli2 Member Posts: 579
    edited July 2015

    Thanks everyone. Today looks like a better day.

  • pennsygal
    pennsygal Member Posts: 264
    edited July 2015

    Tres, glad to hear that. The cramping was awful for me after treatments 3 and 4, and it hasn't been back since.

  • Sheriann
    Sheriann Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2015

    Hello! (I'm sorry if I missed discussion of this elsewhere)

    I have 2 questions:

    I'm wondering if anyone has severe pain in their hands? I finished weekly Taxol almost 3 weeks ago, and last week had my first 3 week dose of Herceptin. Over the last few days, the pain in my hands has been pretty bad, and gets worse by the day. Not joint pain, specifically, but an overarching (muscle?) pain, as though I've been working them hard. Pain nowhere else.

    Also, I developed bad skin on my face during Taxol + Herceptin--kind of zitty and blotchy, and dry. I thought that it was a kind of "chemo face" that would clear once I finished Taxol, but no. It's slightly better, but not gone. Is this skin rash on the face also a side effect of Herceptin? Please tell me no!


  • Sheriann
    Sheriann Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2015

    Also, Tresjoli, I'm sorry to learn of your nausea. I got nauseous a couple times during the 12 Taxols. It seemed pretty random, though--there was no pattern to when it would happen.

    My hair also started falling out with treatment #4. it continued to fall through the end of the 12, but not completely. I had a short buzz of hair from taking a break from chemo round #1, and now, a couple weeks after Taxol, I still have coverage across most of my head, though it is too thin to not wear a hat, etc. You can see my scalp. I'm hanging on to the hair I have left and hoping the rest starts to grow in again soon! Best of luck to you! As we all know, it's pretty traumatic and significant, the hair loss (even though, yes, health comes before looks!).

  • trvler
    trvler Member Posts: 931
    edited July 2015

    My face is breaking out on Taxol but I am not taking Herceptin so I can't tell you if it is from the Taxol. I just finished #8.

  • Tresjoli2
    Tresjoli2 Member Posts: 579
    edited July 2015

    think the acne is from the decadron. I am using a Sal acid wash 2x a day and my face is doing much better.

  • trvler
    trvler Member Posts: 931
    edited July 2015

    I have been scared to use anything on my face but maybe I will try that. The good thing is, it seems pretty superficial and it heels quickly but there is a lot of it.

  • trvler
    trvler Member Posts: 931
    edited July 2015

    Kbee: Only 4 more to go!!! Woohoo!! Are you as excited as I am?

  • Angiel
    Angiel Member Posts: 175
    edited July 2015

    Allison, my face got pretty bad towards the end of the Taxols too. I had them cut back on my Decadron on number 8 and then even more on numbers 9 and 10. It helped and I still didn't have any nausea. Almost 3 weeks out and my skin is getting back to normal.

  • KBeee
    KBeee Member Posts: 695
    edited July 2015

    Yes Allison, I sure am!!!!!!!!! The end seems so much closer and Taxol has gone faster than I thought it would... Probably because summers keep me so busy that I am distracted! I was sure I would feel horrible and exhausted by now, and I am thankful to feel so good and still be able to work and generally just enjoy my days.

    I posted this in the April group too...I think I get the best comeback of the day award. I posted a picture on Facebook of my wedding since today is our 20th anniversary. A friend said , "wow, Frank had a lot more hair back then." I replied, "no, we BOTH had a lot more hair back then!!!!" I was with coworkers who all shaved with me so I can joke about it there. We were at training and were at the pool so I was bald and in the water at the time. So NOT funny, but really was funny!!!!! 😁

  • trvler
    trvler Member Posts: 931
    edited July 2015

    K: So awesome that you are able to see the humor in it. For me, I appreciate being bald when I put my head on the nice cool pillow when a hot flash comes up. (and my husband thinks I am a pessimist)

  • surprisedat65
    surprisedat65 Member Posts: 28
    edited July 2015

    Ladyfighter: I started out with one small breast tumor, was told I'd get lumpectomy and the targeted 5-day radiation. Then a second tumor was found and the targeted 5-day radiation was off the table but still just regular 5-day-a-week for 7 weeks radiation. After the surgery the bad news was that chemo was added to the mix. I specifically asked my MO the same question you did and was told that the studies show that there is a better cure rate with my type of cancer if radiation is given after chemo, and until new studies show otherwise, that is what she must prescribe. I guess I could refuse the radiation, but by the time I'm done with the chemo (October) I'm thinking I'll go ahead and take the radiation to stay on the safe side.

  • karabesque
    karabesque Member Posts: 37
    edited July 2015

    Hi All- I am starting Taxol on Friday. Kinda nervous for the unexpected and bummed because during this 3 week break, I feel what I remember being a bot "normal". I already have weak nails and even had an accident earlier this week and tore my big toenail off. So, I am not looking forward to losing any more. OUCH! I've got my glutamine, Vit. B, tea tree oil, coconut oil, ALA, and any other suggestions on making this easier is appreciated. The next leg of this so called journey begins.

  • helplesslyhoping
    helplesslyhoping Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2015

    Just had taxol numero uno yesterday, and the worst part was the benadryl! HOLY CANNOLI! I felt so dizzy and sick right away, and for about six hours after. I'm going to ask the pharmacist and my onc to lower the dose next time.

    How much Decadron do you ladies get at each infusion? I got 12 MG (at least I think it's mg) yesterday, but then get 8 each infusion hereafter. I was so worried about side effects like weight gain and puffiness, but the pharmacist said that it is in and out of the system within a day or so, so he effects are not like someone taking prednisone pills daily for a length of time. I hope he's right.

    I think we need to have an Awful Eyebrow contest and draw on the worst brows we can! I know I'm horrible at it 😐

  • Tresjoli2
    Tresjoli2 Member Posts: 579
    edited July 2015

    i take 20mg of Decadron but I had an allergic reaction first two treatments. I was at 28mg so 20 feels like a party.

  • trvler
    trvler Member Posts: 931
    edited July 2015

    I think I am 8 on the Decadron. I actually like it because I get soooo much done on the day after. I wish I had that much energy every day.

    I haven't gained an ounce on Taxol. I was actually hoping I would because I am having DIEP Sept 1 and am worried that since I have lost about 8 punds since the start of chemo, I no longer have enough tissue.

    I don't have much puffiness but I do have a bit of acne. It's not bad. It only lasts a few days but it is more than I have ever had in my life. Other than that, Taxol has been easier on me than AC. Try not to worry.

  • leighrh
    leighrh Member Posts: 102
    edited July 2015

    #5 Today.... Wish it were a higher # but slowly getting there! I am game for awful eyebrow contest... I swear mine are way off today! One is way bigger than the other ... LOL I suck at drawing them but don't realize it until I am out of the house! LOL

  • trvler
    trvler Member Posts: 931
    edited July 2015

    I am telling you guys, get one of those big magnifying counter mirrors. Makes it soooo much easier. I am getting pretty good at it, I think. I find it looks better if most of the drawing is done just at the inside of the brows. If I do too much on the outsides, it looks obvious. But again, i have lighter hair so maybe that makes a difference.

    Leigh, you will find that it starts going really fast at about #6. I can't believe I only have 4 left to go. There will even be moments where you can't quite recall which number you are on.

  • KBeee
    KBeee Member Posts: 695
    edited July 2015

    Leigh, yesterday I had on my glasses instead of my contacts. I was pretty proud in the morning because my brow shape was pretty good. Then when I had my glasses on, I realized one was quiet a bit higher than the other. Ack! I can't win! I have 2 brow hairs that have grown back. That's all...2. I had big thick bushy brows prechemo first time around and only about half (if that) came back. I am very worried about whether mine will come back. Most people's do. My mom's came back really sparse, so I must not have only inherited the tendency towards cancer, but also to have sparse brows after chemo. If they don't come back, I will probably get them tattooed or something. Won't that be a lovely collection of tattoos: 2 areolas, 2 brows and a few radiation spots. Really hoping just enough come back so I can just "fill them in" with a brow pencil each day. The browless look to my face seriously spooks me.

    Allison, The day we're both done, I say we blast Fight Song as we dance across the parking lot on our way out of the chemo lounge! I'll try to blast it loud enough that you can hear it in Illinois!

    karabesque, Taxol is a breeze compared to AC.

    hh, As far as decadron, I still get 20 mg. I wish they'd cut it back, but since I've had a rash sometimes, I don't think he wants to. Oh well, I pick my battles, and that's one that does not bother me too much. I figure maybe it helps my grass allergy as a side benefit.

    I will post a seperate entry from my phone with my official entry into the bad brow contest.

  • KBeee
    KBeee Member Posts: 695
    edited July 2015

    imageI do have to say that I didn't have my normal brow pencil, so they are probably extra bad. On a brighter note, there is some fine fuzz on my head which is sticking around. I do think I'll redo those brows befoer I step foot out of my house!

  • trvler
    trvler Member Posts: 931
    edited July 2015

    K: They don't look bad but I would say start a little further in towards the middle for a more realistic look. I will try to post mine picture later. My daughter still had diarrhea so I am housebound today AGAIN. Going a little stir crazy here.

  • bbwithbc45
    bbwithbc45 Member Posts: 367
    edited July 2015

    My eyebrows are about 85-90% back, so I am relieved, because I was very, very bad at drawing them.

    Karen, I agree with Allison - I would start them a little closer to the nose.