Bone Mets Thread
I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt but I read loud and clear between the lines of your post. A big old bitch slap from me!!!! Shame on him. To much happier days ahead for you...
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Welcome! By all means, get a puppy!!! For the past few years I've longed for guinea pigs - I know, silly creatures but I have a fondness for their looks and quirky personalities - maybe I relate to them, who knows...but anyway about 3 months ago, I did it. I adopted 2 brother Guinea pigs and I'm having a blast.
They're completely different than a puppy and whole lot less work, but it's good to be loved by our fur babies. Send us a photo when you make the leap.
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Linda, glad you got some closure. He's a jerk, needs a punch in the throat. Hugs to you today. Hope people are kind to you. XO
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Linda sweetie, WE got it. My intuition told me so. With friends like these..., at least NOW you know. xoxoxo- best of luck on ur rads today.
Karen pets are so warm and giving, great choice.
DaughterL I don't know how I skipped your post. You are so sweet, everyone here will try to help you and mom along, I could understand how frustrating it is not to be able to communicate openly, I have been at it for awhile now, my daughter is almost your age, she has mets from breast cancer, she is a young married mom to 2 adorable little ones. Sometimes she talks openly, sometimes not, I always wait for her signals, if she talks I listen, I pretty much take care of the medical details, it's important to keep all the records, from all blood tests,from all scans, either you could call right after they get the report and also the blood tests, I keep it on a Fedex envelope, I am tryg to see if there is a better way,so far I have a few envelopes. So that if you ever have to go for a 2nd opinion you have the info right there, and also it's good to check if doc didn't miss a/t. If I may advise you also, Dad needs your support, you each need to support each other, he needs the strength to give her strength. And they are very lucky to have you. We chose not to tell anyone outside our immediate family, her hubby, mom (me) dad and her sibs, she doesnt want pitty talk and looks, she doesn't and can't explain to everyone all the time all details that are going on, so our Primary knows - Onco and sometimes I reach out to certain ppl that I know for sure went thru this or an organization here and there, and HERE of course. It's a tremendous help. But of course, everyone deals with this monster in their own way. I was just giving you my 2 cents, so you know it's ok not to tell, IF you choose that route. I don't know your lives.And mom, is mom, she wants to keep you happier and naive a little longer, I could understand that. You could private message me anytime.
lindalou so happy you are holding here now, def good to be ahead of the pain.
Jazzy I hear you, we hear you, that is another reason why we don't share, i think ppl get bogged down w their own things, or are intimidated, or ignorant. Some ppl may even fear getting the C thingy just by being ur friend. Yep, and what i hate the most is that things sometimes change so fast, and they would still ask you about whatever happened 3 wks ago, and you cannot move forward. And you are having a good day they remind you of the bad moments, no thank you.
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Jazzy, I got a puppy and so glad I did.
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Amy-I love guinea pigs. I follow Fuzzberta on Instagram. Post a picture! WeeWeeWee!
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Good morning ALL!
Milaandra, thanks for the info. I'm going to see if I can find some dandelion extract at the holistic pharmacy by my house. It's very encouraging to see more natural/alternative remedies show up in cancer treatment and research. I've been working hard for a complete overhaul of my diet. Juicing as much and as frequently as I can, cutting out ALL red meat. Trying to switch to a plant based menu. It's very difficult because I love to eat meat.
Linda, I'm very sorry to hear sbout your boyfriend. It's terrible that you have feel badly about his reaction, his leaving because he is unable to continue to support you. This adds to the emotional toll that you're are going through. In all fairness it's a rough ride but not an excuse. I speak openly and often with my husband about it pains me to see the worry and the devastation in his eyes. It's clearly heartbreaking for him.
Wendy good luck with your MRI tomorrow. Hoping for great results!!
This week I'm patiently waiting to get bisphonates approved through the insurance. There's a lot of info on line about it but am wondering what your experiences with it have been? Oral versus IV. Immediate side effects? Side effects in genera!?
I wish you all a wonderful day!
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txmom--Cute. Sweet eyes. What's his/her name?
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That's one adorable pup! Congratulations!
Jazzy... somepeople are really strange around cancer. At times it's hard not to take offense because they are so wrapped up in whatever is is going on with their own lives. They tend to forget that we LIVE with this and just because they hang up the phone and or leave your house somehow the cancer stops. It's also interesting to watch others react out of fear and ignoranc, it just makes me not want to have anything to do with them. It's not worth the time and energy because that should be reserved for YOU!
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Good morning all!!
OMG! txmom, That puppy is so cute.
Linda, I'm glad that you know the reason, at least it cures the wondering but not the heart.
Saucychiq, I get IV pamidronate, most of the time I can time out exactly when I will start feeling fine again, it's not horrible, but a bit flu-ish for 48 hours. The first one, it's not unusual to feel alot of bone pain. The next morning I could have sworn I had been run over by a truck overnight. But I took tylenol/ibuprophen combo & it went away quickly, though I wish someone had of warned me. The onc's seem to feel that you don't need to know the possible SE's. It's like if they don't tell you, you won't get them??
Momallthetime, glad to see you here, how is Dani doing?
Another storm front has moved in here with high winds & rain, so we're battening down the hatches for another power outage. Take care everyone, Cheers, Dee
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I am so far behind again!
Welcome to the newcomers - I'd echo what everyone else said. This is a great source of support and information.
Myra - I want to cuddle that baby! She is so cute!
Sneeze and break a rib..ouch! UTI is another thing we should definitely get a pass from.
I should address everyone, but I should also get my rear in gear and get some work done. Sending all of you hugs, and sending the following to Linda's ex-BF.
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Terre - to the point!
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Hope it's not offending anyone too much, but...worth posting in my opinion.
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Beefing up protein is easier than you think... Have you seen the 'Reboot' web page? The juicing recipes can fill in protein req's... or toss in a Tb. of rice protein powder.
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Hello to all,
Oh my goodness I am so behind and can't believe how much I need to get caught up on.
Myra, Mallory is absolutely adorable, thank you for sharing the picture. How long will you and dh be staying? It must be so hard to leave!
txmom, what a cute picture of your puppy. Animals bring us so much joy and unconditional love.
Chelle, it's not always easy for me to handle the stress of MS and MBC. Fortunately my MS has been relapsing/remitting but adding MBC to it makes things a little more complicated. I see my neurologist on Thursday for a follow up. My daughters are 21 and 24. They are very close to me and help me with so much, I don't know where I'd be without them. My dh is also amazingly supportive and I often feel so guilty that he's had so much stress through my illnesses. We soldier on, one day at a time and I try very hard to do as much as I can in a day but I no longer push myself as hard as I used to. I'm so sorry about your sister, chronic progressive MS is debilitating and I lost a friend to it as well, she was 45.
Welcome to the newbies, so sorry you have reason to be here but this is an amazing group of supportive and knowledgeable women. You will find much comfort here and answers to many questions.
Hugs to all, Annie
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Txmom - cute puppy! Don't know how I missed it previously!
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Txmom, LOVE your doggie, he's adorable! Who could look at that face and not have their heart melt?!
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txmom, Those eyes! Dog therapy! Love it.
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Jazzy, get a dog!! We get all our animals from rescue. 3 years ago we got a Chihuahua/Italian Mix from rescue who was 4years old and completely trained and calm. He is wonderfully loving and there are so many animals who need a good home to go to. Txmom, adorable dog.
Annie, we got home today. I love going, but after 5 immersed days, DH and I are ready to go home, then one week later we are ready to go back. I wish they lived closer, we are exhausted and I have scans on Wednesday. I am so achy and hurts, I don't know what is what. Happily quick time will tell.
Off to bed, will take time tomorrow to address so many of you. You were in my head all weekend, thank you for the love you all give to one another. I don't know what I can do w/o you all. Myra.
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Thanks everyone. Her name is Cali. She is a Catahoula/Black Lab rescue....I get a Zometa infusion along with Taxotere, Herceptin and Perjeta. I take my nausea meds for 4 days. I don't wait until I'm nauseous. So far, I have felt really good. I don't have any aches or pains following the infusions however, I get zometa every 6 weeks instead of every 4. So far it's been pretty effective as my mets have healed. Hope this helps. A warm welcome to all the newbies. Hope everyone had a great day today.
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txmom, very cute picture
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Terre offend away! Love love the picture, could I print it? I have good stuff on my fridge to keep me going, the best one I like: Dear Karma, I have a list of people you missed ( and this is coming from a nice person ) Just makes things easier.
Txmom- Cali it is. She is gorgeous. Congrats
Annie, you are quite a lady. My girl's are your girl's age. I understand you very well, the bunch are very close, 3 sis and the bond is solid. I have to keep e/o sane around here, the truth is out there, but they follow my tune (I know), so I gotta balance between some emotion, but I need to be strong to support the family. hubby and sil, they all go by my behavior. They help each other, it changed the course of their lives, I could imagine your daughters. Even now when the news were again upsetting, because of the new scans, we all know it's serious, but we gotta keep the HOPE going. I love the best when I could bitch around w Dani about the nurses, or about the driver, or something stupid and in between we have some serious convo about tx, or pain, and then we move on to the latest color in bags. She has to know that we live a life besides "C". She wants that. Never ever pity party, and she is the only one that brings up stuff with sibs or myself. Otherwise it's just life as usual. You know Annie, I have read some books about MS,ALS biographies, depressing but nice, if you would like I could give you the names, I don't know if you go for that stuff. I can only read medical inclined books these days, absolutely non fiction stuff only, surgeons doctors stories, understanding the health care community, battling this monster, i can only relate to this stuff for months now.
Dee you have to worry about getting stronger and you are asking about others. Hope things are coming around for you. Dani is coping, that's the best I could say, she is not happy with the latest scans, one large lesion got better,but everything else is a BIG mess. Doc upped all dosages, and we are praying. They are really hesitant about radiation in her case, it's toooooo many in toooo many places, where do you start. So Onco really wants to see it blasted with tx. Six wks, then scanning again, and then it just better BE GOOD!!!.She is very devastated, but she is truly an incredible young lady, and she marches on, with all kinds of things, she volunteers in helping people that need food because they are sick, and she takes it to them or sends hubby with the food. They don't even dream that is coming from s/o that was sleepg in the afternoon or is takg pain meds.
Linda you could try the library for the movie...
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Thanks ladies for your welcoming posts.
OH MY GOSH! The pic of the kitties is hilarious. I have tears of laughter in my eyes.
txmom - Awwwww! your puppy is so adorable. I won't be able to get my puppy until March or April. I live in Oregon and he'll be in Spokane, WA. Need to wait until roads are clear enough for me to drive there and get him. I have a bone scan this coming Thursday and as everyone knows, there is anxiety with each one. I am 14 mos. out from my dx and often worry about how I will handle it the first time the doctor tells me there is progression. Just typing it here makes my anxiety elevate.
myra1211 - I'm getting a Cairn Terrier. I am absolutely crazy for the breed. I love their spunky personality.
Do any of you deal with lymph edema in their arm(s)? Although my mastectomy was 24 years ago, I didn't have an issue with the edema until my new dx and treatment started. I go to a wonderful lymph edema therapist and it helps for awhile. However, Medicare only allows 16 visits per year, that is if I don't need PT for anything else first.
Hope you all sleep well. Goodnight.
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jazzyjunebug, Welcome and sorry for your dx. I have mild lymphedema and have not needed PT for a while but I do love my compression garments and wear them when I exercise or feel puffy.
Myra. Thanks. for sharing the mallory picture. She really looks like she is thinking.
Daughter. I am brca positive like your mom. I have gotten such helpful information from the. web site. (also known as FORCE) It even has telephone support that I have used and spoke to a rn with lots of information about brca.
Thinking of everyone today as I spent most of my day wishing my hip pain away and watching too much about the Paris attacks. I wish I had some wisdom admist all this sadness. I keep returning to Mr. Rogers words. "Look for the helpers". All of you are my helpers. Thank you.
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hello friends.
Popping in to say hello and check up and see how everyone is doing. I've not logged on in awhile because I've been miserable. Feeling some better and missing y'all
Hugs all around
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Hi Patty!
It is always so good to hear from you. We miss you. Please jump in and visit us as often as you can. Are you getting some relief from your pain?
Big huge hug to you.
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Patty, so glad to see you back! Hope you are feeling stronger every day! Keep fighting girl!
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Hey Jazzy, I have lymphedema, too, although they didn't take any lymph nodes during my quadrectomy. About five weeks after my spine rads I ended up with cellulitis, and ever since I've had lymphedema. I think it got worse after my breast rads. It's not horrible, but it's annoying. There are several outfits I can't wear because the sleeves are at or slightly above the elbow and it shows, or because the sleeves are a snug fit and I don't want to make it worse. I'm not sure what to do about it. I was told if I go to a lymphedema specialist, they'll just give me a sleeve, which I don't's always worse if my arm is hot, and I imagine the sleeve will be hot and claustrophobic! I try to raise my arm and pump my hand, but I often forget while I'm at work...I try to keep my arm up on the back of the couch while watching TV, but my one cat isn't having any of that, thank you very much! :-D Please share any info you get from your pt!0 -
Quick! Tell me I don't need that iced, homemade chocolate cake up for grabs in the lunch room!0 -
Milaandra....leave it a moment on the lips and all that sugar will be floating throughout your Maybe just one bite...I haven't had sugar in so long...and now Christmas yikes.