Join our Webinar: REAL Talk: Healthy Body and Mind After Breast Cancer Treatment - Jan 23, 2025 at 4pm ET Register here.

The Hermit Club



  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748

    I had a phone consult with worldrenowned oncologist and he said AIS build up over months but that evidence is beginning to show that taking a break for a couple of months actually makes them more effevtive, as well as giving us a it may get to be recommended advice to take a break every year ....

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Good morning hermits!

    I saw this posted this morning on FB and just and to share it with you! Enjoy and have a lovely day!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hi everyone.

    Jazzy I love that kitten, so cute. And see al is well with u'r sister and u'r going to Hawaii next month--WONDERFUL That is so exciting just the time u spend together and no talking about BC--get away from it all.

    Oh I can't go back a page to see--but I think it's Lori who's been so sad--I sure give u credit for the bike ride tho. And if u feel like crying cry--there are no rules to what u should or shouldn't do having chemo, before, after or anytime with all this crap. U feel like u feel and don't feel guilty bout u'r emotions they are yours. Be kind to u'rself whatever is going on.

    Skittle u have all those furbabies--did u tell us about them before? Cuz I don't remember.

    Lily thanks for the info, now I feel like I knew something before the higher ups did, hahaha

    I hope everyone has a beautiful Sunday today and it's it;s super hot just stay in, don't overdo.

  • slickchickie17
    slickchickie17 Member Posts: 78

    Jazzy, you're going to Hawaii? Oh my gosh, I bet you are so excited!!!

    Blondie, I'm thinking of you & hoping for the best PET scan results ever! Waiting for those results is awful & I don't know how to change that.
    Lori, I understand the situation you are in & I hate it for you. We're here whenever you need us!

    I have to go shop for button up shirts for my upcoming surgery, totally dragging my heels about leaving the house. Who the heck wants to shop for something like that? Geez.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Slickie- yes, we go 4 weeks from tomorrow. Going to Kona for a week on the big island. I have been to Hawaii before, once to Kauai and also to the big island once before too. We are staying at a resort called the Orchid. My sister has been there before too and says its awesome!

    Also, I had to locate some larger open front shirts when I had my lumpectomy surgery last fall. Do you have a mens shirt you can borrow for the day? Otherwise, places like TJMaxx, Ross, Marshalls are all good options for inexpensive shirts, even a mans shirt. When is your surgery? 

    I had a nice brunch today with my friend, and then did a good workout at the gym later in the afternoon. I am determined to improve my fitness and body strength, even though it is a struggle sometimes. 

    I hope everyone has had a nice wrap up today to the holiday weekend. Blessings to all hermits out there and wishing everyone a good week!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Slick, I don't know if this is of interest but I bought zipper, Still do, it was so much easier than buttons, I know buttons are easy, but sometimes u's fingers aren't as movable as u want. So just give it a thought.

    And there goes Jazzy at the Jim--oops I meant gym. I'm iguring out why u go so much.

    Oh my kids came home, the dog went crazy, jumping, yiping, running. He's so happy now, so am I, I ca't stand to see a sad furbaby. And a big one at that.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Free Pharmacist Consultation at RiteAid ►►    20% off the entire store on Wednesday and more!

  • slickchickie17
    slickchickie17 Member Posts: 78

    Jazzy: I'm having a DMX & axillary dissection on 7/18. I'm really upset about it. I have a long road of surgeries & treatment ahead of me that seems too long. I hope you don't mind if I accompany you to Kona (at least in my mind). Thanks for the tips on where to look for shirts! I'm glad you had a good workout, before my treatment started I was very fit. I'm slowly making the long journey back to being fit myself! Lots of interruptions, though I do make a point to walk my dog daily & that helps!

    Camillegal: yes, I think zipper-fronts will work as well! Good idea! I hope you are feeling well today, I loved your kitten pic!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Slick we'll help u thru this. We can make it seem faster for u, u'll see. And give u ideas on how to feel better, so we're with u.

  • slickchickie17
    slickchickie17 Member Posts: 78

    Camillegal, thanks you are a breath of fresh air! I'm in an abnormal situation bc of cancer. After I was dx, I moved from AZ to NC so that I could be closer to family for help. So here I am, 33, single & now living with my parents. We decided it would be best if I lived at home until ALL my surgeries are done. Sooo lots of huge adjustments. Oh & my parents just bought a new house so we're moving 5 days after my BMX. Unbelievable. At least I know I have someplace stable to come to for support-- here!!!

  • slickchickie17
    slickchickie17 Member Posts: 78

    Oh, Teka...that is not always the case. I'm grateful that they are here to help me get through this but...we aren't close, they don't understand, & they openly pass judgment on my situation & how I'm dealing with it. To make matters worse, one of my sisters (who dodged the BRCA1 bullet) continues to hurt my feelings regularly. My parents don't see why I get so upset, they think I'm the one with the problem, not her. It's freaking nuts. My whole life is like upside down & backwards.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh slick I'm sorry to hear that part--well for now just think of it has a place to stay and u'r not alone, and hermit u'rself as much as possible. My first reaction was like Teka's cuz I thought this was a good thing. But try to make the best of it and like I said u have us to rant to or anything else. Beside no one else gets all this chit at all.

  • slickchickie17
    slickchickie17 Member Posts: 78

    I don't mean to sound ungrateful...I know that I am lucky & I appreciate my family. It's just hard to live in such an emotionally difficult & unsupportive environment. Some days, I really feel like my head is going to explode. Thanks for listening to me whine about it!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh no slickchickie I didn't take it that way, we all now how dificult it os living with even our family at different times of our lives---I don't think anyone takes it that way---Plus we all have different dynamics in families some not as good as others, others not as good as some--so u have an upheavel with moving around the same time as everything starts, I just hope u don't overdo anything cuz u'll need u'r rest to heal. Cuz this is u'r time for taking care of u'rself totally.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Teka, u'r preciousWink

  • lizlori
    lizlori Member Posts: 146

    Hi Everyone,

    Today I saw my plastic surgeon to discuss my implant surgery, with expectation that these coconuts would be gone and implants in sometime in September.  It must of been something I assumed from previous discussions with the Doctor, cuz the surgery will not take place until November, and thats if they can get me in? Apparently they are booking up.  The Doc says it is better to wait anyway because my skin will stretch more and get use to being the size they are.  Needless to say I am a bit disappointed, really want to be done with everything this fall. Oh well, it is what it is.

    My tears were short lived, I think it's the decadron that does a number to me. One of you guys said it was Chemo tears, and that works for me.  I made an appointment to see a counselor next week, to help sort things out.  Yesterday my husband and I went to a Brewers game, which went well. He is taking his grandson tonight, so I will have the night to myself. I cleaned out my tupperware cupboard, matched tops to bottoms, and through out anything without parts. Very putzy, teadious job, but felt good to get it down. Also mopped the kitchen floor, did the dishes, and organized my paper/documents. I listened to The Mamas and Papas sound track.  I seldom listen to my music, don't know why, cuz it helps calm me and I get into a work mode and forget about how boring the task on hand is.

    Jazzy you are going to Hawaii?  Cool!!   We got married on the beach last January, and stayed for 13 days in Maui. It was so nice and peaceful, especially at dusk; seeing the sunset and watching the whales... Is this your first time there? My husband loves it there and this was his fourth trip. I think he would like to retire there....not gonna happen.

    My Fritzy is naughty sometimes, and it's time to read up on the proper way of training kittens. I am such a push over with him, and feel bad when I use a stern voice. There is also the spray bottle, but that seems mean.   Skittle, are you the one with all the pets?  You have a ferral cat?  I was told they don't make good pets, so I am curious about this cat.   My ideal way of life is to have many pets, have a garden of my own. I had to beg for this cat, so I don't imagine I will get anymore pets. And next summer I am hoping to have my own garden. My husband is a pumkin grower and plants seeds from giant pumkins. Last year his was 6o7. He didn't win the biggest but one the prettiest pumkin award called the Howard Dill award.  Let me tell ya this is serious business with these pumkin growers. Have to have the right soil, fertilizer and you must not walk on the soil, as it packs it down. So you walk on boards.....Its his passion and he works hard at it. I just listen to him talk about them all.     The pumkins take up lots of space, so having my own area beside the house is the goal.

    I hope everyone is having a good monday :)   Thinking of you all..... Lori

  • slickchickie17
    slickchickie17 Member Posts: 78

    For some reason that I cannot recall, I had an enormous dark green pumpkin one October back when I was in high school. I named it Anthony & treated it like a pet. I guess that's why I named it...LOL!!!

  • slickchickie17
    slickchickie17 Member Posts: 78

    Teka, I've talked to her, sent her an email, & even texts. I'm not sure if she just lacks compassion or if she is having a problem dealing with the fact that she is BRCA negative. Maybe she has a problem with guilt, bc it easily could've been her instead of me. Beats me, but she has been rubbing me the wrong way since my dx in February. Not sure what to do at this point.

  • Skittle
    Skittle Member Posts: 395

    Sounds like busy hermiting going on... Preps for Hawaii, Tupperware purging, relationship struggles.  Unique how we land here, and stay.

    Yes, Lori... I have the feral kitty.  For years, having moved out to the country, we have been blessed with a Noah's ark of abandoned creatures... from someone dumping a litter of seven starving puppies, to a mama mouse giving birth in dh's tool box--and promptly dying in the process (yes, we raised them and set them free in a distant rice field.)  Seems word gets out, and we get phone calls--one of the sweetest cats ever was from a call... four days old, eyes sealed shut, left behind by mama cat moving the litter.  Bottle fed him and he thought he was human. Ate with his "hands."  Loved, loved that cat.  My heart broke when he died...  and I feel responsible.  (I had to be full-time caregiver when my mom's bc came to full tilt, and moved in with her.  I think he felt abandoned and died of a broken heart... I cry to think about it.)  But our woodsy wild man is calm and sweet now.  Took years of tender/quiet/gentle to earn his trust.  He'll go on a howl now and then, just when the weather gets nasty, but then he'll be back to his loving self and you'd never know his background.  But our most recent member is Cooper...  I couldn't stand to know his family spent a full five minutes a day with him for the past two years.  He received food at 11pm, and that was it.  They got "too busy" and wanted to give him away.  He's akc and the whole nine yards... 110 pounds of huggable.  (Sorry.  Way off on tangents to a simple question.)  Your little one will learn quickly.  We had one kitty who never responded to a voiced no.  We were told by the vet to put about five pennies in a Coke can, and rattle about three times fast when he prickled furniture or whatever.  Took about two days of loud startles, and he was done.  (I think it upset me more than it did him, though.)   Just enjoy the purrs.

    Happy Capone, slickchickie.  He's gorgeous.

    Camille, we count on you, you know.  I love how you just hit the target.

    Hugs to each.  Hope it's not too hot.  (It still hasn't rained...  weeks...  sigh.)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Wow Skittle having a ferel cat and calming one down is a big job, u must have patience and a certain way with animals that's very special--that's a gift.

    OK slick u had a green pumpkin and named it Anthony- no wonder why u'r a hermit, I d have fear of u too. LOL I am sorry about u'r sister tho maybe she'll come around and u can find out what's going on. Oh I don't know what I;d do without my sister, of course she purposely got cancer right after I did cuz she was jealous of all the attention I got-she can't be upstaged hahaha--the funny part, yes there is a funny part--everyone knows this so I'm telling u when she told me she had cancer my heart broke and I told her since I was already getting chemo I wish I could take her chemo for her, I would--and that week her Dr. said no chemo she would get in unfusion once a month and my dr. said another year of

    chemo--I did tell her then I didn't mean it. LOL

    Lori an old fashion pumpkin patch, sounds so nice. it's good u'r going to see sone if u feel like u should sometimes we need extra help and u might as well use it. It'll be good for u. Is it really called chemo tears? I never heard of that expression or those words put together I've heard of them singley but not together. Is it another side effect? Geeze do they ever stop.

    I'm going out with my girlfriends tomorrow for lunch, it's lucky I've made all my hospital app'tments late so I'll go for my PT after.

    It's rainy here for the next few days, right now the sun is out but it's not supposed to stay out.

  • slickchickie17
    slickchickie17 Member Posts: 78

    So the good news is that I actually went to the store today & bought 2 shirts for after my upcoming surgery. The bad news is that they are 2 of the ugliest shirts I have ever seen.

    Skittle, it sounds like you have quite the pet menagerie over there! Cooper got awfully lucky running into you! Now he will be happy & loved forever!

    Camillegal, Anthony was a good pumpkin, may he rest in peace. LOL Have a nice time with your friends tomorrow!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Slick that's why I mentioned zippers, the ones u button are usually ugly hahaha.

    Oh u probably ate Anthony in some kind of recipe and u'r family tole u he died or got sent off to a farm. LOL

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Hi hermits- there is a big t-storm going on outside and it is pouring here. The rain keeps coming every day now. I woke up to rain last night too. I know many of you have been in areas with too much rain and subsequent flooding, which is not good. For us here in a drought striken state, this rain is so good. Yay rain!

    Slicki- as other have said, we will be here for you as you go into your treatment. Glad you got the shirts, and remember, since they are ugly, they will be easy to either donate or throw out when you are done!

    I totally understand the conflicted family situation you are in. It is a blessing you will have someone there to help you. Right now, your parents probably don't know what to expect and are scared. There is also some feelings that go with passing along genes that bring on disease and with people who dodge the genetic bullet, like your sister. So I am going to share a story with you from 20 years ago from our family. Genetic disease creates a very complicated family experience.

    I had a brother who had a rare genetic lung disease. A double recessive gene as they call it, where both parents have to have a gene combination that results in this gene being passed along. Both my sister and I were tested and were negative. There was so much anger at us by my brother (why me?) and my parents both beat themselves up in the end too. I was about the same age as you when this was happening in our family, and think my family dynamics may were very similar to what you are in right now. I felt so unprepared to deal with all the family emotions that went on then, and no doubt you must be in a very similar place. We worked through it, and so will you.

    From what you have shared, your parents asked you to move in so you could have their help. If your sister cannot help, then she should stay away right now. One thing you learn pretty quickly in this process is that you have to make yourself the #1 priority and cannot have people around you that make this any harder. Like Teka says, it might be time to have talk with your sister and just let her know your boundaries. If she needs to visit your parents or help with the move, then find a room where you can just have privacy away from her. If she is having a hard time dealing with this, then it is up to her to go get her own support.

    Your family relationships will likely change too. Cancer tends to change us emotionally, and it will likely change your relationships around you.  Take all the support offered to you by others you may know too. You may be surprised who shows up. I hope this helps in some small way.

    Will write more soon hermits!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Slick Jazzy is so right and Jazzy u always make so much sense to everything, it's really good u'r here cuz u help so much. And that is a difficult story about u'r brother and that must have been a terrible time. There are enough sad family times anyway but to have things and diseases make it worse it's really hard.

    Since I'm going out tomorrow I think I'll have my DD trim my hair a little, it's getting shabby looking. I just turned around and saw my Katie-Kat laying on our pillow, she must be tired tonite.

  • slickchickie17
    slickchickie17 Member Posts: 78

    Jazzy, that is a tough situation in your family! I'm sorry you had to go through such a hard time. Thank you for all of your advice. I think I will be better off once I understand that things are never going to change in my family. They seem to think that this cancer dx should just roll off me, like water rolls off a duck. I feel like I'm back in high school these days...always wishing things were different, but having no power to effect any change.

    Camillegal, don't you make fun of my ugly shirts! LOL at least they were cheap! Does your kitty sleep on your pillow? Capone starts driving me nuts around 9pm every night bc he is ready for bed. He is definitely not a night owl!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Sick yes she sloops with out heads touching or she'll ciddle in my arms sometimes. I love it.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Good morning hermits. Sending a little love your way!

  • lizlori
    lizlori Member Posts: 146


    Slick, something tells me you are a very creative and imaginative have a pumkin friend whos name was Anthony, love it.  I bet you appreciated the movie Cast Away, and Wilson,Tom Hanks ball friend.

    Skittle, I was given a  three week old ferral cat from my daughter for Mothers Day. I syringe fed it, but it kept fighting me plus had diarrhea. I really felt like the little guy was going to die and suffer so I made some calls and talked to a vet tech. She advised me to put it down, because they are untrainable. Anyway I took it to the humane society, however they said they would not put it down, and would feed him/work with him and adopt him out. THey did some tests and said he did not have any diseases.  I don't know, it was frustrating, cuz I was all set to feed him round the clock, but he just was a wreck, and would not calm down until he was in the  Kennel.... One time I fed a little of baby bunnies, and they all thrived!  No such luck this time.  

    Had a tear fest again last night.....all I can say is, it is REALLY good that I will be seeing a therapist next week. I am already taking an antidepresant...Effexor. Do any of you guys take it?  It was helping with the crying, but now not so much. I just have to figure things out here and how to deal with issues with my DH. Today is going well, I mowed the lawn which takes a long time, and maybe I will make some cookies, its now raining so seems like a good day to bake.   Have a good day everyone...Lori

  • slickchickie17
    slickchickie17 Member Posts: 78

    Jazzy, looove the kitties!!! How adorable! I hope everyone is having a good day!