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The Hermit Club



  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    LOL Ducky! They aren't that expensive, it is doable. :)

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    you kidding I already Googled

  • Skittle
    Skittle Member Posts: 395

    Ok, there's going to be a run on salt lamps!! Mood swings? Blue? You got me! (I agree with Teka. I want the old faces back. There was a little blushing one that would fit perfectly. I don't like admitting my moodiness... Used to be reliable and easy-going and fun... now not so much. Drug induced gloominess!) Seriously, I may have to see if Amazon has 'em. Thank you for heading me in the right direction.

    Sally, Camille, thank you for the sweet well wishes. I should not complain so much.

    Ducky... sorry to hear you're a partner in pain. Isn't this a roller coaster? (Hi, I'm a veteran of bc... My feet hurt! sounds pretty silly 'til you've been there...)

    Jazzy... DH and I were at Whole Foods today, and when I saw the masseuse I thought of you. DH loves massage... I head the other way. (Saw a necklace of all things, felt a little in love with it, but managed to walk away. Didn't need it, of course, and think I'll give what I would've spent to the Red Cross for the Philippine disaster aid. I know we should all try to do something, but I don't know what... but I still have that lingering gee-it-was-pretty in my head.)

    Good wishes to Markat, Laurie, Lori, Lily, FLwarrior, bgirl and all... Can you believe Thanksgiving is nearly upon us? Christmas carols are on the radio already!!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646 are so right....that is why here is so comforting.....outsiders (family included) do not understand, and do not want to hear another complaint from your you suck it up, and in holding it in it becomes depressing, thus we come here where no one judges, and everyone listens.......and your right..............anyone who has not walked in our shoes has no friggin idea, and eventually I really think they become distant and avoid us......

    Oh well shit does happen... Just another story in the life of.............anyone of us.......hugs, and thanks for being a shoulder when we all need one.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hi everyone---U are right about everything LOL so complain all u want we all get it here. I call it all aftershock and just stays. BTW those lamps are very affordable, I don't have one but I see them in my mags a lot, They are even soothing to look at actually.

    I thought I'd pop in since I haven't been on as much lately since I'm a business woman now---hahahahahahaha----we'll see. I know monkey business is about all I can do. OK something stupid-------

    I always have the TV on for yrs, it goes on as soon as I walk into a room until I leave, 24 hrs most of the time and I tape programs a lot could do it in my sleep, literally, my GS has my bad habit--I wonder why_ and he sleeps with the remote in his hand, my point is I know a remote and know how to use it for my purposes, well I went to tape a program and I couldn't remember how to do it--for about 30 seconds to a minute I stared at the remote and I really couldn't figure it out--then it came back but it scared me--Oh I forget a lot and have brain fog a lot and I'm not sure if I said or saw something before, my sister and I do it all the time--but this was something I always know and my brain really froze and I thought this damn BC because ever since chemo my brain has fogged and just does not go away--I make fun of it but for some reason I froze myself. Then I try to rationalize everything like well I just started this job, haven't worked in yrs. learning all this new stuff (for me) different programs on computer--and I have never been on the internet til just a couple of years ago so computers are not really my thing and yet my computer got a virus and I fixed it myself somehow which I was amazed--so my brain seems to vary more than ever and altho it's not serious and doesn't hurt that was the first time I froze literally. OK I got that out cuz it sounds silly. Whew I feel better. hahahaSinging

    Teka I thought Snooze that was sleeping OMG.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    jazzy girl, one if my cats looks very similar. A white Siamese, (flame point), was abused when we rescued her.

    I finally got of the house and attended a non-health-care-related event. Went a baby shower, then spending the night at my parents nearby.. Maybe there's some hope for me yet.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    Cammie my tv goes on also, just to have something in the room...although in the car I tend to turn off the radio....

    congrats on the anniversary!!

    Jazzy you are such an inspiration to alot of the people that come on here with your kind excited you are doing something nice for yourself....

    To all others {{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

    Happy Sunday!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Hi hermits- I am in the throes of wrapping Xmas presents to ship later today and also putting a whole big pile together to take to consignment in a few weeks. Made an apt yesterday with the store, and getting some things out of the house (and I hope she will take most of it too!) I need to get the gifts in the mail now as my big system go live is coming up in early December, and I just won't have time much longer to do the holiday prep things. I also have a crock pot of turkey noodle soup with the turkey I made last Sunday.

    I went to lunch with a friend/supporter yesterday and we visited about a number of things. Judy has been a good friend and supporter to me during my medical issues the past year and through the years in general. But I think I was reminded once again that now that I am through treatment, folks sort of think I am done with the whole thing.

    I had two major things happen last year with my health, one which was the more acute at the time (appendicitis), but of course I am through that and recovered now. And of course, the bc. She made a comment that the appendix was the much more serious of the two (and based on the way things played out, yes, it could have been the end for me). Although that was true then, the acute appendicitis is over and now it is the bc follow ups and AIs that are what I continue to deal with in the present and in the future.

    I was not upset about the conversation (which has been the case in the past), but tried to just help her understand where things are today with me. I think it may have helped to bridge a gap in her understanding my current process, and think I just need to remember I need tell folks life is just not the same for me. I realize I cannot expect people to get it who have not been through it. I think I am learning some new skills for how to talk to folks about this whole journey (although I will admit I don't like explaining myself in general). I still have a very small community who know about this, so it is not something I have to do all the time. We had a very nice lunch together in the end.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Wow Jazz.....true tough once treatment ends...........everyone thinks ...ok, it over, let's move on......of course we have to move on, but for us it is not that easy........whether it is the missing breast, the implant, the lumpectomy and SNB scars, or what about LE for those who get it........and also the SE's for estrogen positive cancers from the AL's, or still some burning even after rads are done, and the fatigue finally sets in......

    No it is not over even when treatment is done....not by far....not for us .and that is what most don't get, so we just put on that "Smiley" face and say "oh well".........I can't expect them to understand could they, they have not walked in my shoes.......cancer is cancer.........and only we know what it does to your life......and for is what it is..

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Teka and Ducky- thanks for your words of wisdom. I had to say Teka's one liners are very good, but the one about "still above the sod" cracked me up! Good way to keep things lite.....

    Soup is done and cooling. Packages ready to go and now washing and vacuuming my cars. Where did the burst of energy come from? I don't know, but I will take it!

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Jazzygirl, I wish I could get that burst of energy! I have been feeling very lethargic for the past couple of weeks. I don't want to do anything.... I need to work, but I just can't seem to get to it. I don't know if this is depression rearing its ugly head again, or the general numbness from all that I have been through these past few months. I sure hopes it passes soon, I am going to miss any Christmas business on eBay that might come my way......

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Gramma B- You did not have surgery all that long ago (8/13). Plus, you had the major surgery too, bmx. It may just be residual fatigue from your surgery/treatment. I had that off and on for months, sometimes still do have periods of very low energy post treatment. I can last up to a year or longer. If you are taking any of the aromatase inhibitors, they wear you out too.

    And emotionally, it sort does sort of hit you after the fact when you are through treatment, exactly what all went on. No time to think about it when you are diagnosed, dragged through all those tests, and then sent straight into surgery/treatment. Maybe your MO can help evaluate your fatigue? There may be something he/she can do to help you if this persists. I can tell you are looking forward to a little shopping for the holidays, you need some energy for that.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Sorry I could not resist this one, seems very appropriate for us hermits.


  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Thanks Jazzy, no, no AI's here. I dodged the whole chemo, rads, & hormone part of this journey. I have probably been way over doing all along and maybe it is all catching up with me now. I see my MO the 26th of this month so will talk to him about it. Thanks for suggesting that, I probably wouldn't have thought to bring it up with him.


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Love it Jazzy!

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Good one Jazzy!! We must have been posting at the same time!

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748

    i am very very irritated beyond patience, men NEVER learn and i am worried about having had rads as everywhere i see it causes lung cancer and my breathing not been the same since then.....

    Winter how r u ?

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748

    hi teka and thanks........its not a normal feeling lung ........

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Teka you are right.....I had a cough with what seemed like breathing difficulty........had a Rads too.....however medicine I was on including an AI which can cause a cough, which the cough can cause breathing problems.......finally went yo a Pulmonary specialist! they did 2 breathing tests....first was fine, but he wanted to check further with I think it was called..."Methocholine".........failed that test miserably.....guess what......

    Asthma.....nothing to do with Rads, medicine, etc.......although my RO did tell me the very lower left side of my right lung could get hit with the beam, but would cause no damage........the asthma just happened....the pulmonary spec. said Rads had nothing to do with it, and probably had it before the cancer......

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hi guys I've been busy.

    Jazzy funny one.

    Gramma Jazzy is right it takes so long for our bodies to recover and we don't realize it. I think every 24 hrs u'r body does amazing at first --then after a while as u feel better--u hit a plateau and u seem to go backwards (my theory only) for a while but with any big surgery u can loose many nutrients in u'r body over time and vitamins so u should talk to u'r onc. So this way u have a complete blood panel and they can make sure.

    Ducky I like that, it turns into a career, cuz it does, and doesn't leave a lot of time for other things LOL

    Teka ThumbsUp above the sod.Happy

    Even tho this job is not CEO worthy It knocks me out???

    And I really think if it wasn't for my GS I'd feel worse--he snuggles every nite with me and we talk and laugh and tell each other how much we love each other and it makes me warm and fuzzy inside then when he goes to bed my Katie-Kat comes and goes to sleep with me which I also love, I know I'd feel worse if I didn't Have that everyday now that I'm used to it.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Lily I don't actually see that rads causes lung cancer, but again my theory, it could cause lung damage I mean after all it's all pointing near our lungs somewhere I can stil feel one area where it went in the front and where I went out the back and It still hurts not every day but every so often it's like a little pen knife that someone is sticking it in and another one out my back crossways and it's right where a tat was so I think it can go on for a long time, think of all the rad. we had with so many tests too. I know this has been said so often but when I'm in a room and the lights go off, I feel like the nite light. So again no one gets this at all unless they've lived it And feel what we feel, physically and emotionally with new things poppon up all the time.

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748

    thanks for all replies, yes had x ray all ok but i can feel the dufference when i breathe from one side to the other

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748

    this is post number 1452, how sad and needy do i feel oh my

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Hi Lilly- when my treatment was being discussed, I researched some things about radiation and the lungs. I have had a life long issue with asthma, which is not bad and much better living in the desert. But I had read several posts about women who had compromised breathing issues after beam radiation. I talked to the oncologists about radiation and the lungs and they said your chest wall does get exposure, which means the heart and the lungs. I never heard anything about lung cancer as a result of radiation treatment (although we know too much rad exposure is not a good thing). I ended up doing a targeted internal rad therapy which is a less common treatment, and only for very early bc and without node involvement. I remember having some chest congestion during my treatments, but have never had any breathing issues since.

    You might talk to your MO to rule out anything that could be related to the bc or related treatment, or your PCP can evaluate you for other breathing issues. I find now that anything that hurts or feels wrong, I wonder, is this a result of my treatment, or has my cancer spread, or is it a SE of the AIs? My mind automatically goes to the bc place. Do you have any doctors visits coming up for them to listen to your lungs and/or take some films?

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816

    Hi all. I was in the hospital for 3 days, so I am behind on reading posts. I thought I had been drinking plenty of fluids after my surgery last Wednesday, but I got dehydrated which caused pulse problems. I have been thinking of you all and hope to get caught up soon.

  • CCFW
    CCFW Member Posts: 570


  • CCFW
    CCFW Member Posts: 570

    Photo of me and my "onco-shrink" (cancer counselor) from the Stillwaters Harvest Ball:

    I could not have made it through this year without her.

    She's the one with the breasts; I am the "Flat and Fabulous"



  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    CC nice picture

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    CC u'r so pretty and the breast lady is too.

    Sally when u have surgery that dehydrates u to begin with in a way and it's funny but u'd never think u could feel that goofy and have the problems that u have  from being dehydrated..

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    cc, you are beautiful!