The Hermit Club



  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Jazzy fatigue is a huge side effect- and I never had rads. My mom had surgery and rads and would come home from work and almost go immediately to bed. I don't know if my fatigue was from the herceptin or anesthesia. I finally asked my MO for ritalin and I feel soooo much better. She was really surprised by the effect it had on me because I was on the lowest dose. She had me evaluated by the psych in the practice and I've been diagnosed with adult ADHD. They upped my dose a bit and it's like night and day. I've been on antidepressants my whole adult life and we think that it may have actually been the ADHD causing some of my issues. So that's a bright side of cancer, lol! Sorry for the novel:)

    Yay TEKA!!! Happy day to you!

    Skittle, sorry about the funeral. Your student is so sweet. Kids can bring the best joy!

    Camille, hope the D goes away quick this time. Hugs!

    Curveball, we have 1 broken tub. You can only fill it so high before it floods my kitchen. It was on my list of things to fix before the cancer. I miss it. I've never been a tub person but there are some times when I wish I had one. Sometimes a soak in certain "areas" would be helpful, lol.

    FL, glad you had some better days this week. Hopefully it continues!

    Shambles, hope the day has been good for you.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Matkat I'm so glad u'r feeling better---this is great news that they found something else wrong with u that they can treat---Tha sounded not good but u know what I mean. When there's a reason for something mentally u feel better, U'r whole world is brightening up Markat and it's time. Good.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Markat- I never know what my fatigue is from. I had a big surgery in early October that had me down for quite awhile, then the bc surgery in mid Nov, then to my first rads treatment in early Jan. Everything has been about six weeks apart which gives me enough to get a bit recovered, but then I get pulled down again. Life feels like the hammer, and I feel like the nail over and over again. I know that is not uncommon with this process. I have just had two major medical issues come up at the same time last fall, and that made all this a lot harder. But I am hanging in there and getting through this one day at a time!

    Got better energy as the day went on and out for a walk. Going for a bath next (thanks for the curveball conversations) and to bed early. Tomorrow is another new day!

    Sleep well fellow hermits!

  • Skittle
    Skittle Member Posts: 395

    I'm standing in line with FL, for the Flintstone chewables...  (I'll share.) 

    Cast my vote for tubs.  I love a long, hot bath.  Showers, for me, are for getting off sand or after a good dig in the garden... but for ouches, I'd rather be the tea bag and just soak...  (Dd2 is a shower person.  She steams away her woes and emerges with a gentle wave of lavendar.)  But, curve, I love your spunk in commiting to what you want.  Don't worry about resale.  Do what feels right for you!

    FL, markat... thanks for gentle kindness.  Funeral was for mom of a dear friend.  Passing of an era.

    Does anyone remember bomb drills?  In school, when the atomic scare was on, and we had to hide under desks? (or was that just 'cause our dads were military?)  Well, now we have to plan for lockdown drills... teach the children how to hide and be silent if there's a shooter in the building.  What's the planet coming to?  I'm going to work in my classroom tomorrow to push bookcases out, to create hiding spaces...  

    May Sunday be good to you.

    Camille... feeling better, I hope.  DH has his first colonoscopy in a month, and I think of all you've been through, and wish he could put it in perspective.  Selfishly, I think women are far tougher than men sometimes.

    Jazzy... Hope your energy returns.  I sometimes collapse as soon as I get home, and am useless for a bit.  But look at all that yoga!  I don't know what half of that is.  I think I'd strike a pose, and topple like a bowling ball balanced on a chopstick... thunk.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Thanks Camille!

    Skittle, the bomb drills were before my time, but that's the first thing I thought of when they started them at the girls' school. I remembered my mom telling me how they used to run across a parking lot to an old rickety shed and hide- until someones dad pointed out that it was a horrible bomb shelter and they'd be better off in the actual building. Lol! She laughed about it. My generation just had tornado and fire drills. The glorious 80's and 90's :) I read that one highschool is actually using simulated gun shots for the drills. People are seriously losing their minds. Ugh.

    I went to a baby shower tonight. It was fun- kind of. :) Then came home and ate a bunch of junk and watched movies with dh and the girls.

  • shambles
    shambles Member Posts: 33

    Hey everyone, quick post just to say I'm feeling much better. My meds have been tweaked a little and tho there's no real effect yet, know its coming. May even go shopping today! Yay! Love to all xx

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Shambles so glad u'r starting to feel better--it will even get better Great.

    Markat I'm glad u went to the shower and enjoyed just being home with u'r family--Good Sign.'

    Jazzy u'r body has been thru loads of stuff it does take alot out of u U will heal but it takes time.

    Oh and the shcool thing--whoa I remember under the desk, but it wasn't scary cuz nothing had ever hppened anywhere so it was just another drill. But they did use a strter pistol to hear and their drill began. But these kids have heard all the stories about school so it has to be scary to them and to think it is a possibility.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Teka why do u make me laugh all the time. u' and markat are hysterical. Oh no one else feel bad, I'm not funny  at all.

  • Skittle
    Skittle Member Posts: 395

    markat--what's the going trend at baby showers now?  Once it was diaper cakes...  I need to plan ahead since one of our teachers will have a first baby in July.

    shambles--so happy to hear you've had a more decent time.  Hoping you'll be able to feel better and better.  Happy shopping!

    teka--is that the place with peanut shells?  There are a couple out here.  Happy leftovers. 

    jazzy--hope you feel more energized.  Good sleep?

    and camille--you do bring smiles!  Love your recent picture posts.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Hi fellow hermits- happy Superbowl sunday. Go Ravens, Baltimore has some things to celebrate this evening.

    Skittle- yes, I remember the bomb drills from the 60s when I was in elementary school. How aweful that you have to teach children to hide now with the whole shooting thing. No teacher or student should ever have to worry about this.  And I hope your DH does okay with his colonscopy. By far, one of the easiest things I have ever done.

    Teka- the ribs sound divine!

    Shambles-glad you are doing better, feeling better. Hope you were able to get out to shop!

    Markat- glad you enjoyed your baby shower.

    Cami- you are funny, you just don't realize it!

    My energy was good today. I was able to do a number of things today, including a short yoga practice. Went for a walk down by the river near where I live and was birdwatching for awhile. I decided I need to move my body more and commune with nature more too. And yes, better sleep this weekend too. 

    Wishing you all a good week with your work, medical care, and all the other things you fine ladies do! Will be checking in again soon, I promise!

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Skittle, this was a co-ed baby shower, so a little different. My DH had to stay home and watch the kids. He was really happy about that :) He doesn't get the new trend in couple showers. I don't blame him!

    I've got a case of the Mondays! Hope everyone had a great day! Hugs!

  • FLwarrior
    FLwarrior Member Posts: 614

    Markat, I have heard of co-ed wedding showers, but not baby showers...interesting.  Was it fun?

    Jazzy, How 'bout those Ravens!  They really ruled the first half!  During the crazy blackout, I fell asleep.  I woke up just in time to see the last 2 minutes.  When I fell asleep the Ravens were up by 20+ points and when I woke up there was only a 3 point difference...I missed a lot! The parts I saw were good.  I was disappointed in the commercials.  The only one I saw that I liked was the Senior Citizen Taco Bell commercial.  I thought it was hilarious!!!  Did anyone else see it?  I have heard about several that I did not see...must have been during my nap time...hehehe

    Work was ok today.  I made my first bonus. The company is growing really fast. (I'm scared it growing too fast...) They ask me again about taking a promotion and becoming a team leader/supervisor.  Before b/c I would have jumped on it, but now I really don't want the stress or responsibility.  I told them no for now. 

    Shambles, good to hear you are feeling better. 

    Tomorrow is my birthday.  They do not know at work and my family is all out of state, so it should be uneventful.  It feels kinda sad because birthdays were always a BIG deal in my family and we CELEBRATED. There is really not anyone "here" to celebrate with.  My son was planning to come in town for the weekend, but he couldn't get the time off of work because of SuperBowl weekend. Frown  Last year my birthday was sad but the year before was the worst birthday ever, the week of diagnosis.  I know I am supposed to 'CELEBRATE' my birthday especially being a 'survivor' and all.....but I've lost my happy and can't seem to find it.  Does anyone else feel like this at their birthday?

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Fl, happy birthday tomorrow!! It was okay... the men seemed confused as to what they were supposed to be doing. There was a lot of drinking,lol. It was for our niece who has made a lot of poor choices (who hasn't, right?) and this is her 3rd, with dad number 3. This guy seemed really nice and excited about having his own child, other than her other 2. I hope it works out for all of them...especially her 2nd, who has a really horrible father. Ugh, but she seems to have grown up a lot.

    My last birthday meant nothing to me. Just another day. If we were all in Fl we would go out and party with you!!

  • curveball
    curveball Member Posts: 1,583

    @FLwarrior, my sympathies on your missing "happy". My birthday was last month and I didn't feel much like celebrating either. I had a reaction to my chemotherapy meds and ended up being hospitalized that night with a serious case of pneumonitis.

    So if you get down in the mouth, just remember, it could be worse. Happy birthday, a big ((cyberhug)), and I hope you feel more like celebrating soon!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    FL Warrior- well maybe not happy birthday, but how about a healthy, peaceful day tomorrow on your birthday? I know that is hard too when you have to work and it sounds like it may be a bit of a lonely day tomorrow. I hope you can find something simple you enjoy that will make your day easier. And remember, it is just a day and you can find another day to celebrate when maybe your son can come visit, etc. I am giving you a big birthday hug across the miles. 

    My birthday is next month, on a tuesday also, and expect it won't be a day of celebrating either. Last year I came home from a trip where we had a funeral and buried my mother the week before, so I pretty much just spent my birthday in bed with great sadness. This year I will go through it dealing with cancer treatment, and that brings a different kind of sadness. I figure we will all be working towards for better birthdays soon. Sounds like Curveball had a rough one this year too.

    Wishing you a good day and many years of good health!

  • curveball
    curveball Member Posts: 1,583

    @jazzygirl, too true! They brought me cake and ice cream and I was too wiped out to eat it. Cry But the silver lining in the cloud was that I finished my chemo regimen--my last infusion was scheduled for 2 days before my birthday. I was so sick I skipped it (with onc's prior OK) but I was on oral meds until then. Being done with chemo (I hope forever) is way up in my top ten birthday presents ever.

    Joining you in your wish for FLwarrior to have a birthday that's good in some way or other.

  • shambles
    shambles Member Posts: 33

    Is it tomorrow over there yet? Birthday wishes to flwarrior xx

  • curveball
    curveball Member Posts: 1,583

    @shambles, it will be tomorrow sooner where you are than on this side of the Pond. Hope you are well.

  • shambles
    shambles Member Posts: 33

    Oh thanks curveball,i get confuddled. So its tomorrow here now. Surely that breaks some laws of physics haha. I'm good, hope u are too xx

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435

    Shambles, my SIL in Australia says it is still weird. We are just online in morning as she is getting ready for bed.

    Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday dear FL warrior, Happy Birthday to You!!!!!!  May this year bring you health, joy and peace.

    Last bday, 3 days after my surgery in Dec.  Happy to be here to celebrate it, but becasue we now seem to take it one day at a time, not much different than other days.

    Taking SIL for a FU med apt in a city an hour away, so need to leave hermitude. 

  • Jinkala
    Jinkala Member Posts: 133

    I haven't been on the forums here since October. :(

    During my bad chemo weeks, I just didn't want to do anything - including be on the computer and during my good weeks, I was too busy catching up on things I hadn't done during the bad weeks to feel like catching up on the forums plus I just didn't want to think about cancer and chemo when I was too busy trying to feel good.

    I finished my last chemo near the end of November and I'm finally feeling mostly normal again.  I'm still getting Herceptin treatments but those are easy to deal with.  My hair is starting to grow back too - yay!

    Anyways, I'm doing okay - life is slowly returning to a state of 'normal'.

  • Skittle
    Skittle Member Posts: 395

      FLwarrior!!  Happy birthday, to you!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU---OH FL I always forget the words these days---But hope u had a wonderful day somehow. I don't care about birthdays, well I eant to be another year older and happy about it, but I don't need attention brought to it anymore .

    A couple aby shower?? there better be a lot of drinking, I can't imagine men liking that-but if there's real drinking it would make any shower better.

  • PeggySull
    PeggySull Member Posts: 368

    Hi, I've been on the boards since right after my dx October 31 but just happened to see this topic today. I love it.

    I am introverted even when well but the chemo (I'm half thru) has me sequestered on the den couch surrounded by whatever interests me at then moment. I feel like it's some kind of treehouse with a sign that says "do not enter" more often than not.

    I let my husband in and he knows how to read the body language for do not enter.

    Like others, I sometimes worry about losing my few friends thru isolating, but I have to retreat now just to have the energy to cope with chemo and to anticipate surgery and reconstruction.

    I see breast as a bubble that contains us all and where i can cocoon or join others when I'm up to posting but I ALWAYS read what others have written on my favorite topics first thing in the morning--it has replaced reading the newspaper!

    So I'm adding this to my favorite topics!

    Glad we are doing this together at our own pace.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hi Peggy. sorry u'r on these boards but it is a safe place to be---and of course we all understand the "do not disturn sign" on the dorr. U must have a sweet DH to just let u be you for whateer the lenght of this is. It sounds like chemo first then the rest--I did that too. I't all so tiring. My GF called my area my ISLAND" and thst what it was and still is. And if u'r friends are u'r frienda u'r not going to loose anybody. This is a difficult time and we're here so we're better than nothing LOL. But when it time they'll be there for u. Just take care of u'rself now--whateer u need to do for u'r self.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Welcome Jinkala and Peggy- glad you are here with us. Nice group of women in various stages of treatment and a safe place to share what is going on, the good or the bad, or the outright ugly! I hope both of you feel welcome and supported here.

    I like this place as I find its a good place to just be yourself. I love my friends and know they try to help and mean well, but sometimes my whole situation is overwhelming to me and to them. They have their own problems and issues to deal with as well.

    And what I find these best about this thread is being present with what ever is happening vs. people telling you how it is, having to explain too much, etc. I know I have commented to several of you that my energy has been up and down lately and I am working through that (going to bed early helps!) Sometimes people try to tell me I seem depressed when they hear I am tired. Fatigue is a SE of many treatments, and it is hard for people to understand what it is like to live through these treatments and function. I like not having to explain my fatigue to anyone here, you all have been there at one time or another!

    FL Warrior- I hope you had a really good day yesterday no matter what. 

    Talk to you soon, off to work!

  • Jinkala
    Jinkala Member Posts: 133

    I was on this thread pretty early on but I just totally went into semi-hibernation last year and have only recently been putting things back to 'normal' (at least what constitutes normal for me).

    My boyfriend has been really great through all of this.  It kind of helps that he's kind of a loner too so he never bugged me with unwanted attention.  We both have our separate areas in the house (his is in the garage actually) and we spend a lot of time apart even though we're both at home.  I think spending a lot of time apart means that we have more to talk about when we are together though. :)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Jinkala I had to LOL most men love their garages--my SIL has a comfy chair, heater, TV small couch, end table, refridgerator, a piece of carpeting in there besides his work space. Well right now it's too cold but as it gets a little warmer he'll be using it

    So for a lot of couples it works out well. And now u can really use the time for u'r self.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Hi all!, welcome back Jinkala! I wondered how you were.

    Welcome peggy.

    Hope all had a great day. I've been running the social butterflies around. Jazzy, my biggest downfall is staying up too late.

  • shambles
    shambles Member Posts: 33

    Hope ur all having fantastic days/nites. Or at least as fantastic as they can be. Love to all xx