The Hermit Club



  • Skittle
    Skittle Member Posts: 395

    Shambles-do take care and let us know if we can support you in any way at all.

    Sounds like we all need to recharge our hermity batteries.  The week is so wearing, dealing with so many demands.  And it's so hard to turn off thinking so we can get the sleep time in.  Don't know why, but Wednesday night I only slept an hour.  Could not turn off...  Made for a long day.

    Kids shovel snow??  Wow.  It's way more likely to see the principal.  (Our vice p has cleaned bathrooms when a custodian got sick.)  We had a mom come unglued when a staff member asked a child to clean up a cafeteria table, after watching the sweetie smear his potatoes all over...  She demanded an apology to the child in her presence, and demanded that no child ever be told to clean up.  We are to clean up after them. 

    No, I don't know about charter schools.  I do know that with budget cuts we all work longer, harder, and with more kids per class.  We have a huge special ed segment but the rest of us are stretched thinner.  oops.  There's my rant.

    All be well and enjoy your weekend.  Sleep in.  Camille--heal up those bruises.  Shambles--guard that heart.    Hugs to each.

  • shambles
    shambles Member Posts: 33

    Back in a lil bit. I'm in the process of elinminating a sour cherry. Hope all u girls are doing fantabs xx

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Shambles maybe this is a good thing, cuz u might feel to obligated to him and it took the worry off of u. Now that u should load worry on u, but u should concentrate on u and u'r health. Sometimes things are not the right timing for us and u have to take on the responsibility of 2 people when u should just have u'rself. So u can go on alone, u did before so pick up where u were and make a plan for u'rself, don't just do nothing--work things out for u.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Skitles the teacher has to apoligize to the kid for xleaning up--Oh mercy me--I would be awful if I had small kids now.

    And my bruises are healing not as fast as they used to and I have a big thing on my elbow. besides my big ole elbow LOL. I'm fine tho. And of course it's always handy having pain pills

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Glad you have those pills Camille!

    Hope everyone has a nice relaxing weekend. I'm going to visit some friends tomorrow so that will be nice.

    Take care all! Hugs!

  • shambles
    shambles Member Posts: 33

    Split and trying

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Shambles u can do anything u really set u'r mind to do.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Skittle, I totally missed your post. I agree with all of your rant! I don't know how teachers do it, especially nowadays with all the added pressure.

    Has anyone talked to LizLemon? Miss you Liz!

    Teka, hope you have a fabulous weekend with DH! Yours of course, not mine :)

    Bgirl, bookkeeping sounds so boring. Beekeeping sounds fun though!!

  • Skittle
    Skittle Member Posts: 395

    markat... the biggest pressure is get those test scores up!! and this is with kids who refuse to work.  They are there only for the social/flirting/gossip for the most part.  sigh DH and I used to keep bees!  The honey was amazing!  Our three hives were invaded by ants--killed the queens so the hives died out.  We should give it a go again.

    camille--wish you could squish a few of those pills my way through the computer.  (Not really, but sometimes...)  Strongest I'm taking now is ibuprofen, and it's not cutting it.

    shambles--please be kind to yourself.  Allow healing. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh please I'm laughing at u market about husbands, the beekeepers--THEN  skittle chimes in that they were beekeepers Did u guys set this up???? it's so funny.

    Skittle u have guts raising bees--well I guess kids are worse vut it sounds scary to me.

    It made me thin of my dad--He was the greatest but what he said was always so funny and he didn't mean to be funny. OK now this was in Italian so I'm breakin it down in enlish---Instead of raising kids we should have raised pigs, at least u can kill them and eat them--It come out much funnier in Italian believe me. But when u were talking about raising kids and bees it hit me.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Doesn't bgirl keep bees. Or is my chemo brain twitching again ;)

    Did I ever tell you guys about watching disgusting Anne Hathaway jump infront of the mic when Les Mis won at the Golden Globes? It was so sickeningly cute and stupid... not sure what made me think about that...

    Camille, I've done six loads of laundry tonight! I've been muttering about the same saying as your Dad's, lol.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Markat I don't remember about the bee keeping but u'r cracking me up again. u'r so funny---6 loads OMG are u crazy--Oh I was 2 loads a week and it's a big effort cuz I always want to take a nap   when they are in the dryer--everyrime.

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435

    The bees can be great, very meditative at times.  Unfortunately the "business" of beekeeping also requires bookkeeping (or so the government says).  We are only a small commercial operation (husband has another job) about maybe a hundred. (3 sounds like a nice hobby)  Also different than it used to be with new diseases, pesticides, GMO crops, etc.  If the bees are dying it should be a warning to the rest of us in the food chain.

  • Skittle
    Skittle Member Posts: 395

    bgirl--I had no idea!  (markat--great remembering!)  Do you and your dh specialize in clover/orange/? or are they "free range"?  I can't imagine the rules and regs... all sorts of considerations I had never dreamed of.  And I agree.  Bees all over are dying off and almost no one adds 2 and 2.  Yes, ours were just hobby, fun, honey.  It was great to watch our dds spin the honey out of the combs with the centrifuge thing (don't know its name)...  Again, makes me want to start up the hives again.  mmm

    markat--6?  Methinks I would buy a very sturdy little step stool, create a 1-2-3 chart, and teach daughters how to do laundry.  Save your energy and harness theirs!  (as Camille suggests, we can't eat 'em, but we sure can recruit/draft them to help out.)

    camille--Italian!  What rich stories and family recipes you must have!  My grandfather was Brazilian, but divorced my gm so I never even met him.  I regret losing that part of the family tree.  Would've loved to hear all the back-in-the-day tales.

    Happy, peaceful weekend.  

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    marat what a mwmory about bgirl and the bees--I don't rememver at all--wow what are the chances of 2 people in a relatively small geoup do bee things. Amazing. U 2have so much to talk about wow I never in my whole life knew anyone who housed bees, now I know 2.

    Skittle I was so blessed with wonderful parents and my dad always had stories from his childhood in Italy they were wonderful. When he was little like 4-5 yrs old they lived in a beautiful village that was surrounded by poppy fields and he said the women would ther all the poppy seed and make tea with them and if u ot a litle sick they would give it to the kids  too, even a stomach ache, and their village everyone got along and the kids were so happy all he time---My sister and I told him u know what poppy seeds from the flowers are? And he said we weren't stupid everyone knew but everyone was happy so who cared.  That's a very small story from him and he lived to be 96 so there were loads of stories and sometimes he'd tell us some private thing and my mom would have a fit and he'd say theyir older now thecan listen.

    My dad was completely blind for the last 10 yrs of his life, and he was still so funny, never complained and even my SIL will remember stories and still repeats them he was so fuunny and my mom was a total character--Not quite typical superstious Italians much more modern for those days. My Mom ruled the roost and he adored her. I really miss them   oops sorry I'm rambling

  • shambles
    shambles Member Posts: 33

    Good evening/afternoon\morningeverybubbles. Well iv spent the entire day in er and got nowhere faster than roadrunner on reverse so thought to myself *botox to it. Iv lost faith in everything but myself. I'm still here, u guys are still here and as far as i can see, the moons still here so wtf, life will go on. Thankyou to anyone who took the time to reply to me and i sincerely hope u are all doing good. Hugs and love to everyone xx

  • shambles
    shambles Member Posts: 33

    I'd just like to share a lil ditty with u all if you don't mind? .. I woke up one day and got on the net, thinking `well maybe this isn't so wet`, my very first site was this site, and I looked for a while, yes, it gave me a fright! But i logged in and posted and the very first time, I got a reply and I reached for the wine. Cos i didn't expect such amazing support, and felt the need to toast, as ppl world over understand you the most.. Thankyou each and all

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Please let us know what's going on.

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435

    Cami, nice to have the memories.

    Shambles - we're here if you want to vent  The last year or so has felt like a bit of a 12 step program - one day at a time.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993

    Saturday evening greeting, fellow hermits- had a nice brunch with my friend who helped me through my two surgeries last fall. A new place with healthy food. We sat by the fire and talked about lots of things (and little about my health). Sometimes I like to give myself some space on the weekend to not think or talk aboutit as  much.

    Shambles- sounds like things are hard your way and be sure to take care of yourself in all the ways you need to. This community is a nice place to reach out when life feels overwhelming and lonely.

    Cami- I hope you are doing okay from your fall, bruises and soreness. And I miss my parents too, I had a vivid dream about them last week. Just lost my mom last March so that is all very new too.

    Markat- you go girl with all that laundry! I have some to catch up on too.

    Bgirl- I agree about the bees disappearing, as are many things. 

    And where is LizLemon and FL Warrior this weekend?

    Love and peace to you all.  I hope your weekend is going well.

  • Skittle
    Skittle Member Posts: 395

    Camille--thank you for taking the time to share your story.  What lovely memories--and so funny!  Wishing I had some poppy tea!  Cool  Please, if you can, write down your stories or record them on video or audio.  Your gs will treasure them forever.  What a great family history to keep alive! 

    Shambles--sweet clever poet, you have found a nest here if you need or want it.  The ladies here greeted me warmly when I was new and scared and completely unsure of sharing...  I deeply do have hermit blood.  Leave-me-alone is my inner self song too often, and then sometimes, I realize it's a please-don't-hurt-me song.  I had a bitter battle for a childhood, and have had trust issues since...  I tend to hide if I can...  Not a party person.  Sorry if that's way too confessional, but I want you to know you will be cared for here, warmed and cuddled and led to laughter.  It's a good place.  with good people. 

    Hope everyone is warm and comfortable.  Please pass the poppy tea.

  • shambles
    shambles Member Posts: 33

    Thankyou all xx gotta go xx

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Skittle my sister and I recorded my dad for about 6 yrs of his stories and he never knew it so he just talk reular. We even submitted a video of my dad drinking a wine but they rejected it---We were laughin so hard cuz with ever "take" he took a big sulu of wine--we told him not to, but he did so each time the wods were hysterical till finally he said what the hell am I drinking? on tape all u could hear was us laughing and he was drssed so cute and that was when he was blind so we had to help him where to look and the more he drank he was angling his head all over the place.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Camille love the stories!

    Those GMOs are scary. I was really surprised when the people of California voted down the labeling of foods that are GMO. I'm sure there are good reasons beyond my comprehension.

    Shambles take care of yourself. Do you have any family near you that could help? If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? I'm sure there are some ladies on these forums in the UK that might be able to help point you in the direction of support services. There are many sub groups on here, you just have to look around the topics. Of course we are here for you too, but I hate to hear that you are going through so much pain. We've all been through so much.

    Skittle, I like your laundry idea!

    Jazzy, glad you had a nice day!

    I met with my friends today and it was nice! DH has been grumpy because he can't play golf- happens every winter lol. Cleaned out some cabinets tonight and watched a couple movies.

    Hugs to all!

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435

    One of the lastest brilliant ideas for GMO is to put a form of pesticide into the seed.  Could even call it "certified organic" by some standards because they don't spray anything on the crops.  However, the pollen kills some insects ... mmm... what a great idea .... Sorry this could easily turn into a rant !!!

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Rant away bgirl! I remember grocery shopping with my dad, it was probably 1985ish. He picked up some kind of hybrid fruit and shook his head and said, "this isn't normal, they're going to ruin our food." He had a huge garden and almost all of our veggies came from it. It's really weird to think that a huge food company is also the creator of Roundup! Ugh...sorry.

  • FLwarrior
    FLwarrior Member Posts: 614

    Oh, gosh bgirl…is there room on the soap box for me?  I’ll rant right along with you on that one!!! 

    Market the whole GMO thing is VERY SCARY!  I believe that it is one of the reasons we are all “here” on bco. No labeling being mandated is crazy…suppose it has to do with somebody’s “big brother” with “deep pockets”  it sure isn’t in the people’s best interest.

    Camille, how funny and what great memories you have of your dad and his stories!  My Granny (my most favorite person ever!) had the most wonderful stories.  I was very, very close to her and very lucky to get to spend so much time with her. She was the kindest most wonderful person! I have the most wonderful memories of her but oh how I miss her!  My cousin recorded an (interview) he did with her asking her all sorts of questions about her life.  It is very interesting and she had great fun doing it. He shared and we all got copies of it.

    Jazzy, I also shared the afternoon with a good friend who supported me all through the dx and tx.  I went and picked her up and we went to a really fabulous place called William Dean Chocolates. We had fancy Coffee and the most scrumptious Caramel Chocolate Tarts…yyyuuummm really, really good!  A BIG splurge as I usually eat very healthy and try and stay away form caffeine and sugar.  We did walk down to a health food store afterwards where I got a few “good for me” things.   Glad you had a nice day and enjoyed your special friend too.

    Skittle, you mean I was supposed to be at school for reasons other than…social/flirting/gossip for the most part? Foot in Mouth  I went to a different school every year from 5th grade on. As a result I was not a good student.  I never really made good connections/friends because I would end up at a different school the next year…it was horrible.  I never felt like I “belonged” anywhere. I lost interest in doing well in school, so the only thing left was the social/flirting/gossip/trying to fit in.  I guess that some of my reasons for my adult hermitude all relate back to that. When I had my son I vowed that wouldn’t happen to him.  I bought my house when he started kindergarten and we didn’t move until he graduated from high school.

    Bgirl and skittle, you girls are adventurous with the bees!!!  I take the easy route and buy mine at the health food store, but I do buy the local one from my county.

    Shambles, spending the day in the ER does not sound like too much fun.  I hope you are ok.

    Hi and *waves* to everyone! I hope all hermits are having a good weekend!

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435

    Yes one of the biggest seed producers/insectiside people ... will call the big M as they have a habit of suing people ... is the devil in disguise I think.

    Lucky we have friends who run an organic beef operation (closed herd ... raise there own feed so nothing brought on to property).  We keep about a dozen hives of bees there and also they have been kind enough in last 2 years to allow us to grow a garden there, organically of course.   Also potatoes.  Work, but most of the time I enjoy it and my hubby loves playing farm.  This is how I grew up so second nature to me.   Keep a small container gardens in my city back yard for salad stuff in the summer.  So I bought a second freezer and have beans, corn, peas, etc. put away.  Also there is a local farm here that does not say it is organic, but they do nothing to their strawberries and raspberries.   As the guy says, if they grow they grow.  Freeze some of that too.

    Not totally sold on "organic" thing, but do try to understand where my food is coming from.  Think time we start asking more questions.   Why does the US so heavily subsidize corn and soy which are made into highly processed food and do nothing to help those growing healthier choices?  ok ... now I'm sure you are sorry you said to rant on  ... lol

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Every one should rant about this--it's a shame what they are doing to all the food, we don't really know either--I was brought up on our garden food too my dad loved to garden and he did til he went blind--And the was the best fruit and veries I've ever had, what I really liked about it was u didn't have to come in and stop playing when it was lunch time just went to the backyard.

    FL I'm so glad u kept u'r son in the same school--I was always in the same school then all went to HS--it must have really been difficult for u going to a new school every year--Gosh it's hard enough let alone with new people ecery year.

    Jane u really are an outdoors kind of girl--that's great and u'r brave too.

    Sounds Great getting out with a good friend, always is--but a chocolate place --Oh wow I never hear of that name. My grandpa died falling in a big vat of wine and e yelled help, wine, help wine and no one really thought much about it----and as a kid I thought if he would have yelled help chocolate someone might have been more interest. I always thought goofy, I told u.

  • Skittle
    Skittle Member Posts: 395

    Camille--love the stories.  So glad you recorded your dad.  Sounds like such a happy family.  Eeg.  Poor grandpa!

    Markat--cabinets!  You are an industrious one.  Mine need cleaning and then repainting.  Long overdue for an uplift.

    bgirl--seeds.  Good grief.  Science has a way that infiltrates every nook...  amazing.  Love the organic gardening.  Everything tastes so much better.  We loved our tomatoes last summer until the drought killed everything...  (What's the secret to sweet potatoes?  We had great luck when dh was stationed in Mississippi, but here--nothing grows.  Sadly, I have no green thumb.)

    FL--I think part of my hermitiness comes from moving so much and having to make new friends.  I was always the new kid, and with a weird first name was always "what??"  Painfully shy.  Started kindergarten at four.  Our dds went to same school k-12.  Roots for them run deep.  And the chocolates sound mmmm. 

    Happy week to all.  Shambles--hugs to you.  Liz, Teka--happy thoughts.