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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • meljo614
    meljo614 Member Posts: 136

    Peggy, Wow!  I didn't notice how recently you were diagnosed--only four months before me.  You seem like such a pro :-)  This discussion board has been such a Godsend.  So helpful to connect with people who have been there and understand the fears and uncertainty. 

    I'm especially emotional being diagnosed so soon after losing my mom to brain cancer just two years ago at the age of 64.  Everybody keeps telling me how "lucky" I am.  Stage 1, caught early, blah...blah... blah... I get that, but hello!  I still got cancer!  For the rest of my life, I will hold my breath during every mammogram.  I will freak out reading every label looking for the dreaded flax and soy.  I'm terrified drinking the red wine that I love so much and treating sugar like the devil.   Now the Arimidex and potential SE's.  Ugh! 

    People keep calling it a "bump in the road."  Seriously?!?   My life will never be the same.  Sorry, mini-vent Devil.  Didn't mean to go off the rails, just frustrated at where I am in this process.   Trying to figure out how to go forward without fear.  I need to pray on it I guess.  Thanks for listening!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Thank you, JustAverageJane! Really appreciate the kind words. I, too, have Medicare and BlueCare Network Medigap policy. I give thanks every day for it.

    Meljo614, I haven't given up my red wine. After reading Dr Susan Love's Breast Book, I did add folic acid to my pill intake - she says it helps if you're not giving up wine (and I see no reason to). Also haven't given up sugar though I only use it on cereal in the morning. Judging from what others have said on this and other forums, the terror does subside after awhile. For me, I think my BC was triggered by an inordinate amount of stress. Can't prove it but that's what *I* think. I can see why you're so emotional being diagnosed so recently after losing your mom. That's rotten. And no, our lives will never be the same. But we will go through all our treatments, put up with any side effects, face each mammogram even though we're scared shitless, because it's worth it! We want the best quality of life we can possibly have and do everything to insure that we get it.

    So hang on, Meljo, the terror does recede in time. I suspect it never goes away but we learn to keep it in the background. Try to take a deep breath or ten and relax a bit. Try yoga or something else that is calming. Snuggle with the pets, grab a good book. We're with you! HUGS!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540

    Just another plug from someone who did the 5 years without problems. My experience is that I was a little creaky at first (but followed the advice of a friend who was on Arimidex already to 'just keep moving'), I was a little hot flashy (ditched the turtlenecks, heavy sweaters, and bought a fan to put by my desk at work). After about 6 months, my body had adjusted and I was fine; no weight gain, no weird moods, no limitations on activites in any area of my life at all. Actually when you are really busy is a great time to start Arimidex.  I took my first pill 3 days before the start of a very busy school year ( I was teaching in a very demanding special education classroom, and along with everything else, my son was a senior in high school that year), so I did not have time to really even think about it very much.....which was good!

    As you get farther out; if you do keep busy, set goals, do interesting and demanding things.....eventually you think about cancer less and will be surprised one evening you haven't thought it at all that day, and then it will be a week and you will be amazed..... the fear will never go away all together, of course, but it does get better.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Thank you, Ruth. You always bring such wonderful commonsense and positive advice to our forum. YOU are the one I look to when I need help. You've been there, done that. I totally agree about being busy. You certainly had a lot on your plate that first year, it must have been challenging. But you are the role model I try to emulate. HUGS!!

  • meljo614
    meljo614 Member Posts: 136

    Thanks Ruth and Peggy!  I may try Yoga for the calming and centering.  Since my DX, I have been trying to do new things--especially things I never thought I could do.  When I celebrated 25 years with my company, I got to choose a 'gift'.  I chose a set of golf clubs.  My husband was shocked as I've never ever wanted to golf because I was sure I would be terrible at it.  And I may be, but I'm giving it a shot. Thought this might be something we can do together in our retirement years since we both have such different interests and hobbies. 

  • Mary59G
    Mary59G Member Posts: 52

    Another great night of sleep! If this keeps up I will be so ready for my physical therapy coming up next Thursday. I sure hope they can help my arm and shoulder, get pains alot and the doctor said it is from all the nodes taken out....I have no feeling under arm area at all. I'm fine with all that just no more pills!!

    Hope everyone has a great day it sure is beautiful outside finally!


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Meljo614 - way to go! You've got the right attitude. Have fun with the golf!

    Mary59G, You are going to be soooo rested - how wonderful! About the underarm numbness, my BS said that after a year, whatever feeling has returned (or not) is what I'll have forever. I *think* I might be getting a teeny bit of feeling but am not sure - after 8 months. Oh well, that's no biggy. You did have a lot of nodes removed so I'm not surprised that your arm/shoulder are being a pain. All those nerves are probably just having a field day driving you crazy. PT should help. If it is the nerves and you feel brave (gotta be totally healed), try Zostrix on it. It worked when I had surgery on my ureter. But you have to be exceptionally careful using it - no open sores, keep it away from private parts (my boss put it on his hernias and wasn't quite careful enough - he said it was not good at all) and eyes. It DOES work though. Just be careful!

    It is dry here sun doesn't really want to come out but I'll take it! Doggie and I are going for our first walk of spring this afternoon.

    HUGS everyone!

  • Mary59G
    Mary59G Member Posts: 52

    Peggy, yep I was just searching around for a dog training class. This darling little thing doesn't like the collar and i'm sure not the leash, but she better get used to it cause we are walking!! She loves it outside now as long as she is "free".

    Hmmm, I'll wait to try anything new but thanks for the heads up. Hope everything is fine with your husband he and you are in my prayers!

    Talk soon, have a great walk with the doggie!


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Mary, try a harness instead of a collar. Don't know what kind of puppy-poo you have but I know my terriers have done better on harnesses (though never an issue with a collar). Even my kitty happily wears a collar (orange and black for Harley-Davidson - she's a definite biker!). Puppy will come around. She may not be a perfect walker but she'll love walking with you (or you with her!). I quit walking after I fell on the ice. Now it's warm enough (well, sort of) for me and I don't have to look at those eyes at 2:30 saying, Aren't we going for a walk, Mommy? Thanks for the prayers. Hubby doing okay.


  • noonrider
    noonrider Member Posts: 203

    Mary, I'm a trainer. If you're going to try a harness, use one that clips on the chest. The ones that clip on the back encourage the dog to pull. The harnesses that clip on the front, when the dog tries to pull it causes the dog to turn back toward you instead of being able to pull forward.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Noonrider, thanks for the tip. I didn't know that. Patch's harness is very old and it clips on the back. I'll get a new one soon. We old dogs can definitely learn new tricks! HUGS!!

  • new2bc
    new2bc Member Posts: 254

    Hi everyone,

    I switched from generic Arimidex made in India to generic made by Teva based on everyone's suggestion. I notice my sleep is worse using the TEVA brand. I can not go to sleep for a long time and when I get up to go to the bathroom, I can't easily go back to sleep. I can not go to deep sleep. I tried melatonin 3 mg for the past two nights but no difference so far. I take AI in the morning. Anyone has this problem?

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    New2bc, did you have sleep problems on the Indian generic, or any problems? If not, was there a reason you switched? Just curious. I do wonder what would happen if you took your anastrozole at night since it is disturbing your sleep. Maybe it would keep you awake during the day? Just a thought - probably quite worthless Singing HUGS and good luck!!!!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540

    If you were doing fine on the other, I'd switch back to it.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Ruth, that's what I was thinking.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540

    Meljo, when I first tried yoga, I hated it, "When are we going to actually DO something????" but I decided to give it a fair chance and now I love it. Great for the balance, strengthening the core, calming the is really a wonderful addition to any exercise routine (and/or meditation practice).

    Good for you for trying golf.......I tried it many years ago, but the only thing I could hit was the water and sand traps (it didn't even matter if they were BEHIND me, that's where my ball would head Shocked)!

  • new2bc
    new2bc Member Posts: 254

    Ever since I switched from Tamoxifen to Indian arimidex, I noticed my sleep is worse. I continuously had dreams and my sleep was not deep or restful. But After trying the Teva brand, I have trouble going to sleep plus previous problems. I still have 2 weeks worth of Indian Arimidex left for testing. I can switch back and see what happens. Is there anything wrong with the pills made in India as far as effectiveness? Why does everyone like the Teva brand?

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540

    I don't know. I didn't have any problems so never even thought to check where mine came from. The drug portion should be exactly the same no matter where it's from. It's the fillers that can be different/

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    New2BC, the reason many recommend the Teva generic is that the fillers seem to cause fewer reactions. That's the only reason. The main ingredient is the same. Could you be having hot flashes? Even *I* am having extremely mild ones (what a surprise 25 years post-menopause). That could disturb your sleep. Is anything new going on in your life? Exercise? Stress?

    BTW, if you wouldn't mind would you make your profile public so we can see what your diagnosis and treatments have been? Helps when we are trying to answer your questions.


  • farmerjo
    farmerjo Member Posts: 239

    Had my first MO visit today.  Seems she was thinking I would have chemo since my Oncotype is in the "gray" area. I told her BS said no chemo. She said the chemo would give me an additional 3.5% benefit over 10 years. Didn't seem worth it to me. She said hormonal therapy should work well for me. She gave me a script for anastrozole but said wait about a month to start since I'm having healing issues.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Jilly59, boy it's hard with that gray area Oncotype, isn't it? You've decided so don't ever look back! You'll do just fine. Hurry up and heal!! HUGS!!!

  • farmerjo
    farmerjo Member Posts: 239

    Thank you, Peggy - I needed that!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    I think we all need to be reminded to not look back at our decisions. We used the information we had, the input of our docs and decided. Period. Glad it helped! HUGS!!!

  • Mary59G
    Mary59G Member Posts: 52

    New2bc, I take mine at night, just started taking them 2 days ago.........I have actually overslept the last 2 days. Reminds me I better go get them now......

    Noonrider, wow thanks Josie is a little Havanese and only weighs 4.5 lbs. I have only had her 3 weeks but she sure is good company! Ididn't know that about the harness and of course I have the one that snaps on the back also. Guess I better get the other one! Thanks!

    She does like to run and jump and run between my legs so that will need to stop. But other than that she is perfect.

    Peggy yea, she loves it outside so I put the harness on her to go out, but I haven't put a leash on her she stays right by me for now, but I'm sure that will change may try the lease tomorrow......feeling lazy today.

    And yes I cannot look back on the decisions I have made, keep looking forward


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Mary59G, I've never had a dog I would let off leash outside of our fenced yard. I know there are people who have dogs like that. I'm just not one of them. Your little girl sounds adorable. Isn't it wonderful how we can find answers to most anything besides BC here? We have wonderful people and I'm so grateful to them. HUGS!!!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Check out the Comfort Dogs thread!!!!

  • noonrider
    noonrider Member Posts: 203

    If you are going to get something new, I would suggest a gentle leader over a harness. But, go to an obedience class so you can learn how to use it appropriately. Your dog will NOT like it at first, because they have just lost control of the walk. ;-) It takes a few minutes and some positive reinforcement for them to realize the gentle leader isn't a bad thing.

  • Mary59G
    Mary59G Member Posts: 52

    noonrider thanks for the tips we are heading to obedience class next month. Hope everything is going well with you.

    Have a great day! hugs

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    I have always taken my anastrazole at night and I have the same sleep problem. I added a .5 Xanax at bedtime and that helps.  I've been off the anastrazole since Feb 10 and the sleep problem seems no better since the TIME CHANGE.... I had completely stopped the Xanax when I stopped the Arimidex and was sleeping like a baby till we had to "spring forward" for daylight savings time......... I used Teva, but before that it was from Sun in India, and ai noticed to change in sleep issues, but less nausea and aches with the Teva...


  • meljo614
    meljo614 Member Posts: 136

    I'm so sorry some of you are having insomnia issues.  We need our sleep!  It's crazy how different we all react to this drug.  I used to sleep like the dead.  When menopause started very abruptly two years ago for me at the age of 45, I started tossing and turning and laying awake in misery.  Since starting the Anastrozole, I am sleeping like a baby once again.  I do usually wake up in a full-on hot flash sweat in the morning, which is bummer but not the end of the world.  I take mine at night at the suggestion of my MO.  I've only been on it three weeks so maybe things will change, but so far so good.