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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    I have been buying a flax seed flour and using it for my muffins

  • SoLinda
    SoLinda Member Posts: 60

    A couple of years ago, a medical dr. acquaintance of mine told me that she was going through menopause and that she took a tablespoon of flax every day - she put it in a little bit of water in a jar with a lid on it and left it overnight. In the morning, it is in a jelly-like state and she drank that. Apparently, the body can digest that way and it doesn't just pass straight through!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    at one point in my past, some doc told me to take it. I used the oil, had to be kept in fridge. I thought it had a nutty taste, wasn't yucky.

    I have a 15 grain bread I use for toast most mornings. Has flax seeds. It's pretty good!

    And my canaries love the seeds. Would sing their little hearts out.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    From the Mayo site:

    "Most nutrition experts recommend ground over whole flaxseed because the ground form is easier for your body to digest. Whole flaxseed may pass through your intestine undigested, which means you won't get all the benefits."

    From the Livestrong site:


    "It is not necessary to soak flaxseeds either whole or ground before you use them, but soaking does have benefits. Soaking the seeds or meal softens them and creates a gelatinous substance that can be used for thickening drinks or recipes. If you prefer to have a softer seed or less grainy meal, soak the flaxseeds for 10 minutes to 1 hour, depending upon whether they are ground or whole, before using them."

    Isn't Dr. Google grand?


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    sometimes heis, LOL!!

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    I love that Kombucha drink that has the chia seeds in it. Like little tapiocas, lol. Didn't know that flax seeds do that too. There are recipes online to make jam that way, or your own juice. I think flax is yummy sprinkled on a salad

  • Chris13
    Chris13 Member Posts: 112

    Speaking of SEs (and I'm fortunate not to have severe ones)-- I have had plantar fasciitis for more than two months now. I wear a dorky foot stretcher at night, stretch frequently during the day...have my usual anti-inflammatories for the AI too. Anyone else experiencing this as an SE? I wonder if a couple week break from the AI would help. Also, I have the cheapie brand: Accord from India.

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    Chris call around and find a pharmacy with the Teva brand.  I haven't had it since I started my AI but I had planter facitis and it was awful.  I tend to get it wihen I start walking more or stand on a hard surface for a long perod of time, and also when my weight goes up.  I finally invested in SAS brand walking shoes and while they were horribly expensive, they really cushioned my poor feet.  Massage helps, as does rolling your foot across a can to kind of stretch your arch and massage it.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I bought a cute pair of Croc flats. BIG mistake!!Its been about 4 months ago, my foot is just now feeling normal. SE? I don't know. I wear Birkenstocks year round.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540

    Whatever you do, get a couple pairs of good shoes and rotate between them. As soon as your feet/knees/hips feel start to feel 'off', get rid of them....even if they look perfectly fine! Also for added cushion, you can go to Walmart and stand on the Dr Scholl machine, which will tell you what level of extra cushion you would need, if you want to buy an extra insert for your shoe (I do this for any exercise shoe). If you do get plantar fasciitis, wear good, cushioned shoes ALL THE TIME, even in the house until it resolves....which will take awhile (and although it will hurt, it will not make it worse to exercise with plantar fasciitis). 

  • angelia50
    angelia50 Member Posts: 168

    I have also had same foot problems, but it was prior to my breast cancer and I've had knee replacement. I have to wear Ortha Heel shoes or I can really tell it.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    I just donated a ton of shoes that no longer were wearable.  Gave em to the Lupus guys.  I am good with New Balance and also Clarks (but only certain ones)

    it does mean I do not have pretty shoes but can walk in them!  I have arthritis in my feet that I think is worse since the dang meds

  • Fionascottie
    Fionascottie Member Posts: 56

    After reading several posts here about soy and flax seed, I read the articles related to dietary issues right here on I learned a lot, including the current theory that the weak estrogen-like effect that some foods have may actually be beneficial, as they may block the much stronger estrogen made by your body. Soy was not a banned substance! The advice to ask your dr or a registered dietitian what amounts of soy, etc. are right for you was the ending advice.

    So, I wonder if Arimidex wipes out all estrogen, including phytoestrogens. The best approach is very likely everything in moderation and a varied diet!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540

    I think you have hit the nail right on the head, Fiona! Variety and moderation!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I read that Arimidex only blocks 98%.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432

    I'm not sure I understand your post, Fiona, or that I understand much about how arimidex works, but I think the pill only prevents our bodies from manufacturing estrogen, that it has no effect at all on estrogens we eat or smear on our skin. if it is 98% effective, Lago, I'm totally impressed and promise to think way more kindly of it, stiff joints or no stiff joints!

  • farmerjo
    farmerjo Member Posts: 239

    I just finished my first week of anastrozole, generic company Accord. I explained to my MO my extreme drug sensitivity and she recommended I start at a quarter or half dose and work up. I took a quarter all week. 

    I already feel more achy than my norm but what surprises me is I cry at the drop of a hat. I feel very sad about this disease whereas before I had this kick-butt mentality. I've already bitched-out my DH, who has been amazing through all of this crap. I am sad and I am angry. I have been a good person, watched my weight,  exercised, ate wholesome organic foods and WTH?

    Why is it I NEVER see BAD people with cancer?

    I have been awakened with mean hot flashes but I can deal with that. I had them in my thirties, going thru premature menopause, but this amazing drug (lol) called hrt took care of that, and most likely contributed to my cancer. 

    It used to be 1 out of 12 women got bc, now it's 1 out of 8. Wake up America! Something's up! I wonder if those same stats applied to men and prostate cancer if there would be a cure. 

    Sorry about the rant...blame it on the drugs and bc.

  • Megansgrandma
    Megansgrandma Member Posts: 29

    Hello everyone. I have been reading the boards a while and figured I'd jump in... I have been on Anastrozole since Sept. 15,2014. First 3 months I had no SE. Gradually, I started having problems with sleep and joint stiffness. It got worse until last month, then seems better for some reason. My MO did not want to give me anything for sleep..just offered to change to Tamoxofien, which I refused for several reasons. Being allergic to so many drugs [I am asthmatic] I found one thing that helps me sleep, OTC Unisome.

    I was curious as to how many have had there MO do a blood test to check for markers during first year after chemo. [my last chemo was Aug.14]. I just don't understand why they wait for symptoms to pop up. They said "if you have any body pain or swelling we will do a check" the heck can I tell the difference at 61??

    Just feeling frustrated at times and I know you have had to walk this road to totally understand all the mind games that go with it. Thanks for letting me vent. Have a great Sunday ladies.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I'm about 2 1/2 years out from chemo. My MO checks tumor markers every 3 months.

  • Megansgrandma
    Megansgrandma Member Posts: 29

    Spookiesmom, does he do it with a blood test? I wonder why the difference?? Maybe the stage..but I am Grade 3.

    Thanks for info..wish I had more choices in docs..but not possible where I live.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540

    Some oncologists check tumor markers, some don't because they are pretty unreliable indicators (some people's are high but they are fine, some people's are low & they have a recurrence anyway). That being said, my oncologist checked my tumor markers twice a year for the first 5 years, and now once a year. I think, although they are not perfect, they can show trends & for some people can be a 'red flag/check further' thing. If your oncologist does not automatically order them for you, have a discussion with him/her, and if you would like to have it done after the discussion, ask them to order it. They are working for YOU!

  • stage1
    stage1 Member Posts: 285

    Hi, Ruth, I had calcifications and no lump. Would a tumor marker check be of value to me? I was grade 3. BTW, my arthritis pain has subsided with the drunken raisins, I think they help. Thanks so much!

  • Megansgrandma
    Megansgrandma Member Posts: 29

    Thank you Ruth. I will ask him when I see him next.

  • angelia50
    angelia50 Member Posts: 168

    Megansgrand, I have been taking Arimidex since August. I have taken the name brand the last 2 months. I had stiffness with the generic and have had maybe a little less with the name brand. I have to be fair and say, I had stiffness and problems before any of this so I cannot blame it all on the meds About two weeks ago, I started having a lot of pain in my knee but this is a knee I had a partial replacment on in about 2008. I could picture the Arimidex making my bones weak and my screws coming lose or whatever, so I decided to stop taking the Arimidex for a week, as I was already scheduled to see my MO. So, I did stop and can't say it mattered. I also began to wonder if possibly, the pain was caused by me sitting in my reclinier with my laptop on my lap, far too often, and pressing down on my leg. Anyway, on Friday, I saw my doctor and she didn't think the Arimidex was the issue and thought I should possibly check back with my orthopedic surgeon. She said she was not going to say it could never happen but that it would be very rare for cancer to go to a place below elbows or below thigh area, so not likely it would go to my knee. I did ask about blood test and she said no, they really aren't of any good for breast cancer. They used to think so but now, they really didn't feel they showed much so she wouldnt' be doing any.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Ruth, that's interesting about the tumor markers. I believe I have not been checked. I'll have to check with my MO/BS - whomever I see first to see if they think it is worthwhile in my case. I do know that my DIL's colon cancer has tumor markers and they seem to be accurate. As I recall, the one for ovarian cancer is not that reliable. I'm wondering if not all tumors have markers that can be reliably read. I really don't know.

  • Megansgrandma
    Megansgrandma Member Posts: 29

    Angel that seems to be the general idea nowadays. Thanks.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540

    Stage1, ask your doctor. I think it is more a matter of their philosophy, but I could be wrong. Glad the raisins are working for you!!

    Angelia, definitively could be the recliner/laptop connection (probably is actually), always be sure to think of what else might be going on instead of automatically thinking any problems could be Arimidex or (even worse) cancer related. I got plantar fasciitis shortly after starting Arimidex; but I had bought, and was using every day, an exercise step shaped like a wave & so I was doing lots of movements where I was landing on the bottoms of my feet in a different way than normal.....once I figured that out & quit using the step (except occasionally) my feet started to feel better & I never had any more problems with them. So you might have to be a detective!

  • angelia50
    angelia50 Member Posts: 168

    ruthbru, I hope it is the recliner. I do try to think what could be causing something, and I did happen to be one that could bend my leg since surgery but have never been able to totally straighten it out. So, the laptop sitting on my outstretched leg, could be pulling that muscle in the back, and causing the trouble. I sure hope so. Hopeful that no return of cancer and also hopeful of not having to have that knee redone. I hope I never have to have another surgery on anything, ever, again.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Angelia50, would you mind turning on your diagnosis, surgery, chemo (if any), rads, and AI or Tamoxifen statuses to public so we can see them? That is a huge help when we are answering your questions. I must admit that your thought of stretching out that muscle makes sense to me. HUGS!!

  • angelia50
    angelia50 Member Posts: 168

    Peggy, sorry, I didn't even realize that it wasn't showing.