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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Spookie my MO keeps hinting at 10 years for me. Says I'm high risk for recurrence due to tumor size.

    claireinaz Try a different CVS. I had no problem getting Teva from CVS when I was on Anastarozole. At the time I had to go there because it was cheaper and what my insurance preferred.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    He told me at the beginning 10 years

  • claireinaz
    claireinaz Member Posts: 710

    Hi Iago, I live in a small city and this is the only CVS available. I'll just do the Wallgreen's thing when I talk to my MO in June. Thanks tho!

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    I've never had to do it but I know you can transfer prescriptions from pharmacy to pharmacy esp. since we're talking AIs and not about controlled substances or any drugs with street value. And this is say from a Walgreens to a CVS or vice versa or even your local neighborhood drugstore. Walgreens has a walkthru discussion how to transfer to them so it's bound to work the same way in reverse.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    yeah, years ago my pharm closed, it opened again but year later so in the mean time, I do remember going to the new pharm that I chose and they handled all my scripts easily.  Course they had a ton of folks who were in the same boat as me

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    I've lost weight with my anastrazole, but when I went on Femara for 4-5 days, I gained 5 lbs and took 2 -3 weeks to get rid of them....


  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I have transferred prescriptions from Walgreens to CVS etc. I think you just need to call walgreens and give them the number at CVS

  • claireinaz
    claireinaz Member Posts: 710

    I know you can transfer rxs; I'm waiting to talk to my MO in June because I may have to "try" Femara, depending on what happens after our discussion and will need a completely new RX anyway. So transferring isn't necessary just yet.


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    imageFound these at walmart

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    are they worth the visit to find them?  hate to go to Walmart as I buy too much junk that I do not need but never knew existed~~and just had to buy

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    LOL I know that one!

    Yeah, they aren't bad, different

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    There is a Walmart right up the road from my house........went there 1 time and walked right out.........then went to the one down the shore, and thought.....I guess they are all the same............can't handle the people, or the help...........

    So I'm 2 for 2........lousy odds....LOL.....hopefully yours are better.

    They put funny Walmart pictures on FB..........I always thought they were fake, till I went into one........especially the one down the shore..........that one is about 6 miles from my house...........but they have ShopRite that is fantastic in the same area..........

    Its a shame too, cause Walmart has some good prices.....very good in fact....just can't handle the place.........
  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    I'm really lucky here. I have THREE GOOD Walmarts all within 20 minutes of me. The one nearest DH's nursing home has great staff. Many years ago we had one right in Pontiac and it was the epitome of how awful Walmarts can be. Thankfully it closed. My son in San Diego says that his are really terrible and the patrons resemble the FB pix. In fact, I'm about to run over to Walmart before visiting DH. On so many things, you can't beat their prices. Oh, I just bought a $59 microwave there. Yes, it does work :)


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I have a walmart Neighborhood store really close. It's also my pharmacy. It's much smaller, not nearly the amount of "stuff" to get me broke. I'm in a triangle of 3 super stores and I always spend more than I should. Agree on the prices too!

  • AudreyB
    AudreyB Member Posts: 108


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    AudreyB - that's funny! At least Walmart had everything I was looking for today. My local Meijer store sure as heck didn't. On prices, Meijer 50 20mg generic Pepcid tablets were $12; Walmart they were $4! Isn't that called a no-brainer? If my Walgreen's wasn't 2 minutes away, I'd probably transfer my prescriptions to Walmart (any of the 3 are 20 minutes).


  • Kathy044
    Kathy044 Member Posts: 94
    I think these PlumSweets were featured in the Food Porn section of a recent Nutrition Action newsletter.

    I'm a label reader so I did a search just now to see if I could find the list of ingredients in the so called Greek Yogurt coating. Enjoy.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    Kathy, now that you mention, sort of thinking I saw that.  Dang but I am usually proud that I do not eat any of the Food Porn stuff

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Wow ladies.......check out the 25 grams of sugar in 6 pieces...........can anyone stop at 6..........LOL

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540

    Oh yum!!!

  • claireinaz
    claireinaz Member Posts: 710

    I may be a purist but I'd rather eat a real plum and then a carton of Iceland-style Greek yogurt preferably the coconut flavor. Anyway...


  • Lorrilynne
    Lorrilynne Member Posts: 7

    Hello ladies! I've been taking Arimidex since February and all of a sudden this weekend I woke up with severe pain at the base of my thumb. Couldn't grip anything at all! Now tonight my other hand feels swollen and achey.

    Do these types of SEs lessen or go away? I'm a dental hygienist and am VERY concerned as this could affect my career! If I can't grip anything with my one hand, I'm unable to work! Being single and my only source of income, it's scary.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432

    A couple of weeks ago, I found a very sensitive lump at the base of my thumb. Several days later I developed trigger thumb. i ignored it for a while, then tried stretches. Finally, I read all about it this weekend. Apparently, the problem is with the tender and inflamed lump (synovium) way down in the palm. (Is that what you're experiencing, Lorrilynne?) I've been taking Aleve, and plan to purchase a splint when I can get to the drugstore.

    Meanwhile, I'm working in my garden and, over this week and the weekend, will be moving my office into my house. Yikes! I have hundreds of files, and tons of other stuff. Splint or no splint, I think I'm a little concerned.

    I've read on this thread that trigger fingers are not uncommon in takers of Arimidex, and had been planning to bring this issue to the wisdom of the ladies on this board. Also, let me mention that I just finished PT for issues with my hamstring and the opposite Achilles tendon. Now this finger tendon? Anyone else having multiple tendon issues?

  • doxie
    doxie Member Posts: 700

    Lorrilynne and BrooksideVT,

    It's not unusual for trigger finger/thumb to be an SE of AIs. I'm on aromasin (originally on anastrozole) and have been fighting it for 18 months. I got trigger thumb simultaneously in both thumbs within the same week. First just pain at the base with a tender lump forming. Then triggering began a few months later on my right thumb. After 5 months I got a cortisone shot at the base to stop the triggering (frozen in my case) and pain. It worked great for about 9 months, then came back. I had surgery Friday for trigger release. The unveiling is Thursday. The doc indicated it was successful as I awoke and they were wrapping my hand in the OR.

    For some, this goes away after a while. My left thumb has yet to trigger, but it's not my dominant hand. I'd go to an ortho doc ASAP to start treatment. I waited too long the first time and could have caused serious damage to my hand. Hopefully yours will resolve on its own. If not there is effective treatment for it.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646


    Trigger finger was the first SE I got from LETROZOLE, well actually FEMARA which is what I started on, and then switched to letrozole when I hit the donut hole with insurance......Femara BRand, and Letrozole that straight, right......

    So to answer your question yes it is a SE of probably most of the AI's..............mine however began as "trigger finger".......I never got the sore joints or tendons...not then..........however after 4 years................there are times when the pain in my thumb joint hits me like a ton of bricks, can't move my fingers and thumb, but after a bit it goes away.................also.....sometimes I have that "achy" feeling in my hands..........and it is difficult to use them especially picking things is both annoying and frustrating, but it is not the worst SE of the AI's.............there are others that I can't handle........
    However, many women get "NONE".
    I think the hardest of all is the aches, pains, and muscles............I tell my kids...........If I could replace everything from the waist down, I would be a new woman.........even at 80 years old......LOL

    But yes, trigger finger, and sore hands are a times my fingers would bend.......and I would actually have to use the other hand to bring them back into grandkids got a kick out of the way it would "Pop back in place".

    So glad I could amuse them..........I went off the AI after 3 1/2 years.................Letrozole for 3 years 3 months..................then a vacation from it.....felt like a new person.............should have stayed off then................not to give up I tried......Arimidex...............all SE's came back..........3 weeks said...I'm done....................I have been off for almost 1 months..........SE's have not gone away......

    I would suggest bad as it least when I stopped, so did the SE's....

    With the Arimidex no so..........still miserable just hope it ends soon.....I am so sorry I tried it......should have left well enough alone, but thought.......Hey, give Arimidex a might work better........."NOT"..........

    Good luck, not matter what you do..........
  • WaveWhisperer
    WaveWhisperer Member Posts: 557

    Doxie, I hope your surgery was successful. I know you've been suffering a long time.

  • claireinaz
    claireinaz Member Posts: 710

    Trigger fingers, thumbs, and wrists--all side effects and all very painful. For me I feel the hand SE in the a.m.; the wrist catching lasts all day at times. The only thing that helps me is regular bikram yoga because of the heat, humidity and stretching.


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I got a trigger thumb almost immediately after starting the pill. I wasn't going to deal with it, told PCP, who did the shot in office. So far so good, been maybe 2 years.

  • claireinaz
    claireinaz Member Posts: 710

    I forgot to mention I got a cortizone shot in each thumb--as painful as anything I can remember--and it lasted about three months.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Claire........I will never get cortizone again....I got it in my wrist 1 time, and it was the most painf[ul thing I had done......even the surgery was easier...LOL

    I won't go that road as bad as mine was, it wasn't as bad as the feet, legs, back, and hips..............that was brutal..........went away after stopping the letrozole, but not so far with the arimidex......

    I found the Arimidex SEs to be so much worse....and that is a lot to say because the Letrozole was brutal..........

    I never gained any weight with either of them, but my ankles, legs and feet swell awful.......and hurt