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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • rosesrx
    rosesrx Member Posts: 264

    Since I am still having every 3 week Herceptin infusions I see my MO monthly, then every 3 months for 4 more years. He orders the Arimidex and annual cxr. Saw BS at 2,4 and 6 weeks after MX. Switching back to the original BS at 6 months and she will probably put me on 3 month schedule. She ordered the mammograms but will just do exams from here on out. My PCP does lipids and thyroid labs every 6 months and orders the bone density.

  • Rosiesride
    Rosiesride Member Posts: 197

    april25...I am also one month on anastrozole and just the past 2 days have the same symptoms of aches and fatigue as you are red bumps though. I am going to call my MO on Monday...I have had low iron levels previously as well as low vitamin d and both made me super tired...I feellike that you, I hope I can stay on this drug but I am really afraid of osteoporosis...I am going to ask for a baseline bone density too. Good luck and I will let you know what happens! Rosie

  • Jerseygirl927
    Jerseygirl927 Member Posts: 260

    if you look at the amount of Vit K in parsley, you will see that is a great source so And it makes a pretty good soup, have been using this for awhile since I learned of it years ago, Dr Mercola also has quite informative inan extensive library on Vit K 1 And K 2.

  • april25
    april25 Member Posts: 367

    I'm not getting red bumps, just tiny pin-head or smaller clear bumps that just make my skin feel less smooth... And it's not constant, but seems to come and go... Maybe the Claritin will clear it up? I usually don't have skin problems at all... so this is a little weird. Just makes me think something is going on...

    Mostly I'm just getting the stiff hands and sometimes whole body stiffness, and fatigue... Came on several weeks after starting on anastrozole.

    Someone said that some SEs lessen as time goes on? (or is that me wishful-thinking?) Anyway, I'll hope that's true, or that maybe it's due to something else...

    I still see my MO fairly regularly for Herceptin every 3 weeks... but he's a busy guy, and the last time he was injured somehow (wearing a neck brace... I didn't ask!), so I haven't talked with him. I did sort of question the infusion nurses since they were there, and they didn't seem alarmed at my stiff hands and fatigue...

    I had a baseline Bone Density Test when I started chemo (since chemo can also mess with that, I think!). But when I last saw my MO, we hadn't had time to talk about that... I'm not sure what we're doing about any possible osteoporosis so far. On my own, I'm taking some Calcium and D... and will check out that K, hopefully through diet.

    BS, I just saw 5 days after lx, then have an appt. 6 mos. after that (next month), with a mammogram also scheduled.

    RO just saw me a couple of weeks after rt, and that was it, I think.

    It IS pretty weird figuring out who is doing what, but since I had chemo first, my MO has been my main guy and since I'm still getting Herceptin, he's the guy who will keep watching and doing stuff, I guess. He recommended my BS. BS recommended RO, who turned out to be from the same clinic my MO is at... It's a pretty small world even in the big city. BUT I haven't had one center overseeing them all, so I'm very dependent on my MO. But I guess my BS is still in the picture since he's ordered the mammogram!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    Jersey, parsley? what a great idea, got to stock up and just add it to everything. thanks

  • Golden01
    Golden01 Member Posts: 527

    I see my MO every four months, my BS once a year (she does a breast exam and usually an ultrasound on the left side but said it wasn't needed this year), and the PS once a year to check the implants and talk about any cosmetic things (like refreshing tattoos, etc.). Can see any of them more often if needed. For example, just before Christmas, I developed a lump on the incision line on the left side (where the cancer was) which I noticed on a Saturday. Called the BS on Monday, appointment on Tuesday, surgery on Thursday. Then the wait - it was a benign cyst that she said could develop anywhere, mine just happened on the scar. Go figure.

  • janett2014
    janett2014 Member Posts: 2,950

    Here's some advice I was given by another cancer patient about doctors:

    "You should like all your doctors and feel good about them, but you should REALLY like and respect your oncologist because you will have the longest relationship with him/her."

    I agree; I will see my MO regularly for at least the next 4 years since I've been on Anastrozole for a year and a few months. Of course it could end up being 10 years!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Janet, Both my MO and RO are oncologists and my BS specializes in BC. Like you, my longest relationship will likely be with my MO but I will still be seeing my BS for another year - she's the one ordering my mammograms. I'm lucky that I do like and respect all 3 of my BC doctors. Like you, I could be on anastrozole for 10 years. We'll see.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538

    I still see my MO once a year, even though I was done with Arimidex after 5. I actually hope that I will see him forever (it is better for my mental health anyway). I stagger my appointments between him & my GP so that I see someone every 6 months. GP orders the mammo because the due date matches up with that appointment.

  • iamnancy
    iamnancy Member Posts: 641

    I still see my RO - was 6 months but now 1 yr... my BS - was 6 mths but now 1 yr - they both order mammograms for me ... and my MO every 6 months.. and my PCP every 6 months - feel like I am always at some doctor .. try to space them out.

  • sailorgalsails
    sailorgalsails Member Posts: 1

    I have a lot of issues/side effects with arimidex...been on it for only 3 months...muscle and joint pain, leg cramps, insomnia, yet incredible fatigue, depression, weight gain, no desire to do much of anything are a few things I experience......have taken a break and feel 300% better!.....have been looking at a lot of studies for an alternative to arimidex.....a natural aromatase estrogen blocker.....turmeric keeps coming up and I am going to give it a try.  I am post menopausal for a long while....estrogen +.....has anyone tried this?

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243

    Hi sailor, sorry you are having so many problems on arimidex. You should discuss options with your MO and also you can view/post questions here: and the full alternative thread if you desire. There you may find more answers to your quesitons.

    Good luck.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Sailor, Welcome. It would be helpful if you would make sure your profile is complete and made public. Then we will know what treatments, diagnoses, you've had. I'm also sorry that you are having so many problems. As Patoo said, please talk with your MO before making any changes. There are other aromatase inhibitors besides Arimidex and one of them may work for you. Good luck!


  • iamnancy
    iamnancy Member Posts: 641

    Sailor - be careful before taking turmeric... my sister was taking it and never thought about the side effects - she ended up in the hospital with heart problems..

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    IamNancy, I tend to be very very wary of natural remedies. I often hear of them causing problems rather than helping what you were trying to treat. I have no knowledge of using tumeric. However, like you, I think Sailor's first stop should be with the MO and discuss other options for an AI or even tamoxifen. That's very scary what happened to your sister.


  • Mommato3
    Mommato3 Member Posts: 468

    Should I still be seeing a BS? I moved out of state last year and didn't find a new one. My new PS did the reconstruction. I'm just now starting to see my MO every three months. I didn't ask how many years it would be before we switched to twice a year. My gyn's office orders my mammograms. I've only met my PCP once and that was just to introduce myself so I could see her if needed. My MO orders any blood tests I want or need and my Dexa scan

    My MO has just prescribed a low dose Fosamax (35 mg) to help prevent osteoporosis. I told her I'd give it a try as long as I didn't have any side effects.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243

    Mommato3, that would be your personal choice if it makes you feel better but your gyn and MO seem to be covering all bases. My MO had me visit every 3 months for at least 3 years (actually I think it was 4) and then went to 2x/year. At year 6 he reluctantly went to annual. Now I've moved so will see what schedule the new MO wants tomorrow when I see her for the first time.

  • april25
    april25 Member Posts: 367

    I know someone who had to switch off anastrozole and is now on Letrozole. She said the joint pain is less, but still there. Still has fatigue and weight gain. It's a sister-drug, so not huge differences. But anyway, there do seem to be some alternatives...

    She says she's getting Prolia (anti-osteoporosis) shots and calcium and D supplements. Her docs put her on them right away when she started anastrozole. Is that common? (I haven't been advised at all about anything regarding osteoporosis.)


    I just got my yearly flu shot. I hope that it's more effective than last year's shot!

    I got the more extensive pneumonia shot, too. Flu shot was totally painless, but this pneumonia one still has my arm aching (and a bit warm) days afterwards. Bleh. Going away, gradually, though!


    yikes, heart problems from Tumeric? I wouldn't have thought... it's a spice and some people eat a lot of it normally... And they've been touting it as being good at cancer-fighting lately. I guess I should try and not pop the latest supplements that are popular... They almost always end up being no good for anything, it seems.

  • Rosiesride
    Rosiesride Member Posts: 197

    so, if anastrozole has so many side effects that really alters your quality of life, and you are post menopausal, is tamoxifen NOT an option ? I was on tamoxifen and I am thinking I felt better on it than anastrozole. I really want this drug to be ok, but the past 4 days I have been exhausted and super when I was on chemo! I am calling doc today but just wondered how the two drugs compare...I think my MO said I could try anastrozole and if I had too many side effects I would go back to tamoxifen...he is a great doc, older and thinks tamoxifen is a good drug with positive outcomes....I am confused on why tamoxifen is not used post menopause?? Thanks Rosie

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    April, I'd ask about Fosamax or Prolia. My MO started me on Fosamax right away.

    RosiesRide, Tamoxifen is given to post-menopausal women but is usually not the first choice. It has a different set of possible SEs. But it IS given. You might explore the articles here on BCO. Here is one Hormonal Therapy If I recall correctly one reason for the difference is that postmenopausal women make estrogen differently than premenopausal. Talk to your MO and see what can be done to make your SEs more manageable.


  • doxie
    doxie Member Posts: 700

    Here's an aches and pain story that may be of interest. the

    I went on a three hour hike yesterday in the Indiana Dunes and Lake Michigan beach with a good friend in her mid 60s. We stopped at a local place to eat afterwards.

    Both of us struggled getting out of the car and up from our chairs. Both did the little old lady AI walk. But the difference is that my friend is not on AIs. She's 6 years older than me.

    What struck me is that now I've been on AIs for 3.5 years, maybe I'd be creaky each time I get up any way. Maybe I didn't notice some of this before BC treatment. And on that thought, maybe some of this arthritic pain is just normal aging anyway.

    When I think of it this way, I can't really complain about my rather mild SEs right now.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Doxie, it is good to be reminded that not every SE can be laid at an AI's door. (Not to saying that there aren't SEs from Arimidex). I was creaky in the morning before I started on Arimidex and I'm still creaky. I find that staying in one position for too long means I will not have the fluid movement of my 30s when I try to get up.

    Just try to explore all the possible explanations for your symptoms. And move!


  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    Peggy, prescription drugs can have horrendous SE too! Just because your doctor orders it does not mean its safe! We all should be educated about what goes in your body. Stay well.....

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    april: I'm on arimidex and have found that my hands especially got better over time. The first few weeks the pain in my hands would wake me up at night. Hand pain is totally gone now. If I sit too long my ankles and knees are stiff when I get up for the first few steps. I was told to stay very active, I go to the Y every day and have walked at least 10,000 steps a day since July 6. Love my FitBit.

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    My understanding of everything I have read is that Tamoxifen is slightly less effective than the AI's in combating B.C. that is hormone driven. My Mo told me my rate of reoccurrence improved by like 2 percent with the AI. there was a huge study comparing the two drugs. Tamoxifen has greater stroke/heart attack risk, but actually helps bones. AI's have bone/fracture, depression, etc but not so much the stroke/etc. although in a small # of people, it will elevate cholesterol. Tamoxifen has been around for so long, more is known about it that the AI's over time. It was what I really wanted to take but my MO persuaded me to try his choice first. So far so good, but I am starting to have some aches an the leg cramps which I didn't know could be the drug have started every night for the past week. I was thinking I might be a little unbalanced in my electrolytes. See him Wednesday so will ask him then about it.

    I am surprised about the Turmeric comment. A small study was done where women undergoing radiation for b.c. took turmeric and their skin held up beautifully. I remember some in my Spring Rads group did and they posted pictures of their breast at the end, and I'd have been shoveling the stuff in if I'd known how great the outcome was. It has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.. Like anything you do, you have to make sure you are getting a pure product. And the more of it is in your diet instead of the supplement route, the better.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    I do remember when I started rads, docs asked me what suppliments and turmeric was on the no no list. I never knew anyone took it at the time

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    Please be careful on the Tumeric.  I saw my BS about a week and a half okay.  Told her about my aches and pains-esp my hands.  She recommended Tumeric for inflammation.  Called my MO office andf they said absolutely not, that it interfers with Aremidex.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243

    vettegirl, very frustrating to have differing recommendations from our docs. Good you asked MO as they are 'probably' more up on interactions with meds and they are "Medical" Oncologists.

    doxie, yes many of the aches, etc. would happen anyway as we are aging. Since we just normally need to have a reason then it's easy to blame Tam or AI (or any of them).

    New MO this morning and will be staying on arimidex for 10 years unless I want to go off before, my choice.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    patoo, glad you have a new MO but sorry that she wants the 10 years, Our diagnosis was about the same time

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243

    Thanks proud. She gave me the choice and since I had ILC and few SE's with the arimidex I choose to stay unless there is a compelling reason to stop.