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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    MySunshine, my MO said taking a baby aspirin is fine. I had an article saying it was another tool to prevent recurrences. I take it for awhile then I don't.


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,256

    mysunshine - assorted schools of thought on aspirin. Keep in mind there are also risks associated with daily aspirin intake, mostly stomach and digestive, but I think a significant number of oncologists recommend low-dose aspirin for their BC patients. I believe that this first came to light in the Women's Health study when they realized that women taking low dose aspirin for heart health purposes also had some BC effect - here are some studies:

  • GingerChi
    GingerChi Member Posts: 25

    Hi everyone...just finished Taxol last week and started Anastrozole on Monday. So far no SE. Just wondered what time of day you take it? I've been taking mine at breakfast but wondered what works best for those who have been on it awhile.

    Another question....MO is sending me to an RO for determination as to if I'll need rads or not. Should I not be taking AI's if I need rads?

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    GingerChi, I take my anastrozole in the morning. No particular reason except someone said that when she took it at night, it kept her awake. Thus morning for me. I haven't noticed it keeping me awake at anytime, however. :)

    I think that taking an AI before or during or after rads depends on your MO and RO. Mine preferred that I start the day after my rads ended. Others here take them during. I'd just mention it in passing to the RO.

    I've been on anastrozole for a year now with no SEs. Many women do not have them. Hope you are one of them!


  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370

    I have the bone pain side effects. Any suggestion on another al that doesn't cause bone pain. Any responses appreciated


  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    I finished rads the Fri before Xmas and my MO told me to start my AL after the holiday...she did not say if that was Xmas or NYears, so I began in the middle. Think she wanted me to enjoy my holiday~~

  • Mommato3
    Mommato3 Member Posts: 468

    In the beginning I took mine at night before bed. I eventually switched to morning because i started having problems sleeping. My sleeping got better after I switched but I have no idea if it was from the AI or coincidence. My only side effect so far, knock on wood, is some stiffness in my feet when I get up in the morning.

  • GingerChi
    GingerChi Member Posts: 25

    Thanks for the info Peggy and proudtospin. I may have spoken too soon about SE...I've broken out in a rash on my arms...tomorrow is my Herceptin infusion so I'll be able to show it to MO.

  • GingerChi
    GingerChi Member Posts: 25

    Thanks for the info Mommato3!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538

    * I actually take the aspirin for heart health (terrible family history), so if it protects me from cancer too that is a win/win (before you start anything always check with you doctor, of course).

    * Ginger, it is fine to take an anti-hormonal and do rads both at the same time, and have you been out in the sun a lot? After doing chemo, I found I was much more sensitive to it & still get a rash on my arms if I don't watch it.

    *when to take it during the day is totally a personal preference, play around with it and see what works best for you

    *Sherry maybe try Claritan (not Claritan D) for the bone pain before you do a switch

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243

    I take baby aspirin at suggestion of my PCP, I think due to aging and it's low dose so I don't believe it's much of a risk as regular aspirin. Also take it at night as they say most fatal heart issues happen at night or very early in the morning so the low dose has time to work into your system for a few hours.

    I take my anastrozole in the a.m., for no particular reason. My MO started me on it immediately after surgery, even before I began radiation so I took it throughout rads. Think it depends on your MO.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    GingerChi, your rash could be due to the fillers used for your anastrozole (and to me that seems the most likely culprit rather than the "active" ingredient itself). Many of us have found that the Teva brand anastrozole produces fewer problems than other manufacturers. So if yours isn't made by Teva, ask your pharmacist for it next time. I assume you aren't taking the brand name. Grab a Claritin or your favorite antihistamine for the rash. Claritin does have the added benefit of helping some bone and joint pain (even if it isn't caused by the anastrozole) - really strange.


  • doxie
    doxie Member Posts: 700

    I cannot take aspirin on a regular basis. It irritates my urinary track system and causes bleeding. I blame that on the thinning of tissue from low estrogen caused by the AI. Too bad because it was really helpful with arthritic flares. I'd use another NSAID, but those cause nausea after a while. Best solution - deny the existence of any pain. Working for me now.

  • rosesrx
    rosesrx Member Posts: 264

    Gingerchi, the first week I took the Arimidex at bedtime only to find me making the bed from the mattress padpad up, thrashing about like a wild woman. So switched to morning, so far so good. This makes week 3 and I just feel hopped up and verbose. This could be me feeling more energy being 6 weeks PFC. But very unlike me not to be able to take an afternoon nap. No other s/e worth mentioning.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915

    I take Arimidex in the morning, no special reason, but seems to work. I also get it direct from Astro Zeneka, not at the pharmacy. It comes 90 at a time, $30.00 a month. It comes from Florida and I live in Florida, so one day by mail. I did not want to mess around with different manufacturers. If alone wants to do this or find out about it, it is online - Arimidex Direct.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243

    Good for you mysunshine. That is a good price for the brand name. Did you have to qualify as I remember people were able to go directly to AstraZeneca but had to jump through hoops to get it cheap directly. Maybe they've gotten better because of the generics.

    I agree with ruthbru regarding the rash but it could be anything. I'm allergic to many things but had no problem with generic arimidex which I have used since it went generic and am on my third manufacturer with no issues whatsoever.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915

    All you need is a RX from MO. You can sign up online or call them. Easy, peasy.

  • GingerChi
    GingerChi Member Posts: 25

    Thanks for all the input on when to take the med and my rash! I checked out the manufacturer and it is Teva....I took a claritin and hope that helps. I haven't been in the sun much this week. I actually wonder if its something I ate which triggered it...

  • Golden01
    Golden01 Member Posts: 527

    I take my AI in the morning. That way, if I forget, I can still take it at night. LOL - that sometimes happens.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    Doxie, I join you with the aspirin sensitivity. I have problems with all the NSAIDS, I go into as asthma attack and just got used to ignoring pains or took tylonel. Did that for years and sort of got used to not taking pain meds

    recently had some acid indigestion that Tums did not work on, PCD said just take an ATC stomach thing, course the one I picked up turned out to be an NSAID and I got all congested, cleared the tummy but just caused dif problem

  • tjh
    tjh Member Posts: 272

    I take mine at night, I take syntheroid in the morning and pharmacit said not to take them together. I have no problem going to sleep. I do find that I have very few SE with the name brand Arimidex. The bone pain was terrible on the generic. It was an easy switch that my oncologist suggested, I was amazed at the difference. I have some bone persistentry bone pain in my hands and right ankle...but my DH reminded me they always hurt when it gets that isn't a SE of the Arimidex, but of prior injuries in my younger days. I have approached the hormone blockers with the thinking that it reduces my chance of the BC coming back....I don't think I will ever not worry but I put it away and don't focus on it. I think metastatic BC is one topic that doesn't get talked about, researched or supported.

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    tjh I couldn't agree more about metastatic bc not getting enough support. That was my only concern in regards to the anti hormones not always preventing a recurrence. I think its really important to address all kinds and stages of this damn disease and not only think of our own particular case. Especially during Pinktober when we all know that is not the case! Good luck to you all......

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784

    tus and dtad thank you for acknowledging metastatic bc. And in case you didn't know it arimedex is often prescribed for metastatic bc as well. I took it for 1 1/2 years until my cancer progressed again and I'm now on chemo but don't be scared metastatic bc although not curable many get to live 10, 15 and even 20 years with the diagnosis. If anyone feels so inclined to donate please do it to which is one of the few organizations that devote 100% of their donations to metastatic research and education.

    Thank you


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243

    Thank you for that suggestion of worthwhile group, Aurora.

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    Proud to spin and Doxie--- I have same asprin/NSAID allergy---I have to watch out for yellow food dye and too much orange food dye as well. That stuff they used to make called TANG would send me to the ER.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Wow. It must be tough for you ladies being allergic to NSAIDS. That's almost harder than being allergic to antibiotics like I am. NSAIDS are everywhere. Tang sending you to the ER, Red? Whew. That's terrible.


  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    Red & Doxie, actually you make me feel less weird as so many folks do not understand or believe the NSAID allergy. I hurt my back last year and normal folks would have reached for their favorite NSAID to help with the pain and it would have reduced the swelling. I just sort of puddled along as tylonel is a waste at that. I finally went to a spine doc who started to talk about injections in my back but when he heard me explain my allergy, he backed off. My allergist did test the med he wanted to use for the injection but it still scares me to try them

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370

    has anyone taken a 2 wk holiday from Arimidex to see it is the cause of bone pain and stiffness and been nervous. My MO suggested it.


  • Rosiesride
    Rosiesride Member Posts: 197

    thanks Peggy for the information! I will get a bone density baseline next Friday then bloodwork after that and talk to the MO's PA as he is out of town. I am worried about osteoporosis as mom had it ... the fatigue right now is rediculous! Yes, I teach kindergarten, so I know that may have something to do with it, but I have not been able to do my walks after school due to super achy body, feet, etc...I have been on anastrazole one month...I hope to get more answers next week...maybe my fatigue is low iron. BUT I have learned that prilosec lessens the calcium absorption and I have been on that for 8 years!! This is worrisome to me...

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Sherry, I've taken a few breaks over the 3 years. My joint pain goes away, feel better all around. Still on the pill.