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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • maxdog
    maxdog Member Posts: 47

    yes, I had a baseline bone scan prior to starting Arimidex. As far as scans-I meant more of PET or CT scans.

  • Golden01
    Golden01 Member Posts: 527

    My MO did a baseline tumor markers when I first started seeing him but does not order them again unless I develop a problem.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243

    Golden, that sounds like what they all should do (imho).

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    I would like to know if anyone has been given a low dose of an anti-depressant to combate depression/moodiness as a se of the drug. And if so, what and how well did it help?

    I thought I was just feeling beaten down from caregiver role to my dad, but onc pulled me off my Arimidex and three days later I am a whole different woman. Never EVER would have thought the pill was doing this....

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Red, a BCO friend of mine had her BC diagnosed right about the same time her DH died. So she had a lot going on. She eventually went on Arimidex and had some joint pain. And she was depressed. Went on Cymbalta and she said it made all the difference. I don't know if depression is an SE of the Arimidex or something that can come just from BC (which wouldn't be surprising). I do know that caregiving is extremely difficult and can be very depressing. To sum it up, take the anti-depressant and let it help you. I suspect the cause may never be pinned down and I don't think that's necessary. But since you felt better off the Arimidex, it must be contributing. So give the anti-depressant a chance - it may make it so you can continue on Arimidex AND your caregiving without going crazy.


  • Rosiesride
    Rosiesride Member Posts: 197

    I have been on Wellbutrin for about 10 years, when I started as caregiver for my mom with Alzheimer's and dealing with a young family, twins and teenage son while working full time. Although life calmed down, I remain on the antidepressant. Never knew that may help with SE's!

    I started on anastrozole a month age....started having joint and muscle pain last week and extreme exhaustion... I called. MO and asked for a baseline bone scan and bloodwork which will be done tomorrow. I do feel a little better this week with more energy but I think it makes sense to get a baseline bone density as well as seeing about taking a bone strengthening, I will find out tomorrow what it all looks like! Rosie

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Rosie, I had a dexascan before starting anastrozole. I'll have another a year from now (every 2 years I guess). What also can help with the joint pain is Claritin. Don't know why but it seems to! Amazing the cross-over for medications, meant for one thing and helping with another. I take Fosamax and have since I started on anastrozole. You certainly had a lot on your plate when you started with Wellbutrin. I don't know how you managed it all!


  • maxdog
    maxdog Member Posts: 47

    Redheaded1-I have been on a low dose of Celexa for many years. My pcp wanted to increase the dose because now, in addition to the pain, I am depressed. I said 'no way!' I am not going to increase my antidepressant to counteract side effects from another medication. But, I know I am feeling down due to lack of exercise due to Arimidex pain. I think if low mood is one of your only side effects, antidepressants might be a good idea. For me, my side effect list is just too long on Arimidex.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I think there is a let down when you finish treatment and it all really starts to sink in what has happened to you. So there could be some depression rear its head. Effexor is commonlyrx'd, try it, see if you feel better.

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    Radgal. As you know Im also being a doc for the pellet therapy. Do not want to take the anti hormones and this treatment seems to be a great alternative!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    my PCD gave me Celexa (think that was the one) while I was in treatment, I was arriving in her office in tears, I do not know if it would be a side effect or not but it sure was a stressful time. I took it occasionally. Have to say, ended the AL last year but when life gets tough, I do get teary

  • Rosiesride
    Rosiesride Member Posts: 197

    Pontiac Peg

    I just did what I had to you well know, as caregiver to your dear husband, may he RIP...I am afraid to go off my antidepressant but I did lessen the dose a few years ago...I am a pretty positive person...I try to find the good in things...I just want to spend the rest of my days laughing...I have that quote hanging on my door to the classroom. I want to remember that everyday small stuff is really small...compared to coming face to face with our mortality...enjoy each day we are given...things can turn on a dime! During my chemo treatment, a neighbor and friend lost her son to a tragic skateboard accident...Hans was my twins friend and their age...when we think our problems are so bad, there are others with so much more sadness...

    I went for my bone density baseline today and found out that I had one last June after I finished chemo! I didn't remember that and my records showed the last density test was 2011! So I skipped it and had bloodwork...all is great! I feel better and I am hoping anastrozole works for me! I asked about Fosomax, but since I am not osteopenia, I will hold off...will see in 6 months!

    So, it was a good day! spookiesmom...there is definitely a let down feeling when you end treatment and enter the real world again...I started a board on here called Dancing in Limbo after the name of a book which describes the feelings of dealing with our diagnosis after treatment...a whole new world of worries! I was super depressed two months after I ended...about this time last year...things are better now, but I need to remember how important it is to be mindful of our health and appointments and to enjoy every day given to me!! Peace, my friends...Rosie

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Rosie, I'll bet that was a surprise that you'd had a bone density test already. Nice to know the bones are in good shape. I also am a pretty positive person. It works for me. I think you're smart to stay on your anti-depressant. It seems to be working and that's what matters.

    That is terrible about your sons' friend. I don't know how you'd cope with that. It does put things in perspective, sadly.

    A good weekend to all!


  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    Thanks ladies--sounds like just about any of the anti-depressants can be prescribed. I am just blown away by the difference in my whole sense of well being, attitude, etc. since I stopped the Arimidex. I always kind of poo-poo'd most of the side effects, other than joint pain. Now I know. I still have some bad days with my dad t his week, but my reactions to them have been much more mild in terms of my emotional feelings. Its a real SE of the doubt in my mind. Not that we allhave them, and not that there isn't plenty of other things that could get me down.....but the difference in my feelings in just a few days is noteworthy for me...

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Red, glad you are feeling better. Hopefully, anti-depressants will allow you to go back on Arimidex if you wish.


  • april25
    april25 Member Posts: 367

    I went to the dermatologist for my mysterious little clear blister/bumps. Of course they were nowhere in evidence when I was there! She didn't have a clue (which I thought was odd, but drs can get pretty cagey without tons of tests to confirm things). She took care of a few little flat warts (never heard of those! I thought they were age spots on my hands!), and said to either take photos or come in when I had them to show her, and I have another appt. in 3 weeks.

    I went online and now I think they were the simple form of a heat rash (not the red kind of rash, but just non-itchy tiny clear bumps that cleared up within an hour or so). I had a bunch break out over the weekend, but not since then... and I think it's because the temps have gone down a bit (it was HOT last week). I'd never had these things before, but somewhere it said online that something as impactful as chemo and rads could upset the body enough to change things.

    So I'm now thinking that all has nothing to do with anastrozole SEs.

    I am still getting stiff hands and stiff body, though. Taking some claritin, but still don't think it's doing anything. Also baby aspirin, also not seeming to change much. Fatigue hasn't seemed as bad. I just spent a long weekend in San Diego and wasn't overly tired (although I wasn't doing anything strenuous, either).

    Anti-depressants... oddly enough, I was on wellbutrin before my dx and although it didn't seem to be doing much, I kept on then through chemo, lx, rt--just in case!--but went off after that. I haven't noticed any change, but I think that's just me.

    Sorry to hear of those of you with the more serious SEs! I hope you can sort it out--either by different manufacturers or non-generics, or different estrogen suppressants. I'm feeling a bit stiff at times and I know it wouldn't be any fun to be in actual pain and feel old before your time. Good luck.

  • AKJ
    AKJ Member Posts: 115

    I'm taking effexor for the hot flashes from anastrazole and it really helps a LOT. My moods are more even and the hot flashes have significantly decreased. I didn't think I was a depressed person before but maybe I was a little bit. Still have the joint pain and muscle cramps. Magnesium supplements help with the muscle cramps and I take Aleve with breakfast for the joint pain. Seems to help a lot.

  • sandylyn13
    sandylyn13 Member Posts: 5

    I have been taking Anastrozole for almost 2-1/2 years and the side effects I experience are extremely difficult to deal with. Before my breast cancer was diagnosed I had mild arthritis in both of my knees. I twisted my left knee about 3 years during a trip to Alaska and damaged a tendon. I have since had arthroscopic surgery on that knee, but not much improvement. The athritic pain I suffer has intensified so much that my husband says I walk like a 90 year old woman much of the time. After over-exertion, both of my legs are extremely painful, even though I have been riding the stationary bike for a while now. My ortho dr. has recommended a total knee replacement in my left (injured) knee and I plan to do the surgery in early January 2016. I am seriously considering stopping Anastrozole soon so that my right knee will be in better shape during my recovering after surgery. I would like to stay off the med for at least 3 months or until I can use my left leg easily again. Do any of you have any advice regarding this? Thank you so much for your consideration.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Other then keeping your MO informed, I don't have advise. Good luck!!!

  • tjh
    tjh Member Posts: 272

    I have never had many side effects from meds that I have taken so perhaps that is why my Arimidex SE are not too bad. My 6 weeks on generic were terrible, but switched to name brand and they haven't been too bad. I take 1 Aleve 3-4 mornings a week. I walk at school on the carpeted floor and that is a lot better than pavement. I have lost 20 lbs so am feeling better. I see my oncologist on November 5 as well as a bone scan.

  • Rosiesride
    Rosiesride Member Posts: 197

    tjh...I am with you on the SE's with anastrozole...this week anyway! I have also been on this med for about 6 weeks...last week I had pretty bad muscle pain but what was worse was how tired I was feeling! I teach kindergarten but I was feeling like my Chemo I made an appointment for the time I saw MO, I felt better and was walking bloodwork looked really good and I think and hope this drug will be good for me! Fingers crossed! I guess I could always try a name brand if things get bad...I really want to stay on this drug! Rosie

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    Sandylyn, please talk to your MO before you go off your AI for that long. Mine told me 2 weeks is ok because of the 1/2 life of the drug, and that after 30 days, your estrogen comes back up, so you don't want to trade off that for knee, I wouldn't think..... Perhaps he/she would suggest going off like day of surgery for a period ?

  • tjh
    tjh Member Posts: 272

    Rosiesride......I have to say I would never teach kindergarten....they are just plain terrifying. I have never gotten exhausted on the Arimidex. I am tired after a week at school, but my middle school is very large, it takes up 5 acres, all on 1 floor with 1100 6-8th graders. So I walk 5 miles a day on my pedometer since I have 2 of my students get escorted everywhere they go while at school. So I think my tiredness is just from work.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538

    It takes a long, long time to recover from your other treatments. I have read that you should expect that however long you were in 'active treatment', it will take you that long again to recover. From personal experience, I would say to double that amount of time. (And if you are doing reconstruction, that time will drag recovery out even longer). So....anti-hormonals can definitely cause, or add to, feeling bad (physically and/or emotionally) but don't rule out some of the problems as being caused by whatever other treatments you've been through as well.

  • Rosiesride
    Rosiesride Member Posts: 197

    true Ruthbru!!! An tjh...I would never teach middle school!! Lol! Guess we each have our niche....I just need to stick it out 4 more years after this year...then I am out with 20 years at 60...GODWILLING!! But I still love what I do!!! If I can make it 4 more years...sigh.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Ruth and Rosie, hats off to you both for teaching. Not for me. I don't have the patience. My son taught for several years until he got tired of the politics and he was a great teacher. My SIL is a teacher too. It is very hard being a teacher these days. Please keep at it. You are what those kids need!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538

    I taught middle school for 38 years, am retired now, but substitute every once and awhile Middle School ONLY......I am scared of little kids, and really big kids an Oreo cookie, we middle school teachers think that 'the best is in the middle' Loopy

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    You teachers are cracking me up! I was a school bus driver for 17 years.Middle school was what I WOULDNT drive.

  • Rosiesride
    Rosiesride Member Posts: 197

    haha...ruthbru...."the best is in the middle" Oreo cookie...that's great! I retire in 4 years...hope I have the stamina to keep up with these littles! They do crack me up! And keep me young at heart!

    Spookiesmom....God Bless you bus drivers! My assistant is part time as she drives a bus and has been doing it for about the sameas you...she loves it ...and her kids!! We are so blessed! Kids keep us going!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243

    PPeg, I'm with you. I went for my teaching credentials and was certified K-8. Said to self 'are you nuts, do you really want to be around kids all day, and then go home to 2 more' - nope!

    Not too many steps today but mysunshine48 wore me out so guessing being tired means I did some kind of activity today?

    Here we are outside the sales office in The Villages where she (Lynn) is trying to decide whether to buy this lifestyle!
