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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Grazy I didn't do Zometa but do Prolia, and I do believe the SE are similar. My MD gave me all these warnings that the 1st is the worst and some of her patients won't try again, yadda yadda, yadda. Well I had NO SE! Zero, zilch nothing.

    Everyone is different I guess.

  • Grazy
    Grazy Member Posts: 231

    Well, that's encouraging, lago! I'm going to believe I'll be one who sails right along.

    And, Peggy, my mom at 92 is still a wise woman - she still likes to use that phrase with me (and then I find myself saying it to my 17 and 20 year old daughters, and of course it drives them insane, lol!). I think living with that mantra helps to keep us positive. I don't like to borrow trouble, but I like to be prepared for all possible outcomes - there's a difference, I tell my mom :)

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Grazy, exactly right. There is a difference.


  • kayarose
    kayarose Member Posts: 35

    Hi All, I often read this discussion but haven't joined in. I just reached my 1 year mark on anastrozole. In the beginning I had quite a bit of muscle and joint pain. My first steps after sitting for a while were painful but would ease once I started moving. All the muscle and bone pain seems to have really improved. I'm very thankful for that. I haven't gained any weight, either. Again, very thankful.

    What I have noticed after a year is that my hair is starting to fall out and my skin is getting very wrinkled and crepey (all over, not just on my face). I know these are problems that I can live with and I'm not a vain person but, sheesh, I'm starting to look like my grandma. I'm 67 and had pretty nice skin and hair before cancer got me. Even after chemo my hair came back in fairly thick and looked decent. Now it's thin and I can see a lot of scalp, especially on the top of my head.

    I guess I shouldn't complain but I'm thinking if it is having this effect on the outside of me, what the heck is it doing to the inside of me. Just had a checkup with my MO and she suggested Prolia since I have osteopenia. Lago, it's good to hear you had no trouble with the Prolia. I'm scheduled to get my first shot in June.

    Anyway ladies, thanks for letting me vent a little!

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008

    I had to share this irony with you ladies. You know my pharmacy said they could not switch generic brands without a specific script from the MO. I was taking Accord brand Anastrozole. I picked up my Tamoxifen last night and it is the Teva brand! Anyway, I don't think changing brands would have made a difference in the long run. My SE's were getting worse by the week. Hopefully I tolerate this one better. I did ask MO's office to ask him about the family hx of stroke and Tamoxifen combo. We shall see.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Molly they can switch to another generic brand they just can't switch to non-generic without a request because your insurance won't pay for it.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008

    lago, they very specifically told me they could not switch generic brands without a request from the doctor. Probably a CVS thing .

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Molly, it must be a CVS thing. I've had no issues with Walgreens although they don't always have Teva in stock. I order early :) Good luck!


  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Never had an issue with CVS. But I will admit it might be the pharmacist. I was trying to get pricing a few years ago on Anastrozole/Teva from CVS because Costco went way up. First CVS refused to tell me unless I switched my prescription over. The other CVS just took my insurance info over the phone and told me. 1st CVS closer but guess who got my business!

  • Jerseygirl927
    Jerseygirl927 Member Posts: 260

    ok was off anastrozole by teva for 30 days, to check on SE? Well can't really do that as about 23 days off the drug, developed the Fever, headache, sweats, the soaking kind, and a temp that moves from 99.1 in am to as high as 102.5 in pm. Family and MO are baffled,but I asked to go back on A1. So MO put me on letrozole 2.5mg to see if this helps with insomnia and fatigue? So far it's been 3 pills so no change on Fever,sweats,and chills. But I think it may still be too soon, see MO late next week and specialist for fevers Monday. Will keep you posted .

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008

    Okay you have got to laugh to keep from crying. I spoke to one of MO's assistants today. She wanted to make sure he got back to me. I said no but he sent in the rx for tamoxifen. I said can you please ask him if it's a problem that I have a strong family history of stroke. She said she would pass on the message. Do I hear back from him? No, I got notification on the patient portal that a rx for exemestane was sent to the pharmacy.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Molly, I must say I'd be rather pissed off at my MO if he couldn't bother to call me. It would seem that he listened when you said there is a family history of strokes. Hopefully you'll do well on exemestane.


  • bpgas
    bpgas Member Posts: 15

    I have been on Arimidex for 10 months, my joint pain is getting worse has anyone else experienced this?

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    BPgas....unfortunately some SE do seem to get worse with time, others say better. Its very individual. Have you tried Claritin? Some women feel it helps. Good luck to all....

  • farmerlucy
    farmerlucy Member Posts: 596

    Just had my cholesterol checked. For the first time ever it is high at 225. Bummer. I'm sure it doesn't help that I've gained 20 lbs since surgery, much of that since I had my ovaries removed and started the AI. Does menopause alone tend to increase cholesterol?

  • farmerlucy
    farmerlucy Member Posts: 596

    BP - I do clairitin and an Aleve daily. I'm pretty hobbled when I get up, and again quite stiff in the evenings, but otherwise it is manageable.

  • HappyHammer
    HappyHammer Member Posts: 985

    To the gal who wrote about hair loss- sorry- can't find the post- have you had your thyroid checked recently? I have hypothyroid issues. Hair loss can be a symptom. When my meds need to be increased, I usually notice significant hair loss. Might want to check with your doc? Hugs

  • Smurfette26
    Smurfette26 Member Posts: 269

    BPgas my Oncologist had me stop Arimidex 10 days ago due to muscle and joint pain. I feel so much better. I see him on the 4th of May and think he will change me to another AI so I'm making the most of feeling well while it lasts.

  • MissV123
    MissV123 Member Posts: 7

    Hi Ladies, I see some of my Friends from the surgery boards are here...well I'm on the anastrazole 1 month now, and I am really trying to give it a fair shake...but .....I feel flushed all the time....feverish but my extremities, hands and feet are always ice joints are killing me....and I missed work twice with a banging a migraine ...I'm going to a new MO next month, (good ole insurance reasons) and I will see what he says.....I didnt know there is a difference in the manufacturer of the medications.....I have to mail away to express scripts for mine...I wonder if the doc will switch up the medication....hope everyone has a good weekend....

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008

    mfsanders, the fatigue and deep sleep hit me really hard too. It went away within two weeks of stopping the anastrozole. I am now starting exemestane.

  • pennsygal
    pennsygal Member Posts: 264

    Molly - I am having only very mild SEs on exemestane. I'm hoping for the same for you!

  • jonib
    jonib Member Posts: 94

    Started name brand 6 days ago and so far only ocxssional mild tingling in fingers and toes. When do major SE usually start.? I bought the name brand because my local pharmacy only had Acord generic and I wanted Teva. I called CVS today and they have Teva but hey don't know if they will have it when my current months supply is finished. They said it depends on what the warehouse has.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008

    Thank you, pennysgal!

  • ladsgma
    ladsgma Member Posts: 5

    Hello All:

    I started mid March, when typically have the SE started? I take Anastrozole. At first I had some really minor hot flashes, but they are gone. I know it takes time for the med to build up.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Ladsgma, perhaps they will never start. Not everyone has SEs. Hope you are one with no trouble at all.


  • ladsgma
    ladsgma Member Posts: 5

    Peggy: We have similar Oncotypes mine is 12. Did you ever consider chemo or was it proposed as option? My MO said I could get it but I decided against it.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Ladsgma, My MO thought I should have chemo but the tumor board said no and my BS and RO were against it, thinking it unnecessary. I obviously went with their recommendation. Just went on to rads.


  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    PontiacPeggy I think the tumor board make the right decision for you being that your tumor is small and you are grade 1. Chemo works best on fast growing tumors. Your big gun is the Anastrozole. Granted I'm no medical professional.

  • bjb01
    bjb01 Member Posts: 46

    as we are well aware, everyone's pathology and situation is different.  My tumor was small and classified as a stage 1.  It was a grade 2 and the proliferation rate was high and aggressive.  This was the rationale for doing chemo AND radiation.  I started out on Arimidex and it was horrific.  There were days when I felt that it was more life altering than chemo.  after a 6 week "vaca", my MO switched me to Aromasin.  much more tolerable, although my hips have been the worst, scattered with intermittent hand pain, knee pain and many days with all of them :)  It's all manageable and my heart breaks everyday for what we ALL go through.  people see that you survived breast cancer.  what they don't see is the everyday ongoing battle with it's side effects......both physically and emotionally.  I'm winning at the moment :):)  and grateful for each and every day.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Lago, even my MO wasn't that adamant on chemo. More like he thought it would be "nice." So he wasn't upset with the board's decision. Neither was I :)
