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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • PMR53
    PMR53 Member Posts: 185

    Thank you Molly. I am going to stop it for now. The pain and insomnia is not worth it. It's too bad that this med can reduce a reoccurrence but has such intolerable SE. Over the counter meds and hot baths seem to help alittle. Not a very good way to live though.

    PBOI- I am so happy your symptoms are manageable! I wish mine were.


  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    PMR53 I had to switch to Exemestane (Aromasin). Been on it for 2 years now. Sooo much better than Anastrozole (Arimidex) for me.

  • Smurfette26
    Smurfette26 Member Posts: 269

    My Oncologist has told me to stop the Anastrozole. A drug holiday he called it. Have only been off it a few days and can't believe how much better I feel. I see him in a couple of weeks and expect that he will change me to another AI.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008

    After reading a blog by a woman taking a break from Anastrozole I just realized that I had one other SE I didn't attribute to the med. I was having gastro upset and embarrassing gas. I just realized it has stopped!

  • HappyHammer
    HappyHammer Member Posts: 985

    Just a reminder that our very own ChiSandy will be performing a concert in Hickory, NC on May 22, at American Honor Alehouse to benefit Healing Touch- a non profit group who gives breast cancer patients 6 visits to their medical spa for facials and/or massages to help them feel as well as possible during treatment.

    I will be attending and we will try together as many gals as possible to meet face to face and have a great time together. We can get a group room rate if we have enough folks so please look at your calendars and let's make a plan. Would just love to meet you all and have time together!

    Currently, looking at the Crown Plaza or Hampton Inn in Hickory and some folks are planning on arriving on Saturday, May 21...there is so much to do in the area- shopping, hiking, eating, visiting or a combo of it all- or none of it....:)

    If you are coming for dinner Saturday night, look up Chef Kyle McKnight and Highland Avenue Restaurant- farm to table and locally and regionally recognized in Southern Living and Garden and well as other publications, etc. Not open on Sundays but we can get a group together for Saturday or Monday night depending on everyone's plans. ANyway...PLEASE, if you are even thinking that this might work in your schedule- let me know so we can make arrangements for some FUN times while also enjoying Sandy's performance Sunday night.

  • Jerseygirl927
    Jerseygirl927 Member Posts: 260

    just want to chime in,March 16 we took a break from anastrozole , terrible insomnia, I take something else that gives me a Double whammy . About 9 days ago I started with Fever, chills, headache. Everything is progressing worse, been to both Drs today, primary andMO. The took blood yesterday all good but had me come back for cultured blood of port and arm. Temp runs from 99.9 to 102.5. So both Drs want the blood work to come back before antibiotic. I started Monday with primary, Wednesday with MoO.. So I asked if headaches could be from my body making hormones again, full force? Well, possibly, but for now Tylenol or Motrin till cultures are done. Anyone have a similar issue while off A1. For awhile?

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008

    Jersey, I had about two days of feeling weirdly unwell but it only lasted a couple days. It was almost like withdrawal symptoms..

  • Jerseygirl927
    Jerseygirl927 Member Posts: 260

    About 9 days ago I started with Fever, chills, its still going on, had to change beds and sheets twice last night. Thank you hubby, waiting on blood culture for Monday.

  • kessa619
    kessa619 Member Posts: 3

    Jerseygirl, I hope you are improving! I have a much less critical issue to ask about. I was wondering if anyone was experiencing really dry skin as a side effect of their AI. Anyone have a recommendation for an effective moisturizer without any nasty chemicals?


  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 948


    I use coconut oil. I get it in the grocery store health food section.

  • HappyHammer
    HappyHammer Member Posts: 985

    Jersey- please keep us posted...hope you are feeling better SOON!

  • Duzy
    Duzy Member Posts: 65

    Jerseygirl927 - so sorry you are feeling so bad. I hope they can figure out what is going on and get you feeling better soon

  • samaileko
    samaileko Member Posts: 5

    Aloha! I have read a lot of your posts: THANK YOU ALL! I do not post very often, as I have a 3 boys, (4, 5, & 6,) who keep me on my toes :)

    Following chemo, I was on Lupron to keep me in Chemopause, 43 yrs old, until my full hysterectomy, about 6 month laters. (I am BRCA2+) Following advice from others regarding bone/joint pain, I had my Vitamin D level checked and it was low. Started Vitamin D3 & Calcium supps. Initially, my MO suspected the pain was a Lupron SE, but Vit D helped.

    About a month after my hysterectomy, Jan 2016, I started Generic Anastrozole along with Brisdelle, which is a low dose antidepressant. My MO said her patients seem to fair well when starting both together, then come off the Brisdelle after their body gets used to the Anastrozole. I barely had hot flashes or joint pain.

    My pharmacy was not able to refill my Brisdelle at the beginning of this month and my SEs of hot flashes and joint pain started. As soon as I got back on Brisdelle the SEs got better. I take Anastrozole at night and Brisdelle in the morning.

    I am getting pretty dry, in every way, but not sure if it's from my hysterectomy, AI, or allergies. I use Biotone along with MI Paste Plus, for my mouth. Visine-A for my eyes. Luvena every Wednesday and Saturday before bed, for vaginal dryness. Moisturizing body wash for my skin, but am going to do the coconut oil tonight. Shea moisture for my hair.

    I have had the same bug, with a productive cough, so will be checked for pneumonia, however I think I am going to try using a daily sinus rinse to see if it is just dry sinus cavities causing my allergies to be so bad. I take Claritin every morning with my AI.

    I also think that the diuretic effect may be causing my vitamin B to be low or I'm Anemic, as my energy level drops if I do anything mildly physically challenging. I'm waiting for my results from my blood test.

    Mahalo for the support and love you've provided by sharing...

    Jerseygirl, you are in my prayers!!! Praying for strength, patience, and healing for you...wisdom for your docs.

  • PMR53
    PMR53 Member Posts: 185

    Thank you Lago!

    My MO changed me from Armidex to Letrozole (Femara)2.5 mg. Is this a different med completely ? Anyone have success with this?


  • Jerseygirl927
    Jerseygirl927 Member Posts: 260

    been back and forth to both Drs the headache finally left Monday morning, thought, really, feel good, low grade these past 2 days. Night sweats last night, had to change sheets! Went back to sleep for 5 more hours. Today temps been 99.9. No aches, pains, little sluggish, blood tests are all normal? Waited for both Drs to call me, none did, but MO is shipping me off to primary. No A1 since March 16th ... Hormones must be raging, thinking this is night sweats? But low grade Fever still! I am not sure what to do? Was thinking of taking the anastrozole to see if that helps with night sweats, I guess I can deal with insomnia !

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008

    (((Jersey))) I hope you feel better soon. Samaleiko, one of my SE's on Anastrozole was exhaustion. The only good side was that I slept hard and deep at night but I could barely manage every day due to being so tired. 2.5 weeks off and my energy is back. I also thought that Brisdell couldn't be prescribed to breast cancer patients. At least it works for you. I am waiting to hear from MO but will probably be put on Tamoxifen.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    PMR53 They are similar but some to better on Femara than Arimidex. If that doesn't help then your MO will probably put you on Aromasin (Exemestane). I'm on Exemestane.

  • Duzy
    Duzy Member Posts: 65

    Ok so I am not too happy. I have been on anastrozole for 3 weeks and overall I feel pretty good. I take it at night and I seem to sleep good. My problem is I went for my 3 month follow up with my surgeon and since I finished radiation 4 weeks ago I have gained 6 pounds. I have not changed anything with my routine as to what I eat or how much I exercise and in fact I am working more hours. I need to figure out how to stop this. Not sure if it is from the pill or the lack of estrogen but I was not a happy camper. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Happy Hump Day


  • HappyHammer
    HappyHammer Member Posts: 985

    Duzy- so sorry this is happening to you....and, to me. Seriously- NOTHING has changed and am 12 lbs heavier since starting the AI 3 months ago. If anything...moving more. UGH! Cannot continue this way. Lost 40 lbs during chemo- a "silver lining"...and, want to lose more....any suggestions appreciated for sure!

  • tjh
    tjh Member Posts: 272

    My weight is stable...I am down 17 since starting Arimidex. I eat very little meat. But eat s little of everything. I walk at least 5 miles a day...a lot of it at work

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243

    Duzy and HappyHammer, some, not all, of us do gain weight on anastrozole. Your body is doing what it always did in keeping your weight stable but now with this med you may need to revisit your dietary habits and also put in additional time with exercise. Duzy, you say you are working more - what kind of work as if the movement is not consistent then it may not add up to counteract this med.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008

    I am starting my tamoxifen tonight. Wish me luck.

  • Smurfette26
    Smurfette26 Member Posts: 269

    Hope it goes well Molly50 and you experience minimal side effects. I'm still on my Arimidex "holiday" and feel so much better but know I will have to start another AI soon.

  • Fearless1956
    Fearless1956 Member Posts: 41

    I'm still having off and on issues with anastrozole side effects---muscle and joint aches and feeling exhausted mainly. I need to lose weight also and don't need any additional weight gain from this med, that's for sure. I have willed myself back into running so I can have more weight bearing and keep my bone strength up as much as possible. I'm mainly doing run/walk intervals right now---3 days per week. I have high blood pressure, too, and heart disease runs in my family, so overall exercise (and trying to eat more nutritionally) has got to be more beneficial all the way around. I've been back into my running routine about 3-4 weeks and now it seems as I'm feeling more exhausted at times. It's hard to know if this is a "normal" tired feeling and/or if the muscle/joint aches are medication or exercise related. My guess is it's the medication because I was already having some of these side effects before I started running again (been on anastrozole since early February). The tired/exhausted feeling I have today is definitely more prominent than what I've had before though. I imagine it's just something I have to live with as a trade-off for trying to improve my overall health by exercising.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Duzy and Happy Hammer, I also haven't gained weight on Arimidex. I believe you are both quite a bit younger than me so perhaps my 25 years post-menopause makes a difference in that regard. Good luck!


  • Grazy
    Grazy Member Posts: 231

    Fearless, when did your side effects begin with the Anastrozole? I've only had six doses so far, so too early to feel any effects from the drug, I'm sure, but I do know that some people do just fine on it (hoping I'm one of those!).

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Grazy it took about 3 months to start but nothing I couldn't handle. It just became worse and after year 3 I had had it and made the switch to Exemestane.

  • HappyHammer
    HappyHammer Member Posts: 985

    Thanks, for the support y'all! Just have to keep moving. Looking into the aquatics program at the Y today- thinking that will possibly help with the creaky/stiff joints and the weight. Have a great day!

    Fearless- way to go with the walking/running!

  • Grazy
    Grazy Member Posts: 231

    Thanks, lago - interesting to hear that it was three months for you. I will just wait and see how it goes. I'll be starting Zometa toward the end of May and I'm a little more concerned about side effects from that drug, but I shall take this all in stride and hope for the best! "Don't borrow trouble", as my mother drilled into my head all my life. :)

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Grazy, your mother has it right!
