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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    Artistatheart - I take Arimidex and yes to skin issues. Nothing alarming but for the past 2 years I have tiny and sometimes flaky growths that can itch. I pull the skin, a tiny mark is left and move on. Those on my back are harder to see/reach and one of these days I am going to pull the wrong thing! Nisa 😊
  • artistatheart
    artistatheart Member Posts: 1,437

    Thanks for the info Nisa, Mine is not a growth but almost like I soaked my hands too long or got super glue on them then I pulled it off. Weird SE's.....

  • debbis
    debbis Member Posts: 4

    This is the first I've read anywhere about the teeth problems! My MO says it is a very small percentage of people who have trouble with their teeth- just my luck! I have broken & cracked many teeth in the last 5 years, I thought it was the chemo that weakened the enamel. My dentist doesn't mind the business though! LOL

    As for the hair growth/ hair was thinning before chemo. It all left, and barely came back- on my head that is. I wear a hairpiece full time now. However- it is growing on my face like crazy! Been going for electrolysis for 2.5 years to try to get it under control. Legs have slowed down dramatically. Never attributed it to all the drugs...just thought I had bad genes!

    Thanks for the info, though. Glad I'm not crazy!


  • KarenAus
    KarenAus Member Posts: 66

    Went my Onc today and he has changed me off Anastrozole onto Femara with a 3 week break between. Hopefully this will work for me. My main worry is weight gain.


  • 1957-2057
    1957-2057 Member Posts: 8

    Went to MO complained about not sleeping well, she had me switch my pill to nights instead of mornings. Been 2 weeks now and I switched back. No notice of sleeping change but my knees are now absolutely killing me. Feels like I am walking on sticks instead of legs. I must look like I am 90 years old getting up and down. I hope it only takes a week to get back to where I was with mild aches and pains. I hope I don't have to change meds.. Thought about taking some glucosemine (sp) Has any one else taken anything to ease joint pain? Would love some advice.


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    1957, you might try Claritin. Several ladies have had relief from joint pain using it. I don't know that it will eliminate all your pain. I tried it and found that I was definitely less stiff in the morning but since I need it for my allergies and it wasn't helping one bit, I had to quit. But my stiffness is annoying rather than painful. Hope it helps!


  • artistatheart
    artistatheart Member Posts: 1,437

    I get very sore joints too. I think glucosemine takes awhile to kick in but haven't tried it yet. Have you tried curcumin? Some women swear by it and I need to get some.

  • Smurfette26
    Smurfette26 Member Posts: 269

    Just be aware that you should check with your Dr before taking vitamins and herbal supplements. When I asked my Pharmacist about Curcumin he said it probably wouldn't be advisable for me as I take other medications but to check with my Dr. I see my specialist next month and will ask him then.

  • lala1
    lala1 Member Posts: 974

    I take Gaia Turmeric. It is produced in NC and has the right amount of black pepper to activate it. My holistic doc put me on it for joint pain and it works amazing. My dad, brother and sister now all take it for knee problems and all are almost back to 100%.

  • margochanning
    margochanning Member Posts: 70

    Hi all, I'm back on Letrozole after 16 months on Anastrazole, during which time I developed arthritis in both hands and feet and then in February had 2 incidents about 2 weeks apart of a bloodshot right eye. The 2nd time I saw an ophthalmologist the day it occurred and he diagnosed it as Episcleritis and sent me to a Rheumatologist who ruled out auto immune disorder, but also said she researched and found some papers linking Anastrazole and AI's in general to eye disorders including Uveitis. I took a break from Anastrazole for about 2 months and went back to Letrozole but yesterday I had another bloodshot eye, this time the left. I used the steroid eye drops from the eye doc, but I had to go to work which meant wearing contact lenses all day, probably adding to the problem of dry eyes. Today my eye is somewhat better after using the steroid eye drops last night when I got home from work. But I'm concerned because the eye doc said if this continues it can lead to vision loss. He suspected there might be a link between the AI and the condition but because it's not as common as joint pain it's not listed as a side effect. I agree with others who believe that the AI's are accelerating what might happen with normal aging, including eye problems. I have another year to go on AI's, I just hope I can make it without permanent eye damage. Best to all.

  • doxie
    doxie Member Posts: 700

    Eyes need estrogen like much of the rest of our bodies, so the lack of it is likely the cause, though there may be fillers that are part of the problem.

  • Jerseygirl927
    Jerseygirl927 Member Posts: 260

    i have had a chipped tooth, but cant be sure, i tend to chip alot,

    I do have a question, my blood pressu has gone up, so dr said there is 10% chance of hyperte with letrozole. Cant win for loose in the game of life! Anyone have that side effect

  • artistatheart
    artistatheart Member Posts: 1,437

    Smurfette, yes, always a good idea to check with your Doc. Mine said curcumin is fine. Margo, I have had a few eye issues as well but not sure if it is the Arimedex or the Ibrance. But tearing and very blurry in the morning as well as itchy and bloodshot sometimes. Luckily I just went to the eye doctor and so far she said everything looks fine. But definitely something I will be keeping a watch for...

  • reflect
    reflect Member Posts: 280

    Hello all,

    I'm new to this topic and I have a couple of questions--sure I'll have more as I go on! I am post neoadjuvant chemo and pre surgery and rads. Met with MO today and she wants me to start Arimidex and Zometa right away. Has anyone else started HT before surgery and radiation? Any problems? Recent imaging indicates (perhaps) little or no response to the 5 months of chemo--hope pathology says otherwise. I think MO wants to get the HT going because of this. I will have a large lumpectomy (quadrectomy?)--not scheduled yet but should be within 3 weeks-- and probably axillary dissection followed by breast and axilla rads.

    Appreciate any advice. btw I have 2 + nodes found by fine needle biopsy, that's why all the worry I guess.

  • Sloan15
    Sloan15 Member Posts: 845

    reflect - I didn't do neoadjuvant chemo, but I'm doing fine on HT. It's the HT that seems to be the most helpful for er+/pr+ cancer. I'm not sure what Zometa is, but I'm sure someone on this site can comment on that.

  • reflect
    reflect Member Posts: 280

    Thanks Sloan, the Zometa is to prevent bone mets/strengthen bones as the Arimidex can cause problems and I have some osteopenia already. I'm just wondering if anyone else has done HT at the same time as surgery and rads, and how that went. Guess if I can get through ACT I can do it, right? It's good to hear you aren't having problems with HT!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Reflect, I didn't start my Arimidex until after surgery and rads (no chemo). I started Fosamax at the same time and I also have some osteopenia. I've had no issues with either Arimidex or Fosamax. Hope you will sail through the same way!


  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    Reflect - Welcome! When I started Arimidex close to 3 years ago, treatment usually followed the surgery-chemo-radiation-AIs sequence. Nowadays that sequence has been altered in an attempt to reduce rate of mastectomies (and maybe other reasons I don't know about). I think Arimidex simultaneously with Zometa infusion and everything else could be what I call a "Marines-approach" and take care of multiple systems. The only disadvantage I see is in the event of an adverse reaction, it might be a little harder to quickly identify the cause. If I were you, I would go for a second opinion (Disclosure: I should change my screen name to "second-opinion" as I am such a fan😊). Whichever route you go, we are all here to support you! Hugs 💕
  • KarenAus
    KarenAus Member Posts: 66

    I have now been off the anastrozole for 2 weeks due to SE and start on Femara next week. I am feeling the best I have since this whole nightmare started. I really do not want to go back to what I was a few weeks ago which included every bone hurting not being able to sleep even with a sleeping tablet and the totally crap I was feeling including depression which I have never suffered from. After talking to someone I also realised I was having suicidal thoughts as well although I hadn't admitted it to myself even. Hopefully this new one will have far less SEs


  • reflect
    reflect Member Posts: 280

    NisaVilla, I agree with you about second opinions! I am now splitting my care after a second opinion, keeping my MO, who I like, and is nearby, and having surgery at Dana Farber (who offered lumpectomy instead of mastectomy). Rads probably nearby too. Meeting RO to discuss Canadian protocol. I am getting tired of doc appts though. I like your "Marines Approach"! I think that's exactly it.

    Karenaus, I really hope you fare better with Femara, those SEs sound unbearable. I am hoping I do fine with the Arimidex but MO will change if I have problems. When I asked her why Arimidex, she said because it starts with "A"--gotta start somewhere.

  • Sloan15
    Sloan15 Member Posts: 845

    What is "vaginal bleeding" on the AI? Is it just after sex or all the time? Is it heavy or just tinted vag fluid? I don't think I'm having any SE's now, but I just noticed a little blood-tinged fluid after sex (even with a good lube).

    Had my physical today. My cholesterol went up a little, but it's still under 200. The doc said it goes up a little in some people. Everything else was good! Yay. The doc recommended pneumonia shot, but not shingles until I'm 55. Also, my MO said to take 1 baby asprin a day to lessen stroke risk, but PCP said every other day. Any 50-somethings taking asprin? Oh, and my weight was up, but I'm walking playing golf 3 days a week and doing yoga. Weight is the hardest to manage right now.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Sloan, Great results!!! I can't comment on vaginal bleeding since no sex life :( Definitely do get the pneumonia shot. I didn't know there was an age recommendation on the shingles vaccination (I'm allergic to sulfa and thus can't take it). But get it when you can. As for taking baby aspirin, my docs all seem to be rather laissez-faire. I go through periods of taking it and then usually longer ones when I don't. Give it a try and see how you do on it.


  • lala1
    lala1 Member Posts: 974

    Sloan--I'm a 53 year old taking baby aspirin to lessen the chance of blood clots from Tamoxifen. My MO said to take daily. Then within about 2-3 weeks I developed a bruise on my chin. He thinks it was just from me resting my chin in my hand!! So he said twice a week which he said he's convinced works just as well as once a day. Definitely helped lessen the bruising although I do bruise more easily. But he was emphatic that I take the baby aspirin as well as fish oil daily as long as I'm doing any type of endocrine therapy.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008

    Sloan, you may have some small tears in your vagina that caused the minor bleeding. I think you may want to use moisturizers more often or change up what you are doing. If it keeps happening you should talk to your gyn.

  • Novmoon
    Novmoon Member Posts: 41

    My first day on anastrozole. Herbie geebies all day and broke down and cried for 3 hours. Hope I can sleep tonight.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Novmoon, You've been through a lot in a very short period of time. You're entitled to have a good cry and breakdown. You'll likely do just fine on Arimidex. But if not, there are other AIs to try. So don't worry about this. You've gotten your surgery behind you and that's the hard part and very emotional. Now you can relax a bit and get back to living. We're here to listen and comfort you.


  • Novmoon
    Novmoon Member Posts: 41

    Thanks so much. It indeed has been a lot in such a short time. Still awake despite trying some !melatonin and have to get up for work in a few hours. Has been 17 hours since I took the pill.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    NovMoon, of course it is possible that the Arimidex is keeping you awake. Or not. Some of us have found changing the time of day we take it helps. I take mine in the morning. Others take it at night. If you were scared of taking this medication perhaps that has contributed to your not being able to sleep.


  • Novmoon
    Novmoon Member Posts: 41

    You are probably right; am sure my fear may contribute but sleep has never been a problem for me. Can sleep almost anywhere anytime. Tried a lorazepam but still nothing but noise in my head. 3 hours until up for work.

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771 sorry you are suffering with insomnia. It's the worst! Sleep is everything and IMO you should do whatever you can to get some sleep. You could try increasing the melatonin and also change the time of day you take the Arimidex. I don't believe you being worried about taking it is the cause of your insomnia. It's a common SE of the drug. I would talk to your MO if it continues. Good luck and keep us posted...