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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • Novmoon
    Novmoon Member Posts: 41

    Finally slept last night with the muscle relaxer I was taking after surgery. Lots of very weird dreams. Don't like the jittery feeling during the day and bouts of breaking down crying. Is this normal?

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    No of course it's not normal! You deserve to feel better than that. Call your MO to discuss other options. Good luck..

  • artistatheart
    artistatheart Member Posts: 1,437

    Nov, I would give your body a chance to adjust if possible.....It is reducing the hormones in your body which can bring about a great deal of SE's including sleeplessness, jittery feelings and feeling teary of course, sort of like menopause. Most of these SE's normally settle down after awhile.

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    I agree that they are all SE of the Arimidex. Try to keep that in mind. However that being said if you don't begin to feel better soon you should act on it. Again no one deserves to feel that poorly. Good luck..

  • Jerseygirl927
    Jerseygirl927 Member Posts: 260

    was on ARimidex for 9 months, terrible insomnia, joint pain, some very colorful dreams, went off because of insomnia, started femara and almost no side effects, but the BP crept up, so taking a 14 day sabatical to see if it comes down, so far no, so it might be my body, but will make that call after next week with MO and family Dr.

  • HappyHammer
    HappyHammer Member Posts: 985

    Sloan- your results look great!  So sorry abt the bleeding but given the issues many have with vaginal may ask your PCP abt that.  My sister is looking into the Mona Lisa procedure?  It just stinks that not only do we have to deal with the immediate BC issues but then there are all of these issues in the periphery.  HUGS.  PS- please let me know the actual dates of the SO Cal BCO sisters trek...still wishing I could join y'all.

  • jpBCfree
    jpBCfree Member Posts: 72


    I and a 52 yo post menopausal woman and nthis summer I was diagnosed with Stage 1 Type II DCIS with Oncotype 14 as score and had double mastectomy (irregular cells in other spots of both breast). Don't need radiation since removed breast tissue + not in sentinel node. My oncologist informed that Chemo won't improve chances of recurrence but strongly suggesting AI pill (which I'm not starting until reconstruction finished in October). I'm concerned about AI side effects such as losing my bones, mood, joint pain, depression etc. I am fit and active and have a young daughter and my quality of life is important to is surviving so I will take the pill.

    Dr. prescribed AI generic for Armidex made by Accord. I've been searching the boards for other experiences and seems like the brand name ARMIDEX seems to cause less side effects in most women, and second to that the generic Anastrozole made by Teva. My oncologist doesn't appear as convinced of differences (but then she is not taking the meds and dealing with many more immediate life threatening cases). I do believe that patients often have valuable insight due to such things.

    Wondering if any of you have experience with drug varieties? Researched this?

    Thanks for sharing takes a village to beat cancer!x

  • Novmoon
    Novmoon Member Posts: 41

    Hi JP,

    My profile is similar to yours, no chemo or rad and low oncotype. I was on Teva Anastrozole for 5 days and was very jittery, crying bouts and insomnia. I asked my MO for something to help me sleep and instead he told me to stop the Anastrozole and start Femara in 2 weeks. Have been pill free for 2 days now and sleeping back to normal. Still feeling depressed but just could be the whole situation. Will be finding out implant surgery date in 2 weeks. The side effects for Femara look about the same for Anastrozole, so will see. Cannot tell you about the brand name Arimidex.

  • Novmoon
    Novmoon Member Posts: 41

    Also of note, I am 63 and wish I had taken better care of myself going into this. Used to exercise all the time but have gotten lax in the last few years and not eating like I should. Maybe a wakeup call?

  • jpBCfree
    jpBCfree Member Posts: 72

    thanks for sharing..

    I have always taken care of myself (you are what you eat) but not gotten even more strict (check out for links to nutrition suggestions and the documentary/website FORKS OVER KNIVES is excellent), made exercise 30 minutes part of my day and stopped all sugar (except fruit) and NO MORE ALCOHOL (one BC doctor from Atlanta says that 'drinking even one glass of wine/beer/spirits is like pouring gasoline on a fire if you have estrogen based BC'. As Hippocrates said 2,500 years ago, 'let food by thy medicine and medicine be thy food'. I attribute my slow growing cancer to this and know it can only help keep it and others away.

  • Novmoon
    Novmoon Member Posts: 41

    Checked out the chrisbeatcancer website you mentioned, so you are still going through with the arimidex?

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    JCBCFree, I take the generic anastrozole made by Teva and have for 2 years. No problems. What seems to make the difference is the fillers each company uses. When I was about to start taking it, all the gals recommended the Teva, so that's what I went with. BTW, at least with my pharmacist (Walgreens), I can dictate which manufacturer's generic I get. My MO has nothing to do with it. I also take Fosamax to protect my bones and from mets. I had a Dexascan before starting my AI and I have some osteopenia. Have you had a bone scan?

    Also, if you wouldn't mind, please fill out your profile and make it public. Then we can see what your dx and treatments have been and that helps us help you. We also love to know where you are located since we have BCO gals all over!



  • Novmoon
    Novmoon Member Posts: 41

    Peggy, you have no problems whatsoever? That is really great. I was on the Teva for a brief time, but instead of dealing with some issues I was having Iinsomnia), the MO changed me to Femara. I guess if I have trouble with that, will go back to the anastrozole. I had been on a muscle relaxer and Percocet since after surgery but got off of those, so may be a factor too. My DEXA scan was fine, but was put on calcium and vitamin D by MO.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    NovMoon, a great many of us have no problems with Arimidex so most don't post here. Here is the best place to get help for the SEs from your AI. I can see why it might be difficult to pinpoint the cause of your problems when you're taking meds that are quite capable of causing SEs on their own. Drives you crazy, doesn't it? Just hope you find the right AI with out SEs or SEs that are tolerable.


  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008

    NovMoon, five days is not very long to see if the initial SE's subside. You can also change the time of day you take the pill. I was on anastrozole for 7 months before changing to exemestane (Aromasin). My SE's on anastrozole got worse and worse to the point that my legs were heavy and my whole body felt like I was coming down with the flu. So far with exemestane I only have occasional hot flashes. I went through two weeks of insomnia and realized I had switched from evening to morning on the exemestane. I switched back a few days ago and last night I actually got some sleep.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    That's interesting, Molly. I take mine in the morning because some of the ladies said it didn't interfere with sleep then. I think each of us reacts differently and has to find the best time of day to take this med. It's good that you figured out how works for you.


    PKWGA Member Posts: 10

    AstraZeneca has an "Arimidex Direct" program that costs $30 for a month or $90 for 3 month supply, and they ship it directly to you. It is the brand name Arimidex. Google Arimidex Direct and the link to the page is there. Your doctor sends them the prescription, and they auto-refill, so you never have to worry about running out. I love not having to go to the pharmacy, or deal with refills. My side effects are manageable, it is definitely worth it if it prevents a recurrence

  • tjh
    tjh Member Posts: 272

    I take name brand Arimidex. I had extreme joint and bone pain with generic so my oncologist wrote the prescription for Arimidex only. I do have some leg pain but with an occassional Aleve it is very doable and doesn't affect my ability to keep up with my 14 year old or my grandkids or the quality of my life . I take it at doesn't affect my sleep.

  • 2016CancerDX
    2016CancerDX Member Posts: 1

    Just going to start on this journey in a couple weeks. Any thing I really need to look out for?

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Lago, congratulations on becoming a BCO VIP!! That's awesome! BCO VIP


  • jpBCfree
    jpBCfree Member Posts: 72

    hi Novmoon.

    my plan it so start with Armidex on 11/1 and see how i feel. if SE then will try anastrozole TEVA made.

    i met with an oriental medicine doc in santa monica (Dr. Chilkov) who was very helpful to me to consider the integral medicine stuff (supplements, herbs, acupuncture, diet, mediation, exercise) i already have mostly plant based healthy diet and exercise so will be adding her (expensive!) supplements...then after my implants are finished i will aim for 2 years on Armidex 3x week..if tolerating well then will continue up to 5 years as oncologist recommends. this came from questioning of what is the magic of 5 years? i had a double mastectomy so no breast tissue left but understand rogue cell idea so can't a couple of years of pharmaceutical + natural estrogen blockers AND NO SUGAR (no alcohol either) plus exercise, rest, clean eating...those suckers likely will be starved out out of my body. well all have to do it our own way and for now this is mine.

    will keep y'all posted.

  • florida_jo
    florida_jo Member Posts: 3

    I have been on Arimidex since late July. Do not want to jump to conclusions yet, but... last week I developed an unusual pain in my Achilles tendon on one foot. Have been massaging the calf muscle, doing exercises to stretch the tendon, hoping it will go away. And there are lots of clicking and joint luck ups to boot in my knees and shoulders, but I am blaming the rainy, windy weather in S. Florida. In addition, my blood test ALT (SPGT) is very high (liver function or muscle damage?). Waiting to hear from my MO on the test results...Just wondering if anyone else has or had a similar experience?

  • Sloan15
    Sloan15 Member Posts: 845

    florida - I'm going to ask mt MO about my Achilles tendon, too. I read it affects tendons, but everyone talks about the arms and knees. My Achilles is just sore all the time, and I swear it's thicker! What have you heard?

  • Smurfette26
    Smurfette26 Member Posts: 269

    I have the Achilles Tendon thing happening too though it's not as bad now that I have changed brands.

    I'm also having some pain in the tendon that runs from the thumb up into the wrist.

  • Sloan15
    Sloan15 Member Posts: 845

    smurfette - which brand do you use? I use Teva.

  • Smurfette26
    Smurfette26 Member Posts: 269

    AstraZeneca manufacture the one I'm taking now Sloan15.

  • HappyHammer
    HappyHammer Member Posts: 985

    Smurf- My SE's are way less since switching to the Teva brand.  Hugs.

  • Katzpjays
    Katzpjays Member Posts: 174

    I started the Teva generic in early July and have not experienced any SEs (other than some moderate hot flashes). I have trouble sleeping...or at least staying asleep, but don't think I can really attribute that to the drug.Thanks for reminding me that some women take it in the AM, Peggy. I have been taking it before bed. I think I'll switch and see if that helps me stay asleep. Still, on a scale of 1-10 I would rate my SEs as a 2. Not bad at all

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hi, folks thought some may want to come and join the discussion. The mods did take action and change the title of the Attitude main board study (same study as April's link). The BCO medical Advisor is going to post a statement. The Mods have posted what that statement will look like. You can find it in their response.

    We have a dialogue going.

    I think the importance of this is that we can have an impact on discrediting this article not just here, but in the "domain"(world). This very irresponsible study, is out in the world now. It will be quoted forever by docs, church members, nurses, family, and friends. It's being used in all manner of publications going out to the public. It will be cited in many teaching pages and incorporated into other studies. It will be causing trouble for years.

    If you think it's an exaggeration. Think margarine. It was promulgated as a better alternative to butter by the American Heart Association in the 1970's. Then the problem of trans-fatty acids was identified. It was known in the research/ medical community to be a problem for years before it was corrected to the public. The research in the 70's wasn't solid, yet caused decades of problems. There are many more that I could cite, but don't want to belabor the point.

    So, join us :) Not sure how we will change the "domain", but it's a work in progress

  • ejmann44
    ejmann44 Member Posts: 38

    Has anyone retained water on Anastrozole (sp?)? I woke up today very achy and my feet and hands felt really puffy and the skin was tight. This went on all day. I'm in FL so no chance to swim in our pool with the storm passing through. That usually helps the achy feeling.